The "zero-inch nipples" are probably just the game trying to say the character has no nipples and failing.
The "zero-inch nipples" are probably just the game trying to say the character has no nipples and failing.
If it not a joke, please tell me how.I too am cursed with zero-inch nipples
If it not a joke, please tell me how.
And exactly what in the game can reduce nipples size to zero?
cheating could do it tooAnd exactly what in the game can reduce nipples size to zero?
New character, a love cultist with the singular goal of laying and hatching as many cunt snakes as possible.
You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 10 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.78 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a set of hardened, energy absorbant armor plates, using a set of plain panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a plain bra.
Your face is human in shape and structure, with smooth, gray skin. Freckles cutely adorn your cheeks. Overall, your visage has a boyish face with pouty lips, an adorable nose and noticeable eyelashes. Like twinkling beacons, glowing pink eyes seem to draw the attention of everyone around you. The very long, pink curly hair on your head nearly conceals a pair of mostly-human ears with slightly pointed tips, just like a fantasy elf’s. Your mouth contains a tongue.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, and a large shark-like fin has sprouted between your shoulder blades. With it you have far more control over swimming underwater. You have speckles of pink covering your body. Freckles dot various parts of your skin. You have inhumanly-wide hips that sway hypnotically on your extra-curvy frame, and your thong-devouring ass is obscenely large, bordering freakish, and makes it difficult to run. A sinuous, almost snake-like tail waves behind you, covered in gray skin like the rest of you except at the tip. There, it terminates in a wet, silver alien vagina that always seems to crave fresh sperm. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your belly is pretty decent-sized. There’s no real hiding it.
You have two tight breasts, capped with one 0.3-inch pencil eraser-sized nipple each. The average-sized areolae are silver. You could easily fill a B-cup bra.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your dick is 7.5 inches long and 1.4 inches across. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. The head is also covered by stretchy foreskin, ensuring that it is kept protected and sensitive. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your member, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 2.8 inches wide when at full size.
You have one pucker, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
Well it looks like someone already beat me to the Kitsune punch, but I might as well throw my current character into the ring as well.
You started your journey as a half-kaithrit, but you’ve become a kitsune-morph over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 4 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.63 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, going commando down south, and girding your upper body with a bounty bra. Your outfit leaves little to the imagination, revealing your breasts, crotch and ass to the world. Though to play it safe - at least in public - you have managed to cover yourself up with a Myr Greatcoat.
Your suit of armor is silvery-gray, with hints of armor-like protrusions. There is a distinct glistening silver trim bordering the edges. Overall, it has a crystalline shine to it, adopted from an encounter with a ganrael. Unlike a full body suit, your outfit leaves your tits, crotch and butthole exposed to the elements—that is, if not for the bounty bra you are wearing underneath.
You have a tapered, shrewd-looking vulpine face with a speckling of downward-curved whiskers just behind the nose. A coat of fluffy, snowy white fur decorates your muzzle. Overall, your visage has a gorgeous profile with slender, black lips, a button nose and noticeable eyelashes. Your eyes have a curious mix of feline and dragonic features; a pair of black vertical slits instead of rounded pupils, each sat within a hazel iris. Tendrils of black crawl across your sclera, extending from a dark ring just barely visible at the edges. The ass-length, snowy white hair atop your head is parted by a pair of large, adept fox ears that always seem to be listening. A slowly undulating tongue occasionally slips from between your lips. It hangs nearly two feet long when you let the whole thing slide out, though you can retract it to appear normal. A pair of six-inch horns grow from just above your forehead, sweeping backwards to follow the contour of your skull. They’d make the most adorable handlebars for anybody looking to bust a nut down your throat! Around your neck, a black leather and lace collar, replete with tiny pearls and a brass ring, is tightly fixed.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of fluffy, snowy white fur, and six wings sprout from your back, each covered in wonderfully soft snowy white feathers and big enough to be worn like a luxurious ceremonial robe when all six are folded over your body, which you often find yourself doing to help with getting through tight spaces. Despite their sheer bulk, you can still glide with them. Nestled between your breasts is a fluffy ball of snowy white fur. Swirls of luminous azure trace brighter accents across much of your form. Soft pads rest on the tips of each of your fingers. Your fingers are tipped with short, canine claws as well. You have ample hips that draw the attention of those around you, and your bottom wobbles like a bowl full of jello as you go. There’s a barcode on your left butt cheek, forever marking you as the property of Belle and Accu-Pitch Labs. To highlight your vulgarity, a tattoo is permanently printed on your lower back, advertising how much of a slut you are to anyone who sees it. Nine swishing, snowy white fox tails extend from your backside, curling around your body - the soft fur feels lovely. Your legs are crooked into high knees with hocks and long feet, like those of a fox; cute bulbous toes decorate the ends. Your belly is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.
