Savin's CYOA: 009 (LEWD)

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Darkness, and a dream. 

Your eyes had opened again, groggy and blurred, as if the whole world was in a haze. A haze that hung over an unfamiliar landscape. Slowly, you forced yourself to sit up and look around. Pillows and cushions surrounded you on every side, stacked on colorful rugs sprawling out underneath a canopy of canvas. Some kind of pavilion tent, furnished as if for royalty.

"Oho, so you've finally come," a voice echoed, seemingly from all around you. "Only a thousand years late. I was starting to worry I'd been forgotten."

Scrambling to your feet, you went for your weapon... and found it gone. Your clothes, too. Everything. You were naked as a jaybird, vulnerable and alone... save a shadowy figure sitting at the far end of the pavilion, reclining on a throne of silken cushions. 

"Who are you?" you shouted, bearing your claws. "Where am I!?"

Two radiant blue eyes appeared in the shadow, staring mirthfully down at you. "Why, you're in my world. My little corner of the Abyss. As for who I am... for now, you may call me Risoria. Now, where are your manners, my dark-scaled darling? Who are you, wandering into my realm?"

You blinked, taken aback by the shadow's gentility. Your mind raced, trying to make heads or tails of it... 

<<Intelligence Check: Success (11 vs 15)!>>

You could come to only one conclusion: a demon.

"Oho!" the shadow -- Risoria -- laughed the moment the word sprung into your mind. "Yes, indeed... a demon. Afraid? You should be."

You wouldn't have admitted it even if you were... though in your dream, you can feel your heart hammering, hands trembling. To confront a demon in the waking world was a death-defying feat. In their world? Gods...

"Lucky you, you aren't an elf. I have unfinished business with the pointy-eared princesses. You, though... a child of dragons? No, something lesser." The word sprang to your mind, and in the same moment, to the demon's lips. "A salamander? And a lovely one at that..."

The shadow vanished, erupting into tendrils of black mist. Faster than your eyes could follow, the darkness poured across the walls, rushing behind you. Then a pair of hands, as delicate as they were sensual, were on your bare chest, cupping your breasts. Another body pressed against your back, first letting you feel another pair of tits much larger than yours squishing against your skin, with what felt like solid metal rings dangling from the nipples. The rest of her was soft but cold, fleshy in a way that you could never be.

"Lovely, and all mine," Risoria's voice cooed into your finned ear. 

You jumped forward out of her grasp, spinning around to face her. Now, her form was clear to you -- more real than anything else in that damnable place. She was tall, nearly as much so as you, and colored a pale royal purple, with arms and thighs marked with swirling, ocean-blue patterns. She stood on goat-like legs and cloven hooves all covered in a shaggy cobalt fur; the same color as the long, lustrous hair spilling down around a pair of curling ram's horns on her brow. Just as you'd felt a moment ago, her breasts were full and heavy, tipped with golden rings, matching her altogether voluptuous frame. As you'd expect from her kind, furling bat-wings and a sweeping, spaded tail stood out behind her, curling around her as you scarpered back. 

None of that could hold your attention for more than a moment, though. Your eyes were drawn firmly between her thick thighs, to where a pillar of meat unlike anything you'd ever seen hung freely from a sheath in her furry loins, half-hard and beading with whiteness. Thick at the base, tapered to a fine tip, colored a reddish purple so veiny you could swear you could see her heartbeat with every throb. A huge gold ring hung from the tip, glistening with pre and so heavy that you weren't sure she could do anything but let her erection droop and swing beneath her.

"See something you like?" the succubus purred, taking a step forward; you backpedalled, though there was nowhere to go. "Mmm, after that little show outside, I think you could put something like this to good use, couldn't you?"

Suddenly aware once more of how naked you were, you crossed your legs and flushed darkly. "Y-you saw...?"

Risoria just smiled, running a pair of fingers up her half-hard manhood. "Saw, yes... and that's all. How torturous that was! A thousand years of senseless imprisonment, devoid of corporeal flesh, and the first action I see I spend boiling alive in a beaker. But you didn't know better, dear. I forgive you... after all, you let me free in the end."

The witch's cum. If Risoria had been the contents of the vial, trapped like a djinni, then... of course it would be a boy's seed that released her. What else did succubi crave?

"Clever girl!" Risoria teased, tracing the hand from the knotty base of her shaft all the way up to a pierced nipple. She hooked a finger through the ring and gave it a little tug, moaning under her breath. "Clever, beautiful, strong... yes, you and I are going to have a lot of fun, indeed."

Oh, gods. She meant to possess you...

"No! No, nothing so... permanent. Not until I've stretched my wings a bit, felt all the wonders your lovely new world has to offer. But I simply must reward you for freeing me! Don't blabber, dear, I won't take no for an answer... not that you have much say in the matter anyway. Now be a good girl and wake up.... Wake up, and cum for me."

