Characters,Favourite and Not?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Likes: It's very difficult to beat the Dorna sisters, relatively vanilla though they are.

Of course. Canon ending you become CEO, marry them both and have sex erry day on a pile of money.

Also I'm sad only Anno gets a non-vanilla scene (pat play!) and no more once she joins your crew.

EDIT: Lucky 777th post. I wish canon ending comes true.
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Active Member
May 27, 2016
Of course. Canon ending you become CEO, marry them both and have sex erry day on a pile of money.

Also I'm sad only Anno gets a non-vanilla scene (pat play!) and no more once she joins your crew.

EDIT: Lucky 777th post. I wish canon ending comes true.

Agreed, I LOVED that scene. it really sucks you cant do it even when still on tarkus after she joins your crew,

If i had to pick a least favorite character, Id say Fyn, just dont like his whole, Fabio vibe he has.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
You seem to be refusing to look at what the man is saying, @Trogdor. Most words out of his mouth are dead ringers for what European imperial colonists said so long ago. Case in point; Whenever he goes on about "Fertile soil." Said fertile soil is his captive audience of penal workers,which he preaches to as often as he can,considering how deeply he considers his faith and values. I'm not saying that religion and hard work are bad; Religion is one way for people to try and better understand themselves and the universe around them,and hard work is sorta needed to get anything at all done. But the way he goes about extolling these virtues? Seriously. He actively and wilfully seeks to obliterate wholesale the culture of the Zil,Naleen,Vanae,and every other indigenous society on Mhen'ga,and replace it with his own. Just like the old European empires. Just like the Ottoman Empire. Just like the Byzantine Empire. Just like the Roman Empire. Just like the United States when it pushed to the West Coast. Just like Canada when it expanded outward.

His penal workers? I love the concept; If people will not serve society of their own will,don't give them a choice. Able? Personally,I'd have taught him the language,then handed him a library's worth of books to read,then ask him to pick his own name from that,if he didn't feel like giving himself a name in the Zil language. But,Able's a willing participant; His submissive nature means he isn't brainwashed,but rather it made him receptive to an outside party's attempt at unfamiliar diplomacy. I have no beef with the penal workers or Able; My beef is Shep himself,and how he interacts with those around him. His dialogue leaves no question in this regard; He preaches to his workers as often as he can,in an attempt to change their worldview. His dialogue leaves no question that this was his initial intent for the natives of Mhen'ga.

I admit I haven't read his dialogue in a while, so all I have to go on is my memory of my interaction with him. But maybe I don't read into his words too much because he isn't really actually doing anything reprehensible. So what if he preaches religion to his penal colony? His penal colony is all offworlders. I don't see him hiring thugs to kidnap Zil. And again, even if he did, the Zil are jerks. Everything you meet in the wilds of Mhen'ga are jerks, in fact. And don't most religions attempt to 'convert' people? You can't claim religion is good and then turn around and decry something that most religions do.

Show me a Shep trying to convert the Raskvel of Novahome or the Gold Myr or anyone else who doesn't try to beat up strangers on sight and then maybe I'll change my mind. I don't see where he's 'actively trying to obliterate culture'.

The man is a living cultural apocalypse. That is why I hate him so passionately. He actively strives for the annihilation of cultural identity. He actively takes steps to kill an idea. He is of the belief that his culture is the only real culture,because... Reasons? Because people in his culture don't constantly run around naked and fucking everyone they see? Shep is exactly the kind of man who can kill entire civilisations,without firing a single shot.

As opposed to the Red Myr, who want to obliterate the culture of the golds? As opposed to the pirates on Tarkus, who held an entire PLANET hostage? As opposed to the Gabilani, whom masterminded the near-destruction of TWO PLANETS, one of which was their own homeworld, in their hubris? The renegade AI Hand So, whom wanted to literally take over the entire universe? This guy is somehow more of a cultural apocalypse than them? :p
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Dec 21, 2015
Wow, so much tension.

Anyway, It's really hard to choose a favourite but so far I'm really liking Kaede.

For most hated, I agree with most of what's been said about Shep, and also Lieve, but personally I'd have to say the red and gold myr leaders are the characters I hate the most. I'd rather not elaborate since its just my opinion and I don't want to start any arguments.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Who is Briha?

