So, Let's talk about Etheryn

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Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
This is something that's been on my mind for awhile since Ryn was introduced to the game all those year's ago. She defiantly fall's into the heavy Main cast, given how much importance she has Winter City. Being royalty also does that. (Cait being the exception)

So, with the final leg of one the 3 main character's completed (Cait, Brint, and Etheryn respectively) I think it's fair to say it's enough of a milestone to warrant some discussion. Because there's alot on my mind post-caged Ryn. Both Sexually and not, as I'm sure many have voiced an opinion on.

To clarify, I am hoping to make this a Discussion thread. I don't know this community well enough (and I've been in quite a few), but I always take a stance to assume people are civil enough to voice they're thought's in a reasonable manner. I know when it comes to certain topics that have to be brought up, things can get complicated to discuss for some people. I understand that, and I just want to state that if I'm wrong and this thread goes down a very wrong path, I won't fault it being locked or deleted out right. I hope it doesn't, I'm just stating all this now.

With all that out the way, let's talk about one of the Coolest Elf's. (hehe, I am funny man)

For starter's, I've always liked the concept of Ryn as a character. Sure it's a cliched story of a trapped princess (even the ending of the quest pokes fun at that) but it's one that's written so well that it really makes you feel for the character's situation. Taking the concept of a long-lived species and causing them tremendous pain is always one that tugs at the heartstrings for me. People already suffer enough, so I don't wanna imagine what 80 year's of suffering would do to anyone. Which naturally made me care for Ryn more, and hate her sister with an undying passion that made me hope that at the end of her journey, I'd get to stuff pineapples up her ass to see how she liked being on the receiving end. (She's caged now for my character, so I'm half-way there)

The overall story experience was really a fun one. I like how you can really help her confidence get boosted by being a generally nice person, and make her come around to become a reasonable ruler given enough time. Sure there's still alot to do, what with the alliance forming on the cliff's against the elf's, and the city needing to repopulate after everything. But that just makes for either good after credit sequences, or more content down the line.

I have to say one of my favorite moment's was the Festivus Ball. A long but well written side quest that involved multiple character's that you recruited up to that point. I always liked situation's that involve you and your team having a big get-together. Gave me real Mass Effect Citadel vibes. (god I wish that series ended better)

But my favorite quest overall was defiantly the ending of Demon of the Ice. Obvious reason's aside, I always love when a universe is built so well that you get genuinely invested in the lore of it. The writer's have really taken they're time to flesh out so many character's, that I have such a hard time pin-pointing which story-line thread I enjoy the most in the end. Kiyoko's is defiantly my favorite for Many reason's, but I genuinely like how each character and story-line is written so well, I'd struggle to make a list that properly explains how good they all are.

Do I like every character? No, of course not. But were not talking about them, as they have nothing to do with Ryn. (thankfully)

As you can tell I could write a review of this series so far and have no shortage of positive thing's to say. Which may make you think I'm leading up to something Big and Bad to say. Thankfully, that is not the case. I'd give the game a 8/10 so far based on what I've experienced, and I can only hope it stay's in that territory of rating until the end. (and here's hoping there's an end before the heat death of the universe)

Now let's talk about the, possibly controversial bit but I'm not 100% sure because I don't know how everyone feels about it yet. (title just rolls off the tongue)

So, Ryn, for lack of a better in game term I can think of is by all means Transgender. I'll state now that I have Zero problem with that, and think her sexual scene's are well written, and I enjoy them no matter which character I'm playing. And I'm sure I'll enjoy them more now that her cage is off, but sadly not being tossed into an active volcano. (that better be an option in the future)

However, scrolling through the public release comment's, a certain question keeps on being brought up. A question I believe is justified given the circumstances, and has been answered to a certain degree. Though I feel does come off as, feeling more questionable (for lack of a better word) than it should.