You bolted awake, screaming in pleasure and pain. Alien, unfamiliar sensations crept through your body like slow fingers of icy heat. Sweat caked your body, making the blue ichor of the cooled potion cling to your scales and flesh... more flesh than you should have had. Your eyes were drawn down inexorably to your torn robes, and the black cock now sitting between your legs, pointed upright and squirting white spunk in a geyser, splattering your thighs and belly with abandon. You reached down to grab it, trying to control the throbbing meat, which only made you shudder head to toe with strange shockwaves of pleasure.

Only when the orgasm passed did you realize that the dark crown of your new cock was pierced, still burning with muted pain. The ring that hung from your tapered tip was the same gold as Risoria's, though much smaller to better fit your frame. The demoness... 

You'd thought she was only a mental temptress, residing in your unconscious dreams. But no, looking around the ransacked ruin of the witch's hut, you could see clearly that something powerful had this way come... and cum, too. Your gaze eventually settled on the witch-boy, bent over his bed with his ass in the air around torn panties and skirts, leaking so much pearly cream from his abused hole that you half thought a centaur must have sodomized him while you were out cold.

Or a succubus with a thousand years of pent-up seed to burn. 

Sighing, you struggled to your feet and collected the tatters of your clothes and gear. The door hung open, flapping on its hinges in the breeze; Risoria -- the real one -- was long gone, leaving you only with a burning desire unbidden in your loins, and a ring that trembled with magical potency... Even so quickly after your first climax with the masculine organ, it was already hardening again, feeling full and needy. Especially every time you glanced back at the poor witch-boy, passed out and soaked in his cum, Risoria's, and even a few errant drops of your accidental outburst. 

You ran. Before you could give in to these unwanted, unnatural desires... before you could do something to the witch you'd never forgive yourself for... you ran into the woods. Back into solitude and loneliness, to the safety of the wilderlands where you belonged.

You bolt awake again, this time into the waking world. The first fingers of dawn's light are creeping over the treetops, and the forest is alive with the noises of the wild: birdsong, insects buzzing, distant beasts stomping through the brush. With a heavy sigh, you pull yourself to your feet and pat yourself off -- a little of Tyroa's wetness still clings to your thighs, and a glaze of your own seed needs to be washed from Risoria's cockring. You shudder when you brush it, feeling the magic at work... you've cum plenty of times since gaining her "reward," but never in a woman before. Now it feels... different. More alive. And you yourself feel the familiar stiffness of the morning refusing to leave, a clenching need in your loins that refuses to be ignored.

Luckily, you've got plenty of fuel for your imagination after last night. Pressing your back to the tree and wrapping a hand around your black member, you let your mind drift for a few pleasant minutes: to the idea of a heavily pregnant Tyroa riding you again and again; to a dozen of her harpy sisters -- or are they daughters? -- clamoring to taste your cock; of that terrifying mantis-beast defeated before your avian horde, forced to take you between those dark lips of hers... 

When you cum, it's a pleasant relief -- a squirt of seed that splatters across the grass. You lean back, panting, trying to fight off the latent lusts still burning. Gods, what you wouldn't give to have Tyroa back here... to make sure that egg she wanted was hers, even if it took all day in trying.

No, you need to go. You return to your campsite, redress and rearm, and find your satchel right where you'd left it. More or less collected again after the long night, you turn towards the castle on the hillside and clutch your spear-staff.

Your birthright awaits.

Perk Gained: Cursed Libido
You have a magic cockring, permanently embedded in your flesh by the succubus Risoria. The first time you are presented with a shapely figure, you must pass a Wisdom Save to avoid becoming erect. While erect, you have disadvantage on any saving throw made to resist the opportunity to slake your lusts, either with a willing partner or by your or another's submission. This penalty ends the first time another creature brings you to orgasm, or if 10 minutes pass without further sexual stimulus.

((And that ends Chapter Two! No poll this time -- I'm going to put together some stuff for the castle and post the first decision points tomorrow morning. I know the submission options were pretty popular last time, so I figured we could get a little reflection of that with our first Perk. Poor Remi's going to have a real hard time if a Minotaur waggles his musky wanger in her face!

Since there's no poll, feel free to toss in suggestions for dastardly traps and sexy monsters you'd maybe wanna see in the castle! We know there's harpies, minotaurs, possibly ogres, and some kinda spooky mantis-girl huntress already there... but that's just scratching the surface. Also feel free to speculate as to what Risoria's ring might do, other than just give Remi a boner. She did say "we" would have fun with it... even if it's taken a long time for Remi to let the fun start. Hehehe...

Also! I locked in a Cheshire commission for Remi, since I came into a few unexpected bux. Doubtless our poor futamander is gonna be changed by the time that's done, right? :p  ))
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
We need a slutty, somewhat dommy goblin to come, demand Remi's seed, then fight her for it. 

A stereotypical Tamini plus Remi's newfound conflict over the use of her demontouched cock would be incredible. 

Maybe with a hyperaccelerated pregnancy that ends in a imp, possibly herm imp.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
"Remi's seed is tainted by demonic influence" is my takeaway there. :D

Gib updoots for Corruption whooo

Why not?  To quote Varric: if you love a character, make them miserable, maybe throw in a heroic death.

