Ruined Franchises


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
Fallout. I started with 2, loved it, went and played 1, loved it just as much, played 3 when it came out, thought it was okay even though the story felt like BoS fan fiction, loved the hell out out of NV, and then when 4 came out it became clear they didn't care about the continuity or established lore, and finally 76 was just an outright middle finger to the lore of 1-NV. On top of that, Bethesda's PR clearly has no respect for old fans who aren't happy about inconsistencies and sweeping retcons.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
One thing I've learned as I've gotten older is that companies don't give a crap about their veteran markets.
All they have to do is appeal to the younger demographics, who will pester their parents to get the latest game for them. In their mind, they can go "screw you" to the veterans, because they know pester power is going to make them a lot more money.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One thing I've learned as I've gotten older is that companies don't give a crap about their veteran markets.
All they have to do is appeal to the younger demographics, who will pester their parents to get the latest game for them. In their mind, they can go "screw you" to the veterans, because they know pester power is going to make them a lot more money.
Doesn't feel like it. They big effort nowadays seems to come from pushing microtransactions into everything and that seems like it would focus on older, more wealthy individuals with less time on their hands. Pester money isn't going to get you that 9.99$ skin.

But yeah veterans are getting pissed off because I don't think AAA companies really know anymore how to make good games. Like a handfull still do but the number of massive flops and failures seems to have grown incredibly over the years. Even "safe" companies can't really be trusted to put out a quality work.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Doesn't feel like it. They big effort nowadays seems to come from pushing microtransactions into everything and that seems like it would focus on older, more wealthy individuals with less time on their hands. Pester money isn't going to get you that 9.99$ skin.

But yeah veterans are getting pissed off because I don't think AAA companies really know anymore how to make good games. Like a handfull still do but the number of massive flops and failures seems to have grown incredibly over the years. Even "safe" companies can't really be trusted to put out a quality work.
You've obviously not seen all the things about children spending $3000 or some insane crap on microtransactions. It's stolen credit cards frequently, but it's still children doing it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Doesn't feel like it. They big effort nowadays seems to come from pushing microtransactions into everything and that seems like it would focus on older, more wealthy individuals with less time on their hands. Pester money isn't going to get you that 9.99$ skin.
While it isn't quite the same, I've seen this type of action with Games Workshop's own systems.

Theoretically, the main cash cow for video gamers or wargamers should be the veteran players, that's where the bulk of their money should be coming from. Only, that isn't the case. A veteran player will probably look at a new game and go "Yeah, I want to play that", they can be more reserved with regards to microtransactions - "I could get 1000 tokens for €20, but that just seems a little much". Whereas a kid isn't going to have that control or that reservation. Companies know that and they capitalise on that.

Hopping over to wargaming, I've seen the likes of Games Workshop bring out a huge monstrosity of a beast/vehicle and their marketing is pretty much "HEY! YOU! YES YOU! YOU NEED THIS UNIT! YOU'LL TOTALLY WIN EVERY GAME WITH THIS!". I've also seen veteran players point out exactly why its useless and what would best counter the latest flashy thing. "Oh, you paid €100 that super heavy tank? 5 man squad armed with lascannons and multimeltas take it out by turn two. €36."

Back to gaming, veteran players know that microtransactions are pretty much pointless and dumb luck, while dlc will invariably come down in price during the next sale. Companies know that and hate that. Its easier for them to target kids and by extension their parents. Seriously, I've seen pester power in action, I've seen parents buy overpriced crap for their "little darlings", if only to get them to shut up. €10 for a skin is nothing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'd like to know where you get your revenue data from becasue I haven't been able to find anything sorted by age.

I also don't have any experience with wargaming so I can only talk about gamers and gamer culture in general. But from what I've seen I have some serious doubts about the thriftiness of most veteran gamers.

At the very keast, I'm glad you at least know some responsible adults.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I hate seeing people who pay money for premade crap instead of learning the systems and actually building a good whatever. Or people who just use other people's builds they found online for whatever.
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May 9, 2019
if you haven't been keeping track of the months long trainwreck that is fallout 76 then this video does a pretty good job of summing the whole thing up!