Rusher follower + Ship, Idea sharing + questions


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I'm writing a character who is partly related to NPCs already in the game. I'm in the process of asking for approval from the specified 'Owners' of these characters, and because I know that the owner of a character isn't necessarily the person whose name is on their scenes I'm going to go ahead and list them here and if you can tell me who to PM or how to reach whoever it is that would be awesome. I'll contact them privately. Please check and see if someone has already said where I can contact any specific person, don't want to get the same reply six times.

Dr. Lash

Now, beyond that this is also an Idea Sharing thread if you have ideas for one of the following things, whether that idea be how to implement them or special/quirky things about them, and you want me to try and put them in what I'm writing. Also if you know any specific rules about said things tell me(Like if new ships aren't allowed to be written, or if new ships have to have like a crew member limit or something.) I have my own ideas and there are things I absolutely won't do, but I can definitely handle sorting through your requests for these things.

A Rusher NPC who will become a follower after you encounter them.
A New Ship that originally belonged to said Rusher NPC that will become yours after recruitment.
A way to make said NPC special aside from the ship(Since there will probably be OTHER, even BETTER ships too, looking at you Couch-god.[This means like the shop with Anno, or Celise's cum production bonuses, the Graygoo's Armor, or beloved Bess's many forms. I like Reaha and her story is relatable insofar as she went into debt trying to become beautiful, but I want to make someone who seems useful. I have an idea that I'd like to hold close and secret, but a better idea could be cool if anyone can think of one.])

Keep in mind that what I'm doing here is asking what you want me to write and submit to hopefully be approved and put into the game. You don't have to post here and can instead PM me anything if you would rather. Keep in mind my last attempt at getting something put into the game was a catmorph in CoC, who you would get pregnant and she would eat the litter when it was born. She was very sweet but also a cannibal. It was rejected. I am now far less crazy than I was as a teenager, and will be writing something far more tame. Although not exactly tame, still.

Please, by all means, troll if you want to. Even giving a dumb idea on purpose could help me, or giving an idea for something that is probably impossible to do, like 'Play as [Rushergirl] instead of [PC]' like that april fool's joke with Kiro would be cool, literally anything MIGHT light the brainburners in my thinkpan. As long as it relates to this topic at all, shoot me space cowboy.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Most of us have ideas like this.  Some of us have put these ideas on the forum.  If you want to really give this idea the chance you want it to have, try seting up a google doc with a outline (with proper punctuation) that goes through all aspects of the idea.  You don't need to write the scenes yourself, just give people a detailed idea and if a writer gets inspired, they might ask to undergo the project and make it submission worthy. 

I has my own ideas for a lizan transform/follower, but i'm keeping it under wraps until i have something really nice looking to present the community.  If it cannot inspire some writer somewhere, it will never become a thing. 
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Most of us have ideas like this.  Some of us have put these ideas on the forum.  If you want to really give this idea the chance you want it to have, try seting up a google doc with a outline (with proper punctuation) that goes through all aspects of the idea.  You don't need to write the scenes yourself, just give people a detailed idea and if a writer gets inspired, they might ask to undergo the project and make it submission worthy. 

I put this here in the way I did because I don't want to have someone else undergo the project and make it submission worthy. I already have a mid-flight encounter similar to Saendra's and Kiro's written, fully. I also already have partially written(Nearing 30K words) separate pseudo encounters that involve Lash, Colenso, and Burt.

I wanted to help others who are looking to make say, a Deer-morph into a character.

Nothing I've written describes the character as the ship you enter in mid-flight is nearly pitch black, and the other bits barely mention their name so far. I have a lot planned for the character but not enough, and probably not at the best quality it could be.

However I'm not willing at all to hand off. I'm only looking for what is advertised in OP and nothing else.

I'm also too crazy paranoid to let other people see my work before it's finished, since some things I have planned are probably innovative and I'd like to be the first to release them. I already have an editor and two others whose jobs on the project are ambiguous but necessary.

I ramble a lot so this became far longer than necessary.

In Short: That ain't what I want.