Simply put, Ryn has been written as someone who has identified as Female, despite possessing a penis. Being Trans isn't generally a strange thing in this universe, as we've seen several people as such. However, what I feel mostly separate's those character's is that they're either one off enemy encounter's, or one's who generally have reason's for being what they are. It's what make's this universe interesting, because for the most part people (or creatures) can shift they're body's into what they like with various forms of method's. Sometimes magic, sometimes alchemy, sometimes naturally. Ryn even tried to get rid of cage through alchemical means but failed.

So naturally alot of people asked the question weather it was possible to turn Ryn into a full fledged female, or even a Herm. The answer was No, as that was never the writer's intent. I'm okay with that decision personally, but it struck me as an odd decision to not have an in universe reason as to Why? Because like I said, if it was a random NPC, it wouldn't be a bother. But Ryn is your companion, and in an RPG where you feel the need to address certain question's (especially one's your closet's too) You feel you would in the given situation. The game has done a good job so far covering those bases. I think the only time I thought was odd was when Evergreen told me that only a God would have a power to remove Ryn's Cage. And I'm standing there as a Kitsune being all "oh I know one already, lemme just call him up" in my head as a response.

A fair enough statement was brought up that asking a Trickster god to help you out might not be the best idea out there, but I still found it odd that was never even brought up as a possibility.

So yeah, I think you can see why this might strike other's as an odd decision. It's not that it's just not an option, it's that there's no in game explanation for why it is. If Ryn just come's out and say's "No" after asking here, I think people would be more okay with the situation. If not, well it is what is at the end of the day. It's not my job to tell the writer's how to do they're job, and I just appreciate all the hard work they've done up to this point. This is all just a suggestion on my part.

Anyway, hope this was a good read. I only really write this much when I Really feel like I have something to say, and as you can tell I felt like I had to say Alot. So, what's everyone else's opinion at the end of the day? Remember, ya don't have to agree with everything, just remember to keep it civil.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2021
What makes you think she is trans in the first place? Yes she has a penis and uses female pronouns but it is explicitly described in the bio of her race that they have a third natural occuring gender called "halfsexed", which Ryn falls under. The whole point of her not wanting to remove her penis or getting herself a vagina is because she is comfortable with her birth gender.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
I wouldn't say Ryn isn't trans, but she isn't binary 'born in the wrong body' MTF. She's an intersex person assigned she/her pronouns at birth, but comfortable identifying as a woman and with her body as is. She feels no desire to swap out. I can sympathize, as a trans man completely uninterested in bottom surgery. She can enjoy being given larger breasts and hips the way I would enjoy top surgery or gaining muscles mass, but ultimately is fine with what she has going on for plumbing.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
What makes you think she is trans in the first place? Yes she has a penis and uses female pronouns but it is explicitly described in the bio of her race that they have a third natural occuring gender called "halfsexed", which Ryn falls under. The whole point of her not wanting to remove her penis or getting herself a vagina is because she is comfortable with her birth gender.
True, but her Wiki page actually refers to her as "Dick-girl". So I'm not sure if that's the case of the page being a mis-typed, or it's never really been confirmed what Ryn refer's herself as. I think in the earliest dilouge (keyword being think) she mentioned something about wanting to be refered to as female. But that lack of clarification is what I feel can easily cause confusion in these situation's.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Half sexed have a definite intersex or even trans vibe to them which is not invalidated by having no desire to change their genitals. It's not a requirement of either.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
Half sexed have a definite intersex or even trans vibe to them which is not invalidated by having no desire to change their genitals. It's not a requirement of either.
I wasn't implying needing to be one or the other was a requirement. Like I said, if Ryn's okay with who she is, that's fine. I think it's just the lack of discussion on her part that's causing alot of the confusion for me and other's. If she did mention it before, then it must have been so early on that people forgot about it.

Though I do also recall a conversation between Ryn and Hethia that was...well, sort of removed. The content was shuffled to make it so that interaction is impossible now. But I think that also mentioned I said, it's been awhile so I'm drawing a blank on that one.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
The Hethia-Ryn interaction, which was written well before much of anything in the game was established, had Hethia being incredibly prejudiced against half-sexed with no real explanation. It also came off as being coded as transphobia due to her refusal to acknowledge Ryn's gender identity.

