Rohezk's pixel gallery

What would you like to see done in a fan-art?

  • Ellie giving a blowjob/titfuck

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Something lovey dovey with Fissiana

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Embry showing off her naked apron

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Siri and Anno in some naughty lingerie

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Ilaria's pounding scene

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Some other stuff *posts a reply*

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Now that right there is an improvement over your last piece. The rodenian's leg has some banding on the very bottom along the shin, but other than that, you've pretty much graduated out of that issue entirely. The fur texture is done very well, and although there are some oddities in lighting, that's just something that disappears with practice. There's still some more hue shifting that could be done to make it sorta POP, though.

All in all, you're kicking ass with those art skills of yours, and I'd be shocked if your next piece didn't blow me away again.

Already working on it ;), plus I'm gonna open up to taking commissions while I'm at it. Just gotta do the actual post, wait and see I guess :colbert:
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
don't forget to post it to #art_showcase on the public discord. alas that the forum (and especially this subsection) don't get much traffic. be sure to ping a staff member to get a green artist role.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Hi everyone, I experimented a bit with animations last week, though I had made some before, this is the first one that I'm really proud enough to show.


This is just a piece of the full pic I'm gonna be making about the OG alien waifu Tali.
(Tali>>>Liara btw)

Also, I'm open for commissions for the first time starting today.


I tried to come up with prices that were fair both to you and to the effort and time that goes into what I do.
So if you like my pixel art, and feel like throwing some support down my way, consider commissioning me to do a pic for you.
Until then, I'm back to working on Tali's picture :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Guess who's birthday it is today?

Yay!! It's me :toot: , be sure to say hi to your local smut provider.

Beyond partying yesterday, I've been working hard at uni so there's not much progress to show.
Also I've been drawing a tasty commission that should be finished in the next few weeks if I manage to get past studying.
But for now, here's a Tali nude (WIP btw) that I'll try and finish once I have some more free time :D



Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019
Guess who's birthday it is today?

Yay!! It's me :toot: , be sure to say hi to your local smut provider.

Beyond partying yesterday, I've been working hard at uni so there's not much progress to show.
Also I've been drawing a tasty commission that should be finished in the next few weeks if I manage to get past studying.
But for now, here's a Tali nude (WIP btw) that I'll try and finish once I have some more free time :D

View attachment 10509

I love pixel animations! Also, Happy Birthday !


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Big update today, I finished a Bianca comm for @William. that turned out amazingly :D with even more things to come, so I'll be working on those for a while.
Meanwhile, I did some smol pics for practice and lewds that I hope you'll enjoy. Definitively going to be doing more of these in the near future, It's very relaxing to work on smaller scale stuff that I can manage in just a few hours every so often to practice my cluster game.





Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Second bimester of uni is finally over
That means I'm gonna have more time to work on some pics I've been meaning to do.
I finishied this comm of Riley for William recently, next in the list is Roo.


Also tried my hand at making this chibi of Lucius in the Binding of Isaac art style :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018


Last post of the year boi :toot:
This time around, we have the progress so far on Williams comm and something I promised myself to complete a long time ago, that is, an animation of my favorite space waifu Tali Zorah from the Mass Effect series. My first full attempt at making one.

Nearing the end of the day, I think back to almost a year ago when I started this small art / hentai dump for fun and in hopes of getting feedback on what I do.
Now I know, I took a step in the right direction towards improving, cause there's a lot of that to do just yet and that I can't wait to get started on.
I'm content with what I've managed over the year, be it finishing 10+ pics which would have been hard without some balancing with work and study, becoming a better pixel artist thanks to some helpful advice and many many youtube videos or selling a few comms which I wouldn't have believed I was going to be able to in the near future.

So with that being said, and thinking of a resolution for the new year, to whoever reads my rambles here



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2019
And that right there is what I like to see. A straight, all-around improvement from what I saw when I last checked in to give advice. The hair is a bit untextured, you could hueshift just a taaad bit harder on things like hair, and there are still those internal black outlines, but other than that? Fuckin sweet! Your handle on lighting is, if you'll pardon the pun, night and day compared to your old work, and your handle on anatomy is, as usual, excellent.

