So, I'm at an impass here.

May 30, 2022
I really would like to have a different build in my next playthrough, rather than tank merc. I've been hearing about the bimbo tech build, and want to try it. . . . What should I do here?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
First, you need to decide if you're going to use Bimbo Intelligence (substitute Libido for Intelligence).
1. Bimbo Intelligence requires the Fuck Sense perk.
2. Bimbo Intelligence cannot generate a result above your normal Intelligence cap.
3. Dumb4Cum & Cybernetic Subprocessor boost your Intelligence cap. D4C was nerfed to be +1 max Intelligence/level. It's also broken, leading to indefinitely inflating Intelligence, though effective Int is capped.
4. Bimbo Intelligence will use the higher of your scores, so it's never detrimental.
If you do want to dump Intelligence for Libido, you'll also likely want to go Treated Cow for Sexy Thinking for the extra Sexiness.

Tech Specialists have the worst Energy Regen in the game. You can get around this by buying a bunch of Power Potions or using Hand Milk.
High Shields makes Techs surprisingly durable. The Shield regen perks scale with both maximum Shields and Intelligence (Deflector Regeneration is the better choice). You'll probably have plenty of time for Teasing.
While Shield Defense Systems scale with maximum Shields, I almost think Tech Specialists have too much to benefit. Shields rarely go down, and when they do, you have the least ability to recover HP damage.
Speaking of which, I recommend carrying a Hirudo Devourer/NaN Deconstructor just for enemies that hit through Shields. Even if you went Melee.
Charge Weapon is/was the better option. It was nerfed to 66% Int instead of 100%. Used to be you could completely skip Physique, but probably not anymore.
Overcharge works with the Slut Rays/Bimbolium Emitter. Especially nice since you can't normally fire more than once/turn with them anyway. Unless you're a Rapid Fire Mercenary.
Gun Tweaks/Weapon Tweaks +20% damage only applies to base weapon damage, so it's not as impactful as you might think.
My Melee Drone Tech was still in Atma Armor by Zheng Shi. Some things I used got nerfed, though.
Bimbo Sigewulfe/Bimbo-Domme Sigwulfe's Tease attack doesn't benefit from Attack Drone or Drone Control.
I haven't played seriously for quite some time, so some of this may be out of date. I've been waiting on a number of bugfixes.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
There's another way to get sexy I've had it but never done the Treatment. I think you can randomly get it from bothrioc pregnancy. If I remember correctly I was wandering around trying to complete the bothrioc quest but already had a 50+ addiction from previous encounters. I had several curds and wey on me to combat the potential of a 100% addiction and a bad end while completing the quest. At some point, while the C&W and the bothrioc pregnancies were doing battle over whether I was going to be permanently addicted or not I got the Sexy Thinking perk.

Syth Dracous

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
Dumbfuck pills or Dr. Badger are also sources for most of the required perks, provided you're careful when dealing with either of them less likely to go sideways than the above Bothric method.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
I really would like to have a different build in my next playthrough, rather than tank merc. I've been hearing about the bimbo tech build, and want to try it. . . . What should I do here?

As far as the Treatment, faux-cow's Innocent Allure sexiness boost and Stagger effect is probably more beneficial than a regular Cow's perks if you avoid getting Cum Highs, on account of coming with fewer automatic downsides. For example, a cow's Easy perk is not one you want, unless the point is to lose lust battles. Which, well, losing can be fun, sure. It's that kind of game. Nuking your Intelligence and Willpower in order to boost your Sexy Thinking's benefit is also questionable, though a Tech Succubus bimbo doesn't mind dropping Intelligence, due to Fuck Sense (see below).

If you choose faux-cow treatment, make sure not to get any cum in you, even femcum, between when it says the treatment wants something and the end of the treatment. Otherwise, you get a whole slew of detrimental perks.

Fuck Sense (which you get automatically during the faux-cow treatment, or just about any treatment) is absolutely critical for being the best bimbo you can be, as it flags you to use your new, incredible Libido instead of Intelligence for combat abilities. This renders Intelligence an optional stat, even though it's normally your primary stat as a Techubus.

