Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Or, maybe we've been thinking about this all wrong from the beginning," Tori stated. "All this time we've been wondering what we can do to take down the main force of the gnolls, but what if we were to take them out in bites? Yes taking on a war-party of two hundred gnolls with just the six of us might seem impossible, but what about twenty? Sounds a bit more manageable, doesn't it?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"We still have to separate them in bite-sized chunks. It's an interesting prospect though and one we could certainly pursue but the point stands... how do we divide them?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"How do you get the attention of any predator? You show it something that looks easy to kill," said Tori. "If those gnolls see a person that looks hurt, of desperate, near the edge of there camp, then I will bet you any amount of money that at least a few of them will give chase. And when those few don't come back, a few more will be sent out to look for them. And when those few don't come back... well, then they'll realize that something is wrong and hunting parties will be sent out to scour the wood, thus spreading their force thinner, and providing multiple targets."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"But can we really risk the weak for bait just so we d-dwindle their numbers?" Asher asks as he approaches the two having following them inside wanting to speak his thoughts on the matter. "If you were to ask me I think it'd be outta the question there are too many scenarios where I see the villagers getting killed or even worse." He lowers his ears realizing his sounding a bit like a broken record "But you guys already know this...sorry..its just not that I run this in my head I can't get the thought of innocent lives being taken...that shouldn't happen...we should just run!" Asher says stuttering a bit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
When they returned to the village Agatha split from the group to do some investigating of his own. The idea of setting traps appealed to him and he would investigate the surrounding area to figure out how best to make this happen. Investigating several plots of soil through the adjacent forest, Agatha was coming to the idea that pits could indeed be made and rather quickly. The soil had been hardened due to the constantly accompanying cold but not too much to impede digging. Looking up from his examination of the soil to the trees he also wagered that several trees could be strategically felled to give the village an advantage.

When he was finished his scouring of the nearby area he returned to the village and made his way to the elder's dwelling place. When he entered the place he was not surprised to see some of the party already there. When he had entered it was just as Asher was proposing they flee. The idea he had put on the back burner, Tilde's mentioning of a second cave, had come to the forefront of his thoughts. He still saw the danger in going exploring of a possibly far flung cave and still did not voice his opinion on it. Instead, the Immolator voiced the underlying reason he wanted to go to the cave. "Asher has a fair point," he began, "what chance do we have against a war party? None of us are renowned Generals of any kind. We must accept our fate and flee." He waited for responses as he took a seat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"You can't just run from gnolls!" spat Tori. "Assuming we manage to get the village mobile before they attack, they will pick up the trail and will not drop it until they have picked off at least half the villagers," she continued, trying to compose herself. "And as for baiting the gnolls out, who said anything about using the villagers?" she asked, eyeing Asher up and down.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The elf smiled catching on to Tori's plan. "She has a point... you would make for a fine damn morsel, sir Cutie. If anyone here would play a great bait it would be you... all we need is to get you on some female clothes." A vicious grin overtook the druid's face making it obvious her suggestion might be anything but altruist.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"F-female clothes? I-I get the idea of playing bait but I don't see why I'd haft to dress like a g-girl.." Asher said frowning a little not liking the idea of playing bait to a bunch of gnolls very fun, but he put that aside and nodded to himself "B-but if you think it best then i'll do whatever I can!" Asher said gripping his hands together to warm them some.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tori gave Kae a playful shove. "No, Asher, we wouldn't need you to put on a dress. I doubt they would be able to resist the sight of a tasty little mouse as is," she added with a smirk. "Now, as for good places to set ambushes, there's a large gully not far from the camp that would serve quite nicely. If you can lead the gnolls into it, then the rest of us come at them from both sides with the advantage of the high ground."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"Well getting the attention of some gnolls shouldn't be much of an issue...but do you think the gnolls will come looking for their missing men especially during their attack we'd haft to get a fair amount of them to come after me if we want the attention of another least that's what I would think.." Asher says his bunny ears twitching a tab bit as he scratches it outta habit as he thinks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"If it doesn't look like many of them are taking interest, then just fire an arrow into their midst. That will get their attention," said Tori.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Outside, Alexandra is trying to whip up the villagers with fiery speeches, telling them what unimaginable horrors will be inflicted upon them should they choose the coward's way out. That if they don't all hold fast, it will end up being a complete and utter slaughter. There is no escape, only perseverance! It does get quite loud, and the people inside the tent ought to be able to hear her.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Asher rubs his chin in thought and nods "Well I better find myself a bow of some kind..i'm sure someone would be willing to spare one..or maybe I could purchase one...somehow.." Asher said thinking before his bunny ears twitched from the yelling outside he could make out Alex's voice it seemed she was trying to bolster the villagers for what is to come. "I'm gonna go ahead and head out there's much to be done...maybe helping Alex out should be a start nothing will be done if the village isn't behind us one hundred percent." He says excusing himself before heading out of the tent to head to the source of the noise where he would find most of the village folk and Alex.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
He couldn't very well just leave this group he had joined and decided to be proactive. He announced that he'd be going into the surrounding forest and left the elder's dwelling. He monitored the citizenry moving here and there as Alex's voice had its affects. Eventually the Immolator made it to the Blacksmith he had helped many days prior. He inquired the blacksmith about a shovel and asked to take some ash from the smithy itself. The first request was easily fulfilled with some rummaging through his things, but the second got Agatha a strange look. "It's for helping me dig," was all Agatha said before taking the shovel with thanks and taking a healthy ember from the smithy in a hollow metal ball the blacksmith offered.

