Riya ideas/suggestions

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Wait no my bad, it was Mokou, durr.

Anyway, you said you were against bimbofying Riya but you're not against other mental effects like some type of addiction, correct? Any other hard nos?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
And it will never happen. Murder boners won't get content supporting them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
I guess I was a little vague with my suggestion so, considering the amount of likes it got, perhaps I should explain it better. No violence, no muderboners, just a peaceful and diplomatic way to remove Riya involving Mrs. Reasner and her "particular set of skills".

Well, first you mention Riya and what she's done to Mrs. Reasner, who is saddened by this news and offers to help the situation (doubly so if her daughter received any of this harassment).

So you and Bea go to talk to Riya and she insults you with things like "aww, did you bwing your mommy to help you?" while scratching under your chin mockingly. Bea is flattered that she's mistaken for your mom, much to Riya's annoyance, since she didn't react to the insult the way she wanted.

Now, how does Bea try to resolve the situation and end Riya's misdeeds? She asks her politely to please stop, or else she might have to report her to her superior. Of course Riya laughs at her attempt at nicety, telling her it ain't happening and shoos you away, confident in her plot armor. You want to do something but Bea asks you be calm and return in a couple days; she'll report Riya then if she hasn't stopped.

You go about as usual, and what does Bea do? She secretly wages a days-long intelligence campaign, tapping comms, discovering all sorts of Riya's past actions, un-redacting documents, finding out who's protecting her and digging up all kinds dirt on them too. Bea has "friends" too, you know. After she sends a message asking you to return, you both go to confront Riya again, and Bea nicely asks her one more time to please stop. You can guess Riya's answer. Bea says she's sorry but she has no choice but to report her. Riya will say that's pointless since her little {PC not human: xenoscum} friend already tried, but whatever.

All three of you go to the office and Bea does the same thing Steele did before. Of course Riya laughs it off and walks out of the room. Bea then asks to see your codex and uses it opens up a communication channel where you hear Riya on the other end (she already tapped Riya's communicator) calling in another favor from her friends.

Much to her shock, they tell her they can't help because someone is threatening them with supposed-to-be-destroyed records that could ruin them, and Riya's not worth it compared to their careers. Bea puts your codex away just before Riya storms back in, demanding to know what Bea did, only to get an innocent "I don't know what you're talking about" with and expression so cool that butter wouldn't melt in her mouth (if you hadn't just listened to that tapped conversation you'd actually believe she hadn't done anything). Riya wants to call her out on it, but with witnesses there and knowing room is being monitored and no friends to protects her, she can't. Bea politely asks the superior to proceed with the reassignment, telling her it should work this time, which she gladly does.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I like this idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
[Mrs. Reasner goodness]

Thats a, as expected and intended, very nice/"paragon" way of doing that. For the sake of variation, I wonder if there could also be a non-violent "renegade" option for scoundrel Steeles.

Maybe pin some embarassing crime on her? You could contact and pay a "specialist" to slip her some illegal, hallucinogenic, but otherwise harmless, drugs. Afterwards he would undress her and throw her out into public. Oh look, what a coincidence! Why is there a reporter team doing live coverage of grass growing in the vicinity right now? And why is that naked woman now humping that reporters leg live on camera?

*pics are being posted on social media*


"sure liking that report"

"hey isnt that that police officer that keeps running her mouth"

"good catch! batra something right? she had a nametag"

"police now literally out to fuck you confirmed XDDD"

Even with "friends" that would still be reason enough to get her off Tavros if only for her own good. She could be sentenced to some time in Space Prison, if thats where you wanna go or just be transferred somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[Mrs. Reasner doing her thing]
Donno, seeing as all Riya does if Steele is non-human, unless Steele walks up to her and starts a conversation, is give you the stink-eye from afar. And even when you talk to her, she is just rather rude and unhelpful then making your life hell or anything. so wanting to get rid of her at that point strikes me as a rather brat-ish move. Unless she actually ends up going out of herway to haress Steele, Sonya and/or Mr. Reasner, I don't see why one would involve Beatrice.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
This and Steele Jr learning how to do it themselves has my vote.
I do wonder, if after this, will Riya get scenes of her value to the station? Say something along her doing so damn fine police work that would be the results of her training? This could also provoke a sub scene, where if you thank her, she'll respond with something along "Get on your knees then, if you wanna show how thankful you are [insert insult]". I think Riya could use some good viewpoints of her value. Still being Riya, but she just saved the day, or us.
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This and Steele Jr learning how to do it themselves has my vote.
I do wonder, if after this, will Riya get scenes of her value to the station? Say something along her doing so damn fine police work that would be the results of her training? This could also provoke a sub scene, where if you thank her, she'll respond with something along "Get on your knees then, if you wanna show how thankful you are [insert insult]". I think Riya could use some good viewpoints of her value. Still being Riya, but she just saved the day, or us.

It's funny because that's more or less what I'm working on right now.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Riya would really hate Xanthe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Having them meet at Tavros was something that came to my mind after pondering about an idea that involved Sera. I'm not sure how they would interact, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
hehe maybe Jim was visioner and... "predicted" addition of Riya to the Tavros deck and her sister on Myrellion was only smokescreen? ^^

(nope jk as how could Jim knew Frank will put her there? still this consipracy theory sound funny to go with it)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Hey Franks have you already started Riya's x-pak or are you still interested in ideas? If the latter, maybe a poll?

If the former, pls gib hint.


Hey Franks have you already started Riya's x-pak or are you still interested in ideas? If the latter, maybe a poll?