There are some other bimbo/tease tips here, including some specifically relating to Techubus.

If you want Ditz Speech for the flavour text and reduced personal agency, you can pick it up from savescumming with the repaired Doll Maker's IQ-B-Gone Overdose function after the Pexiga Uplift quest instead of the Treatment. For the time being, it doesn't affect your stats, and even if it did, Intelligence is super easy to get back so long as Syri is on Mhen'ga. Bear in mind that Ditz Speech can also lock you out of the occasional scrap of content.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
I really would like to have a different build in my next playthrough, rather than tank merc. I've been hearing about the bimbo tech build, and want to try it. . . . What should I do here?
For the Tech Succubus in general, you need to make sure your Intelligence goes up, whether by taking it as you level or training with Syri. I prefer perks for +shields and melee attacks, though I've seen people argue for drones. Because you'll probably be using melee or tease 99% of the time, you may want to consider raising Physique. Willpower helps anyone resist Lusty opponents, which is otherwise a weak point.

An energy melee weapon is nice, and there are some good ones, but it's ultimately not that necessary.

Get a big shield to go with your big shield perks. There are some enemies who bypass your monstrous shields. Grit your teeth and bear it; they don't do this for every attack.

I usually find Paralyzing Shock to be a resisted waste of time while fighting the high level enemies it would be most useful against. Sadness.

You might want to pick up a Heavy Slut-Ray; it's like a tease that can stun. You'll also want a damaging ranged weapon for range-attack-needing things that are too resistant to Lust.

You can reduce the times you'll face enemies you can't melee by growing wings with some Dove Balm (or other winged transformation items), if you can't already fly.

This is the traditional melee-tech build. Just de-prioritise Intelligence, get some TF-based perks for enhancing your tease, Lust ceiling, and libido as well, and you've got a Techie bimbo. Fuck Sense is the most important of all. You can probably do fine with a focus on Aim and Ranged Weapons too, it's just not as strong.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
As far as the Treatment, Faux-cow's Innocent Allure sexiness boost is probably more beneficial than a regular Cow if you avoid getting Cum Highs, on account of coming with fewer automatic downsides. For example, a cow's Easy perk is not one you want, unless the point is to lose lust battles. Which, well, losing can be fun, sure. It's that kind of game. Nuking your Intelligence and Willpower in order to boost your Sexy Thinking's benefit is also detrimental overall, especially to a Techie.
Both normal Cows and Faux-Cows can get Cum Highs, but only Faux-Cows get Easy. If I'm reading the Wiki right, it's possible to avoid Easy by carefully monitoring Hours Remaining. You also want to avoid Lusty Afterglow. Cum Highs trades out (1-3) Intelligence, Reflexes and Willpower for (10-30) Energy, which might be useful for a Tech because of their limited Energy regen. Though if you're doing the Treatment anyway, Hand Milk can be used to restore Energy (Treated Milk also increases Energy gained from Hand Milking).