You have two milk-stuffed udders, capped with one 0.6-inch pencil eraser-sized bud each. The coin-sized areolae are pink. Your pillowy, milk-packed jugs are so full that they feel about to burst! Spending time like this is going to slow your milk production. Luckily, the massaging vibrations emanating from your JoyCo maternity bra reminds you that you’ll never stop lactating as long as you continue to wear the Bounty Bra. You could easily fill a E-cup bra.
Your pencil eraser-sized, throbbing buds are each pierced with a small golden ring, courtesy of Lund. If you lift them to check, you can see inscriptions along the inside written in korgonne script. Lund only smiled when you asked him what they said, but you’re pretty sure you have a good idea. At least no-one else will know unless you tell them.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your beast-cock is 12 inches long and 2.1 inches across. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. A small knot of thicker flesh is near the base of your cum-bubbling dick, ready to expand to help you lodge it inside a female. The knot is 2.6 inches wide when at full size. A fuzzy sloshing sack filled with a pair of large gonads swings low under your pornstar-sized, bestial shaft. You estimate each testicle to be about five inches around and 1.6 inches across.
You have a black, vulpine pussy, with one 0.5-inch clit. Thick streams of cunny-honey drool constantly from your slobbering, black cunt, its lips slightly parted. The exterior lips are that of a bitch and have a tendency to swell when in heat, giving it a very animalistic bent.
You have one tailhole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs. Your soft donut of a pucker protrudes obscenely, almost like a miniature pubic mound that rubs against your buns with every step you take.
There's a fair bit of headcanon involved in this character, but the two main details about her appearance that I want to clarify are that I took the "customized for you" aspect of the Myr Greatcoat and turned it into more of an open jacket that goes down to the small of her back than an actual greatcoat and I really just see the Bounty Bra as more of a tight, white bra with a black outline that doesn't leak milk instead of an actual maternity bra with all the massagers and stuff. Nothing else I found really fit the description for those two aspects of her character, so I just worked with what I had.
Also, her large ass (and puffy anus, which was a detail I added later to flesh it out a bit more) was the result of a mistake involving two uses of the Buttslutinator instead of one while making her, but instead of just reverting back to an old save, I decided to make it a part of her character as one of the only things she is genuinely embarrassed by. I don't even really have a frame of reference for how large that machine would make someone's ass, but my headcanon is that it's just a jiggly pornstar-tier bubble butt that doesn't really reflect her nature but doesn't necessarily look completely out of place on her body. It's supposed to be something that means more to her than to an onlooker. I have no doubt the actual numbers for it are probably much worse considering the extent of the modifications you can make in this game, but this is just my view of the character.
