Sagas of Nysa looking for more!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

We are looking for more players interested in joining our ongoing campaign. We have been using a combined effort of Dungeon World set rules ( and the roll20 platform (for character management and dice roll). The world consists of a high fantasy background with your favorite naughty monsters added for good measure so if you want a good mix of combat, adventure and sexy fun you should most definitely join us!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

We are hoping for up to 2 additional players so we ask that anyone looking to join post a small character concept and what kind of fetishes you're looking for/desperately trying to avoid.

Thanks for your time and let's roll some dice together!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, plenty of questions.

1: Are you looking for replacements for outgoing players, or entirely new characters?
2: What kinds of fetishes are already heavily on display in the RP.
3: What are the character restrictions, in terms of character creation (strictly modest, or all-out?)
4: Will the previously-explored content be explained to a new player, or is this is a case of going though hundreds of posts prior?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
1: We lost two players to real life so we are looking for an extra new character or two to join up, so yes... the characters would be freshly made by the players with a few extra levels to match the current group. We want you to feel free to play what you want to play.

2: Lots of futa, some furry, a few orgies and tentacle beasts!

3: As I said, we want you to play what you want to play. The only restrictions I can thin of is either a neutral or good alignment (or if you're evil, you will have to be very smart and not let it show) and the fact that we already have a ranger/cleric and a druid in the party. I won't say overlapping classes is a no-no but variety is the spice of life, right?

4: Of course we will help the new players catch up to the current content with a few summaries.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1: Alright.

2: Sounds good to me!

3: I've been doing too much ranger anyway, lately. TIME TO FUCK SHIT UP!

4: Well, I'm basically sold. Who do you want me to contact?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Aphroditus Dionysus is our GM and the one who will make the calls. Feel free to message him or just wait for him to contact you as he is going to keep an eye on this thread as well.

If you post a small concept of a character/class here, Ecnalab and I will be able to help you out as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Was thinking of going with a fighter, to add some bulk to the line-up. Speaking of bulk, let's make it something big... something equine. Gotta have some author appeal too, so how about a herm Horsegirl? (More in the dmitrys sense than a full-blown furry) What background, though... Perhaps a dissatisfied guard in a city being passed through, or simply a mercenary out to make good coin. Alignment could be either Neutral or Good, I can do either just fine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
His horse girls are hawt as hell. Right now we are chasing some gnoll slavers, it might be a good idea to have your character be a recent capture of theirs and once freed she might want in a little vengeance. Let's see what Aphro has to say about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Right now, we have an elf druid, and a cow-girl ranger (That's cow-girl, as in part human part cow, not draw pilgrim) who worships Epona the lady of the herds, so she and a horse girl would probably get along swimmingly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sounds nice, guess I'll just wait for the boss-man to come along. Since I'll hopefully be jumping in in the middle of everything, would it be best if I do any backstory on the fly, so as to not conflict with anything?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
It would probably be best to work with Aphro on your character's backstory. Despite how long we've been playing, we actually still know next to nothing about the state of the world around us as we sort of hunkered down in the first village we came across.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
They don't really have a particular time as far as I can tell. Best bet would probably be to PM them, and wait for them to get back to you. Don't worry though, I don't think things will progress in the game much further until this is sorted out; we really are at the best place to introduce a new character.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
I'd also would be interested in participating the only issue from me is the simple fact that i'm not exactly familiar with dungeon world but I've played versions similar to it. (Wizard World for example) Roll 20 on the other hand I am very familiar with and have been currently using the site for a while now. When it comes to classes I usually like to play the "Sneaky Breaky" type of classes so I guess i'd lean towards a Thief like class, I haven't really decided on what race and what not to play but I have a couple of ideas. (A couple of simple backstory ideas as well) All in all though I want to get a feel for the world generally and come up with ideas on how I could fit into all of it...if you'll have me of course haha!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The short version of the world's history is that it started out as a normal fantasy world; all the classic fantasy races and monsters that we all know and love. Then about ten years ago, an event that Aphro calls 'The Fuckening' (I really wish he'd cook up a better name for it) was caused by a crazy archmage and the world was twisted into a perverted version of itself. A few people managed to take shelter in an old keep and ride out the storm; that's where my character is from. Unfortunately, that keep was recently ransacked by raiders who took over and enslaved most of the residents. My character and a few others managed to escape and take refuge in a nearby village of tanooki.

So, yeah, we don't really know a whole lot about the world yet. That's why you'll probably have to work with Aphro to cook up a backstory for your characters.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"The Fuckening"?
Why not call it The Twisted Storm?
The Lustaclysm!
Or...I'm out of names lol. :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
I did I was gonna make my character a feminine male or something along those lines. Body type of that of a well formed girl just with a bare chest and a package though it's still up for debate to be honest.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Ohhh fun, well pm me a some character details for a level 3 theif and a rough bio and we can see about getting you on the roll20 page.
Here is the dungeon world SRD if you are familiar with any of the powered by the apocalypse games this should come rather easy. Feel free to PM me with any questions.