The real reason to go Faux-Cow is Dumb4Cum, which gives +1 maximum Intelligence/level (nerfed from 2), and with proper management, means you will never need to invest any points in Intelligence or train it. It's also bugged right now. It doesn't properly decrease Intelligence over time, leading to inflated Intelligence values, though effectiveness does respect the cap.
I don't think "Bimbo Intelligence" is a perk, as it's not on the wiki and I've never encountered it through legitimate gameplay.
It's not, it's triggered automatically for some (most?) checks if you have Fuck Sense.
If you want Ditz Speech for the flavour text and reduced personal agency, you can pick it up from savescumming with the repaired Doll Maker's IQ-B-Gone Overdose function after the Pexiga Uplift quest instead of the Treatment. For the time being, it doesn't affect your stats, and even if it did, Intelligence is super easy to get back so long as Syri is on Mhen'ga.
Ditz Speech does lock you out of Bianca and fully submitting to Lund. You can fuck him, but not get his collar or piercings.
You can also get it by interacting with the Strange Orb after uplifting the Pexiga, though it has other effects at the same time. Like setting Intelligence to 60%.
As far as the Tech Succubus in general, you need to make sure your Intelligence goes up, whether by taking it as you level or training with Syri. I prefer perks for +shields and melee attacks, though I've seen people argue for drones. Because you'll probably be using melee or tease 99% of the time, you may want to consider raising Physique. Willpower helps anyone resist Lusty opponents, which is otherwise a weak point.
Charge Weapon was nerfed to 66% Intelligence from 100%. Hilariously, it also increases Drone damage. Probably a bug they haven't noticed yet. If it isn't, it's a ridiculous buff.
An energy melee weapon is nice, and there are some good ones, but it's ultimately not that necessary.
Though Stun Chance is really good. 2 rounds of Shield regen.
Get a big shield to go with your big shield perks. There are some enemies who bypass your monstrous shields. Grit your teeth and bear it; they don't do this for every attack.
While I haven't played a Shield Tech, I find I don't lose Shields very much. With the Bonus Shields, I think you could actually pay more attention to Resistances than raw Shield points. Also, the two major Shield Bypassing attacks are Burning and Freezing, so getting some resistances from Armor/Underwear might be a good idea. Also, if you go Shields, the Shield Defense Systems are more useful, though that requires they go down. You'll likely want to carry some healing items.
I usually find Paralyzing Shock to be a resisted waste of time against the high level enemies it would be most useful against. Sadness.
It's an Intelligence vs Physique check.
You might want to pick up a Heavy Slut-Ray; it's like a tease that stuns when it crits, though focusing on Crit is not your strong point. You'll also want a damaging ranged weapon for range-attack-needing things that are too resistant to Lust.
Stun Chance isn't Crit based; it's a (Physique or Aim) vs Physique check. Changed from a flat 1-in-5 chance at some point. The Heavy Slut Ray is a decent Ranged weapon for a Melee primary, so long as you keep your Aim up, since you can't fire it more than once/round anyway with Second Shot (though it can be Overcharged and Rapid Fired). In fact, I'm 99% certain Lust weapons cannot Crit (despite not having the Flag). No, I don't know why some of them have Crit Bonus.
You can reduce the times you'll face enemies you can't melee by growing wings with some Dove Balm, if you can't already fly.
A lot of wings work, though Dove Balm is probably the most reliable and has the fewest side-effects. You can also use the Light Jetpack.
This is the traditional melee-tech build. Just get some TF-based perks for enhancing your tease and libido as well and you've got a Techie bimbo. You can probably do fine with a focus on Aim and Ranged Weapons too.
While I haven't tried it, Overcharged Heavy Slut Ray is probably hilarious.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Both normal Cows and Faux-Cows can get Cum Highs, but only Faux-Cows get Easy. If I'm reading the Wiki right, it's possible to avoid Easy by carefully monitoring Hours Remaining. You also want to avoid Lusty Afterglow. Cum Highs trades out (1-3) Intelligence, Reflexes and Willpower for (10-30) Energy, which might be useful for a Tech because of their limited Energy regen. Though if you're doing the Treatment anyway, Hand Milk can be used to restore Energy (Treated Milk also increases Energy gained from Hand Milking).

The real reason to go Faux-Cow is Dumb4Cum, which gives +1 maximum Intelligence/level (nerfed from 2), and with proper management, means you will never need to invest any points in Intelligence or train it. It's also bugged right now. It doesn't properly decrease Intelligence over time, leading to inflated Intelligence values, though effectiveness does respect the cap.
You seem to be thinking of cum-cows. Cum-cows are dumb for cum, where faux-cows are pretty, bottom-y guys with much more limited mental effects.

It's not, it's triggered automatically for some (most?) checks if you have Fuck Sense.
Are you certain? This seems like something that would need some checking under the hood - or sufficiently rigorous testing - to verify each check, since it isn't registered anywhere in the codex (that I know of), and Fuck Sense only mentions the one check.