As for her personality, I have a lot of details worked out, but I'd rather not go on about them forever, so suffice it to say that she has a wild, mischievous, tomboyish personality and rarely takes things seriously. Over the course of her many adventures in the game, she has achieved high levels of physical prowess and has acquired and mastered many powerful weapons, and she knows it. She enjoys flaunting her power and experience in her own unique way by living a carefree life in order to see what kind of crazy situations she can get into. She'll do things like buy people out of their crippling debt just to see what kind of person they are, challenge people to fights just because they look like they could give her a run for her money, and flirt it up with just about anyone regardless of the situation. She does this for two reasons, her primary one is simply because she wants to take full advantage of the opportunity to experience as much of what the vast universe has to offer her as possible, and the second is that her greatest fetish by far is being dominated by someone stronger than her. For the most part, she really does enjoy being in control of the situation considering how much effort she put into getting where she currently is, but when she actually finds someone that can best her at her level, she'll pretty much become the subbiest sub to ever sub.
She's also polyamorous and extremely sexually open. She has no problem with nudity because she despises the way clothes feel against her fur and loves teasing others and making them feel uncomfortable with her lack of clothing. She has learned to wear her top without much fuss because she's simply accepted it as a necessary part of life as an adventurer over time, but she still vehemently refuses to wear pants because she can't imagine restricting the mobility of her tails in the slightest.
So yeah, in case it wasn't overwhelmingly obvious, she started out as my experiment with making a fully fledged character that reflects the way many people play these kind of games and she kinda developed into her own thing. Every now and then I'll fire up the game again and make some minor alterations, but I feel like she's pretty much finalized by this point and I really like the way she turned out, so I'd love to hear what you guys think.
New character, I basically tried to make a pseudo-zil.
You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 6 feet and 1 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.85 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a set of high-powered business clothes, using a pair of tight swim shorts for underwear, and girding your upper body with a sports bra.
Your face is human in shape and structure, with fair skin. Overall, your visage has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw attention and fat lips. Your eyes are bulgy and abyssal, interfering with the natural light around them. The shoulder-length, strawberry blonde pigtailed hair atop your head can’t possibly hide a pair of exquisitely long, elf-like ears. They extend a full five inches from the sides of your head, triangular in shape with a bit of downward curve along their length. A thought is all it takes for them to change their angle to suit your expression, letting even the most rugged face pull off a cutesy pout with ease. Floppy expressive antennae also grow from just behind your hairline, bouncing and swaying in the breeze. Your mouth contains a long tongue that can extend a foot past past your lips when fully extended. The tip has a tube inside it, capable of gathering sweet nectar from jungle flowers or lovers.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, and four black and pink moth wings sprout from your back, covered in symmetrical, abstract patterns. They feel very light and delicate to the touch. They fold behind you neatly and compactly, the ends in line with the back of your lower calves. They let you hover for a short time and glide easily, although true flight is deceptively difficult to maintain. Above your shoulders and around your neck grows a mane of poofy, pink feathers, making you appear quite royal. Parts of your body emit musky pheromones, enticing potential mates. You have girly hips that blend into the rest of your thick form, and your soft, shapely derriere fills out your clothing nicely. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet.
Your belly is pretty decent-sized. There’s no real hiding it. Your belly is larger than it used to be.
You have a waif’s chest, flat and innocent-looking, capped with one nipple each. There isn’t any actual nub to your nipples - just flat, average-sized, onyx areolae.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have a pink, human pussy, with one 0.5-inch clit. No moisture presently escapes your pink cunt, its lips slightly parted. The lips and insides are covered in numerous nub-like protrusions.
You have one ass, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
Hyper Panda Alert!
Daaamn! That’s one THICC Panda! And I thought Jade was Thicc!
LOVE HER!~ But the amount of pandas needs to increase in this game tbh.
Question: Do you only like “Giant” Pandas or do you like Red Pandas too?
Oh I love them too!~ Just love regular ole black and white pandas more!~
Day 477
Character: Terrassa
You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a panda-morph over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 7 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 2.13 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a black one-piece swimsuit, using a small frilly pink bikini bottom for underwear, and girding your upper body with some pasties.
