Rise of the mutants (OOC) (closed for sigh up)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Earth has entered a new frontier of genetic manipulation and peoples lives have been seemingly changed for the better. Life spans have been increased and diseases are no longer an issue for the common people. with something called the "O" virus, people can be given all kinds of changes through the usage of this man made virus. from changing hair and eye color, to making you body more fit and well proportioned, to even changing you sex! This is a genetic revolution..... however, there is much darker side to this. behind the scenes a secret group is testing the effects of adding non-human DNA into the virus and testing its effect on those with seen to be exceptionally receptive to the virus. they abduct people from the streets after getting a sample of their DNA, and if it suits their needs they take you away and then you are locked away and used as a lab rat for there experiments. this secret group operates within the government, under the cover of making a better soldier through genetic manipulation... witch isn't untrue... even of they are doling it by illegal means. its unknown what there true goals are but one can only assume that it's not for the good of the people.

You turn out to be one of these unfortunate souls, captured by this shady as of yet unknown organization. you wake up in a cell unsure of what really going on, unaware of what fate will have in store for you....


In this role play you start as one of the prisoners ready to be experimented on by this new version of the "O" virus, witch will happen. its unavoidable! your character will be become mutated into a hybrid of one or two animals of your choosing and then you will have to work with you mutated comrades to escape and then later, take the fight to this evil organization. While the description doesn't say anything about lewd shenanigans i assure you there will be loads of that here... i mean would i be posting it here if there wasn't going to be any?

characters for this role play are going to human originally because this is Earth we are talking about here. it maybe the future but it not in the super far far future like in tits or something. think something like 200-300 years-ish from now maybe... whenever it sounds like we could come up with something like this....

Ok so this is the character sheet


Gender (originally):


became a hybrid of:




I'll use my own custom simple stats system here.

its like this:

so there are 4 stats. strength, agility, charisma and intelligence. these will come into play accordingly. they work just like you would think, strength dictates well, your strength (for doing physical damage or moving something heavy), agility is for how fast or agile you are, charisma is for being charming are seducing people (even in combat), Finally intelligence, it dictates how smart you are more or less at also can dictate your aim with ranged weapons as well as you hacking ability.

each stat has a base of 4 and there are 20 points you can distribute them across the for stats or even take them down Past 4 and put them in other stats.

it'll look like this

STR: 4

AGI: 4

CHR: 4

INT: 4

you'll have 20 point to move around

when you make an action against another character or npc i will roll 2 d6s and the and the result is added to both you and your opponents stats in question (example if you got into a grapple battle with some one. your STR is 15 there's is 10, i roll two die one for you and one for them. if you got a 6 and they got a 3 they would be added up to yours and theirs respectively making your roll 21 and theirs 13 making you the winner of that grapple you could either escape or pin them down at that point.)

I'll have my own character up soon.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
This sounds interesting, but I have a couple of questions. First, how many people are you looking to do this with? Second, if the organization's goal is to make living weapons, then how will our stats compare to those of people in the mundane world? Say, for example, that I just want to play spider man; how would that work? Or were you thinking of something a little more subtle, like anthropomorphic dogs, and cats, and such?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Heeeeeeyyyy! You copied my conspiracy idea!! *Raspberry* 

That aside, I'm planning to join this. 

Name: Kajinn

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Became a hybrid of: Bat and shark.

Personality: Distrustful at first, but can open up to people once he's spent time observing them and judging whether he can trust them. Bit of an oddball, tends to say random things at random times, even if it is completely unrelated to the situation. Can be protective, and a fun guy to horse around with. 

Appearance: A 6 foot tall shark-bat hybrid. He has short black fur running up to his elbows and knees, where they thin out before stopping completely at his upper arms and thighs, exposing tanned skin turned rough as a result of the shark transformations. A pair of large black leathery wings fan out behind him, easily able to lift him into the air. He has gill slits on the sides of his neck, which remain concealed unless he's in the water. His fingers and toes are tipped with talons, while his mouth is filled with sharp, shark like teeth. A black, scaled shark tail hangs down from above his butt, swinging from side to side. He has eyes that are a dark, inky black, like a shark's. Black, triangular fins protrude from the sides of his head, running down his neck, stopping just below his skull. His ears are large and rounded, just like a bat's. A cute, upturned nose is set right where it belongs, the skin folded  backwards slightly. Another black triangular fin protrudes from between his wings, and is approximately the same size as that of a regular shark. He has black hair which is somewhat curly, and is rather messy looking most of the time. Between his legs, he has a ten inch long, two and a half inch cock resting above a pair of balls each about four inches in diameter. His cock is ridged down the sides, which would provide his partners with more pleasure. 

