Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
I wanted to ask, about the character creation, I can create a character the way I want? For example, sex, race, eye color, hair, hairstyle, etc ...

I think you are stuck with a precreated character, but I understood if get enough in patreon at some point will work for more customization.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I do like the aesthetic touches with the UI. It brings back pleasant memories of the good old games like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. They put a lot of effort into the artwork to weave a beautiful and intricate story. I think it's entirely understandable that we would expect the development to take a few months. Custom art doesn't come quickly.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Sorry about the delay in getting back to you guys, been busy coding the prologue and working with the new programmer on the framework of the event system.

Will armor and weapon show on the picture somehow? They could be just drawn in layers, right? 

And what does "Strength  10/100" mean? 

Will there be any sexual stats as well?

There won't be changes to the status picture, because fully rendering armour / weapons isn't just a five minute job, plus if there's 4 or 5 different status images depending on corruption, it'd have to be done for all of them. If I ever have more money than I know what to do with, perhaps, but in the meanwhile it is more efficient to have my main artist working on other things.

That is just placeholder text, doesn't mean a thing.

At the moment, there aren't any sexual stats on the main character, as I can't see how they would be useful in the endgame, and therefore would negatively affect the balance. If we reach the point where I can implement a trainer mode though, they'll feature heavily for non-player characters.

As for questions of customization, this isn't possible as the game is very image heavy and having 20+ variations of every image that features the protagonist would cost an absolute fortune. As has been mentioned many times, if the game is successful, further in development we plan to implement a scenario system which will allow you to choose from predetermined characters of different sex / race / appearance / background, etc. (think Square's SaGa series, or the three different scenarios of Shining Force III).


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
" it'd have to be done for all of them " - but why? A shield could be drawn behind the character, why sword - on top. Same for armor. So, if it's in accurate layers, it doesn't have to be tons of different variations. 

" If we reach the point where I can implement ..." - yeah, I agree, it's a good idea to add things and stats slowly when needed, not over complicating things. Though it would be fun to see some changes or statistics, depending on your sexual scene choices. Like, some people can try to only fight with monster and have fun with only pretty human girls, but use items and events that will increase their corruption, while others will try not to fight, but fuck with monsters, which will, probably, also rise their corruption. So, at the end both type of players will get same looking/acting hero? Maybe there should be at least some sluttiness/dom/sub meter to make a difference? But, I agree, you can do it at any point when needed.

" As for questions of customization..." - agree. If it's more like a visual novel than text game, there is not much for visual customization. But, just in case, some advice here (have an experience) - ask your artists to paint in layers and give them to you. Everything. As many layers, as possible, each object. It will simplify future editing, when needed, and you'll not have to have 27 images, that would come from 3 background variations, 3 character1 and 3 character2 variations.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Checked out your game's patreon, and I have to say it is looking very good. I would toss a few dollars your way, but not until I actually play the game.

So with the game will it only be playable on the site or will you be creating a version that can also be played offline as well?

I too would like to see an offline version as well. Since not all of us can be online in a private place.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Art - It is something to consider at a later date, making a game with a decent amount of content is my primary concern at the moment. As for the extra stats, I do like the idea of corruption just being how evil you are, and having a separate thing for sex like "sluttiness", so we'll probably go with that. Everything is in layers already, so no problems there.

Hizor - That was when the game was a text one, the inverse is true now; it won't be playable in a browser, but by downloading the game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Hizor - That was when the game was a text one, the inverse is true now; it won't be playable in a browser, but by downloading the game.

Sounds good. 

I play Slave Maker 3 (form time to time) so I'm used to downloading (and hiding). 

Just as long as it is offline as well. ^.^ 

Look forward to the release.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
But after years of Development it becomes about 10GB. 

(That would be quite the large Ren'Py game O.O)

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
I'm tinypng-ing all the images and converting the sound to .ogg to keep it as small as possible, but hey, in a few years, you never know. ;)

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Hard at work programming to try and have a release ready for the end of the month, but I just wanted to share this with you to give you an idea of what sprites will be like, with small animations (blinks and lip flap) and a range of different expressions.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I like this. Different facial expressions make the character more enjoyable.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Sorry about the lack of updates, just in the final push now. Getting close, so here's a bunch of screenshots of how everything is looking (Status / Inventory / Codex have just been populated for coding purposes, ignore the erroneous shit).









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Mar 23, 2016
Hi! Just wanted to say, this game is looking really promising! The art designs thus far have been particularly great! I'm a big fan of Rowan's bust art!

I was just wondering, after seeing the cute hooded girl, would there be any "actionable" human males or will the male/male be limited to monster content? (And no, before you say it, Elder does not count! ;P)

Great job nonetheless! Best of luck with the rest of development!

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Just to let you guys know, first public release will be out in 2-3 weeks. Just programming the last of the dialogue and waiting for some H-scene CGs now.


New Member
Feb 25, 2016
Still hard to believe this is going to be a real thing!  It looks great, and I can't wait until the demo is released. :)

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Just a quick heads up, gang - First backer release will be out tomorrow, first public release is set for May 8th.