
Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023
Alright, guys, news time... Basically, I think most of the content is done, with the exception of the new NPC, the side quest and the content of our kiddos, Erick and Jasmyn. Today, I don't have much to say, other than that this week I want to complete the remaining content, and next week we will have our polishing and testing timing.

But again, without wanting to promise deadlines... The pregnancy storylines are massive, given the enormous amount of content I put into it. It's the only worthy way to create pregnancy content, I would say. To date, I've played very few games that do this properly, and this was one of the great inspirations that inspired me to start L&C.

Hah, sorry, I'm a little distracted thinking about what Astana and Agatha's threesone line will be like... I want to do it ASAP... It's very beautiful and sweet to think about having two Gnoll goddesses, lots of claws and scratches. xD

Ver 0.3.17 Roadmap
  • Agatha Pregnancy Intro Events/Dialogues (Done)
  • Dates Variants For Preggo (Done)
  • Birth Events/Motherly Events (Done)
  • Our Kiddos Events/Wholesome Spendtime (Ongoing)
  • Sexy Events At Bed (All done!)
  • -Cowgirl
  • -Missionary
  • -Sex system (Some lact/preggo flavor)
  • -Foot Massage
  • -Blowjob
  • -Face-Sitting
  • -Morning Warm Cowgirl
  • Bathing Events (All done!)
  • -Special Preggo Spendtime
  • -Taste the Cherry
  • -DoggyBath
  • -Bath Boobjob
  • Lisbeth Thighjob (Preggo and non-preggo) (Done)
  • New trader character for Garakh, new side quest, investments, and several new items (Ongoing)
  • Plus 8 new items to complement the game (Ongoing... That's up to Anshiin...)
Hehe, here are some peeks for you... Our sweet Lisbeth in a special and mysterious massage. Keep your thoughts for now... And our new family. Agatha and her kiddos, Erick and Jasmyn.



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023
Anniversary release, guys! L&C is now 3 years old!

With 0.3.17 being released to patrons, 0.3.16b goes public for everyone.

Version 0.3.16b is public for everyone.

Public link -
Itch -

Version 0.3.17 for supporters.
Link -
Cheaty code -
Extra scenes code -
Gallery code -



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023
It's news time, guys... Alright, we're now officially on 0.4.0. In this release line, our focus will be on Ravenna, the entire Ravenna region, I mean. We'll have foxes, a new race. We'll have new quests and events, story stuff, interactions with the royal family, and interesting expansions for Naomi and Durya.

First, we're reworking Naomi, paving the way for expanding her storyline. What you need to know in a nutshell... Naomi is one of our cutest girls and has been requested a lot. So she'll become a follower, eventually... A Lady of noble blood in Skystone.

But not for now, only when Ravenna is more complete. But anyway, Naomi will be the focus of our update... So, expect a noble lady flavor soon, and other stuff too.

Ver 0.4.0 Roadmap
  • - Naomi's changes and expansion
  • New events, dialogues, new location and routine
  • Palace workin events (cute...)
  • 3 new sexy events
  • Event for her and her family (Kristan's introduction to her family)
  • Preparations to take her to Skystone, soonish...
  • - Rohar side-quest (increase his investments/shares)
  • - Added Lords' meeting event
  • - Dialogues with the king, queen, and something with the royal family
  • - New blacksmith and alchemist in Ravenna!
  • This includes new items too... Ahem, I need to decide how this will be. 8-16 items, for sure. - Family event for Luna and her kiddos... Of course...
  • - Lisbeth & Renee
  • Lisbeth - Sidesex (New pose... I liked dat...)
  • Lisbeth and Renee Threesome - Wet Doggystyle...
  • - Some new motherly dialogues for the moms

Weekly Post -
Itch Post (Public) -
Art Peek -

And some little artistic peeks... Cuteness and hotness. First, our family... Luna and her kiddos will be on my to-do list, a little rework of Dyanna too. And then, a little more color for Gharol... She deserves it.


The work doesn't stop, it hasn't stopped during the entire 3 years of development of the game, and it won't stop until it's complete. Wish you a peaceful week, guys. o/


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023
Guys, a quick word... The news is what you're used to from our pace. The content for the release is complete, and now it needs to be polished and tested, and that takes a few days. My life has been busy the last few weeks, sorry. But I never give up... Ever.

Naomi is the main star of this release, but there's more to come. Lots of content and sweet family dialogues, as we all like. Some other sweet content for our other girls...

I don't want this to take longer than the last day of the month, but I also don't want to rush the testing phase... Ugh, alright... Let's see where time takes us. But now, the log of done things.

Ver 0.4.0 Content
  • Naomi's changes and expansion
  • New events, dialogues, new location and routine
  • Palace workin events
  • 3 new sexy events
  • Preparations to take her to Skystone, soonish...
  • Rohar side-quest
  • Added Lords' meeting event
  • Sweet Event... If you have Evelyn and Ellaryel romance! (Foot massage)
  • Intro to our next story mission
  • Dialogues with the king, queen, and something with the royal family
  • New blacksmith and alchemist in Ravenna!
  • This includes new items too... Ahem, I need to decide how this will be. 8-16 items, for sure. - Family event for Luna and her kiddos... Of course...
  • Lisbeth & Renee
  • Lisbeth - Sidesex (New pose)
  • Lisbeth and Renee Threesome - Wet Doggystyle...
  • Some new motherly dialogues for the moms
And some art peeks... Especially since we have our new logo now.

Weekly Post -
Itch Post (Public) -
Art Peek -



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023
Alright this post is a couple of days late. I wanted to finish half of the content I planned before doing this... Kinda, it's halfway done so far. Sorry, I have a habit of wanting to be able to show things in posts/devlogs. Devlogs that show more than just "I will do...", I prefer the "I will do it, but I did it!" dynamic. I think you know me well enough at this point to know.

