Save to file?


New Member
Jun 6, 2019
Hi guys, I havnt played this game in a while so I decided to update it. I play on Android and imagine my suprose when I saw that android is now like, archived or something? Thats fine, I don't mind playing in window. But I'm running into an issue. I can't load my old save to file saves in the new windowed version? They're saved as .tits and it says it can only load .jsons or something like that? Can I just edit what they're saved as and run them or will that corrupt my file? Do I have to start over again? I mean with the save editor that isn't like. The end of the world, but I'm pretty far on 6 whole saves and redoing all of that will be a hassle


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
No, you cannot simply rename your old saves. Flash has two functions:
'Export' for save slots (.sol)
'Convert File' for Save to File (.tits) saves
I don't know if the functions work on Android, though. You might be able to post them here for someone to convert.

There are 3 bugs with the conversions I'm aware of:
It deletes (ignores?) your equipped Accessory, so remove it before converting.
Tail genitalia are set to pink human instead of whatever they were before.
Lip rating is decreased (by 1?).

The devs have said they want there to be a downloadable version, but they want it to be more stable first.
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