Agatha was eventually in the surrounding forest again with his shovel on the ground and the hollow sphere next to it, its top open. He waved his hand over the ember and with some concentration it burned more brightly before as a small slither of flame stretched from it. With this done, Agatha took the shovel and bathed it in the flames. He figured the hardness of the soil would be small work with a heated shovel tip. As he took the shovel from the flame it died down and he made a mental note to get some parchment later to mark out for the group what would hopefully be a number of pits he planned on digging. With some help with covering he had hoped they would make decent traps.

[Rolled 10 for move "Zuko Style"]

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
Alex and Asher_______________________
Alex's attempts to steel their resolve did nearly quite the opposite, The villagers began to stir into a panicked frenzy.
"What?! what do you mean we'll all likely be slain?"
"I thought we we going to flee!"
"What do you mean stay and fight? were no warriors!"
"What news did Tori bring from the east? is it truly so grim?"

The commotion and rabble grew as Judas stepped forth to address Alex,
"Alex what the fuck are you talking about? these people hardly have enough sickles and timber axes to rub together much less the training and moral of a fighting force, What happened to the plan for the exodus?"

Agatha's command of the flame was exemplary and soon the metal of the shovel's blade was glowing red hot, however as he went to strike the earth the now soft metal of the blade bent and warped as it hit the cold hard autumn ground with a sizzle. In short order he made a once handy tool near useless and failed to produce an appreciable relocation of soil, despite his enthusiasm for digging.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Nothing happened to the plan, but Kaelys found that a second gnoll force was amassing with naga reinforcements, and that they're going for another attack on the village. The others are trying to figure out what to do..."


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
"Flame and ash!" Agatha cursed out loud the moment the blade bent to complete uselessness. He thought for certain this would work, if not by resulting in numerous pits than at least one or two. He flopped on his ass with a heavy sigh, raising the shovel and looking at it with contempt in his eyes. Agatha could tell that though his mastery of the flame was adequate, his mastery over metal was sub-par. Perhaps all that time with the blacksmith when he first arrived at the village should've been spent on metallurgy as opposed to offering to reignite the forge.

He stood, knowing he had to go tell the smith about this failure. Upon reentering the village he saw that Alex's preaching had the opposite effect. Several Tenuki that he passed cursed her under their breath and were shaking with fear. He wondered if fleeing was still something that his party would finally agree to. Tori was right to remind him that Gnolls were determined hunters but certainly some trickery or exceptional cleverness on the party's part could offer the village a half descent get away.

He stepped into the black smith and broke the bad news, showing the shovel for proof. "Damn it man!" The Tenuki bellowed in his black smith's voice. Agatha couldn't help but flinch back hard. "When the crop season comes we'll be short!" The large Tenuki paced back and forth in his workshop. He suddenly stopped and look Agatha up and down. "You're going to repay me," he said in a dangerously calm voice. "When the time comes to plant crops you're," he pointed a meaty finger at the Immolator, "going to use those flame hands of yours to help turn out tools and weapons for the village with me."

Agatha was stunned for a minute. With the frustration the Blacksmith showed in that split second the human was sure his neck was about to be snapped. He was a slim short man and the blacksmith was completely opposite from his own years of working the forge and he probably had the speed to match it. Thankful for his luck Agatha said "O-okay!" "Yes," the smith butted in, "we'll make a right blacksmith out of you yet. And put some damn muscles on those bones!"

They both smiled at this and Agatha remembered their situation. "Gordon, what do you think about all this stuff with the Gnolls? Do you have any advise for my party and the villagers? We could use it."

[The blacksmith's name was Gordon right?]
[Should I roll discern realities here for my questions?]