Anyway, since we did two polls last week, you can imagine the result. People chose Durya, a complete rework of our hunter. Not just that, something deeper, I mean... Rework, expansion, and the door will be opened for something more in the future.

I talked a lot with Anshiin about this, and I think the rework will be more extensive than I had thought. Previously, Durya was a Black Axes hunter, but she will get a lot of light in the next build.

But that's not all. I'm planning something different for v0.4.1... A friendship storyline for Ruby. Our daughter will have a friend, guys. Vivien, a girl from Ardass with a bit of a rough past. I want to start writing this soon, but I've made a sweet script for it all. I mean, it'll be a sweet story, but at the same time sad, in its form... You'll see.

Plans for v0.4.1
- Durya complete rework
- New Intro/background
- New routine/dialogues/home map
- New jobbing dialogues/events
- New mission for Ravenna (Durya related)
- New date events (With variations)
- Special Family Meeting (Long and special event...)
- New sex events
- First Thighjob (Unique)
- First Missionary (Unique)
- Taste the Cherry
- Foot Massage
- Thighjob
- Missionary
- Spooning
- Cowgirl
- Sex System (Unique variations)
- Bath events
- Wet Doggystyle
- Spending Time Together
  • Ruby and Vivien friendship storyline (Extremely sweet... Prepare for diabetes.)
  • Dialogues with the royal family in Ravenna (Done...)

And of course, Anshiin was left behind.


Some teasings/peeks for you, Durya and Astana... Hope you enjoy ~


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023
Hey guys, news time... This post was a little late, I was a little distracted these days with something special. Basically, we have a new storyline for Ruby... A new friendship line. Ruby and Vivien! Basically, I'm excited about this... Along with this new storyline, we have events, a little new routine for Ruby and Vivien in Skystone, new dialogues, and a new perspective.

I think this will be cool... Being able to see what happens to Lisbeth, Ruby, Lauryn and Nathan, for example. Being able to see things like what happens to Gharol after her husband finds out about her betrayal, how her home is and everything.

But of course, the main focus of this release was also: Durya rework and expansion. Durya has been expanded, with new routine, new dialogues, new dates, new events, new dynamics. And of course, a totally new appearance too.

Ver 0.4.1 Content
- Durya complete rework (All done...)
- New Intro/background
- New routine/dialogues/home map
- New jobbing dialogues/events
- New mission for Ravenna
- New date events
- Special Family Meeting
- New sex events (All done...)
- First Thighjob
- First Missionary
- Taste the Cherry
- Foot Massage
- Thighjob
- Missionary
- Spooning
- Cowgirl
- Sex System (Sweetly done!)
- Bath events (All done...)
- Wet Thighjob (I couldn't resist...)
- Spending Time Together
- Ruby and Vivien friendship storyline (All done too...)
- Ruby & Vivien's Routine at Skystone
- Ruby New Event - Shpping Together (Unique and repeatable)
- Vivien's Intro Event
- First Meeting at Skystone
- Sleepover at Vivien's house
  • Lauryn and Nathan - Spending Time Together (Lovely...)
  • Dialogues with the royal family in Ravenna (Done...)

And just to show what Anshiin has been up to these past few days... Some sweet art peeks.


I think now the next post will surely be the release. I just need to finish testing and polishing this whole text, guys... So, I ask for a little more patience, pls. It will be soon...


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023
Hey guys, sorry for the delay, but here's the devlog with some news... Basically, it's time to continue with the Ravenna region, and fill Redhill City with content. That means... Vixens and Foxxo girls. I admit, life and inescapable tasks have been kicking my ass these days, but never enough to stop me.

One of the things I've been waiting for to add... Finally. Our first Foxxo girl, Kira. But there's a lot more stuff... Quests, events, dialogues, expansions and renewals of old stuff, skilltree, new perks...

Ver 0.4.2 To-Do-List
  • Kira Storyline
    • Redhill Intro Mission (Rekindling Redhill)
      • Long mission with 3 major parts
      • Variations to Kira
      • Special dining event with 3 scenes
      • First cunnilingus
      • First missionary position
      • First nightly cowgirl position
      • Redhill and family introduction
    • Kira's Routine/Dates/Dialogues
    • Date Events with Variations
    • New Events
      • Cunnilingus
      • Needy blowjob
      • Wild foot massage
  • Redhill City
    • Maps and descriptions
    • Add events/starting characters
    • Training/Battle circle
    • Redhill outskirts NPCs (hostile and passive encounters)
  • Expanded and Improved Skilltree (New Skills, Layout, and Perks)
  • New Skystone Place: Yaket Tower!
    • One of the lordships, will provide you with income
    • Upgrades available with Khae
    • Introduction Events
      • Maps and routine
  • Barbara Storyline
    • Barbara, new captain of the guard at Yaket Tower
    • Barbara is a new character; she's a tough captain who will live in Skystone
    • Going out events
    • Routine and dialogues (she is closely related to Yaket Tower...)
  • Sweeping Skystone Quest (Barbara Related)
    • A mission for Barbara where she organizes soldiers to clear the Skystone region
    • This means no more hostile encounters in Skystone Forest after that
    • Training events with her and Gael
  • New Event Variations/Dialogues for All Missions Reflecting Kristan's Skills
  • New Skill/Training Events for Evelyn and Ellaryel
    • Related to skills/perks
    • These events now also grant a perk point

For now, half of this is done. I need to continue completing the Redhill content, and the other half of Kira's routine. Some other minor things... I think it will be another week of this. We'll see... And now, enjoy some colorful peeks.


Weekly Post -
Itch Post (Public) -
Art Peek -


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2023