[RPG] [Patreon] Daughter of Essence (New Content Update!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
I played a good deal of the public build a while ago and while I would like to check up on the many updates I've missed it seems I must start from scratch. Is there any way to inflate stats or add in gold/gear so I can zip through content I have already done?

You can skip the first portion of the game by default, but there's no way to cheat with your stats in the public build.

There have been a number of system overhauls over the year which make recent patron builds incompatible with public build save files either way, so if you ever plan on upgrading, you'd have to restart again. Probably better off waiting until the upcoming full release at this point if you're adverse to replaying content.

Eldritch Wolf

Nov 9, 2020
"there's no way to cheat with your stats in the public build"

So does this mean there is a way to cheat with stats in the non public build?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
"there's no way to cheat with your stats in the public build"

So does this mean there is a way to cheat with stats in the non public build?
Technically speaking, the higher Patreon tiers get access to a "debug room" where they can adjust their level, give themselves essence, change their class, get special equipment and experiment with new builds on battle dummies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.153!

Hey everyone,

The latest build is uploading as I type this and we've got it all this week, from new quests, new scene art, new characters, and all the usual piles of bug-fixes and improvements.

I don't have much to say about the build that isn't covered in the patch notes, but I hope you enjoy and look forward to the Isle of Deer's exciting conclusion coming next week.

- Nym

New to the game? Play the public build or become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.153 - 11-13-2020

  • Added new Beatrix scene art
  • Added new story-content and characters to the Isle of Deer
  • Updated the remainder of the adult scene formats to align with the scene library formats
  • Fixed a number of rich-text characters remaining in the NSFW scenes
  • Fixed a couple of move speed errors
  • Fixed some passability issues
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to loot a certain key fragment wouldn’t add it to your inventory
  • Fixed some tile errors
  • Fixed an error where a battle animation played twice
  • Fixed Entomb adding Def Up instead of Down
  • Fixed enemy Overgrowth only affecting Enemy #1 instead of both enemies
  • Devour now provides immunity to certain magical status effects
  • Fixed a transfer event after choosing the first siege units
  • Fixed some misplaced balloon icons
  • Fixed a lighting issue at the Glass Sea campsite
  • Adjusted some lighting for better performance in the cove
  • Fixed some overlays in the cove battle and post-battle maps
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy wouldn’t enter the scene library after the final cove siege


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.154!

Hey everyone, exciting news! Weekly patrons now have access to our first full quest content update since "completing" the main storyline, which means the game is another step closer to full release.

We hope you enjoy the new Isle of Deer content and look forward to next week's release, which will begin expanding some of the ending narratives, adding new secrets, and hopefully coming at you with some more new art assets!


Want to try the public build or become a patron? Visit https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.154 - 11-20-2020

  • Added new story content to the Isle of Deer
  • Added new boss encounter to Isle of Deer
  • Added new enemies to Isle of Deer
  • Added new recruitable character (still WIP for siege stats)
  • Updated the skillbook to contain unarmed skills
  • Revised some lighting for better performance
  • Slightly adjusted class balance
  • Added an option to leave Wulfhilde alone Mercy’s room
  • Adjusted the SP value of recovery rate, now providing 5% per 300, up from 3%
  • Updated some maps for better quality and tile diversity
  • Fixed an issue where the Beatrix & Griswald scene could enlarge the text
  • Fixed a move speed issue
  • Fixed a couple of weapon graphic issues
  • Fixed an issue from 0.152 where the Molly/Minron scene overlay would remain on-screen
  • Several more scenes in which time passes now recover the party’s HP/MP
  • Fixed an issue where the font was enlarged after the Abigail scene


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.155!

This week's release starts to fill out some side-content I've had in mind for a while, adding new items, characters, quests, etc. to hidden little pockets of the game.

It's a relatively small build, all things considered, but I took a day off to relax and eat lots of food for Thanksgiving. Hope y'all managed to do the same.


Play the public build or become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.155 - 11-27-2020
  • Myerte has been added to the siege
  • Fixed a bug which allowed Mercy to approach the finder in Carvannah
  • Myerte has been given new dialogue in the cove
  • Added new secret quests & items around the world
  • Added a new recipe
  • Added a new “Water Jug” key item for scooping up fresh water to use in cooking recipes
  • Added a new recruitable character
  • Fixed the Minron & Molly scene causing big font to linger
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could retain her awakened sprite & portrait after the Isle of Deer cavern scene
  • Fixed an issue where hot cocoa required the wrong ingredients to prepare
  • Changed the animation for liquid consumable items in combat
  • Hot Cocoa now adds XP instead of recovering HP
  • Essence Dessert buffs now persist through death & full recovery
  • Fixed some recipe overlap, added a couple of recipes that had been missing


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Alpha Build: v0.156!