Hilariously, it also increases Drone damage.
Pff, nice. I forgot about that bug.

Anyway, I still like to go heavy on shields because almost nothing can touch me and my damage output is still rather silly (and usually irrelevant, since teasing is an I Win button for most fights anyway). The bug makes drones considerably more legit, however. I wonder if Overcharge has the same bug...

It's an Intelligence vs Physique check. In fact, I'm 99% certain Lust weapons cannot Crit (despite not having the Flag). No, I don't know why some of them have Crit Bonus.
I assume most of this was meant for commentary on the Heavy Slut-Ray and your statement that it cannot crit. Did you have more to say about Paralyzing Shock?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Multiple edits. Also, Lusty Afterglow is automatically acquired by faux-cows who get Cum Highs, so for them, you don't get to choose just one. Faux-cows are also the only ones who can get Lusty Afterglow, at least according to the wiki. I haven't given amazon or bull gameplay much time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
You seem to be thinking of cum-cows. Cum-cows are dumb for cum, where faux-cows are pretty, bottom-y guys with much more limited mental effects.
You're right. Dumb4Cum is Cum-Cow.
It's a perk that kind of offends me.
1. It slipped through the 'no combat benefits' policy.
2. It's clearly themed as 'Power at a Price', but has no actual price. You can drink your own cum to maintain it, and you're guaranteed to get a dick if you didn't have one to begin with.
3. It was ludicrously overpowered at +2/level (+4 effective levels at 10) and I think was behind a couple of nerfs (not Charge Weapon, that was clearly overpowered). It was also pretty good for Smugglers because they get 1/2 Intelligence to damage with Aimed Shot/Sneak Attack. And almost completely useless for Mercenaries.
Are you certain? This seems like something that would need some checking under the hood - or sufficiently rigorous testing - to verify each check, since it isn't registered anywhere in the codex (that I know of), and Fuck Sense only mentions the one check.
I only have the outdated Flash code to go on, since they seem to have made it difficult-to-impossible to see the JS code. Maybe if you're a Backer, but definitely not if you're Public.
public function bimboIntelligence():Number
var amount:Number = intelligence();
//Bimbos actually do better with LESS intelligence!
if (hasPerk("Fuck Sense"))
//Inverse intelligence + libido - bimbo tech specs can minmax easier whynot~
var bimbInt:Number = (intelligenceMax() - intelligence() + 1);
bimbInt += libido()/10;
//Gotta cap it so it doesn't get FUCKED SILLY
if(bimbInt >= level * 5) bimbInt = level * 5;
//Compare actual intelligence (for exceptions like Dumb4Cum and extra smart bimbos)
return Math.max(bimbInt, amount);
return amount;
Anyway, I still like to go heavy on shields because almost nothing can touch me and my damage output is still rather silly (and usually irrelevant, since teasing is an I Win button for most fights anyway). The bug makes drones considerably more legit, however. I wonder if Overcharge has the same bug...
Even as a Melee Drone Tech I found I usually didn't have trouble keeping Shields up. Part of that was the huge damage boost from Charge Weapon, part of that is Stun. Mid-to-late game, I find I don't usually need to use Charge Weapon much. And I was using Atma Armor all the way up to Zheng Shi and didn't invest in any stats but Intelligence (I wanted to maximize Augment-Weave's double Soreness recovery). Nor did I use Dumb4Cum with that character.
I assume most of this was meant for commentary on the Heavy Slut-Ray and your statement that it cannot crit. Did you have more to say about Paralyzing Shock?
You're right. I edited in the 2nd part and put it in the wrong place. Moved to the correct paragraph.

At Level 9, you can upgrade Paralyzing Shock do damage, so even if it doesn't take, it's not a waste of time. It's against Drone Control, so my Drone Tech don't take it, but it's there. Because it's an Intelligence check, if you boost your Intelligence cap (Dumb4Cum, Cybernetic Subprocessor, Goo Core), it gets more reliable. Electricity is usually a decent damage type, too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
It's not, it's triggered automatically for some (most?) checks if you have Fuck Sense.
So, I leveled up a new ranged-leaning Techubus to look into this. At level 7 so far, she has 5 Intelligence, 5 Physique, and 108 Libido. The numbers she gets in combat are suggestive of a high Intelligence build anyway, which tells me Techubus ability checks are probably included under Bimbo Intelligence.

