"Flame and ash!" Agatha cursed out loud the moment the blade bent to complete uselessness. He thought for certain this would work, if not by resulting in numerous pits than at least one or two. He flopped on his ass with a heavy sigh, raising the shovel and looking at it with contempt in his eyes. Agatha could tell that though his mastery of the flame was adequate, his mastery over metal was sub-par. Perhaps all that time with the blacksmith when he first arrived at the village should've been spent on metallurgy as opposed to offering to reignite the forge.
He stood, knowing he had to go tell the smith about this failure. Upon reentering the village he saw that Alex's preaching had the opposite effect. Several Tenuki that he passed cursed her under their breath and were shaking with fear. He wondered if fleeing was still something that his party would finally agree to. Tori was right to remind him that Gnolls were determined hunters but certainly some trickery or exceptional cleverness on the party's part could offer the village a half descent get away.
He stepped into the black smith and broke the bad news, showing the shovel for proof. "Damn it man!" The Tenuki bellowed in his black smith's voice. Agatha couldn't help but flinch back hard. "When the crop season comes we'll be short!" The large Tenuki paced back and forth in his workshop. He suddenly stopped and look Agatha up and down. "You're going to repay me," he said in a dangerously calm voice. "When the time comes to plant crops you're," he pointed a meaty finger at the Immolator, "going to use those flame hands of yours to help turn out tools and weapons for the village with me."
Agatha was stunned for a minute. With the frustration the Blacksmith showed in that split second the human was sure his neck was about to be snapped. He was a slim short man and the blacksmith was completely opposite from his own years of working the forge and he probably had the speed to match it. Thankful for his luck Agatha said "O-okay!" "Yes," the smith butted in, "we'll make a right blacksmith out of you yet. And put some damn muscles on those bones!"
They both smiled at this and Agatha remembered their situation. "Gordon, what do you think about all this stuff with the Gnolls? Do you have any advise for my party and the villagers? We could use it."
[The blacksmith's name was Gordon right?]
[Should I roll discern realities here for my questions?]