Hi everyone!

Happy to present the latest alpha release, version 0.156, featuring many new quest rewards, revisions, quality-of-life improvements, bug-fixes and more.

This is very close to what the full release will look like, minus some art and some more fine-tuning after further playtesting, so I really hope you enjoy.

Try the public build or become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur


Version 0.156 - 12-4-2020
  • Added new ending narrations to reflect different outcomes depending on the cove’s resourcefulness score
  • Added new rewards to the cove for high morale scores
  • Updated some enemy animations to resolve quicker and feel more impactful
  • Added “breathing” effects to a number of enemies and linked breathing rates to HP as a bonus visual indicator of health
  • Replaced the item collection sound effects
  • Replaced the background music for Emerald Flats
  • Adjusted a number of enemy battler positions
  • It is now possible to formally conclude the Kelsie quest, resulting in a cove morale boost
  • Trying to sneak out of the internment camp from the mine-side in Emerald Flats now returns you back to where you were instead of transporting you across the stream. The guard and Mercy now properly look at each other as well
  • Touched up some dialogue around Shiveworth for better quality & continuity
  • Adjusted some lighting for better performance
  • Added new spots to draw water from
  • Fixed some passability issues
  • Losing people in the siege now harms morale
  • Fixed an issue where the sun key scene between Mercy and Gertrude wouldn’t play after chapter 7
  • Fixed an issue where Gertrude could still appear in the cove even if she died in the first siege
  • Fixed some line break issues


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: The Test ZONE (v0.157)

Hi everyone, excited to report that I'm doing a final super thorough start-to-finish run through now to polish things up before the official release.

Consequently, there are a LOT of small tweaks and changes and revisions and bug-fixes in the list this week, but don't be daunted. Many of them are relatively minor changes, and there shouldn't be any issues with save compatibility.

The majority of these changes are to phrasing, line-breaks for clearer readability, minor battle positioning, things like that. Some of the "larger" changes come in the form of changed scene dialogue and a fancy new battle cursor.

I'm only about halfway done the sweep now, so expect a similarly long list of changes next week. Then it mostly comes down to waiting for art, maybe adding a few little bonus features here and there!

If you have any bugs or issues to report, please don't hesitate to pop into the public Discord and drop us a line!


Become a patron or try the public build at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.157 - 12-11-2020
  • Added some new dialogue and cutscene visuals to create more foreshadowing about Mercy’s fate
  • Added battle selection cursors to more clearly indicate targets
  • Updated some maps for better quality and tile diversity
  • Fixed a portrait-related crash in Mar’Liore
  • Fixed some typos
  • Fixed an issue where Fishmaster Luca incorrectly reports the Goofer record as 0 cm.
  • Fixed an issue where there was some incontinuity between the base Marlan stats and the Rematched Marlan stats
  • Fixed an issue where losing the Marlan fight and being transported home leaves the window tinted for the outside
  • Adjusted lots of dialogue for quality, continuity and improved line-breaks
  • Adjusted various screen transitions and choice menus for better quality and continuity
  • Made various lighting adjustments for better performance and continuity
  • Adjusted minimum ATB rubberband speed to 0.4, down from 0.5. This allows for a broader range of variable ATB speeds and also better matches the maximum speed of 2.5.
  • More images are now preloaded to help limit delayed parallax pop-in on larger maps
  • Fixed an issue where interacting with the statue in the cove extension before the timer expired would disable the timer without disabling the switch, leaving all the gates open on the way out
  • The Health Rune’s item description has been corrected to reflect a gain of 90 HP
  • The Mana Rune has been buffed from +15 to +24 MP, and the Staff Rune has been buffed from +12 to +20 MP
  • Target Rate bonus has been increased from 3% to 5% when spending Skill Points
  • Fixed an issue where the ship lighting persisted into Carvannah, resulting in exterior lighting appearing indoors
  • Fixed an issue where Ralph’s tent plays the wrong music after fading back in on the first cutscene
  • Defeating Hallie now yields 275 XP, up from 125
  • Adjusted the Disarm animation
  • Fixed some repeating animation issues
  • Mercy can now rest in the Crows’ hideout after defeating Silas
  • Madame Remora now correctly takes her 15 gold as payment for the fortune reading
  • Fixed an issue where a few items couldn’t be looted as they incorrectly required the player to be facing upwards (including a Silver Card)
  • Fixed some wall-crevice events which required talking to the wall twice to climb inside
  • Fixed some bedroll events
  • Fixed an issue where entering a building while riding Orus, then attempting to ride Orus while in the building, would fadeout the screen for a moment
  • Re-fixed an old issue where Mercy could mention fishing on the Carvannah execution platform while absent
  • Fixed an issue where Moon could skip a phase of dialogue after chapter 2
  • Fixed an issue where a number of enemy animated sprites were affected by the “breathing” plugin, causing pixel issues
  • Mercy now fishes up unrefined essence of the sea instead of refined, ranging from 1-4
  • Fixed an issue where cooking fires were no longer extinguishing after 3 uses since the cooking system update
  • When lit, cooking fires now also provide illumination in dark areas
  • Fixed an issue where cooking fires were no longer providing the Warm status since the cooking system update
  • Replaced some outdated cooking fires
  • Adjusted the cooking fire sprite slightly to avoid pixel shifting when going from unlit to lit
  • Fixed some passability issues
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could ride Orus into several Danforth Crook homes
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could ride Orus into the Nestmother’s home during a cutscene
  • Fixed an issue with encounters not properly updating in Witchdale
  • Adjusted some item descriptions to contain more information