History: He served for five years in the army, and after his tour finished, picked up a job as a labourer for a contractor. His only job was to haul bags of bricks around, as well as carry stuff up ladders and cut sheets for roofing. He has few friends and no family, never having had the time to start one, and too suspicious of strangers to make friends easily. 

STR: 12 

AGI: 9


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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Sounds like it's going to be a fun one, I'm certainly interested. I'll post a character in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
This sounds interesting, but I have a couple of questions. First, how many people are you looking to do this with? Second, if the organization's goal is to make living weapons, then how will our stats compare to those of people in the mundane world? Say, for example, that I just want to play spider man; how would that work? Or were you thinking of something a little more subtle, like dogs, and cats, and such?

lets see here....  the mutations are very easy to see. your characters will most likely be anthropomorphic In appearance however, that doesn't have to be the case necessarily, everyone can react differently to the mutagen. people of the mundane world will be weaker over all as they would have only about half the stats of a mutant. as for how many people about five plus myself

Could i join your game, Reptillicus?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Name: Slutty (forgotten human male)

Gender: Futanari

Age: 31

Became a hybrid of: Slug and Insect (mantis). 

Personality: Enjoyable ful at first when it happened, but can open up to people once shi's spent time observing them and enjoy whether shi can trust them. 

Appearance: A 6.1 foot tall slug-mantis insect hybrid. Shi has green skin running up to hir elbows and knees fused with an exoskeleton, where they thin out before stopping completely at hir upper arms and thighs, exposing tanned skin turned rough and veinly as a result of the insect transformations in all hir body. A pair of large insect wings fan out behind hir, easily able to lift hir into the air. Shi has slug antennas slits on the sides of hir head. Hir fingers and toes are tipped with talons, while hir mouth is filled with sharp fangs. A black and red tail hangs down from above hir butt, swinging from side to side. Shi has eyes that are a dark, inky black, like aliens. Five inch long horns protrude from the sides of hir forehead, curling back over hir head, also with a long row of spines runs through hir back to the tail. And a long cock (almost 20 cms) or 7 inches hides inside of hir down belly like snakes cocks with normal testicles, prepared to insert it into the pussy of hir victims... . Shi has JJ Cup Breasts with puffy nipples, similar to cocks, and hir pussy is hidden behind hir cock and its limits goes until her ass hole, including other pussy instead of her belly button... .

History: She was a scientific human serving for six years in a Secret lab with DNA alien. Her job was to study the mixed process of the alien DNA and earth DNA, converting a human into a metal weapon. She has almost no friends and neither family, and too dominant of strangers to make friends easily. 

STR: 4 (+6) = 10 

AGI: 4 (+4) = 8

CHA 4 (+5) = 9

INT 4 (+5) = 9
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hello everyone! I think this sounds fun and will be pitching a character to join in if accepted!

Name: Bones McLooflin

Gender: Hermaphrodite

Age: 25

Became a hybrid of: Japanese Rhino Beetle / Dinosaur (Pentaceratops)

Personality: Rough, Gruff, Tough and proud of it! She doesn't like subtlety in the slightest and prefers to take her problems head first! She is hearty and approachable, loving a good time and a heavy drink.

Appearance: Bones stands at a massive 8 feet tall due to her mutations. Her skin is rough and thick while being a light tannish green color. Rather than hair, she has a shield shaped bone protrusion sticking up from her forehead about a foot with two long curved horns on the left and right that point up a bit. Where her forehead turns into this shield is a third horn that is much bigger and also curves up to end in a flat shovel like tip. Her eyes are naturally pink and still human in appearance along with her ears still being human. Her teeth have flattened out and widened, making them good for mashing stuff into a paste before swallowing it. From the neck down she is still mostly human in shape but from the elbow down her skin turns into dark blue, steel thick chitin. The same chitin can be found on her back, wrapped around her stomach like a corset and from her knees down to her feet which are now composed of just two big pointed toes. Also on her back you will find a beetle like shell which can part and reveal two large beetle wings which she can boost around on like a jump pack. Her entire form is thick and has nicely toned muscles. She has F cup breasts (Giant boobs for giant lady), with wide curvy hips thanks to her body building thickening her out. Her pussy is still human but more of a red color than pink.... like a milky red color. Her cock Is like a snakes, perfectly smooth and with no veins. 12 inches long and 3 inches thick with big apple sized balls!

History: Before being captured, Bones as an aspriing body builder with her sights set on breaking a few world records! Sadly, fat had other plans for her.