You have a face resembling that of an anthropomorphic panda, with a short muzzle and black nose. Your fluffy, white and black fur hides dark skin underneath. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with fat lips and long, beautiful eyelashes. Hazel-colored eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. The cascading, black hair on your head is parted by a pair of round panda ears. Your mouth contains a tongue.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of fluffy, white and black fur. Nestled between your breasts is a fluffy ball of white and black fur. Your fingers are thick and capped with bear-like claws but maintain their human opposability. You have broadly-sloped hips that sway hypnotically on your extra-curvy frame, and your ass is obscenely large, bordering freakish, and makes it difficult to run. Your mammoth hips swing widely from side-to-side with every step you take. You have no hope of walking normally, the closest you could come would be a sashay. A short, soft panda tail sprouts just above your ass. It just kind of sits there, not doing much beyond being a furry little accent. Two plantigrade legs grow downwards from your waist, ending in fluffy panda-paws. You even have sharp-looking claws growing from the tips of your short toes. Your soft middle is fairly average in appearance.
You have two back-breaking, milk-engorged udders, capped with one 7-inch cow-like nipple each. The dinner plate-sized areolae are pink. Your mounds are so full that they feel about to burst! Spending time like this is going to slow your milk production. Unfortunately, a bit of milk leaks out onto your some pasties... Maybe you should invest in a maternity bra? You could easily fill a WW-cup bra.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your member is 31.2 inches long and 8.8 inches across. A fuzzy cum-packed sack filled with two person-sized balls swings low under your member. You estimate each testicle to be about 131 inches around and 41.7 inches across.
You have a pink, human vagina, with one 0.5-inch clit. Thick streams of amber honey drool constantly from your thigh-soaking honeypot.
You have one anus, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with thin streams of lubricant occasionally dribbling from the orifice. Your pucker is inhumanly soft and puffy, a beckoning donut with a perfect little hole in the middle.
(Sex) Perks
‘Nuki Nuts - Permanent ability allowing your gonads to swell with excess seed.
Bubble Butt - Your ass is always soft, regardless of tone.
Buttslut - Ensures your ass always remains bubbly and that fluids shot inside will heal your injuries.
Fecund Figure - Your broodmare body permanently changes you more into a fertility goddess while you are pregnant.
Hips Don’t Lie - Your hips will always remain wide and girthy to give you the appearance of a fertility goddess.
Hypermilky - Lactation will not decrease from disuse or overfilling.
Pheromone Sweat - Slightly boosts tease attack and arousal while sweating.
Potent - Increases the size of your orgasms and the speed at which you produce ejaculate.
(Yeah don't really have much of my own backstory/headcanon for her except as a nice representation of hyper-play I enjoy so much!~ Really, besides a few extra tweaks here and there, I wanted to make a nice delicious hyper anthro herm panda like the image attached.)
Well I guess I will throw my monstrosity into the ring most of it can be achieved through in game methods but a couple bits here and there can't. That said I don't see why my character couldn't become what is described here here if they wanted to/tried (except for stupid high fluid production they have that breaks all the laws of physics)
Looking at this I think I have a thing for aphrodisiacs and other ways to turn people into quivering messes.You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a naga over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 10 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 3.05 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a copy of a white suit made for Liriel Armstrong, using a hardlight anti-gravity thong for underwear, and girding your upper body with a hardlight anti-gravity bra. Your outfit leaves little to the imagination, revealing your breasts, crotch and ass to the world.