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: The TEST ZONE, Pt. 2

Hi everyone, back tonight with another huge list of tweaks and improvements as I continue my full start-to-finish sweep.

I expect by next week, the revision phase will be completely finished and the game will be all polished up and ready to launch apart from unfinished art assets.

Once those are all wrapped up... off to Steam, I guess!

Become a patron or try the public build at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.158 - 12-18-2020
  • Added new scene art for Vincent & Gertrude
  • Delilah has new lines if encountering Mercy before & after she is captured
  • Mercy can now present Claudia’s letter to Beatrix in her office for a while
  • Adjusted a lot of dialogue for better quality, continuity and readability
  • Adjusted some tile layer issues
  • Adjusted some choice menus for better continuity
  • Adjusted some lighting for better performance
  • Mercy can no longer skip through the caverns in Witchdale after watching Molly enter
  • Fixed some repeating animations
  • The celebration noise & heart now appear when fishing any amount of essence
  • Esterholt Seekers now use the correct “Wrath” ability
  • Radiant Light now lasts 4 rounds, but only increases pharmacology by 25%
  • Fixed an issue where weather effects could sometimes stop when transferring to within the same map
  • Fixed a couple of accessories that weren’t equippable
  • Faded out some of the background music and sound effects to make the voice lines more easily audible
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy wouldn’t talk about Vincent’s room if she went into Gertrude’s prior
  • Fixed an issue where Hobart could appear in the cove even when not recruited
  • Made it impossible for NPCs to walk on the Mar’Liore bridge to prevent traffic jams
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could have dialogue while not in the party
  • Fixed a movement-related soft-lock on the Isle of Deer
  • Fixed a font size issue
  • Yielding to Belka no longer disables Orus from following
  • Fixed some portrait issues for Leite and Beatrix
  • Adjusted some awkward Orus positioning during cutscenes
  • Fixed the walking animation for some guards during a cutscene
  • Beatrix now unequips any added gear and re-equips her default equipment once she leaves the party
  • Added a place for Beatrix to rest outside the nunnery
  • Adjusted the cove defense spike positions to not block the cannons
  • Fixed an issue where having insufficient funds to target Minerva could result in shifted choice results when hiring the Sisters
  • Fixed some walk animations during a cutscene with Holden
  • Added a few extra Bruiseweeds to Witchdale to make it slightly easier to catch the cove bruiseweed potion scenes
  • Fixed some passability issues
  • Fixed some dead lights
  • Fixed a ship pathing issue when escaping Mubarek
  • Fixed some portrait flickering
  • Fixed a font size issue after Mercy’s Carvannah threesome
  • Fixed an issue where Silas could walk around during a conversation
  • Fixed an issue where Giantslayer was dealing damage twice in a row
  • Changed Giantslayer icon so it doesn’t get confused with Corrosion
  • Beatrix now has an additional base 25% Pharmacology and Recovery Effect for being a Doctor
  • Glass Powder no longer afflicts Giantslayer, instead deals direct damage. It also now counts as a weapon skill instead of a spell, and is based on physical accuracy
  • Absolution of the Sea now correctly removes Corrosion
  • Claudia now knows Sense Essence
  • Fixed an issue where Moon’s shop didn’t check for bruiseweed at certain portions of the game


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

Happy Holidays! (Special Release)

Hi everyone, I'm releasing the latest build early this year on account of tomorrow being Christmas, and because I wanted alpha patrons to be able to experience all the latest revisions before I take the next week to relax.

I finished my 95 hour playthrough today and worked solidly over the weekend so I'd be able to deliver the most polished and perfected build to date for this strange and unprecedented holiday season, particularly while most of us are stuck at home away from friends and family.