STR: 18

AGI: 8

CHA: 6

INT: 4
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
YES I GOT A HERM TO F- Oh wait she's a Dino... and taller than me... probably stronger too... Welp. *Quietly edges out of the room* 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
*Grabs arm* Do not run! Save breath for later... you will need it!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
*Strength score 18* Hahaha! you are funny man... I break you last. *Drags off to snu snu cave.*


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
no we haven't they're just messing around.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
*Claws dig holes into the ground* Nooooooo! Somebody haaaaaaalp! *Kicks around like crazy and stops her from moving* (Rolled an 18 too lol. Forgot my crazy luck or what?) 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Actually if this is going off of reptilicus' normal systems, you roll a D 6 and add it to your stat. Higher number wins. I can't get lower than a 1 and that would still put me at 19 while the highest you can get is 18. Sorry!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Name Jenna Cortez

Gender: female

age: 21

became a hybrid of: flying fox and few feline genes

Personality: Jenna is a very kind but, volatile person. for the most part she is very friendly towards others and will try to treat them nicely if she can. However she always had problems with her temper and is liable to explode with anger if you try to fuck with her to much in a mean way. She is overall, a very emotional person, she will often let her emotions dictate her action instead of thinking things through, witch can lead her into trouble. that being said she is rather smart when she puts her mind on something and can come up with interesting solutions for problems. She is very trusting, almost too naive amount as she always tries to see the good in others. Once she calls you her friend (or maybe something more), Jenna will stick with you no matter what! she has a love of music (especially classical stuff.) and has rather good singing voice.

Appearance: Originally, Jenna was a small Latin American girl with a rather average build and set of endowments. she had brown eyes and black short hair. after she gets mutated she will look like human bat hybrid. Her arms will morph into big bat wings but will sadly, rob the use of her hands but allow her to fly around with ease. she will become taller and curvier with an overall more voluptuous figure. her breast will swell to big D-cups and her waist and butt will become nice, wide, and squeezable. her pussy will still appear human like but her clit will get longer and will stick out about an inch. her skin will become tan and her hair will become a dark brown color. She will grow big bat ears that can swivel around to pick up faint sounds. a cat like tail with grow out above her nice butt covered in soft dark brown fur. Her feel will grow claws and  her toes will become more like fingers allowing her to grab stuff with them. nice soft brown fur will grow from her knees down. her mouth will then hold a some cat like sharp fangs

History: Jenna was a collage student studying music, looking to become a professional piano player among other things. born to large family she had to rush to get what she wanted. so when someone told her that they had some special class for talented musicians she jumped at the chance but it turned out i was a cover to abduct the poor girl...

STR: 8


CHA: 8

INT: 8


ok so remember you will be human first and then you will be mutated in game at the start. I'll let you write how the change feels as it happens, then we'll all get put back into cells with are all near each other.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Ah... when i get the rest of the character sheets there are still a few left to get.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
im waiting for encalab and a few others. but I'm in no rush.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Hiya! Hopefully I'm not too late?

Name: Marinus Cedric Montgomery (goes by Cedric)

Gender: male

age: 24

became a hybrid of: grey kangaroo

Personality: Cedric is haplessly frigid to all he meets, as well as just about everyone he continues to know after that point. Despite his critical way of thinking, he is surprisingly open minded and accepting of the different lifestyles of others. Though easily annoyed, he tends to keep it to himself, and despite his occasional passive-aggressive comments, he couldn't detect sarcasm if it socked him in the jaw. Externally calm, his bitter gaze is what typically gives away his poor mood, though fear or pain can whip him into a fury in an instant. He's thick-skinned both figuratively and physically, and unintentionally a bit of an altruist. Also, he's incredibly loyal, which he views as more of a curse than a blessing, and is a total bottom, which is one of the only things that can turn him bashful. Though he'd never believe it, he'd open up to the right people.

Appearance: At a height of 5'10'', the bulk of Cedric's body is covered in silvery grey fur. His fingers, toes, ears, snout, and tail all fade to black at the tips, while a coat of coarser dirt-brown traces down his back and across his shoulders. A slightly-shaggy mass of swoopy chestnut hair stops at his neck. He stands on two long feet, with three toes each, and powerful legs. There's a sure sense of solidity in his stance, though his arms look scrawny by contrast to his lower body. Despite his surprisingly curvy hips and thick, muscled thighs, his fairly toned chest is flat. A formidable kangaroo tail curves upward behind him to avoid dragging on the floor, while two fluffy kangaroo ears sit atop his head, naturally pivoting towards sounds, and over-correcting their motions constantly. He has a masculine face, with a pointed snout and crystal-blue eyes, much like the clear waters for which he was named. His handful of ass is not entirely virgin territory, yet he'd never admit it, and a hefty sack sits below his tapered eight inch cock.

History: Ironic to his name, Cedric hates the very sea for which he was named. He wasn't particularly close to his parents, nor did they prepare him for adulthood like they should've, but hearing the news of their deaths while they were out at sea was still plenty jarring for younger Cedric. After working in the ports for all of his adult life, he just couldn't bring himself to leave the coastal city, and stayed solitary and bound to his unfortunate home.

