Rise of the mutants (OOC) (closed for sigh up)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Mind if a total newbie joins? I have a character basically written up, if you'll have me.

Name: Coye Avel

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Hybrid of: Children's Python & Superb Lyrebird

Personality: Coye is a ratty individual, relying on wit, or lack thereof and intuition and often slinking away from any conflict his actions or words
may cause. When working with groups he tends to follow the flow in order to avoid situations that would end unfavorably however he will often forego plans made by others if a gaudy trinket or bauble makes itself known in his presence however his loyalties are not so shallow as to be influenced by a bit of coin.

Appearance: Standing at a slight 5'3'' , Coye was never one for upfront brawls even before the mutations that twisted his figure. After his transformation Coye stands just shy of 4'9'' with a slight build as well as a snake's tail covered in copper scales and grey-brown feathers running along his shoulders, upper arms and across the nape of his neck and shoulder blades. Coye's face has been majorly restructured, from his his pupils becoming slitted like a snake 's and his tongue also becoming incredibly serpent like as well as having tail-feathers like that of a lyrebird hang down from above his butt, which he will often unknowingly raise when mimicking.

History:Growing up in the back alleys and hidden nooks of society, Coye was well practiced in the way of deception and sleight of hand, although his attempts would often fall short when push came to shove. Growing up under the guidance of pickpockets and various conmen, Coye didn't receive much in the ways of a formal education, instead learning to rely on intuition and deception when picking a hit. Coye, becoming overly ambitious on a con found himself quickly assaulted and subdued by his would-be captors.

STR: 7 (+3)

AGI: 11 (+7)

CHA: 10 (+6)

INT: 8 (+4)

Edit 1: Added character sheet, let me know if anything needs to be further added or edited.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Well, now hat the character is out of the way, I should probably ask: have we come to a decision on just how advanced this supposed future is? Given the description at the beginning of this thread, I was envisioning a world more or less like the one in Looper, where there is some high tech stuff on the fringes of society, but most people still drive cars, shoot guns, and talk on cell phone... and vagrants, lots more vagrants.

But seriously, given that scientists in real life are predicting that computers will be thinking for themselves in as little as fifty years, it's not too much of a stretch to say that human/animal splicing could happen in as little as a century.

yeah you pretty much hit the nails on the head on the tech level. thought the bad guys my have some form or basic security robots.

Mind if a total newbie joins? I have a character basically written up, if you'll have me.

oh well i would hate to turn some one down.... ok go for it. And by that, I mean shoot character sheet up here.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
well im waiting for one more person right now. they said they'll make a character sheet today.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
We talking about autobass? just in case that's who you're talking about, he edited his original post with the character sheet (I assumed that that was who you're talking about but if not that's 100% my bad)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
oh, was actually talking about my buddy draco. but if your all super eager to go let me know....

as for you auto it everything seems to check out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
I am patient. I would rather you take your time and smooth out the story than rush into it. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Ahh alrighty, didn't mean to make it sound like I was rushing you. Take your time my dude, just pardon my excitement. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Name:Kala Wheatleigh


age: 18

became a hybrid of: house cat and a bunny

Personality: Shy,innocent ,very gullible and curious

Appearance:Kala's mutations aimed to create the cutest 'human' pet to be sold on the black market to some wicked millionaire and it was very successful to a certain point.Her original height already wasn't much she  was 5'feet and 9 inches tall but after the transformation her size dropped to 4 feet and 3 inches completely covered from head to toe with a very soft and fluffy white fur ,she have 3 rows of breasts but all of them are flat,she have big floppy bunny ears , she contain the facial features of cat ,the combination of two different species caused her to have Heterochromia iridum with her left eye being of a bright green and her right or of a vibrant red both glowed in the dark ,she poses a long tail that ends in a tuft of fur and she has Digitigrade with reasonably large paws  .

History:Kara is daughter of a rich and corrupt man ,she was oblivious to her father's misdeeds ,she didn't spend much time with any of her parents and were mostly taken care by the maids in their mansion that she wasn't allowed to get out of  ,being taught and raised inside of it wondering what the outside world was like  with the only interaction she had with it was  with her computer as she asked to be allowed to go outside many times to her father that only ended up resulting on she getting beat up but still she continued to ask and she was always denied.
  The years went past and she grew ,frail and beautiful like of a porcelain doll that quietly sat in her room till someone told her to do something once again till her 18'th birthday arrived she didn't have cake that day but strange man came to her ,they said they were her father's friends and they would be taking her outside.. she was happy her father finally heard her wishes ,they lead her into inside a van and she blacked out  ,while she was unconscious she hear strange whispers of people saying they would change ... to make her more appealing ,she felt her entire hurt like nothing before when it finally stopped she felt strange like she wasn't herself anymore. 

STR: 4
AGI: 14
CHR: 6
INT: 12
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Autobass, sorry if i didn´t answer you very quickly this night, because i am in Spain and i need to sleep, this morning i saw your posts (with dracomic´s posts) and i have answered you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
It's no problem, I've been out most of the day and it also gave me the chance to add a little light heartedness when calming Kala, so it worked out better than I intended (possibly.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
As i don´t mind, but you passed of my character after you asked her, while the player was sleeping. Give me a little time to look the answers and i will try to answer all of you, like this time

By the way, did i cut the bars with my own blades, or not Reptillicus?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Sorry for any inconvenience I've caused you, I'll keep time differences in mind next time I pass over to yourself or any of the others.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Don´t worry, i think i exaggerated it a little with my words..., but i don´t want to pass again the same situation, like in another past game here, i left it because the timetable differences between Spain and others countries, i don´t want to find that there are more of 2 or 3 pages in the next day when i wake up.