The patch notes are perhaps the longest I've had yet. Read them if you like, or don't. Whatever suits your fancy.

Happy Holidays and much love to everyone, from Nym and Audrey.

Become a patron or get the public build at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.159 - 12-24-2020
  • Overhauled SP system; reduced amount of SP from defeating enemies and removed all SP from leveling; increased amount of SP earned from actions in combat
  • Made substantial balance adjustments to Defense & Resistance formulae;
  • 30 Def = Approx 15% Mitigation, up from 5%
  • 50 Def = Approx 25% Mitigation, up from 15%
  • 100 Def = Approx 45% Mitigation, up from 35%
  • 200 Def = Approx 63% Mitigation, up from 60%
  • Adjusted some enemy balance
  • Adjusted some item balance (will not affect existing saves)
  • Adjusted some dialogue to reflect the possibility of having access to Qel in places like Hawk’s Keep, Grey Clarion, Danforth Crook and Fogsborough
  • Fixed an issue where Roald’s dialogue flag could be bypassed by exiting the dorms directly from Mercy’s room and re-entering from the front door
  • Adjusted some steal rates
  • Adjusted a lot of dialogue for better quality, continuity and readability
  • Adjusted some lighting for better performance
  • Replaced all instances of the name “Volda” with Vonda for continuity
  • Mercy can check out a room at New Light Restaurant after getting information from Sodrek about Benn Wilkes
  • Added lights to the wall switches in Fort Wilkes to make them more obvious
  • Reduced “yield” requirement by 1 for Awaken ending, increased “resist” threshold by 1 for “Reject” ending
  • Fixed some passability issues
  • Seth now has the boss collapse effect
  • Fixed some dialogue on Annouck
  • Fixed a tile layering error at Fort Wilkes
  • Sodrek now correctly gives Mercy 5 hogfish ramens instead of 1
  • Claudia no longer appears in the residential area after returning from Esterholt
  • Adjusted the Carlisse/strangers battle to take less time
  • Mercy can now ride Orus on a couple of maps she was previously unable to
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could ask about Moon’s upgrades with the wrong portrait
  • Fixed an issue where upgrading Moon’s shop 1 tier at a certain point could prevent certain important dialogue from occurring
  • Added a missing transfer point for leaving Hawk’s Keep
  • Visual HP gauge dimensions modified to match the ATB bar better
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could ride Orus into a house in Danforth Crook
  • Added the Warm status to more cooking fires
  • Brienne in Danforth no longer has fixed movement after speaking to her once
  • Added more lootable items to various maps
  • Fixed some passability issues
  • Fixed some reference issues during a cutscene if Mercy gets Qel before purchasing supplies for Danforth in Mar’Liore
  • Fixed an issue where leaving Mar’Liore at a certain point while riding Orus incorrectly reapplies her blindfold
  • Fixed an issue where Weston’s walk animation was disabled in the cove during a cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where the Wulfhilde/Belka scene was previously incorrectly difficult to access, and also broadened the window to unlock the Wulfhilde/Mercy scene
  • Mercy can no longer enter the strategy meeting while riding Orus
  • Entering the siege planning map while mounted no longer increases Mercy’s speed after leaving the map unmounted
  • Fixed some portrait issues
  • Fixed an issue where Carlisse’s door was missing after the first siege
  • Fixed some issues where trying to ride Orus indoors could fadeout the screen
  • Some instances of Leondra, the Fourth Calamity, mistakenly referred to her as Alice. This has been changed for continuity, and to avoid confusion with a different historically significant Alice
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could enter the Emerald Flats barracks while riding Orus during a cutscene
  • Mercy no longer asks the bartender in Emerald Flats about Mikhail after fighting Bartholomew
  • Mercy can now enter the room where the hunters are staying after recruiting them, and before the reinforcements arrive
  • Fixed a portrait flicker issue on the fishing boat
  • Fixed an issue where preparing for the final cove meeting before talking to Marlan about the Sisters would instead trigger the Sisters dialogue during the meeting
  • Fixed an issue where Bart & Quinn could fail to appear during the final cove meeting
  • When Leite meets Mercy after the final cove meeting, the dialogue now slightly differs if they went to Isle of Deer
  • Fixed an issue where Leland’s dialogue didn’t change after speaking with him
  • Holden and Wally now appear in the cove after they arrive before the final siege
  • Interacting with Leite’s bed after the Leite/Gorps scene now differs slightly if they went to the Isle of Deer
  • Delilah can no longer block the door to her room in the dorms
  • Fixed an issue where entering the second siege planning area from the planning table while riding Orus could result in fast movement speed when leaving the area
  • Fixed an issue where a harp could clip through the ship bow during the attack
  • Fixed a tile error
  • Fixed an issue where Bartleby skipped a page of text in the event of Quinn’s death
  • Fixed an issue where initially choosing to depart for the valley after the siege with Qel could result in a “coming soon” message instead of a direct departure
  • Mercy now recovers after resting in bed post-siege
  • “Awaken” and “Reject the Cycle” are now highlighted gold in the final choice menus


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Weekly Release: v0.160!

