Savin's CYOA: 017 (LEWD)

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You spend a moment just staring, too stunned to act.

You only notice that your jaw is hanging open when the shadowy spirit of the queen reaches down with a long, clawed digit and taps your chip, clicking your mouth closed with a gentle push. The tough of a geist sends shivers down your spine, making every hair on your body stand on end; your entire jaw comes away feeling cold, as if caressed by winter. Slowly, you pull yourself to your feet and force yourself to break off from staring at the powerful, winged figure standing gloriously near-nude before you, clad in her black scale-mail bikini and little else. Both her limbs and her armor are shadowy black, moreso than even your charcoal armor, making her appear to be half made of shadows.

"There we are, my dear," the queen smiles as you stand, apparently returning your look. "It's a brave soul indeed that would summon me from my restless slumber. But a... familiar one, as well. it's been a long time since I've seen a fellow flameborn, even one that seems so... lacking."

You cock an eyebrow, and the queen's titanic wings beat slowly behind her. Steeling yourself, you force a question out of your trembling lips. "I've never seen another 'mander like you, my lady," you tell her. "Why do you have wings and horns and..."

"You do not?" she finishes, reaching over and running a claw along the scales on your arm. "I don't know. You should, my dear: the blood of dragons flows in your veins. Diluted, perhaps, but still there: I can feel it as clear as it does within me. Perhaps that's why I felt so compelled to answer your call. Now, what is it you want...?"

"Remi," you answer. "Remielle."

The Blackscale Queen takes a step around you, circling, letting her hand play across your hip. "Oh? Now I'm starting to see... mine is Remystra. Black scales, flame sorcery, my family's name... you're not only of my people, but my blood. Aren't you?"

<<Perk Check: Corrupt Libido
Wisdom Saving Throw: Failure (20 vs. 8)!>>

You stutter, trying to conjure up an answer. The truth is, you don't know... and the queen's ghostly hand passing across your ass, tracing her claws right through the fabric of your robes to make your skin feel like you've just sat in the snow. Even then, your crotch burns with an unbidden and utterly inappropriate heat... and your cock strains the front of your garment.

God dammit not now!

The queen chuckles behind you, still moving. "So what is it that brings you here, daughter? I heard words of vengeance and strife, power and arcana, drifting through the rifts. What is it you want?"

"I came here for your magic," you tell her. Couching your words in platitudes and half-truths won't help you now... not that you have the presence of mind to try. Hell, you barely have the will to resist thrusting your hips into the queen's hand as she moves back into sight, still teasing you with her claws. "Th-they say you were the greatest spellblade of your age. That you could slaughter anyone who stood before you. I need to learn how."

The queen chuckles under her breath, stopping in front of you. Her hand's so close to your loins now that you can't suppress a little whimper. Fuck...

"Is that all? Sorry, Remi love, we don't have the time for me to take you on as my apprentice. I'm afraid I'm a bit too... well, dead for that. Awfully inconvenient, that. But you didn't want that anyway, did you? No, you're after my spellbooks, hmm?"

Before you can answer, the queen's hand moves, a blinding-fast lunge that ends with her ghostly hand grabbing you by the cock, reaching right through your robes and locking around your suddenly-hard shaft. You yelp, standing stiff and wide-eyed. 

"Blood or no blood, I'm not in the habit of giving away my secrets for free."

Behind you, Sylvia drops her gallichon and brings her axe to bear.

The queen smiles over your shoulder, a disarmingly beautiful expression marred by embering red eyes, glowing with power. "Sit down, child, before you hurt yourself."

<<Sylvia -- Wisdom Saving Throw: Failure (10+5 vs. 13)!>>

You hear metal clattering on the stone, and the thud of a body falling. The queen smirks, and her attention returns to you. "You should know, dear daughter, before you go plundering my vaults: like a dragon on my hoard, I've left traps and curses behind to tear would-be tomb robbers apart. But you're of my blood, and I would not see it spilled so frivolously. I'll give you what you seek, but you'll have to do something for me in return. There's a price to pay for power, Remi. My scales were charred black by demonfire to win me the sorcery you seek. What will you do?"