It completely disregarded later revelations that a half-sexed, Synneva, is a revered martyr of the druidic faith, suggested a prejudice against half-sexed that was not followed up on in future content, and made the subsequent alliance with Hethia super awkward. That whole thing is better off being non-canon.

But yeah, as of the in-game lore (especially now the Hethia interaction has been banished), there's no reason for Ryn to need to say she's happy as a half-sexed because like 10% of boreal elves are half-sexed. It's assumed she's fine because it's not a big deal in her culture or the world at large.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I just want a dommy Ryn but since that's never gonna happen, I'm extremely happy with free Ryn. Obviously I'm hoping for more sex scenes with her using her dick, threesomes etc. Maybe shagging El with champ like Arona can do. Ooh threesome involving captured Alissa.
Ryn definitely does NOT need a vagina. Not a lot of dick girls in CoC2, let's leave our ones that are in alone.
I'm not going deep in this trans thing as I dont understand it but from the game wise I wouldn't say Ryn was trans at all, intersex obviously, she was born that way and not trying to identify as something else, just like Annika.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
True, but her Wiki page actually refers to her as "Dick-girl". So I'm not sure if that's the case of the page being a mis-typed, or it's never really been confirmed what Ryn refer's herself as. I think in the earliest dilouge (keyword being think) she mentioned something about wanting to be refered to as female. But that lack of clarification is what I feel can easily cause confusion in these situation's.
Dickgirl is a term used for every girl with a dick in both this game and the wiki. If a character was MTF it would probably say so like with Kaede and Prai and whatnot who are stated on the wiki to be MTF on the TiTS wiki. (and even then for the former it is used for her I think) Hethia's parley was basically reserves from when Ryn was actually a prince forcibly feminized if her og hook from the first docs is correct iir. Savin changed it because it didn't do anything for his boner (again, iirc, I do remember seeing something akin to that at least. correct me if I'm wrong tho, probably misremembering. Tho I wouldn't call forced feminization anywhere trans-flavored).

Ryn's half-sexed nature makes her different from transwomen because from her debut in the game she's been a girl and the pc has no conflict in a dick being on a girl, and they learn about the Ice Elve's sexes when asking her with enough confidence that she was one that's born like that from the start. She likes being femme but that doesn't take away her already feminine self. Sure, half-sexed elves like her can ID as whatever they so please, just like intersex wyld elves I assume can do the same since identity's a personal thing, but most of them are female identifying and Ryn is one of those mosts. There's her thing with her dick yeah, but it's more about it being a subject of abuse from her sister ala the cage rather than her not liking it or even barely tolerating it, hence why she is rejecting anything remotely about changing her anatomy.

So yeah, 'Dickgirl' is a suitable term for her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Hethia-Ryn interaction, which was written well before much of anything in the game was established, had Hethia being incredibly prejudiced against half-sexed with no real explanation. It also came off as being coded as transphobia due to her refusal to acknowledge Ryn's gender identity.

She wasn't being prejudiced against halfsexed in general, she was deliberately being an asshole to a member of the royal family, a direct descendant of the person who forced the druids into exile.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
She wasn't being prejudiced against halfsexed in general, she was deliberately being an asshole to a member of the royal family, a direct descendant of the person who forced the druids into exile.
That argument has come up, but it doesn't really wash for me because that's only an arsehole thing to do if prejudice exists. In a culture where being half-sexed is widely accepted, there's no reason for Hethia to focus so intently on calling Etheryn a 'princeling' because it doesn't have any cultural loading. The very fact that Hethia's go-to arsehole move was half-sexed prejudice suggested societal prejudice against half-sexed existed. Which just made it weird and confusing when later it turns out nah actually most people are pretty alright with them.