Hi everyone, hope you had a nice holiday. I took a much-needed break from releasing a new build last week and just focused on adding content, fixing bugs and trying to finish up the polish for our upcoming Steam release.

I've also been working on the store page and a new trailer, as well as talking with artists, voice actors and reading up on best practices for publication. It's so close to being finished that I'm starting to go full stress mode over every last tiny little detail.

Anyway, another long set of patch notes with a lot of nice new features. Happy New Year, and I hope you enjoy.

- Nym

Become a patron to try this build or access the public version at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.160 - 1-8-2021
  • A fishing guide has been added to the fishing journal, and the basics are displayed when the Fishing Rod is first acquired
  • The Quest Journal is now bound to the “J” key (old saves must reset controls to default before the change will take effect)
  • The shortcut to call the Skill Point allocation screen is now “K”
  • The keyboard controls overlay that appears on startup can now be accessed in-game, and is also updated to reflect the journal and advancement shortcuts
  • Fishing has received some bug-fixes, improvements, and tweaks to Lures
    • Mercy’s fishing sprite now differs slightly based on rod type
    • A special new fishing rod can be crafted by upgrading Gertrude’s forge
    • Declining to fish while riding Orus no longer dismounts
    • Dismounting Orus to fish now properly flags the “dismounted” variable so the screen will no longer fade out while trying to re-mount in an unacceptable area
    • Lures and Bait now have colored options in the choice menu, and can also be used simultaneously
    • Lures have been changed; now instead of being a flat Luck multiplier, Luck is multiplied based on the initial fishing check. This is to prevent high-luck characters from over-fishing essence while still ensuring Luck applies to fishing success rate
    • Some of the wait commands have been removed from fishing, reducing the down time
    • The fishing success sound effect has been changed from a bell to a gentler chime
    • Items were made easier to fish, down to 10 inputs from 13
  • Added an additional short sequence to the “keep fighting” ending route
  • “Trance” has been removed. It never worked correctly to begin with, and never quite lived up to the ideas for implementation that I had for it, so I’ve cut it in preparation for 1.0
  • Added missing glasses to a couple of Agatha’s portraits
  • Added new pieces of Mercy’s backstory hidden around Shiveworth
  • Added a little more evidence of something hidden at the Carvannah aqueducts entrance
  • Added a new recruitable character & bathhouse suite
  • The 2nd floor of the bath house is now accessible after a certain point even if Liis was not recruited--it is merely empty
  • The empty “Advancement” menu has been removed from the skills category, a carry-over from the old Skill Point distribution system that no longer did anything
  • The “Equip Skills” command has been changed to “Prepare,” since skills is its own command and spells can also be equipped
  • The “Skills” command in the main menu has been changed to “Abilities,” since skills and spells are separate. The Skills submenu has been changed to “Weapon Skills” for clarity
  • The “Item” menu option has been changed to “inventory”
  • The timed attack cursor has been modified from a plain white line to a colored diamond
  • Full-length busts are now shown in combat for characters who have them instead of only the small face portraits
  • Fixed a tile overlay issue
  • Fixed some pixel errors and flickering on Mercy & Orus’s injured battler sprites
  • The timed attack result is now all caps for better spacing, and the result parameters have been adjusted slightly to allow for “perfect” results
  • The timed attack target points have been adjusted slightly to to better match the visuals
  • Fixed an issue preventing dialogue from appearing during the fight with Corrine
  • Fixed some typos
  • Fixed an issue where a colon appeared after Mercy’s name in a couple of encounters
  • Encountering 2 vox silvae at once now correctly counts both enemies’ deaths towards the full tally
  • The minimum ATB and HP bar lengths have been reduced to mitigate instances where a bar could overlap another enemy’s sprite
  • Fixed an issue where Fukuro wasn’t properly loading into the fight against the Grey Lions
  • Interacting with the bird in the Aster Canyon while riding Orus now properly dismounts so she isn’t speed-walking after the scene
  • Added some additional effects to the final canyon sequence
  • The background sound effect now properly fades during the scene transfer from the canyon
  • Fixed some text runoff
  • Adjusted some lighting for better performance
  • Fixed a lighting issue in the cove throne room
  • Adjusted some parallel processes for better performance
  • Adjusted some of the ending narratives for better quality and continuity
  • Attempted to fix possible crashes caused by some systems being slower to reference images that are flickering on and off
  • Fixed a broken color code in a journal entry
  • Fixed the formatting on the scene when inspecting the looted crab hide
  • Fixed an issue where Fishmaster Luca could reference being in Witchdale when in Mar’Liore or Emerald Flats
  • Changed the contents of a couple of different chests
  • Swagger is now correctly removed at the end of a battle


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

Huddle Up, Gang (+ New Release)

Hi everyone!

