I meant to bring this up earlier but I totally forgot to. During the latest dungeon where you lose Berwyn (cry) somewhere during the aftermath you find one of the Nareva inquisitors or whatever they are (I forgot again) and during the interaction you happen to touch a particular item. The important thing is what it did when it was used. Shia kazee she was beamed away. The Ways Between are very convenient for getting around but there are just some areas I never go just because it's out of the way. I'm lazy and sometimes I'd rather avoid going somewhere and dealing with the combat (bats/imps in the undermountain) than go there. Even though I like all the neat characters, Nihara, the Helhound, Galehound, dragon in the rift, etc. they're just a bit far out (I try to make as little time as I possibly can pass by in game cause I'm weird). I think it'd be neat, mainly for those who are late game and have many items, to be able to have a way to set up areas as a waypoint thingy to travel to and from. Of course they'd probably need to make it require lots of money or rare items or even a mission, but I think the idea of having things like that would be neat at some point. Anyone else wanna share some lil pips about it?