And again, made allying with Hethia very awkward because why are we working together with the bigot.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2018
Maybe it's because I just don't have a horse in this particular race, but to me, this discussion begins and ends at "Ryn has said she does not want a vagina; she is happy with how she is". That's all I need to know on the topic, she's made her own stance plenty clear.

And yeah, the Hethia stuff was early installment weirdness. It was a cool interaction, but the content itself meant it was better off being on its way.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
That argument has come up, but it doesn't really wash for me because that's only an arsehole thing to do if prejudice exists. In a culture where being half-sexed is widely accepted, there's no reason for Hethia to focus so intently on calling Etheryn a 'princeling' because it doesn't have any cultural loading. The very fact that Hethia's go-to arsehole move was half-sexed prejudice suggested societal prejudice against half-sexed existed. Which just made it weird and confusing when later it turns out nah actually most people are pretty alright with them.

And again, made allying with Hethia very awkward because why are we working together with the bigot.
I felt like that could be addressed as a more "In the heat of the moment" scenario. It's not such a big deal being removed if it gave off the wrong idea of her being homophobic. But it also wouldn't have been out of the realms of possibility in universe, since even the description of half-sexed implied a sense of confusion to some on the topic.

But I guess the writer's felt they didn't wanna go down that path or it was never intended in the first place and just intended for a scenario like that to play out.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
I just want a dommy Ryn but since that's never gonna happen, I'm extremely happy with free Ryn. Obviously I'm hoping for more sex scenes with her using her dick, threesomes etc. Maybe shagging El with champ like Arona can do. Ooh threesome involving captured Alissa.
Ryn definitely does NOT need a vagina. Not a lot of dick girls in CoC2, let's leave our ones that are in alone.
I'm not going deep in this trans thing as I dont understand it but from the game wise I wouldn't say Ryn was trans at all, intersex obviously, she was born that way and not trying to identify as something else, just like Annika.
Unfortunately I think patreon had a real issue with incest's a long time ago, so sadly that's probably not gonna happen. Pretty sure the writer's try and steer clear from those types of scenarios to avoid being banned. A more dominant Ryn would be welcome though. It would be cool if Arona as your Beta, you could order Ryn to take her town by herself. She also mentioned wanting more muscle, so maybe we could even get some Gym time with her.

And it is a fair point there are few DG's in the universe. Though I think that has more to do with the fact that it's so easy to switch between sexes so easily in this one. Vivian for example said she's basically been several before. And Brewyyn can go through several changes depending they're quest result's.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That argument has come up, but it doesn't really wash for me because that's only an arsehole thing to do if prejudice exists. In a culture where being half-sexed is widely accepted, there's no reason for Hethia to focus so intently on calling Etheryn a 'princeling' because it doesn't have any cultural loading. The very fact that Hethia's go-to arsehole move was half-sexed prejudice suggested societal prejudice against half-sexed existed. Which just made it weird and confusing when later it turns out nah actually most people are pretty alright with them.

And again, made allying with Hethia very awkward because why are we working together with the bigot.

That's the reasoning given by Savin on Hethia saying it. She was lashing out and being a massive asshole at the sole member of the royal family she's seen in years (again, because of the bloody religious schizm that sent the Druids into exile), but she properly referred to Ryn in every interaction afterward after gaining some real respect for her and seeing that Ryn genuinely wants things to improve. And then that entire scene eventually got deleted when completing Dog Days became a requirement to even meet Ryn.

Also, there might be prejudice against them from people we don't meet in the game, because these societies aren't hive minds and there's no telling what Minor Farmer 56 thinks about anything. See also: Khor'minos and the Sailgrave Orcs being slaving nations, but having residents who aren't fully on board with it.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
That's the reasoning given by Savin on Hethia saying it. She was lashing out and being a massive asshole at the sole member of the royal family she's seen in years (again, because of the bloody religious schizm that sent the Druids into exile), but she properly referred to Ryn in every interaction afterward after gaining some real respect for her and seeing that Ryn genuinely wants things to improve. And then that entire scene eventually got deleted when completing Dog Days became a requirement to even meet Ryn.