One of few cases that PC can knock up npc in normal way with enjoying been father after merely 90-120 days. I mean really scenes of Briha childred be it in version it alread birthed or is sitll in it egg are really so WAFF :D

Below her ingame bust in case you wonder how she looks like. Meh really I think after all this hate for Reds I feel I like them only cuz of the reason below :p



Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
New Anno Petplay has been on my to-do list guys I swear.

Just... after this new planet... :<


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I can't really pick a single liked choice so I'll just say that I pretty much love all the puppysluts of in the game, regardless of how full-blooded they are. Shade and the Rival are really close runner ups though, with the rival not having quite enough content yet for me to really like em and Shade's content being a crossroads that I can't see down far enough to really decide what path to take and how much I'm going to like the decision I make.

As for hate, I think going for the usual suspects like Badger is pretty well overdone and though Myrellion tends to be full of hate magnets, I'm going to go for a pair of characters I don't think anyone has mentioned before. Lyralla and Juro. I just hate that they're having a tryst despite their positions and something about Juno's talk about making a colony for his species on Myrellion to help repopulate feels shitty to me.


Aug 27, 2015
Dislikes: I dislike Shep for an entirely different reason than the above, which is that he made canon a religion whose inclusion I find a bit crass, and said as much the last time it came up on the forums.  This forced me to come up with a counterpoint denomination whose canonization will be ready "soon", if I can finish this scene of Hypothetical Steele getting fucked in the ass.  I mean, he's also a total white man's burden guy and that's pretty despicable, but also the religion thing.  Not a fan.

You never said that to me.

The O was always canon in as much as it existed in the story bible (and Sera went to a school run by them) - I hate stuff hanging around in a there-not-there limbo, and Darnock felt like a perfect opportunity to give it a small presence. Almost everything in TiTS is crass or on the nose, so I feel little compuncture about using a very hazily defined mega-religion in the same way.

I look forward to your sky magician cult which is like totally better than the one I used.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You're tempting me way too much right now.

Fuck it, I'm skipping to the "dislike" part of it, because I'm in a cynical mood.

All Treated characters, Juro, Carver, Del, all characters with aphrodisiac or addictive effects associated with them, Lerris, Liriel, Zo'dee, Mi'dee, Miko, Mai, Kiro... I could go on, I think I've made my point. I just realized this growing list is probably why I stopped playing the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
You're tempting me way too much right now.

Fuck it, I'm skipping to the "dislike" part of it, because I'm in a cynical mood.

All Treated characters, Juro, Carver, Del, all characters with aphrodisiac or addictive effects associated with them, Lerris, Liriel, Zo'dee, Mi'dee, Miko, Mai, Kiro... I could go on, I think I've made my point. I just realized this growing list is probably why I stopped playing the game.

I can see the hate for everyone but Lerris and Zo'dee, and I'm now extremely curious as to why you don't like em.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I can see the hate for everyone but Lerris and Zo'dee, and I'm now extremely curious as to why you don't like em.

Not a fan of titty-boys (male with breasts, as opposed to female with dick) and second/third-party OC, respectively.

On further consideration, actually remove Zo'dee from that, as she was created as a tie-in with the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Not a fan of titty-boys (male with breasts, as opposed to female with dick) and second/third-party OC, respectively.

On further consideration, actually remove Zo'dee from that, as she was created as a tie-in with the game.

You do get to give Lerris a pussy after like, 4 interactions with them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not a fan of titty-boys (male with breasts, as opposed to female with dick)


So Syri and Kaede are on the same list? Since they aren't much different body-wise, being feminine but technically male.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
She grew up in a militaristic society that was in a state of war, yes. Constant war, the part about the Reds and Golds always being at odds, I don't believe. By Nehzara's own admission, the Golds were unprepared for the war, and have been steadily losing ground from the get-go. And so, in the face of being so close to total annihilation, I can't blame the golds for fighting dirty for their survival. Therefore I award Lieve no sympathy for falling victim to it.

And on the contrary, we have plenty of evidence of her mistreating her trench wives. First of all, she keeps dosing them with her venom - she's not making any effort to wean them off it. She likes having them nice and dopey - because they are just playthings to her. She's constantly rolling her eyes when they talk, patronizing them, etc. Further, because of Anzhela, we know that the Reds have the ability to take venom suppressants - and Lieve doesn't. She's no better in this regard to any other Red.