New release tonight with some finishing touches, bug-fixes and added dialogue.

I'm just about done with the game, and now I have to wait for a couple of artists and a couple of voice actors to wrap up some new pieces for me.

By next week, we should be working on the upcoming Steam release! So please keep your eyes out for that.

We're really not sure what our next project will be. We've got some ideas but we're waiting to see how it all pans out.

Thanks for taking the journey with us (and tolerating this really long thread!)


Version 0.161 - 1-15-2021
  • New scene art added
  • Added new dialogue lines to some of the cove residents after the final siege
  • Added a new Rondo segment to the Monastery chapter, in which the player can learn new things about the church and some of the supporting characters there
  • Added a book in Aster Village with historical details about the crater
  • Recruitable NPC Bandon is now useable during the siege & has new dialogue
  • Adjusted a number of lines through the game for added context and better continuity
  • Fixed a couple of lingering small portraits during combat
  • Fixed an issue where Moon doesn’t correctly check for clovers to craft potion of plenty
  • Fixed some typos
  • Myerte will now correctly appear on the monument if she falls during the siege
  • Adjusted some lighting for better performance
  • Fixed some poorly-converted dialogue from smart text to plain-text & resized one of the Vincent and Gertrude scenes
  • Fixed a tile and passability error in the post-siege residential area
  • Made it impossible for NPCs to enter the doorframes of certain rooms to avoid them getting stuck for long periods


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: v0.162!

Hey folks, got another new release fresh out of the oven with some cool new content and a couple of important bug fixes.

As you might have seen last week, we're coming up on total completion, and at this stage, besides addressing bug reports, I'm just adding fun bonus content and making little improvements while I wait for the artists and voice actors to wrap up.

I'm shooting for a March release, so fingers-crossed all my assets are wrapped up in time. I won't set an official date until I have it all, but it shouldn't be much longer.

Until then, I'll keep adding and improving and fixing!

- Nym


Version 0.162 - 1-22-2021
  • Added a new hidden area in the Isle of Deer with a special reward
  • Gertrude can fix the reward for Mercy’s personal use, or
  • Belka can optionally use the reward, which increases her stats in the final siege
  • Added a new Leite scene for the [Keep Struggling] ending route
  • Dietrich can be found later in the game if he was not recruited early on, which makes the Aklas quest completable for a reward
  • Added a variety of new stat-requirement hidden treasures to the game
  • Made new grassy-door sprites for Aster Village
  • Improved the Witchdale mapping
  • The cove docks map in the outro is now different depending on the cove’s resourcefulness
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to crash into a wall in the Mubarek theater and get bounced into an object
  • Fixed a possible portrait-related crash after the battle with Franz
  • Fixed a passability issue on the 2nd siege planning room from version 161
  • Mercy now pays Dietrich 300 gold from the cove fund for his services if she chooses to resist his essence
  • Fixed a move route issue when attempting to enter the Forbidden Tent in the cove before investigating it
  • Fixed an issue with the Moon Shard incorrectly reducing Orus’s Defense by 500 (?!) instead of 5


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
This looks interesting, but why is the public build almost a year older than the Patreon builds? I get you're close to release but that still seems odd for if you don't want to be giving an almost complete version away for free so close to release you can still get one for just $5. I'm happy to pay good money for complete packages but i prefer to test an RPGMaker game out before buying it.

Hi there!

As we've been working on it week by week, we didn't have a clear sense where the end would be--we just followed the story, so it was hard to plan out in advance when each build would be and we wanted to make sure all our patrons got a good deal. There will still be plenty of new content (especially art and new scenes) in the final release. Once it hits Steam, there will be a demo to try before you buy, and we will be giving Steam codes to all patrons who have supported us for a set amount (tbd).

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Alpha & Weekly Release: v0.163!

WELCOME, one & all, to the last alpha release before launch (most likely)! Alpha releases will probably still continue after launch for a while to get people trying out bonus content, but in a different form; for instance, it might be like a build you have to opt into via Steam.

A lot of nice little things have been added or improved since the last alpha release to be sure, but since just last week, we have entered what I am calling the Fun Zone, where bug reports have more or less stopped coming in, content is essentially wrapped up, and I am just adding fun bonus content while I wait for assets.