Also, there might be prejudice against them from people we don't meet in the game, because these societies aren't hive minds and there's no telling what Minor Farmer 56 thinks about anything. See also: Khor'minos and the Sailgrave Orcs being slaving nations, but having residents who aren't fully on board with it.
I'm actually hoping that's explored more in the future, because the only instance of slavery we've had so far is from the Orc's. We did actually see a bit of it of Demon of the Ice, but there wasn't a discussion point in game that could be brought up about it.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2020
While I no longer have a real horse in ryn's content since I learned that the writers refused to give them a option to become a girl (the argument of she didn't want one falls apart for me when I play a DK that doesn't build her con so why do I care?) But all I'll saw for them is I'm glad for all the players who wanted to build her con for getting them out, I'm just going to continue waiting for more actually corrupt content. Thou the dialogue before the boss fight for dark knights was good if a bit snarky


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
It completely disregarded later revelations that a half-sexed, Synneva, is a revered martyr of the druidic faith, suggested a prejudice against half-sexed that was not followed up on in future content, and made the subsequent alliance with Hethia super awkward. That whole thing is better off being non-canon.
Except that doesn't follow. There are plenty of examples of groups holding directly contradictory opinions or beliefs in real life that we cannot assume that Synneva's sex is directly relevant to her martyrdom or that her sex isn't excused by her martyrdom (the phrase "you are a credit to your people" can be an insult if the people in question are discriminated against enough by society). Therefore in the case that there is legitimate discrimination against half-sexed, then it's possible such things are dismissed against Synneva but not against Ryn.

In summary, we can't just expect perfect rationality out of characters, because we aren't getting it in real life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
It would be great if some people in this thread didn't confuse "being a girl/lady/woman" with "having a vagina". It's an understandable mistake to make if you're not familiar with this stuff, but plumbing and pronouns are not the same thing.

Ryn's a woman. Like many other women, she has a penis and does not have a vagina. Please do not say that Ryn isn't a woman because she doesn't have a vag.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2018
Like I said above, my - and my PC's - involvement in this discussion begins and ends with the simple fact that Ryn has spoken, and she has said that she does -not- want a vagina and is perfectly happy with what she has and how she is.

That's it. That's all that matters.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm actually hoping that's explored more in the future, because the only instance of slavery we've had so far is from the Orc's. We did actually see a bit of it of Demon of the Ice, but there wasn't a discussion point in game that could be brought up about it.

We can already directly interact with one of Khor'minos' slaves. Noire, the sheepgirl at the bathhouse, is Arille's slave (her whole family is enslaved to Arille's family). Arille has to give her permission before you can get Noire pregnant.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
We can already directly interact with one of Khor'minos' slaves. Noire, the sheepgirl at the bathhouse, is Arille's slave (her whole family is enslaved to Arille's family). Arille has to give her permission before you can get Noire pregnant.
Ah I see, I haven't had a chance to do all of KM's content yet. (there's quite alot of it)

Like I said above, my - and my PC's - involvement in this discussion begins and ends with the simple fact that Ryn has spoken, and she has said that she does -not- want a vagina and is perfectly happy with what she has and how she is.

That's it. That's all that matters.
Except she's never actually stated that fact. Or if she did it's in a dilouge that happened so early on that people forgot about it. If she does than yes, the matter is settled. But without being able to discuss the matter with her in game, it's just gonna cause confusion to some people.

It would be great if some people in this thread didn't confuse "being a girl/lady/woman" with "having a vagina". It's an understandable mistake to make if you're not familiar with this stuff, but plumbing and pronouns are not the same thing.