Lastly, it shouldn't have been a date in the first place. You asked for a damn tour. She has no right to be offended that her attempts to make it more than that didn't go well, and she certainly has no right to use her venom to 'salvage the date'. As for 'well, she COULD have raped you if she wanted to, but since she didn't that makes her a good person'? I have my doubts that that would have gone well for her. Maybe your Steele is completely lacking in the willpower department, but mine would have the business end of a gun in her face very quickly. In any case, Lieve is greedy and selfish.

Also, think for a moment about what you just said. You would be OK with someone using roofies to get laid IRL? That's pretty fucked up, man.

Lastly, I admitted that she's not the most evil character in the game. Only that she's the one I hate the most. Her callous willingness to just spread her venom around everywhere like butter on toast - or more accurately, to butter Steele's toast -  to get what she wants plants her firmly as my most hated character.

Should I list every major conflict, real and fictional, in which despite full understanding of the imminence of war and a long history of hostility one side was totally unprepared and got rolled over? I won't twist your words into something outlandish and incriminating, like for example you condoning torture if it's committed by 'the underdog' of a conflict. In return, can you please do the same in the future?

I only said that I'm okay with people's awkward and direct attempts at courting, and with them getting frustrated by the failure. Never said that Lieve kissing you after you expressly stated that you aren't interested was okay. However her actions can't be equated with using date rape drugs even if we assume that she does apply the Venom, which game doesn't not recognize. If anything, it's akin to dumping a bunch of fantastic aphrodisiacs (since RL ones won't work that fast or mix with the alcohol) into a drink of your failed date and leaving them confused and aroused. Not something you should do but nowhere near being criminal offence.

It will probably come as a surprise for you, but we have no evidence suggesting that Sierva is addicted, because she doesn't display any of the symptoms (she is anything but dopey) and we know that without exceeding a certain threshold repeated dosages of RMV can be taken and without addiction forming. Mayren surely is addicted to venom but it may just be the result of her unusually strong reaction to it. Speaking of Mayren, Lieve mostly reacted in a way you mentioned to the most airheaded and bimbo-y of her remarks, but even then it never got degrading or dehumanizing.

Now for the main point of contention you have: Lieve deciding not to suppress her venom production and using it on her trench wives.

It can be attributed to her fully embracing the positive view of venom and even the possibility of ab addiction, although to substantiate that we'll need @Savin to chime in and tell us if Lieve would have been okay with getting venomed by PC or someone else, or if she is a hypocrite.

Not a fan of titty-boys (male with breasts, as opposed to female with dick)

But Lerris is a female when you meet her, just like Kaede.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of Mayren, Lieve mostly reacted in a way you mentioned to the most airheaded and bimbo-y of her remarks, but even then in never got never degrading or dehumanizing.

Now for the main point of contention you have: Lieve deciding not to suppress her venom production and using it on her trench wives.

It can be attributed to her fully embracing the positive view of venom and possible addiction, although to substantiate that we'll need @Savin to chime in and tell us if Lieve would have been okay with getting genomes by PC or someone else, or if she is a hypocrite.

Mayren was a vapid ditz looooong before anybody doped her with venom.

Wadda ya mean by genome, though?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have no idea why it is so, but Lerris is MtF trans as well. Identifies self as "she," in game described as cat-girl, and girly enough for PC to be surprised by the lack of vagina.

Well, then the premise for my dislike is removed, and everything is fine.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Should I list every major conflict, real and fictional, in which despite full understanding of the imminence of war and a long history of hostility one side was totally unprepared and got rolled over? I won't twist your words into something outlandish and incriminating, like for example you condoning torture if it's committed by 'the underdog' of a conflict. In return, can you please do the same in the future?

I only said that I'm okay with people's awkward and direct attempts at courting, and with them getting frustrated by the failure. Never said that Lieve kissing you after you expressly stated that you aren't interested was okay. However her actions can't be equated with using date rape drugs even if we assume that she does apply the Venom, which game doesn't not recognize. If anything, it's akin to dumping a bunch of fantastic aphrodisiacs (since RL ones won't work that fast or mix with the alcohol) into a drink of your failed date and leaving them confused and aroused. Not something you should do but nowhere near being criminal offence.

It will probably come as a surprise for you, but we have no evidence suggesting that Sierva is addicted, because she doesn't display any of the symptoms (she is anything but dopey) and we know that without exceeding a certain threshold repeated dosages of RMV can be taken and without addiction forming. Mayren surely is addicted to venom but it may just be the result of her unusually strong reaction to it. Speaking of Mayren, Lieve mostly reacted in a way you mentioned to the most airheaded and bimbo-y of her remarks, but even then it never got degrading or dehumanizing.