I said you would go far, and you did. My track record for predictions remains pristine.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018

Gift to @Lkynmbr24 for creating this lovely girl

Fisianna's breeding scene has been one of my favorites from the games ever since I started playing a few years ago. So when I saw a really good animation tutorial for pixel art a few days ago I decided to do something really lewd with it
Only problem was that too much sexy kitten crashed my phone a few times causing some progress loss and a few salty moments. Still love the cute kitten gf tho :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019
View attachment 11853

Gift to @Lkynmbr24 for creating this lovely girl

Fisianna's breeding scene has been one of my favorites from the games ever since I started playing a few years ago. So when I saw a really good animation tutorial for pixel art a few days ago I decided to do something really lewd with it
Only problem was that too much sexy kitten crashed my phone a few times causing some progress loss and a few salty moments. Still love the cute kitten gf tho :D

Wow! This animation is incredible! The colors are so vibrant and retro. Yeah, I feel you. I rage hard when my programs crash too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2019
View attachment 11853

Gift to @Lkynmbr24 for creating this lovely girl

Fisianna's breeding scene has been one of my favorites from the games ever since I started playing a few years ago. So when I saw a really good animation tutorial for pixel art a few days ago I decided to do something really lewd with it
Only problem was that too much sexy kitten crashed my phone a few times causing some progress loss and a few salty moments. Still love the cute kitten gf tho :D
This is about as far as you can get with simple rotation and moving parts.There's a bit of a jarring lack of motion on the bottom half of the leg given the motion of her ass rocking back and forth in the air. Motion in a living thing is rarely localized to a specific body part -- the whole body to some extent goes into most movements. However, that's a more tedious process where you'd have to draw each frame over and over with slight changes. Work up to that while also honing your already considerable skills in shading, texturing, and shaping, and your upwards trajectory should continue. At this point I know for an absolute fact you're gonna blow me away with something I couldn't give advice for improvement on one of these days.

I'd also recommend moving to PC spriting tools, as phone spriting is, to put it lightly, utter hell. Aseprite is free if you know how to compile it from its Github page, but I usually use piskel which is a browser page.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
This is about as far as you can get with simple rotation and moving parts.There's a bit of a jarring lack of motion on the bottom half of the leg given the motion of her ass rocking back and forth in the air. Motion in a living thing is rarely localized to a specific body part -- the whole body to some extent goes into most movements. However, that's a more tedious process where you'd have to draw each frame over and over with slight changes. Work up to that while also honing your already considerable skills in shading, texturing, and shaping, and your upwards trajectory should continue. At this point I know for an absolute fact you're gonna blow me away with something I couldn't give advice for improvement on one of these days.

I'd also recommend moving to PC spriting tools, as phone spriting is, to put it lightly, utter hell. Aseprite is free if you know how to compile it from its Github page, but I usually use piskel which is a browser page.

Thanks for the advice, at this point I'm still working on my phone most of the time because my desktop sits in the living room of my family so most of the time drawing on it is a no go, there's also the fact of me being more comfortable on my phone because of the time I've spent learning on it, to the point I can make things quicker than I would on pc. Still, I plan to work more on animations in my pc over time to get a hold of the skill and be able to sell animated comms eventually.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2019
Thanks for the advice, at this point I'm still working on my phone most of the time because my desktop sits in the living room of my family so most of the time drawing on it is a no go, there's also the fact of me being more comfortable on my phone because of the time I've spent learning on it, to the point I can make things quicker than I would on pc. Still, I plan to work more on animations in my pc over time to get a hold of the skill and be able to sell animated comms eventually.
Oh, yeah. I wouldn't be making these in full view of the family, lmao.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Sometime after I did that one fanart with William's mouse girl he asked me if I was willing to do some more art for him, what he wanted was a banner with every NPC he's written so far into TiTS.
So this absolute unit of a comm is the result, finished at last after 7 months of work put into it. I am so very happy to finally be able to post this.
During the process of making it I've stumbled onto many setbacks that led to it being delayed almost a month and a half from when I initially intended to be finished, but after all of that practice and some helpful insight by Will I've come out with better skills than I never thought I'd get after.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
So, it's been a while since I've posted something here and I've got quite a bit of stuff done for showing

First off, I did an ahegao emote of Fisi that people asked about on the discord server, couldn't get the thought of the cute kitten gf enjoying her milkies off my head

Then, as I had already reworked Leila for Williams Patreon banner, we decided that having a nude version of her would be nice. Notice how I worked some squish on her softer parts :p (Her sister still tbd, will post once done)

Lastly, I made a fanart of Aurelia's characters for their second anniversary contest in the form of a festival

Overall, I've had a very productive time at quarantine, even if online classes demand some of my time


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Hello again, I've postponing posting pics I've been working on for quite some time in the last two months, but thanks to this I have a deluge of pics to post today now that I'm back.

First off, commed by Pets in Winters I did a pair of pics on Kelly, the laquine honey bun from Mhenga showering herself in the lewdest way possible


Also have a clean version of this