Ryn's a woman. Like many other women, she has a penis and does not have a vagina. Please do not say that Ryn isn't a woman because she doesn't have a vag.
I can't speak for everyone, but I do understand that identity is more or less a self of being, rather than representation of what you were born as. When handled appropriately that is. South Park made an episode on how misusing identification can be used in a negative light if handled wrong. (in the very south park way they do)

Which is why I've never minded Ryn as a character. I just wish as I got to know her more, she'd be willing to talk more about herself on the subject. Because getting other's views on these things is rather important.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
While I no longer have a real horse in ryn's content since I learned that the writers refused to give them a option to become a girl (the argument of she didn't want one falls apart for me when I play a DK that doesn't build her con so why do I care?) But all I'll saw for them is I'm glad for all the players who wanted to build her con for getting them out, I'm just going to continue waiting for more actually corrupt content. Thou the dialogue before the boss fight for dark knights was good if a bit snarky
That is actually one of the reason's I don't enjoy playing a Dark Knight. It's less Corrupt, and more like playing a slightly Mean character, not an Evil one. I know corruption doesn't Directly constitute to being evil, but it defiantly play's a large part in helping tip the scales. And going too 100 doesn't feel like you've really lost anything, even if you go and look Full Demon to everyone. Which from a gameplay point sounds good, but makes it hilarious whenever someone (or even your character) brings up a comment about demons rather hilarious when your standing there looking like one.

That said, I can understand it too a degree. To completely go over the line, we'd have to do something like join Tollous Cult in the end. At that point you'd have to completely rewrite the story from the ground up to accommodate all the different scenarios that would play out.

The story already goes pretty far out when accommodating the fact that you can either Romance Kas or go against her. But even so, I find not romancing her less interesting. In fact the game kind of runs into the mass effect problem when it comes to choice. In that while it might sounds cool to do this bad thing, all it ends up doing is lessening the amount of content you can interact with in the end. Rather than creating new content to accommodate for the choice.

Again, I get it, it's alot of work to do that. But in the end, it ring's a bit hollow to have one good choice and one bad choice that's just plainly bad from a gameplay point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Except she's never actually stated that fact. Or if she did it's in a dilouge that happened so early on that people forgot about it. If she does than yes, the matter is settled. But without being able to discuss the matter with her in game, it's just gonna cause confusion to some people.
She does. She says she wants to keep, and eventually use, her penis. She has zero desire to ever get a vagina, and the only circumstance she even considered it, was when she was at her most desperate to get her chastity cage off (praying that doing so would make the cage fall off).


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
She does. She says she wants to keep, and eventually use, her penis. She has zero desire to ever get a vagina, and the only circumstance she even considered it, was when she was at her most desperate to get her chastity cage off (praying that doing so would make the cage fall off).
When was this said? I remember the part about her using Alchemy to try and remove it when asking. But that's about as far as I remember that conversation going. Unless it was rewritten at some point.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
When was this said? I remember the part about her using Alchemy to try and remove it when asking. But that's about as far as I remember that conversation going. Unless it was rewritten at some point.
Sorry if I sound like a mega-condescending bitch for asking this (Which is not intended) but: Have you played the game recently or at least paid attention to Ryn's convos? At least for a bit? She shows horror when you ask her why doesn't she just tf her entire penis out. It's not her main goal, she just was desperate. She doesn't want a vagina and never did.

It's wrong to state that a character saying she doesn't want something is not factual when it actually is in the text. If it's a case of not playing the game in a good while, then I understand not remembering or thinking it's there. But it is. And so it's factually wrong to state that Ryn didn't say this or that when multiple people have told ya she has.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
Sorry if I sound like a mega-condescending bitch for asking this (Which is not intended) but: Have you played the game recently or at least paid attention to Ryn's convos? At least for a bit? She shows horror when you ask her why doesn't she just tf her entire penis out. It's not her main goal, she just was desperate. She doesn't want a vagina and never did.

It's wrong to state that a character saying she doesn't want something is not factual when it actually is in the text. If it's a case of not playing the game in a good while, then I understand not remembering or thinking it's there. But it is. And so it's factually wrong to state that Ryn didn't say this or that when multiple people have told ya she has.
It's fine, I know these types of convo's can difficult to interpret at times when it's only text. Though I guess that does sort of lead into this, and what your saying is true but also sort of complicated in itself. Ryn show's fear to Alot of thing's, it's part of her personality and reasonable given her upbringing. So trying to read the game through subtext can get tricky with character expression's if it doesn't feel out of character for what they normally react too.