Your face is human in shape and structure, with smooth, black skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with ‘O’ shaped lips, an adorable nose and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a brightly luminous blue iris. The ass-length, black gooey tentacle-hair atop your head makes it nigh-impossible to notice the two small rounded openings that are your ears. A lengthy, tapered tongue fills your mouth, able to stretch out almost nine inches in order to taste the very air. Because it constantly produces a steady stream of wet lube, the inside of your mouth stays well lubricated.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, sensually wrapped in a layer of extra-glossy black latex, and a pair of magnificent wings sprout from your shoulders. When unfurled they stretch further than your arm span, and a single beat of them is all you need to set out toward the sky. They look a bit like bat’s wings, but the membranes are covered in fine, delicate scales and a wicked talon juts from the end of each bone. Swirls of luminous blue trace brighter accents across much of your form. Your sleek skin is secreting an aphrodisiac sweat, giving it a slick oiled shine. Your entire body emits aromatic pheromones, enticing potential mates. Your arms and hands appear very human, if not for them being covered in gooey black scales, giving them a subtle reptilian feel. You have waspish, voluptuous hips, emphasized by your narrow waist, and your rear end wobbles enticingly with every step. Ten long, writhing, tentacle tails flow after you, all similar in appearance. Studying one of them, you find that you have excellent control over their movements. When aroused, the tip of each one will open to reveal a sultry tail-slit that always seems to crave fresh sperm. When aroused, the tip of each one will open to reveal a girthy alien dick that always seems primed for breeding. Below your thighs, your flesh is fused together into a very long, snake-like tail, leaving a narrow, connecting gap between your crotch and tight backdoor. It is covered in goo. Your flat belly is nice and smooth.
A pair of gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have two breasts, capped with one pliable nipple-cunt each. The rather huge areolae are luminous blue. While you may appear to have inverted nipples, your chest actually houses wet, slippery secrets. A finger or cock could easily slip inside you to give and get as much pleasure as any crotch-couched cunt. Your luscious, full udders are sore and sensitive from being so stuffed with glaze. You should release the pressure soon. You could easily fill a JJ-cup bra.
Your masculine endowments are concealed within a well-hidden slit when not in use, though when the need arises, you can part your concealed entrance and reveal your true self. Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown a pair of phalluses:
Your first member is 20 inches long and five inches wide. The crown is surrounded by tiny tentacles with a venomous, aphrodisiac payload. At its base a number of similar, longer tentacles have formed, guaranteeing that pleasure will be forced upon your partners. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your cock, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 10 inches wide when at full size.
Your second dick is 10 inches long and 2.5 inches thick. The crown is surrounded by tiny tentacles with a venomous, aphrodisiac payload. At its base a number of similar, longer tentacles have formed, guaranteeing that pleasure will be forced upon your partners. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your knotty dick, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 5 inches wide when at full size.
You have a black, suula slit, with one 1-inch clit. Occasional beads of frosting drip from your fluid-drooling, venomous pussy. The exterior opening is framed in writhing tentacles and the interior is lined with aphrodisiac-laced cilia. The whole thing is ridiculously puffy and lush with womanly flesh. Even under clothing, it generates a considerable camel-toe.
You have one ass, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with occasional beads of lube bordering its edges.
Since some parts of you are made of goo, you can adjust them if need be.
Yer honestly I tend to switch between nipplecocks cunt and normal randomly. Also "unable to become aroused is the best kind of arousal there is" excuse me they are anything but unable to become aroused if anything its the opposite they are unable to not become aroused, then depending on how I am feeling I might decide they are cold and need a hug and it just goes from there (I know it was likely just a missed word but I couldn't pass up the opportunity).Just being near someone makes them unable to become aroused is the best kind of arousal there is. I would love to see what this beauty of a snake-goo-herm looks like with a picture, though the descriptors are already pretty amazing on their own.
Also "nipplecunts", yessss~ I forgot that you can get mods for that in this game, though deciding that or nipplecocks is a hard choice to make for me anyway.
Yer honestly I tend to switch between nipplecocks cunt and normal randomly. Also "unable to become aroused is the best kind of arousal there is" excuse me they are anything but unable to become aroused if anything its the opposite they are unable to not become aroused, then depending on how I am feeling I might decide they are cold and need a hug and it just goes from there (I know it was likely just a missed word but I couldn't pass up the opportunity).
That said though the only thing I am missing is the ability to make webs so I can bind on the go.
No problem I understood after I took a second look. Also I do not bulli I DOMINATE, there is a significant differenceGuess not getting sleep hurt my ability to write lol, I edited it to make more sense.
Also reported for bulli :,(
No problem I understood after I took a second look. Also I do not bulli I DOMINATE, there is a significant difference![]()