Testing this also led to my verifying the bug where Charge Weapon still causes increased damage from any equipped drone, although it doesn't affect the Attack Drone you can choose at level 2, which has been doing the same damage regardless of whether I use Charge Weapon.

I should probably have a look at similar things for a Snuggler. Aimed Shot/Sneak Attack comes early and should be easy enough to check.

I'll need to do some editing.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
So, I leveled up a new ranged-leaning Techubus to look into this. At level 7 so far, she has 5 Intelligence, 5 Physique, and 108 Libido. The numbers she gets in combat are suggestive of a high Intelligence build anyway, which tells me Techubus ability checks are probably included under Bimbo Intelligence.
Note: I'm fairly certain Bimbo Intelligence will only give you the equivalent of the normal cap. A Tease Specialist with Dum4Cum/Cybernetic Subprocessor/Goo Core and maxed Intelligence will get better numbers.
Technically, maxed Sexy Thinking gives a higher Sexiness bonus than Innocent Allure (6 vs 5), but you have to dump Willpower, too.
Testing this also led to my verifying the bug where Charge Weapon still causes increased damage from any equipped drone, although it doesn't affect the Attack Drone you can choose at level 2, which has been doing the same damage regardless of whether I use Charge Weapon.
Next, try it with the Combat Tail. (Yes, I know it works, but you should see it for yourself). Hilarious as it is, I'm worried the bug will get Drones nerfed before it's recognized as a bug.

One thing I haven't done is a late-game Tease build with Bimbo Sigewulfe. She's extremely useful in the early game, where a 2nd Tease Attack/round can be really helpful, but I don't know how well she scales. The Tease damage doesn't scale with Attack Drone or Drone Control (and she's supposed to give bonus Sexiness). Stunned targets take 25% Tease and Paralyzed get 125%, so it might synergize well with Paralyzing Shock, too.

I've also been thinking about trying a Dodge Tank Tech Specialist. Go for maximum Evasion bonuses and let Rapid Recharge take care of any incidental hits. You do have to give up on a lot of bonus Shields from equipment, and it doesn't come on-line until Level 10.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
A Snuggler's Sneak Attack is also boosted by Libido when you have Fuck Sense. My test character has an Intelligence of 3 and Libido 101.

I've also been thinking about trying a Dodge Tank Tech Specialist. Go for maximum Evasion bonuses and let Rapid Recharge take care of any incidental hits. You do have to give up on a lot of bonus Shields from equipment, and it doesn't come on-line until Level 10.
I usually prefer a Snuggler if I am building for evasion, but mine doesn't seem to avoid hits all that well even with it boosted up a lot. The only time she evades most to all hits is against enemies with terrible accuracy (like Carl's robot) or while Stealth Field Generator is active. I wouldn't count on only taking occasional hits.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
1. Max passive Evasion is 50% (was nerfed from 90%). SFG is +80% and increases the cap by 40% for the duration. Make sure you're not overinvesting on your Smuggler.
2. Reflexes also factor into evading enemy attacks but is not reflected in the Codex stats.
3. Admittedly, it would probably work best with a Stun or Trip weapon.

I was thinking about how rarely my Melee Tech (7% Evasion and 270 Shields + Custom Shock Gear), rarely needs to use Deflector Regeneration. How much better would it be if I maxed Evasion? Like I said, I haven't actually tested this. I was also wondering if the increase in Evasion gear + Rapid Recharge is why max Evasion got nerfed. Or it's what got Rapid Recharge nerfed.

Edit: I did some investigation on Bimbo Intelligence. It seems all Class Perks that run off of Intelligence are Bimbo Intelligence perks. Most (all?) other checks are actual Intelligence.
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