Now for the main point of contention you have: Lieve deciding not to suppress her venom production and using it on her trench wives.

It can be attributed to her fully embracing the positive view of venom and even the possibility of ab addiction, although to substantiate that we'll need @Savin to chime in and tell us if Lieve would have been okay with getting venomed by PC or someone else, or if she is a hypocrite.

I didn't twist your words. That's what it sounded to me like you were saying. And the golds aren't just 'the underdog' - the events Lieve describes (iirc) are recent - meaning the Golds were backed against a wall and terrified of being wiped out. And yeah, sure, go ahead and list some conflicts where a nation started a war it was unprepared for, and ended up losing ground the entire time. That would seem like an incredible error in judgment, to me.

The game may not recognize that she dosed you with venom for the purpose of venom dosage mechanics, but it still describes you as coming into contact with it. These mechanics also seem much more forgiving for Steele than they are described to be by NPCs (again iirc). And I'm fairly certain dosing another person with any kind of medication or mind-altering substance without their knowledge or consent would be considered a crime.

And they know this. We can infer from Dally's dialogue regarding his own venom addiction that they consider venom dangerous; something to be avoided at all costs. (He suggests his ex-gf avoided tasting his nectar because she thought it would have similar mind-altering properties). Further, I don't think any cases of a red myr being hooked on another red's venom are ever mentioned.
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Aug 27, 2015
And yeah, sure, go ahead and list some conflicts where a nation started a war it was unprepared for and was losing immediately. That would seem like an incredible error in judgment, to me.

I could quote wars purely from the 20th century where that was the case, never mind earlier in human history where people were working from much poorer information. During the Six-Day War and the Falklands War, Egyptian and Argentinian forces respectively acted aggressively, working on the assumption that the other side wouldn't react. They were rapidly turned over when that turned out to be not the case. In the Korean War, NK recklessly threw troops over the border and subsequently got completely destroyed from the air, rendering their land advances inconsequential. Throughout recent history, the US has involved itself in wars that it had the military might to win in the short term, but certainly did not have the foresight to win in the long.

Sabre-rattling and tensions unexpectedly boiling over and escalating have been a feature of war ever since monkeys started attacking other monkeys in the next tree over. In this respect the Gold-Red conflict - in which plenty of people are willing to point fingers and say "they started it!" but how it got going comes across as complicated and multi-layered - is pretty damn realistic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Should I list every major conflict, real and fictional, in which despite full understanding of the imminence of war and a long history of hostility one side was totally unprepared and got rolled over?

I don't think there is really any point in debating who started the war. The game doesn't tell you and I bet it never will. I think that's the point. It's purposely left unknown. 

 like for example you condoning torture if it's committed by 'the underdog' of a conflict.

I don't think the torture was condoned, but it is relevant to point out that they started using torture out of desperation. That doesn't make it right, but making poor decisions when your back is against the wall and you are scared is a lot more understandable than making them when you have no pressing "need" to, like the reds are doing.

If anything, it's akin to dumping a bunch of fantastic aphrodisiacs (since RL ones won't work that fast or mix with the alcohol) into a drink of your failed date and leaving them confused and aroused. Not something you should do but nowhere near being criminal offence.

Are you talking about in RL? Because drugging your dates drink, regardless of whether or not you did anything with them afterwards, I'm pretty sure is completely a criminal offense. 

Tits likely doesn't follow that type of law, but even without the criminal aspect to it, it's still an incredibly shitty thing to do. And I don't think anyone thinks she should go to jail, but she has more than earned the hate that gets shot at her for it. 

Speaking of Mayren, Lieve mostly reacted in a way you mentioned to the most airheaded and bimbo-y of her remarks, but even then it never got degrading or dehumanizing.

The simple act of being a sex slave is degrading and dehumanizing. Her condescension just adds to the insult. 


Aug 26, 2015
You never said that to me.

The O was always canon in as much as it existed in the story bible (and Sera went to a school run by them) - I hate stuff hanging around in a there-not-there limbo, and Darnock felt like a perfect opportunity to give it a small presence. Almost everything in TiTS is crass or on the nose, so I feel little compuncture about using a very hazily defined mega-religion in the same way.

