Ship upgrades


Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
Holy crap with as many crew members as you can put in the ship you should really be able to get some upgrades for the ship like ship expansions at the very least so that you and you're crew aren't squished together inside your ship. Plus integrating Hand-So into either the ships mainframe and/or a customizable sex bot body like the one Bess has. Some interior customization would also be nice. The upgrades depending on the upgrade could either be available through either Anno or Vahn
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
New ships are planned and will be coming with the space fighting mechanics once fen and co get around to coding it. It probably won't happen for another 6 months to a year though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Crew member afaik would be giving each some perk during the space fight.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Ship stuffs have been discussed for a long time.   Two creators have their own submissions that eventually can grant new ships: one being a direct ship merchant and another planned to have a quest that will grant a ship.  Likewise, while no plans have been set in stone ship to ship concepts have been discussed to death.   Bare basics ideas are probably nothing the creators haven't seen a dozen times before.   If you want to share some more detailed ideas for systems and complex concepts, such as ship designs, you're welcome to share, but it probably won't lead to anything at the current time. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2015
The ship does have room for ... everyone, yes?

I don't have to pick and choose which 2-3 I want and not have room for the others?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The ship does have room for ... everyone, yes?

I don't have to pick and choose which 2-3 I want and not have room for the others?

Currently, there is room for everyone.  You can squeeze Anno, Rehea, Celise, Bess, Nova and Yami into the RV sized ship and nobody will ever complain

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
ah good, one less thing to worry about.

For now at least until they add more ships later on. Once they add more bigger ships to the game early on your gonna have to choose which NPC you add as crew until you get a ship that will expand the slots of the ship.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So technicaly up to year to decide which one two crew members we like most (luckly I find this lucky two npc like few months ago ^^) to keep them around aboard...unless getting any even slight bigger ship won't take huge amount of credits...ingame grinding.

Who know maybe as bonus there will be some simple quest that would also without much work will give PC some at least 'bit larger' ship (awaiting jokes of 4 crew sized ship...or not since I already said I expecting those to come xD ) to stuff more of pokem....errr crew members in pokeb....ship.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Pokemon jokes aside

Most of the credit grants are one time.  There is vary little availability of grinding for credits at endgame cuz the rng of precious gems on myrellion have become worse and worse as the drop tables and spawn tables get diluted.  I fear that we'll reach a point where if we want a shiny solid state spaceship, we'll either need to go without mods or beat Dr. Lash. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So technicaly up to year to decide which one two crew members we like most (luckly I find this lucky two npc like few months ago ^^) to keep them around aboard...unless getting any even slight bigger ship won't take huge amount of credits...ingame grinding.

Who know maybe as bonus there will be some simple quest that would also without much work will give PC some at least 'bit larger' ship (awaiting jokes of 4 crew sized ship...or not since I already said I expecting those to come xD ) to stuff more of pokem....errr crew members in pokeb....ship.


I'm quite sure that it was already stated that new ships would be obtained by quests. Since new ships are immensely expensive to just buy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Pokemon jokes aside

Most of the credit grants are one time.  There is vary little availability of grinding for credits at endgame cuz the rng of precious gems on myrellion have become worse and worse as the drop tables and spawn tables get diluted.  I fear that we'll reach a point where if we want a shiny solid state spaceship, we'll either need to go without mods or beat Dr. Lash. 

And if they not gonna change it early enough before most PC would have anyway tons of credits from beating Dr. Lash to buy those ships.  Maybe that is the their devilish plan of not touching Lash yet: to make people save few mil of credtis then drop ships that amkes us use them as money sinks...

I'm quite sure that it was already stated that new ships would be obtained by quests. Since new ships are immensely expensive to just buy.

I'm slight sure there may be case of most ships been quest rewards with few of them been normaly buyable. Ofc those latters would probably turn out to have worst stats than quest line TiTS all best equip is from quest anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Hey. Hey you. No necroin'.
Slashes through the overgrowth of cobwebs in this dead thread to post.
Speaking of ship upgrades, I know Bess/Ben is a landmine for subjects to talk about, but, are they at least gonna be used as flavor text in some community interaction upgrades, like how in CoC they had the milk bath? For Tits maybe they could do that with the Grav ball upgrade left in the sealed box of content promised in Bess/Ben route. As well as them being used as some sort of stat bonus for ship combat seeing as we've given them a role to the ship? (Please don't mutilate me for bringing this up)