I've already started it, but it'll be a while before it's finished because I write so slow.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
1. Bring in a big helping dose of karma by being more useful to her special friends than she herself.
Then you could rub it in her face, and result in having her get her just desserts in any sexual way TiTs would find appropriate.

2. Have the MC find out the reason for her racism, then in some way have Riya and the MC grow closer.
Which will in turn make her less of a racist bitch to a non-human MC?
She is described to be a rather attractive woman in my opinion at least on the outside, so without her personality she would be rather perfect.
Love the sex scenes for the most part though, so if those would stay it would be amazing.

3. Finally the MC could always find a way to turn her into a slave.
Then the MC could buy her for a set amount, and you could then forcibly train her to act on your own whim of choice.

Sadly I'm more of a "vanilla" kind of person, so If I could choose one to be added I would pick 2.
I guess that makes me a bit of a sensitive wimp?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Have Dane ra-I mean have consensual but rough sex with her.

Get outta here with that vanilla sensitivity.


Jul 1, 2016
Honestly, I'd be voting for anything that doesn't try to sugarcoat or justify her xenophobia. Seeing an asshole that is written to be an unapologetic asshole, and having that acknowledged in the narrative as dickish? That's great. Making it into explanation time that later turns into her being less of a dick towards the PC would cheapen it for me, unless it was a) only/primarily the PC and b) this was a superficial effort to get them off her case. Or finding out she's got a deep-seated inferiority complex and therefore lashes out at her perceived 'lessers', which is also why she's so domineering in bed at first... as long as this doesn't mess with the core of her being a blunt, self-serving jerk.

Riya's a solid character (who is honestly a more loatheable antagonist than Jack/Jill at the moment and I love it) and I'd like to see her keep the core of that, no matter what.

WRT what people have suggested so far, I'm gonna agree that her being shifted 'up' into a less people-oriented position at the prison colony or the like would be great, or that Bea may be able to get comeuppance/that a sufficiently-connected PC may be able to manage it (the Horace Decker idea also seems like a good idea)? And that these two ideas maybe being combined could be cool to see. Yeah, maybe they still can't fire her, not even with the new leverage, but they can at least make her not a problem any more (at least not for anyone that matters).

Now for ideas: the PC attempts to teach her a lesson with a bimbofying object (the one from the Pexiga quest) and it backfires because of an anti-illegal-mod boosted immune system like Sylvie's; this could potentially feed or set the groundwork towards opening her submission path? You could find out during the act, or afterward, that she was playing along for fun and to get more dirt on Steele... and that she didn't mean a single word of what she said. She could potentially also hold it against the PC for a while– and this could prompt her into leaving, potentially? After all, there's a whole Frontier full of new aliens to learn about, or shoot, or just learn new methods of control and submission from.

I fully support adding an x-pac to turn her amazon if someone tries to treat her: I like the notion of a nonconsensual lobotomy failing. Bonus points if it gives her inhuman traits (Quad balls, or an animalistic shaft, maybe)!

Making her desire the PC and then getting the ability to withhold reciprocation on the condition that she stop being such an unwarranted dick to people would be great. Or somehow otherwise getting leverage on her to have to change her ways, without it being internally motivated. Especially if this tied into her submission! 'Doing what I hate to get what I want' can be great.

Also/alternatively, the option to get her hooked on penis and ball enhancements like suma cream, virection, equilibricum, semen's friend... and maybe eventually things like knot a problem or 'nuki nutbutter, and maybe priapin (obviously not combined with actual PC pregnancy unless you wanted to write that, just a good 'ol hip-busting rut)? And the option to eventually point out that her junk is deeefinitely nonhuman.

TL;DR: No matter what, I don't want Riya's attitude to disappear, even if her behaviour towards aliens is made to change, and especially not if she's given comeuppance. It's obviously up to you if she becomes less of a grating person, but I hope she doesn't ever completely stop being blunt and inconsiderate.


Apr 5, 2017
I'm probably the only one, but i would actually like to see a route where you become even more submissive with Riya. Don't get me wrong, her racist attitude makes her pretty unlikable, but i think it would be an interesting route, maybe even a bad end depending. of course, that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I'd like to see a route where Riya remains an asshole, but your asshole. A pure physical relationship where Steele Jr blows into town for a fuck or Riya sends out an extranet message for a booty call. The two might have an understanding that they don't exactly like each other but instead do know that they want to fuck each other on a semi-regular basis. Barbs and salty banter could be traded as a form of foreplay.

"Didi this some nasty ass coffee i hate you so much but the pussy game ridiculous"

etc, etc.
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Apr 15, 2017
Record her behavior. Enjoy the PR backlash. Some mandatory sensitivity training later, she gets to tell the camera that aliens are A-okay. She's lying through her teeth, but she had a bad couple of days, and might as least not... you know, gloat about people's helplessness like a cartoon villain.

Have her recalled to active duty. Special forces tend not to get sent to nice places, so that's a plus. Unless she's killed or participates in war crimes, it's not too bad an option. She isn't suitable as a police officer, but that doesn't mean she can't do some good in the world.

Have her transferred to an alien planet. She gets to be a police officer, but unless she can upgrade her obvious and proud racism to professional detachment, it probably won't end well for her.

Sorry if it ruins anyone's racism boners, though. :)


Apr 15, 2017
Oh man. That would be the greatest thing ever. I can't even really think of it in anime terms. I'm seeing it as a British musical.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Surely Franks will deliver.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
No yeah, like she has to talk a certain way, but she still puts in quips as much as possible. Maybe even some random blurbs where her parole officer walks by and she becomes the picture of politeness.

gib sneak peek