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Asher shrunk as he made his way toward Alex and the villagers, it had seemed that the people were beginning to panic which worried Asher he looked around for an answer before swallowing and standing next to Alex and taking a deep breath as if preparing himself to shout. Once he had mentally prepared himself he spoke "Tanuki Village please calm down!" Asher called for a moment letting his shout sit with the folks before he waited a moment for a general lull once he had found it he had begun to speak. "I know your scared I wouldn't exactly be truthful if I said I had my worries as well...but the quickest way to utter defeat is the panic of the general public we most all find ourselves for a moment as hold on to that sliver of hope that still remains." Asher paused for a moment his mind racing as he tried to calm the populace as he cleared his throat to speak again "Now our number one priority with these situations has always been the people and trust me when I say this but fleeing just won't make the gnolls vanish...they have great noses...and if they're driven enough they will come after us possibly hunting us for a long time...but it doesn't haft to be this way!" Asher called balling his fist getting into his things letting worry wash off him so he could speak with just a bit more pride. "Alex myself and many others have been working on a plan to deal with the gnolls for good, one thing that we all know about predators is that they always go for the weak...but this village isn't weak...I knew that when you all accepted me within this community, you lot could of kicked me to the curb if you wanted to but you didn't you helped me get on my feet that there shows just how much strength you all have." He pauses again gathering his thoughts before speaking again "Now it's my chance to show you all how much I appreciate you all...I can promise you all this right now that none of you will be harmed by the gnolls...that'll be my job to take them on and among others to the adults of our village I ask you...look at your families for a moment and think about how much they mean to you...what your willing to do for them to those who have the grit and courage I ask you to take up arms and defend those you care about most, I promise you if you are at our side during this scrimmage then we won't fail...we cant." Asher said giving a slight smile before speaking one last time to finish "Those gnolls aren't nothing but a bunch of bullies all we gotta do is bare our teeth and show them they we aren't prey but a force to be reckoned but you haft to believe you are first...we aren't cowards we are survivors and coming soon we will all be relinquished of a threat and move on to a brighter future!" Asher said exhaling feeling good about his little speech but a bit worried if he didn't get through to anyone.

[Dunno if speeches require a roll but tell me if I am needed for one...I dunno if being The Bunny Knight of Tanuki Village helps but i'll take what I can get!]


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
As the tumult began to rise in the square, Kae too left the Elder's house in time for Asher's heart felt speech. His words resounding with her, both of them having been accepted by the villagers like they were family. She let a sharp whistle ring out loud before she clapped trying to sway to villager's mood for a more hopeful one. They would need the morale if they were to live through the attack.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[Discern realities is more for figuring stuff out about the scene or environment. His name is Gordon and RP is just fine.]

[Their possessions are few, and they have been living in fear for the past month. Motivating them to move should not be difficult.]

"Well I reckon we need to plant our roots somewhere safe, but also where we have room to grow. Without a proper militia we need someone who will agree to protect us, but we also don't want to get a raw deal. I think we need to either form or follow some kind of coalition. Something we can contribute to, but also benefit from. We're no warriors, but we are a proud, hard-working people. Surely there must be some place out there for us."
Gordon said matter of factly.

Aphroditus Dionysus

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2016
[That was a fine speach, you don't need to roll for it either, your clout and words were good enough]

As the din of the crowd started to die down Judas stepped in close to address Asher

"Well that's a lovely epitaph and all, but what is this plan of yours? You gonna slay a wholetter army by yourself there rabbit knight?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Asher ears lowered as he spoke within a low tone with Judas "We have a couple of options..I wouldn't want speak on them just yet...we must speak the elder and really come to a close on what were doing...were short on time and need to take action and soon..for everyone's sake." Asher says nodding towards Alex and then towards Kae. "Judas how familiar are you with traps?" Asher asked curiously.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Agatha nodded in understanding to Gordon. The Immolator understood pretty quickly what the Tenuki was saying, that the village needed some place that would offer them freedom and security. Agatha went through a number of options, like a trade caravan. The caravans often traveled in large groups and had armed guards as their watchful bulwarks. The caravans did have a habit of splitting apart however, when destinations were reached like a capital city.

That habit would see the Tenuki group split apart by members wanting to go their own way, or assimilated into a large city. Agatha reasoned the caravan option would leave the village without their sovereignty at the end in any scenario, however safe. And besides that Agatha had to abandon the thought because since his time of being in the village their were no caravans. He nodded to Gordon and walked outside to the party.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
He just smiles "None taken...what I meant was something like pits and such..not too hard to pull off were gonna most likely need them so it might be something to do.." He looks around for a moment before excusing himself from Judas "There's work to be done but we need to know exactly what were doing first If you'll excuse me Judas" Asher says sliding past making hid way towards the Eldar's quarters expecting the others to eventually come suit aswell.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Smiling at Asher's successful motivational speech she followed behind the bunny boy. "It's good that their morale seem to have improved, we will need them motivated if they are to leave their home soon. We should ask the elder to warn them to get ready to leave as soon as we settle on a plan."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"Right I agree completely I just hope our efforts in slowing them down in their escape will be successful...have we made any effort of finding a location for the village to migrate to?" Asher asked curiously, he was sure he heard word about this earlier at some point but with all that's going on it must of slipped the mind of the young bunny boy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Asher nods to her words until they finally arrive back at the elder's place he gives a strong knock so he can hear "Elder are you home? We've brought news that requires your attention!" Asher calls out in hopes that he would hear.