The answer chokes in your throat. There's so many questions still to ask, and yet your mind is clouding, overwhelming by the cold fire on your dick. When you hesitate, the queen squeezes, just hard enough to make you gasp and stick your tail straight out behind you.

"W-what do you want?"

She answers with an airy laugh, slowly working her hand forward and back. "Don't fret. I'm not going to send you on some nonsense quest or ask for you to blind yourself like some wizened sorcerer. But seeing my bloodline so... so pallid after all these years... just looking at you breaks my heart, daughter dear. You could be so much more."

The queen locks eyes with you. "Disrobe."

<<Wisdom Saving Throw: Success (6 vs. 8)!>>

You grunt, clenching your teeth and forcing back the sudden, almost overwhelming urge to submit. You can't tell if its magic or your own insatiable lusts... or something else entirely... at work in you, but this feels wrong. No, you have to keep control!

"Why? What are you going to do?"

The queen tsks her tongue, moving her hand a little faster. If she keeps that up.... damn it! "Simple. You've got a cock. That red-haired slab of muscle behind you has a womb. I need a proper heir, and I've still got the magic to make that happen. One last spell before I say goodnight. Let me give your manhood a taste of what a true scion of dragons should be, and then let nature take its course. Your child will be magnificent!"

You gasp despite yourself, trying and failing to back away. "You want me to... to fuck Sylvia?"

The ghostly sorceress nods. "She's under my spell. Will be, for some time. The way you've been looking at her, it shouldn't take much convincing for this little prick of yours to find its mark, hmm? Fill her womb with our seed, and the books are yours... as is my crown, and whatever else you want from me."

(Deez rolls, yo. If last post was a miraculous success, this time... well. Poor Sylvia. Any remaining questions from last thread will get answered if you keep in the queen's good graces a little longer, don't worry)

Name: Remielle Syrililth
Race: Salamander
Sex: Hermaphrodite
Figure: Amazonian
Class: Mage
Stats: STR (10) CON (16) DEX (14) INT (15) WIS (8) CHA (12)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
No option to go for someone else entirely as the mother?  We might find a more willing option rather than Sylvia.  Agree to let her mutate your cum so that you can will another child to her heir, but do not impregnate Sylvia right now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
No option to go for someone else entirely as the mother?  We might find a more willing option rather than Sylvia.  Agree to let her mutate your cum so that you can will another child to her heir, but do not impregnate Sylvia right now.

Gotta agree there's no way we can escape this unscathed but we can at least probably have some control over who we have a kid with. A very grateful harpy in a tower over yonder would be more then willing I'm betting on. As long as we produce an heir the queen should be content (hopefully).


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Fuck that noise, we won't be played by two evil bitches, and most certainly not won't go rape someone and leave them full of doubly demonic evil goop, or get raped ourselves.

Reassert control and if that fails try to hold on untill the spell that brought Queeny to the material plane will stop working.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Let the queen do whatever.  Preferably with Remi herself being the mother.  

The rebirth of a dragon dynasty and Remi gets some insane new powers, what could go wrong?

Other then a failed cha save.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Any indicators of how quick the pregnancy will be? Cause if it's a normal length one...I'd say Remi getting pregnant would be a choice that offers the most potential. Saying no outright might have the moral highground but it gains neither Remi or Sylvia anything beyond unravished bodies, which is good but at the same time Sylvia's need for information about her sister is strong and idk how thankful she'd be if her chance for info was told to "Piss off." Also Remi will miss out on serious loot and guidance herself. Raping a mind-controlled Sylvia is the opposite end of the spectrum, easy gain for selfish choice. Sylvia might get what she wants...but she'll have her life totally changed as well. Taking control is the riskiest gambit as who knows what The Black Queen will do if the roll fails, odds are she'd end up casting the spell on Remi, rape her and have her rape Sylvia (Evil queen who wants her line renewed, I will not assume her reaction to Remi's attempt to take over will be hugs and puppies.). If Remi offers herself, Black Queen will get what she wants in her line being restored, Sylvia will get her info without a baby, Remi will have chosen the deed so she will at least have agency and not having been raped herself, And assuming all goes well, she'l have a daughter that she can raise well and love.