The Fun Zone will continue for the next couple of weeks, along with lots of quality assurance, as I prepare for a hopeful March release.

Somewhere between now and then, I'll also have to figure a lot of things out, like how to launch a game(?) & whether it's going to launch with achievements or whether I should implement those later (or if it's even possible). There's also a chance implementing achievements could break save files, so we'll have to wait and see.

There is a lot of work to do if I am going to launch on time, and I'm sort of in denial about it all at the moment! Anyway, this alpha will be going up as the pre-release build on Steam after the weekend and as long as no bugs are found before then, so expect to see the store page some time next week. It's actually already finished, just waiting on the package before it can go live.

Exciting stuff! The best way to keep your finger on the pulse of all these goings-on is probably to join the Discord (https://discord.com/invite/7hTwuTH) or follow along on Twitter (https://twitter.com/IndoorMinotaur).

Until then!

You can get the alpha build by becoming a patron. The older public build is still available. Both are available at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 0.163 - 1-29-2021

  • Added new NSFW scene art
  • Added new voice lines to Leite’s outro scene
  • Added new easter egg NPCs
  • Added new hidden items
  • Added a public library to Carvannah noble district (WIP)
  • Improved some combat animations
  • Added TOM, THE STRONGEST MAN ALIVE (optional super tough Marlan fight)
  • Re-rendered battle backgrounds for better picture quality & optimization (+ reduced file size)


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: 1.0????!!!! (0.164 also)

Hi everyone, tonight's launch is going to be the official 1.0 Steam release (assuming nothing catches on fire tonight), which is really scary and exciting.

However, I'm going to maintain the 0.x number scheme at the same time while I release weekly builds coming up to the Steam launch. Reason-being, I have to submit a build for approval to Steam before I can officially launch the page, so (slaps hood of build), I'm submitting this bad boy.

Once the game officially launches on Steam, all the weekly builds between now and then will be rolled into a day-1 patch (something like version 1.01).

Hope that makes sense to everyone! I've got a lot of new art coming out this week and more to come later, so I'm not out of the woods just yet.

I've also got some Mercy voice lines coming in soon, and I'm absolutely determined to make those szarva game pieces do something before I perish.

Anyway, that's where I'm at. For weekly patrons, things won't seem much different for a while as I keep cranking out builds every Friday. I hope you like 'em.

- Nym


Version 1.0/0.164 - 2-5-2021
  • Added four brand new pieces of NSFW scene art
  • Added a whole bunch of knowledge to the library in Carvannah
  • Updated the title screen with new designs
  • It is no longer possible to skip the opening chapter
  • The opening splash screens are now skippable with 1 button press
  • A “Quit” option has been added to the main menu for people on certain devices with only 1 USB who are using a controller (like a surface pro)
  • Rockhide Eels are now skinnable for their hides, which can be crafted into gauntlets or a helm by Meghan in the renovated throne room
  • Added an 18+ splash screen on startup
  • When entering the Carvannah Library with Beatrix, she will read all the tomes to Mercy (given the circumstances)
  • Fixed an issue where a secret fish was consumable & had no sale value
  • Slightly modified font color palette
  • Adjusted an image flickering scene to reduce instances where PCs slower to render images could result in reference error
  • Changed menu, cancellation and confirmation sound effects to be more pleasing on the ears
  • Every chapter you read in the library grants skill points!
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Reactions: Malidica


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I've been running all over Carvannah and I can't find the Crows hideout.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
Well, i finished the game. It's pretty damn good, few bugs, mostly just typos and the random sprite on the wrong layer. Only real criticism i have for it is some disappointment in being removed from the final siege and each of the four endings left me dissatisfied in some way. It's a visually gorgeous game, the combat is about as good as you can get out of RPGMaker. The story was a lot of fun. The team selection screen could really benefit from some grouping with added borders, trying to set up the final battle was exhausting, 9 teams out of like 40 sprites, only to not get to see any of it. Also, sex content for Mercy herself just seems to stop about half way through the story, i found that odd. I could keep writing more sentences but that's the general take away from my experience. I really like it, flaws and all, solid work. I'll buy a copy when it comes out cause i can easily tell i'd like to give it another playthrough in the future.

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed and that you're looking forward to Steam release.

I've been running all over Carvannah and I can't find the Crows hideout.

The Crows are hidden behind the alley in the noble district.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

Steam Store Launch!

Hi everyone, I'm excited to announce the approval and official launch of our Steam store page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1517470/Daughter_of_Essence/

The release date is set for March 12th. We hope you're excited, and we hope you like our new trailer.

