Size doesn't matter...?


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
I've noticed there isn't a whole lot of stuff regarding dick size in Fenoxo's games. Yes, there are minor dialogue changes but the scenes stay effectively the same, if one's character has a 5 inch dick or a 14 inch one.

I know there are individual characters like Izumi (and Callu, if I remember correctly) from CoC, and Ellie and that one pirate chick on Tavros (I think Tam) that penis size has a more dramatic effect on, but I think that... In a universe with an average dick size of over a foot, you think someone packing five inches should have a functionally indistinguishable sex scene as someone with something almost three times that size?

In my feverdreams there would be an option, to keep OG mode or have more realistic effects, but believe me I understand how much work these scenes are. I just think... more characters that feel more like they're a part of this more-well-endowed universe would be welcome to certain people (me, I guess).

Love to hear thoughts from y'all.


Aug 26, 2015
It mostly comes down to whether or not the author takes such things into consideration after submitting the content (since there are several authors working on different scenes). If I'm not mistaken, I think most of Fenoxo's scenes undergo size checks (with disabled buttons saying the character is too big to fit). If the author doesn't note the penis/orifice size range required to sex, it will most likely not be programmed in.

For the sake of consistency, I would agree that the size comparisons are indeed important and should be included. However, it will also lock out content for players who don't take size seriously in the game and still want to read all the sex scenes possible. It'll really depend on how strict the size requirements are; and again, if the author even bothers to account for it. Having special scenes for over-sized and under-sized characters (to which there are a few in TiTS) would be a nice, but that would only be appealing to an author who considers that stuff to begin with - similar to how multi-numbered genitals and tauric/naga/drider, tall/short characters are treated. There just isn't much interest as far as the mainstream sex writings are concerned, so it is something that is easily overlooked.

On the creative end, it can also factor into the character being sexed. If the character would like big genitals, small genitals, genderless buttsluts, multi-wieners/vags, etc. If this is a factor the author is willing to write about for the character/scene, I'm sure there will be content for it, but for now, there aren't many writers on the project who write such content, and the content that does exist are few and far in between. There are sexual preferences a hostile encounter can have however, but that falls under the teasing attacks and has little to do with written scenes and more to do with combat.

The whole realism thing should probably be left out since that term is highly relative and subjective to each player. Some players will see it as an aesthetic choice, purely for show, and some see it more literal, where it has to be tied into the game mechanics itself. For the most part, I think there should be a balance or middle-ground somewhere. This is a sci-fi fantasy game built on sex and sexual fetishes after all, so let's stick with that premise and roll with it. While some characters would make sense to put a limit cap on, some really don't need it at all. In context for instance: Syri's anus can only stretch so wide, whereas Kelly's orifices can become penis vortexes. So it would be okay to apply size limits to Syri and give alternate outs to some of her forced sex scenes, but Kelly is just fine because her anatomy supports things like that. (Although correct me if I'm wrong...)

So the short of it, for consistency, yes, limits are reasonable if implemented across the board--for realism, not so much.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
When it comes to the size of my penises, they usually fall between nine inches to fifteen inches long. I feel like the average size may not cut in when I'm playing through TiTS.


Aug 26, 2015
My rule is eight-ten inches per six feet of height, with twelve being about my upper limit.  The sixteen-inch horsecock only goes on my 7'6" mountain of a mare, while my more reasonably sized half-ausar only packs eight inches of dog dick.


Aug 26, 2015
Queen Irellia has the Gamagoori Effect enforced, but her canon height is eleven feet three inches.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
if its the same as coc the pc can get to 10 ft. I'm planning a race that sits around 15-20. i think the tallest in game atm are probably gold myr queens. They're like 10-12 ft.

With that kind of height, the average size for that person would probably be in the teens or something.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Where does the tallest person come at on TiTS anyways?

Currently max height is 9ft thanks to the Leitha Charm Necklace. LCN also takes dick to 36. Which leads me to:

My rule is eight-ten inches per six feet of height, with twelve being about my upper limit.  The sixteen-inch horsecock only goes on my 7'6" mountain of a mare, while my more reasonably sized half-ausar only packs eight inches of dog dick.