That's why most of the time in game when people are talking about sexual topics, there are normally alot of question's you can ask regarding what they think on it. Not everyone is Always open to talking about it, which is a good thing because variety is very important in a good story. But a large majority do because, well, it's the nature of an Adult game. Though there are multiple in game reason's as to why people are also more open with they're sexuality (religion, short life expectancy, corruption, etc...).

And to clarify, I never stated anyone was wrong, I'm just asking for confirmation. Ryn has alot of dialogue being one of the main cast, and I've read through it quite a few times at this point. But it is Alot. And that's the main reason most dialogue can be revisited from time to time by simply speaking to the character. Ryn however is more complicated since her interaction's regarding her cage dialogue need a new play-through to revisit, ontop of how her interactions require time and a long trek too the winter city to unlock.

I could make a new character and play-through, but I just want to be sure people are 100% certain about what they're saying. Because there's a big difference between someone Implying what they say, versus what they Actually said. And if people are running on the implication that what Ryn wanted because that's what they thought, I can understand other people's confusion of asking weather they'll have the option to change Ryn down the line.

Each of your companion's for example is very open to talking about how they view they're sexuality, and how it affect's them if you alter it in anyway. Arona explains why she wanted to grow a penis, Brint doesn't hold much to they're sexual prefrence if they become a women, etc...

But Ryn has always been (for lack of a better word) cagey on how she see's herself. A part of me always felt like that was the point, not really being comfortable talking about sexual topics in general given how abusive she's been treated. Even having the first thing your character thought when approaching her was looking scared that you were going to hit her.

But now I'm not sure weather all that was writer's intent, or just me making my own interpretation of the character in my head. For other character's, I've never had that problem since everyone's been mostly open about themselves. But for Ryn...well, I guess it's never really been an issue up to this point. Because I just assumed that's the way the character was. But now, I'm not so sure. And I'm not sure everyone else is either. Because if it was, I don't think other's would be asking if it was possible to change Ryn's sexuality. But since people are, it's just got me thinking that maybe it would be better for more clarification on the subject.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Except she's never actually stated that fact. Or if she did it's in a dilouge that happened so early on that people forgot about it.

Words about this are definitely in the game. It is worth noting, however, that this is not a repetitive dialogue that you can miss.
Therefore, I don’t even remember under what conditions this dialogue takes place.

But, in any case, in this dialogue, Etheryn frankly says something like "I can't get rid of a member even if I wanted it, I can't get a pussy even if I wanted it."

In my opinion, other discussions on this topic sounded the exact quote and provided a screenshot, but, I can not provide links to any such discussion, wait for someone like @WolframL (this guy almost always has links to all past discussions)

So, alas, as much as I would not like it, my beloved Etheryn will never become a hermaphrodite.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
But, in any case, in this dialogue, Etheryn frankly says something like "I can't get rid of a member even if I wanted it, I can't get a pussy even if I wanted it."
Good memory! This is correct. "Even if I wanted to" - which means she doesn't want to. I think that a lot of people, when reading that line, kind of elide it.

This conversation is part of the Evergreen conversation series, too, so not everybody sees it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Unfortunately I think patreon had a real issue with incest's a long time ago, so sadly that's probably not gonna happen. Pretty sure the writer's try and steer clear from those types of scenarios to avoid being banned. A more dominant Ryn would be welcome though. It would be cool if Arona as your Beta, you could order Ryn to take her town by herself. She also mentioned wanting more muscle, so maybe we could even get some Gym time with her.
I know its meant to be banned but incest between npcs is already in game. I think it would be cool for Ryn to get payback on her bully of a sister even if threesome is off the table, maybe set Arona on her.
A muscley Ryn would be interesting but in mine she says when talking to Annika that MC would prefer her curvy and such.
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