I look forward to your sky magician cult which is like totally better than the one I used.

I didn't say it to you regarding Shep in particular because I never actually read any of Shep's documents during production and thus didn't know you were doing it, but I did say in the big discussion on religion around when Kaizer left about a year ago that I thought using religions that have active worshipers, regardless of what those religions are, was something I didn't approve of.  Especially when the presentation is in a purely negative light, which the One is.  I must admit it does complete the whole historical archetype Shep is about, but on the other hand that just drives the anvil further.

If we are going to use this religion in particular, we might as well acknowledge that it has a billion different sects and gets a new one every time anyone disagrees with an existing one about whether it's okay to eat swiss cheese.  Some of these are more extremist than others, some are more liberal, whether you think that's genuine or just a bid to gain more mainstream acceptance.  I'd like to have one around that's more about allowing the inclusion of things like sexy nuns, less about giving us a chance to get on a soapbox.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I meant 'venomed'. Idiotic auto correct and sausage fingers is a vicious combination.

Ah. In that case, I doubt she'd have any compunction against a kiss for a venomous lover, no. Though I think she would try pretty hard to avoid addiction -- at least until she was in a stable, permanent relationship. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have no idea why it is so, but Lerris is MtF trans as well. Identifies self as "she," in game described as cat-girl, and girly enough for PC to be surprised by the lack of vagina.
Well, then the premise for my dislike is removed, and everything is fine.

This whole discourse leads me to what I've been thinking before, the wiki should differentiate sex and gender. Probably go through with that myself. Only issue is ambiguous character/species like Aliss. She's described with fem pronouns, but does she identify? Same with Nyrea.

To contribute:
L: Syri
D: Badger
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This whole discourse leads me to what I've been thinking before, the wiki should differentiate sex and gender. Probably go through with that myself. Only issue is ambiguous character/species like Aliss. She described with fem pronouns, but does she identify? Same with Nyrea.


I think that it would be inappropriate to apply any gender in such cases. And even in a case of very humanlike Kaithrit males - they naturally look feminine, they can lactate without mods, with specifics of their gender dimorphism "manly" and "womanly" stereotypes are barely appropriate... Trying to forcibly drive them in the frames of two genders would fail miserably.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think that it would be inappropriate to apply any gender in such cases. And even in a case of very humanlike Kaithrit males - they naturally look feminine, they can lactate without mods, with specifics of their gender dimorphism "manly" and "womanly" stereotypes are barely appropriate... Trying to forcibly drive them in the frames of two genders would fail miserably.

And don't forget, they also have naturally occuring hermaphroditism, which makes it even harder.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think that it would be inappropriate to apply any gender in such cases. And even in a case of very humanlike Kaithrit males - they naturally look feminine, they can lactate without mods, with specifics of their gender dimorphism "manly" and "womanly" stereotypes are barely appropriate... Trying to forcibly drive them in the frames of two genders would fail miserably.

If it's explicit, like for Lerris, Syri, and Kaede then there's no issue. As I said, though, the ambiguous ones where we have no frame of reference are the problems. Male nyrea, though they use female pronouns amongst each other, may not identify as such. All we have are Seifyn and Queensguard, both of which interactions are limited, only knowing that Seifyn responds to "father". If identity is to the sex, then gender is also a non-issue. If there's that unknown variable then I think labeling sex alone properly as such would be appropriate.

And don't forget, they also have naturally occuring hermaphroditism, which makes it even harder.

Not really. In this case identification tends to play along with secondary traits. Most of the herms are feminine and identify as such. Alex may or may not identify as male (not gone through his stuff yet, curse you taurism) and is andgrogynously masculine. But this is not a 100% sure-fire method as one could identify as male with feminine looks, vice versa, or identify as neither/both. It all comes down to the characters themselves, not how others perceive them. To be a broken record, sex doesn't equal gender.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

The wiki can, should, and for the most part does, reference the gender pronouns and presentation a character uses to their "gender." If a character is referred to by the PC in-game as "she," then she's a she. Kindly don't go through the entire wiki dicking with pronouns or gender tags; it's annoying to have to mass roll back pages when people do that.

Lerris is kind of an edge case, specifically. As one blog commentor pointed out, she's not really (intended to be) trans per se; more like genderfluid, presenting feminine (and now I sound like I'm from Tumblr).