STR: 12

AGI: 8

CHA: 5

INT: 11
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Name: Victoria Durand

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Hybrid of: Serval and Jackal

Personality: Naturally submissive before the "experiment", this was only enhanced by the virus, causing Victoria to obey almost any kind of authority over her. While she is more than willing to add to conversations, she tends to go with the group once decisions are made. Because of this, she tends to be taken advantage of easily. Despite tending towards submissiveness, she is more than willing to get back at people for betraying her, and will wait until what she thinks is her best opportunity to do so.

Appearance: Victoria stands at a mere 5'5", her slight frame being built upon with lithe muscle and caramel colored skin. Two broad canine ears stick out of not quite shoulder length black hair, tending to lie back but perked up and swiveling about when excited or afraid. Her face remained mostly human, with the only changes being cat like irises for her slate gray eyes, providing excellent night vision, and more pronounced canine teeth. Victorias arms and legs grew smooth black fur with dark tan spots, entirely covering the forelimbs and then some. The tips of her fingers and toes bear retractable claws, and her feet shifted into a digitigrade stance. From just above her toned rear slinks a feline tail, seeming to have a mind of its own. Her assets remained unchanged by the experimental virus, with her breasts staying a small C cup and her rear a toned handful.

History: Growing up, Victoria was raised by her father, her mother having passed away while Victoria was too young to remember much of her. The stress of being a single father and having lost his wife got to Victorias father, sending him into a downward spiral. While he wasn't abusive, Victoria quickly learned that the best way to not put any undue stress on her father or herself was to just do as she was asked. In school Victoria tended to hide her issues from herself and others by focusing on school and extracurricular activities, becoming a member of the track team and working hard to maintain her grades. Finishing high school she moved to the city for college, studying electrical engineering. Attempting to form some semblance of a social life, Victoria started attending parties, and unfortunately for the young girl, she partied a little hard and made herself an easy target for her captors.

STR: 4+3=7

AGI: 4+7=11

CHA: 4+4=8

INT: 4+6=10


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Name: Tina Strongford

Gender: Hermaphrodite (Originally female)

Age: 25

Hybrid: Cuttlefish and Electric eel

Personality: Tina has always been good at getting people to do what she wanted, usually by finding out what they wanted and using it against them; be it money, favors, or even her body. As a sociopath, little is taboo to her. She is not completely without morals, however, just many of the morals that most people take for granted. She uses her powers of persuasion to feed a hedonistic lifestyle, seeking pleasure in all its many forms, both emotional, and physical.

Appearance: Tina used to be the very picture of the stereotypical blond bombshell. Long, curly, golden locks, framed a pretty face and winning smile. Her hourglass figure was topped by a pair of big, bouncy, DDD-cup breasts, and finished by a generous, round, firm, ass that swayed when she walked. And walk she did on a pair of long shapely legs that were rarely covered by anything shorter than a mini skirt. After her hybridization, little changed as far as her general shape was concerned, save for the entire body turning a pale white with dark red stripes running the length of it. The one major physical change that came about was the six long tentacles that now sprout from her back, just below her shoulders. Of particular note about these tentacles is the fact that, when her DNA was spliced, her captors used the DNA of a male cuttlefish. As such, each of these tentacles is also a pseudo-penis, able to discharge a generous amount of sperm on command.  

History: Despite her gifted appearance, Tina came from humble beginnings. The daughter of a construction worker and a waitress, she had little in the way of financial aid growing up. Fortunately, Tina's body was not the only part of her that was gifted, as she possessed a cunning intellect, and active imagination. She quickly got the hang of getting people to be her friends, and give her stuff. Everything from money, to gifts, to scholarships she was able to acquire with a bat of her eyes, a few nice words, or a good old romp between the sheets. When she went on to college, her tactics remained much the same, only now with even less rules to follow she was able to indulge freely in some of her more carnal desires; her favorite game each year was seeing just how many of her professors she could get in the sack, not for grades, she was a natural straight-A student, but simply for the thrill. By the end of her college career, she was planning to get into politics when her life took an unexpected turn, and she was kidnapped.

STR: 3

AGI: 6

CHA: 15

INT: 12


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Do You see, Reptillicus, good  my character or should i make any part more better?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Well, now hat the character is out of the way, I should probably ask: have we come to a decision on just how advanced this supposed future is? Given the description at the beginning of this thread, I was envisioning a world more or less like the one in Looper, where there is some high tech stuff on the fringes of society, but most people still drive cars, shoot guns, and talk on cell phone... and vagrants, lots more vagrants.

But seriously, given that scientists in real life are predicting that computers will be thinking for themselves in as little as fifty years, it's not too much of a stretch to say that human/animal splicing could happen in as little as a century.