Shops Being Empty??


New Member
Jun 25, 2022
So I just got to Tarkus and then savef for the time being and came back to the game later, after jumping in i went to some shops. For some reason the game was showing the Items for sale but they were 0/0 and i couldn't buy anything. So I opened the sell menu and sold some stuff and then the all the shops were fixed. Not a major bug it was just something I thought should be mentioned


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
Not a bug

The 0/0 means that you don't have any inventory space left. Thats why it worked after selling some stuff.

Standard inventory size is 10 spaces. Lets say you have 3 items and want to buy a machete. It will show 0/7 under the machete. If you buy buy one, then it will show 1/6, because you have one machete in the inventory and 6 free spaces.

This also takes stackable items in to account. For example, the power potion can be stacked up to 10 times. So if you have 5 inventory slots and 0 power potion the vendor will show 0/50, because one inventory slot can hold up to 10 power potions.