Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Okay, here's the stuff about stats and equipment.

rsz Stats Legend.jpg

Player Statistics

- There are five visible character statistics each represented by an icon; Strength (sword), Vitality (shield), Reflexes (lightning bolt) Intelligence (book), and Luck (clover). 
- In order to keep things relatively simple, each statistic governs the areas with which one would logically associate it. For example, Strength with damage and lifting, Vitality with enduring pain and holding your breath, Reflexes with accuracy and dodging, Intelligence with convincing/tricking people and so on. Luck works differently in that it governs events that are dictated by chance, and often is used in conjunction with the conclusion of other statistic checks. If a player were wounded, with enough luck the blow may bounce off their armour leaving them unhurt, or, when discovering a treasure chest, a lucky player may find a better quality of item.   
- Statistics are primarily used to determine the player’s ability to pass skill checks. Like DnD, a statistic will provide a bonus to a skill check; the higher the statistic, the higher the bonus. For example, someone with a very high Strength would get a +5 on a roll to check if they can move a boulder out of their path. Statistics suffer from diminishing returns, as the higher the statistic becomes, the more points required to reach the next bonus. 
- Regarding skill checks, in order to represent the fact that heroic feats and unlucky failures can always occur, a roll of one will always fail (even if your bonus alone would be enough to pass), while a roll of twenty will always succeed (even if a winning roll would otherwise be impossible).
- Finally, there is a sixth hidden statistic; Corruption (star of chaos). Corruption represents how much the player character has become tainted over the course of the game, and is increased in a variety of ways, such as doing evil deeds, learning forbidden knowledge, and using evil artifacts. Corruption affects the game in a number of ways; it will limit some choices as a very corrupt player is unlikely to do good deeds, but it will also open up options representing things only a corrupt person would do. Also corrupt players will be less likely to be able to resist promises of powers, and similarly tempting evil offers. Corruption has both benefits and drawbacks, and as such is a double-edged sword that must be managed by the player. 


Berserk Promo.png


These are just a few promos I had made up to use as examples, some of you may recognize them (click for full size). As you can see, equipment has a name indicated at the top in bold, with subtitles beneath indicting which slot they occupy and any other relevant information. In the top left, the bonuses (in black), and penalties (in red) that the player gains/incurs for using the item. Under the image is the item's text, in most cases this will be flavour text, although I'm also hoping to have more complex items which will have information about their use here instead. Finally, in the bottom right, you have the item's tier, which indicates how powerful / rare the item is.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Finally, there is a sixth hidden statistic; Corruption (star of chaos). Corruption represents how much the player character has become tainted over the course of the game, and is increased in a variety of ways, such as doing evil deeds, learning forbidden knowledge, and using evil artifacts.

Everything looks pretty cool so far. Can you give a example of what you consider corrupting knowledge? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Gatsu"? How about Gurifitsu and Beruserku? xD Seriously now (that mistake has been way too prevalent after all), I'm always glad to find Berserk enthusiasts.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Everything looks pretty cool so far. Can you give a example of what you consider corrupting knowledge? 

You could discover an old tome bound in flesh that increases Intelligence but also raises Corruption, or you could get a Library event that causes you to learn some lore about a secret evil involved in the world's history normal people don't know about. Things like that.


"Gatsu"? How about Gurifitsu and Beruserku? xD Seriously now (that mistake has been way too prevalent after all), I'm always glad to find Berserk enthusiasts.

A bad injoke between me and the artist, a fellow Berserk fan. :)  Berserk is one of the influences on the non-porny side of the game, so hopefully it should appeal to enthusiasts. 

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Hoping to get a little time to talk about how choice works with events tomorrow, but for now, here's a little preview of the latest CG from my main artist. :)



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Imps and Minotaurs. I'm getting further and further on board with this game.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Been busy over here, still planning to write up something about in-game choices and RNG in events, shouldn't be too far off, but I just wanted to say a little something about the state of the game.

I am now, for the first time since I switched over to Ren'py, feeling confident enough to say that the first release isn't too far away. I have all the backgrounds, most of the sprites (just need two minor NPCs which won't take too long), and all but one of the CGs. I only have half the music as my composer has a few urgent jobs at he moment, but I won't hold the game up for that, I'll just add the tracks later. I'm just waiting to get the final GUI build back with the more complicated menu screens (Status / Inventory / Codex) from the designer and then I should be able to program it all in a relatively short amount of time. Optimistically, I'd like to say I'm 4-6 weeks away, even being cautious, and while this might slip, I can't see it being pushed back much further than that. 

Just a little about what to expect - This is the first half of the prologue, so it is a relatively linear visual novel style story play-through. Events are not in the game, and won't be until after a few more major content releases (prologue part II, castle, events framework). There's also no sex yet, although there are multiple sex scenes planned for part II (depending on how the Patreon goes, I have six in mind [4 straight, 2 gay]).

Speaking of Patreon, I've been starting to block mine out. I was thinking of launching it with the demo, but I'm pretty much broke now, so if I did I'd have to wait a month or two before money came in to start buying assets for prologue part II. Should be up in the next week or so, if anybody is interested in contributing. Or if you could just spread the word, I'd really appreciate that. Here's the wip.  


Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Thanks Art.  :)

Aiming for end of March, might even be a little earlier, depends on artists at the moment (as always).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
*Clicks on the Play section of the website*
(...) " However, as of the time of writing (February 2106) the first alpha build is expected to be released within the next two to four months. "

Glad to know my great-great-grandchildren will be able to play this game at some point. :)))))

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
LOL that's only a placeholder atm, game isn't in any state to be played in by the mass public. Lord Arioch will let us know when a alpha/beta is ready for the general consumption.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
*Clicks on the Play section of the website*
(...) " However, as of the time of writing (February 2106) the first alpha build is expected to be released within the next two to four months. "

Glad to know my great-great-grandchildren will be able to play this game at some point. :)))))

Yup, I travelled back from the future to do 90 years of pre-release PR work. Those great-great-grandkids are going to be super hyped.  ;)

(Fixed the unfortunate typo.)

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Here's a little teaser of the Status page, still a WIP (I asked for the text to be more readable and a few other things) but pretty much final. 



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
Nice! Agree that the text should be more readable. 

Will armor and weapon show on the picture somehow? They could be just drawn in layers, right? 

And what does "Strength  10/100" mean? 

Will there be any sexual stats as well?

I would change his hairstyle, though, to make him look a little bit more masculine ) 


New Member
Feb 25, 2016
This continues to look better and better the more previews that I see come out.  The clear, well-communicated vision for what the game intends to be is much appreciated as well.

Looking forward to the playable release!


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016
I wanted to ask, about the character creation, I can create a character the way I want? For example, sex, race, eye color, hair, hairstyle, etc ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wanted to ask, about the character creation, I can create a character the way I want? For example, sex, race, eye color, hair, hairstyle, etc ...

Regarding sex, your only option is male (i don't know if there will be a female option in the future),,,