Check out the store, slap it on your wish list, share it with your friends, share it with your partners, etc.

It's finally happening!
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Reactions: Malidica


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

New Release: version 0.165!

Hey folks, sending out a new release to the world, even if it's not a huge one.

This week has largely been a flurry of activity, not least of which the Steam Store (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1517470/Daughter_of_Essence/) (now live), the website (https://indoorminotaur.wixsite.com/home) (now also live) and the Patreon page (which was locked for having "implied nudity" on public posts but is now restored after a number of edits were made).

I think there are something like 76 attainable members of the cove now (though not all attainable in the same playthrough), which is ludicrous when I think of how much work goes into adding just 1 person to that whole complex operation.

The latest member, Tom, is cool, but there's still more I want to write up on this particular character, so expect to see more of him next week. Anyway, did I mention the release date is set?!

March 12th. Keep your eye on the prize. Also be sure to add our game to the wishlist on Steam. Until then, enjoy this new build!

Take care,

Become a patron or try the public build at https://www.patreon.com/indoorminotaur

Version 1.01/0.165 - 2-12-2021

  • Added TOM, THE STRONGEST MAN ALIVE to the cove & siege planning room
  • Added a new scene to the final moments of the game
  • Added new image-scrolling functionality for some new high res scene art pieces added that are larger than the game window
  • Fixed a rough transition from Leite’s tent
  • Fixed a rock overlay on the Neresalem outro cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where the “reject cycle” outro could transfer to the wrong version of the docks
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Reactions: Malidica


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Oh... I was waiting for the Steam release. I didn't know it was going to be a full-priced $30 game.

Well. Never mind then.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017
Version 1.2 Promo.png

New Content Update!

Hi everyone, long time no see! I'm very pleased to report that a new content update has gone live today featuring a long list of improvements, fixes and even brand new content, including Steam Achievements!

At some point later today (soon, I think!), the Steam Winter Sale will start and the game will also be 33% off, in case for whatever reason you didn't yet own a copy on Steam.

I'm very grateful to everyone who has remained a supporter until now. This may be the last content update to Daughter of Essence for a good long while, since I would like to work on something else for a while. But who knows what the future holds? The fact that so many of you all here at all is still really incredible to me.

Thank you,

Find us on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1517470/Daughter_of_Essence/

Version 1.2 - 12-22-2021
Added new armored Mercy portraits and sprites (normal, fishing, riding and battle sprites)!
Added Steam Achievements!
Added new gauges and an improved HUD to the final siege for better transparency
Updated a number of different scenes with new dialogue
Performance Improvements
Added new voice lines to some of the endings
Added a plugin to halt the in-built fast-forward function of RPG Maker during certain cut-scenes (I believe fast-forward was causing image-related crashes on some lower-spec machines. Hopefully we will see much less of these now)
Marlan’s Guard-Breaker now correctly removes Stone Spines, making the ejderha fight nicer
Fixed an issue where Feodor’s unconscious form would vanish after leaving the Aster manor
Fixed some passability issues
Fixed an issue where Beatrix scenes could play while in the guest room next door
Delilah’s room will now be open immediately after she’s recruited
Fixed an issue where Naomi could either miss with Lotus Shot, or else use it on the wrong target
Fixed an issue where a line of dialogue could be repeated twice by two separate enemies
Van Ritter and company are gone from Witchdale after confronting them
Fixed an issue where cocoa beans weren’t previously healing
Fixed an issue where the chocolate bar wasn’t properly learned from the recipe book
Slightly rebalanced final siege values
Fixed an issue where the Dietrich & Moon scene could be triggered after one of them fell in the siege
Fixed an issue where the first Vincent & Gertrude scene could be triggered after ch. 8
Fixed some portrait-related crashes
Implemented ShadyCorner integration
Fixed an issue where “Wound Essence” was lost after a respec
Some Accessibility mode improvements have been made
  • Love
Reactions: Malidica


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2017

Happy 1-Year Anniversary!

It's already been a year since the release of Daughter of Essence, and by some divine providence, Steam is hosting a big JRPG sale at the same time.

So to celebrate, we're throwing our hat into the ring with the biggest discount yet. And because we're extra nice, Itch is getting the same treatment.

Happy Anniversary! We hope you'll join us!

Steam Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1517470/Daughter_of_Essence/

Itch Link: https://indoorminotaur.itch.io/daughter-of-essence


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
Oh wow, had just started playing this recently and happened to sometimes think of it in comparison to CoC2.
Mostly in that fans of CoC2 would probably be into it.

Its a great RPG, surprisingly great actually when compared to what is usual for erotic jrpgs seen on Steam that one might first mistake it as...