The irony of Remi being possibly patient zero for a new demonic outbreak combined with the piercing overriding her higher mental functions is too delicious to refuse. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Well, we have got a demon on the prowl and Remi is getting corrupted, slowly but surely. I hope y'all are happy. Now I fear that Risoria marked Remi and posessing our poor sexually confused salamander is her fallback plan.

 We'll have to hunt that bitch down to avenge our tarpy friend, wash away that shame and save our booty.

I'm also quite curious about the elves of that world, so it'd be awesome if we can get to meet some. Running across some competing adventurers trying to hit the same castle will also be swell. If that Black Dragon Queen was as powerful and renowned as you made us believe, there should be more of those types than you can shake a stick at.
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Jul 10, 2016
I say The Mor e Remi is worked up without release ( either through force of will or by blue balling) The More Risorias influence comes to the fore. not always in a bad way, but occasionally maybe some ancient magical insight, knowledge on demons, how to properly seduce someone, etc.

Demons are powerful, Incredibly magical beings, let her strut her stuff.

that and maybe the more under Risoriah's influence she is, the Dommier and more Fertile she becomes. That demon wants a harem, right? ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
"Remi's seed is tainted by demonic influence" is my takeaway there. :D

Gib updoots for Corruption whooo

Maybe Remi finds her harpy daughter and discovers that it's corrupted.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
One idea I had was that her cock is actually empathetically linked to the demoness, when she has sex the demon can feel it.  When I was originally thinking of the idea it was that the demon would actually feel what the partner felt instead of what Remi felt, when I was originally thinking that she'd become submissive to anything with a pussy who wanted it inside her.  Then with each sexual session, Remi would become more and more ready to be the demon's plaything.  Given the nature of this demon, it might make more sense for her to feel any stimulation that Remi's cock feels.  Perhaps Remi's lusts remain somewhat unsatisfied if she receives no pleasure to her cock.

On the other hand, receiving pleasure to her cock also has an empathetic effect on Remi, causing her to become more in-tune with her partners or the demoness.  This might alter her natural abilities or nature over time, so frequent sex with certain creatures allows her to gain their natural powers.  Could also work both ways, causing both her and her partner to become more powerful or corrupted with each session.

EDIT: Thought about it some more, and I think it would be cool if Remi temporarily gains powers for having sex with different creatures.  The power is based on the creature, and she also grants a power in turn to that creature.  The more she has sex with that creature type, the longer she retains the ability to use the power from that creature.  Some possible powers:

Harpy: Can create feathers under her arms to fly/glide for short periods of time.

Minotaur: Gains advantage when trying to convince others to have sex through the use of her appearance or smell.

Mantis: Gains an extraordinary ability to jump long distances from a standstill.

Of course, she also grants a power to her partner; Salamander's Fortitude.  This gives immunity/resistance to fire damage and some spell resistance, making it that much harder for her to fight the partner afterwards.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Given the nature of this demon, it might make more sense for her to feel any stimulation that Remi's cock feels.  Perhaps Remi's lusts remain somewhat unsatisfied if she receives no pleasure to her cock.

On the other hand, receiving pleasure to her cock also has an empathetic effect on Remi, causing her to become more in-tune with her partners or the demoness.  This might alter her natural abilities or nature over time, so frequent sex with certain creatures allows her to gain their natural powers.  Could also work both ways, causing both her and her partner to become more powerful or corrupted with each session.

If we go with that idea, do you think that Risoria has a plan of some sort, or that she has done this for evulz?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Monster ideas post.

Given Remi's inherent weakness, I'd like to suggest some monsters that generally try to tempt their targets into sex rather than actually fight them.  Starting with a siren/mermaid who might appear in an underground lake or cove underneath the castle.  There's also the trappy trouble making imps that were suggested earlier, and made their cameo as an aside.  An alrune flower monster that attracts mates through her scent is a worthy mention.  Perhaps some bee girls and drone boys might be also in the alrune's garden.  Lastly will be a hypnotist, either with hypnotic eyes or maybe through body movements (spinning breasts and swaying hips).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
 Lastly will be a hypnotist, either with hypnotic eyes or maybe through body movements (spinning breasts and swaying hips).

Maybe a naga with prismatic hypnotic eyes.  Given Remi's low willpower, i don't think she can will her way out of smut with him. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

If you do go with the ability to gain powers from the creatures Remi rolls in the hay with, that creature might have a really good power for Remi to use in combat after she gets hit by her cock's curse.  Maybe she'll even class up into a Mysdick Hypnotist!


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Building on DarkMaster's idea, maybe the succubus is hiding in Remi's dick, and is using her as a means of gathering traits she'll use in building a new body.  And eventually, finding a womb to host to reincarnation.  Lets say Remi fucks a Minotaur, a rabbit and a kitsune.  Remi, and the succubus, gains the minotaur's physical prowess, the rabbit's overtuned sex drive (probably a good thing for a sex demon) and the kitsune's natural magical abilities.  Three powers that could make the succubus more powerful then her predecessors. 
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