Also, and this is admittedly very ruthless and cold to say: If she gets pregnant with the child of the Black Queen, it protects her from being impregnated by other castle denizens and monsters. 

Remi basically jumped the gun only to find out it was cocked and loaded. 
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Jun 24, 2016
Bear the child of the queen, raise it to be a good girl. Seems like a possibility if Remi is the mother of the child =3=


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Charisma save.

Let's hope that doesn't end badly.

The good news is that currently winning choice is the only one here that won't entail a disadvantaged roll thanks to corrupted libido.  The other two most definitely would be denying Remi's lusts.


Jun 24, 2016
The good news is that currently winning choice is the only one here that won't entail a disadvantaged roll thanks to corrupted libido.  The other two most definitely would be denying Remi's lusts.

I think this one might actually be disadvantaged too. Reason being, of course, that Remi is refusing to pound some cunt with her libido-inducing dick. Just a thought, though, since it does seem like she's turning down the fuck that's gonna let her put the magic-cock to use. One would think that any change in how sex might work would test the libido instead of making them go "must rut, gonna fuck" and just going with the most obvious/easy to reach conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think this one might actually be disadvantaged too. Reason being, of course, that Remi is refusing to pound some cunt with her libido-inducing dick. Just a thought, though, since it does seem like she's turning down the fuck that's gonna let her put the magic-cock to use. One would think that any change in how sex might work would test the libido instead of making them go "must rut, gonna fuck" and just going with the most obvious/easy to reach conclusion.
Perk Gained: Cursed Libido

You have a magic cockring, permanently embedded in your flesh by the succubus Risoria. The first time you are presented with a shapely figure, you must pass a Wisdom Save to avoid becoming erect. While erect, you have disadvantage on any saving throw made to resist the opportunity to slake your lusts, either with a willing partner or by your or another's submission. This penalty ends the first time another creature brings you to orgasm, or if 10 minutes pass without further sexual stimulus.

The perk description doesn't specify that Remi needs to be using her cock, only that she needs to be slaking her lusts in some way.

EDIT: Holy crap it took me a long time to get this formatted correctly.
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Jul 10, 2016
PURIFY THE BLOOD OF THE PEOPLE! CREATE AGAIN WHAT ONCE WAS! now that's over with, Remi impregnating herself (wow that sounds off) would be best, gaining new power, not raping anyone, restarting the Mander bloodline with ancient power AND staying within the good graces of an ancient and powerful 'mander spirit that we could possibly call on again.

Unless she's gonna pull a Ghostbusters two and have you birth the child so she can get a new body.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If we fail the Cha save, will impregnating Sylvia mind break her or otherwise stop us from recruiting her as an ally?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
'Kay, now we'll have to be prepared to carry on with two kinds of demonic taint from two different evil ladies, each potentially gunning for taking over our body. Thoughts?

Let the queen do whatever.  Preferably with Remi herself being the mother.  

The rebirth of a dragon dynasty and Remi gets some insane new powers, what could go wrong?

Other then a failed cha save.

Why should we believe a has-been despotic ruler that admitted to making deals with demons? She managed to not be of any use so far and immediately swept control from us, despite Remi actually making the previous checks. We should just do our best to banish the bitch and proceed with a sane plan.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Just an FYI: between D&D tonight and a doctor's appt. tomorrow morning, expect the next update sometime late tomorrow morning. Got me some smut to mine, looks like.
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