How do you factor in body length?


Aug 26, 2015
By not playing taurs because I actually like having sex scenes in my sex game, but if I did they'd go three-four feet like a proper horse.

Nagas are okay and will usually have the same eight-twelve inches as if they were of ordinary height.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The biggest dick in TiTS (so far), is only 30 inches (Brynn).

Although to be fair he's an outlier since the second biggest is Kiro's 21 incher and everyone else is less than that. Special mention is Bess as she can grow a 24 inch tentacle penis if you want her to.

The smallest is Delilah's 5 incher.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Queen Irellia has the Gamagoori Effect enforced, but her canon height is eleven feet three inches.

This amuses me greatly to think about.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wasn't stated by someone (probably Savin) that max allowed ingame height will be around 11 ft? Like to avoid scenes goes out of even acceptable supsend of belive when as say here meantioned race of 15-20 ft long aliens are treated in scene like their merely 1-2 ft higher than our say 7 ft PC?

On other note since CoC times height of chara had nothing to their genitalia bust sizes anyway. As long author and Fen (or Fen if he was author) was ok on particular not matching sizes/lenghts it's all fine.


Aug 26, 2015
I think 10 ft is going to be the set cap for all transformations (9ft being the current greatest attainable height from the Leitha charm, and 8ft for the male-variant Treatment), last I remember. Irellia is supposed to always be taller than Steele, which is why she is stated to be a little over 11 ft tall.

Body length is different compared to body height, really--but length is not a recorded value to actually compare, so it's really up to the writer to decide how to note it, if at all. Only times when both matter is for when an arm is reaching across the body to reach a rear-positioned genital (like in the case of the Ellie suckling scene)--this goes hand-in-hand with the lack of taur-specific scenes. Just something authors should be aware of when writing one-size-doesn't-really-fit-all scenes.

As for penis size, keep in mind it's not just length but girth and shape that defines the size of the penis and whether or not it will fit in an orifice (horse penises take up the most volume, canine penises take up the least volume--knot volume never factors in for some reason). For some scenes only length is checked, but a majority of scenes that actually check use the volume/capacity comparisons between penis and vagina/anus (the mouth/throat is a cock vortex it seems, unless the penis is explicitly checked against a static number before attempting to access the scene).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I actually never wrote a 69 scene exactly because I couldn't make it work for both 3.5 feet tall champions and 10 foot tall champions in CoC.  So even with that kind of a cap in place, you're still going to have a lot of impossible configurations if you want to go beyond the basic form of peg in hole.


Aug 27, 2015
I actually never wrote a 69 scene exactly because I couldn't make it work for both 3.5 feet tall champions and 10 foot tall champions in CoC.  So even with that kind of a cap in place, you're still going to have a lot of impossible configurations if you want to go beyond the basic form of peg in hole.

//Requirements: 6'6" > PC height > 5'4"

It's that simple.


Aug 27, 2015
But you said you *never* wrote a 69 scene purely because of the height thing. If you've been hit with inspiration for a particular sex scene, go ahead and do it and limit the fuck out of it, as long as it's not the only one.

For most NPCs, a series of smaller sex scenes that hit a range of different body types and orientations, as opposed to two fuck off epics that are vague enough to encapsulate everyone, is the way to go. And if the 8' slugtaur with a 50 inch cock doesn't hit the requirements for any of them, then that's too fucking bad. Been more and more convinced of that, reading through more recent submissions and text games.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think you're reading too much into this.  All I really did was choose not to write a 69 for a given scene since I couldn't make it work for all possible PCs since that's the only scene they'd have for the character in the given situation.  Had I written multiple scenes for that particular situation, then I might have done the 69.  It's the trade off when you're doing once off things vs repeatable scenes, since it's worth more effort to have a large verity of content in places where a player would be able to experience many scenes with little difficulty (ex: sex with a follower) vs something that they're going to go through once before moving on (ex: boss sex scene).

The main point is that certain kinds of sex scenes are much more likely to be written than others because they're less limited by PC body types.  People are much less likely to write scenes for taur bodies first and foremost and leave the conventional humanoid stuff for after that's in the game.
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