Reaha's cock


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
. . . This statement confuses me. Do you mean bestiality?

I suppose it meant to have them desc as those that exist irl rather then their anime version (which are ofc changed enough to be more appealing no matter what type of cock their..."anime-ed" ^^).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i mean i guess you could fantasize about Jenna Jameson with an actual, human-scale cat cock, but i never really thought of that myself until this very moment 

John Johnson

New Member
Mar 8, 2016
So I see plenty of discussion of Reaha's prospective cowmazonian twig here and it's nice to see people really trying to hash out 'optimal' dickbuilds and all... but what about the bovine berries, huh - where's the ball-love?

I mean sure, it seems fairly obvious she'll have big old nutbutter makers... but that's hardly the extent of what could be.  For one, there's the question of hair - is her scrote as hairless as her shaft?  Does it sport human style pubes - or is it outright furred like some in-game furry race's balls are?  Is it hanging low with its virile weight like a PC that's been visiting Vi waaaay too much?  Snugly close to her body since it's new flesh that hasn't had a chance to stretch?  It may sound silly to say about a sack of nuts, but there's a lot of characterization to be done there, if one's willing - and I think it wouldn't hurt to at least give Reaha's scrote as much thought as we're giving her dongle.

Lastly the big one - cum type options.  Which ones might a Treated Reaha be interested in - or conversely have forced on her?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Treated Reaha will probably be able to take any dedicated cum-type mod. 

If Reaha has a hosscawk, obviously she will have big, meaty black horseballs. Otherwise, I dunno. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
W-what about... no balls? Huh? Just saying, it's an option!

I´d like to see this too tbh. Not every herm needs balls. She could just have bigger prostate if you really want some cum buckets scenes. 

...*Sudden realization that Reaha the buttslut, will get a prostate to increase her experience...This ought to be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
No herm needs balls.

Balless is definitely my preferred state.

But I don´t have anything against it. Not anymore in the very least. These games are gradually corrupting me.

"What is a man?" *Tosses vine glass "as long as it´s cute and feminine it´s not gay". (I have higher standards than this, but it´s supposed to be a joke, so meh.)

(And it's not like I actually have a horse in Treated Reaha race anyways, I'm just being a shit  :D

No, we´ve already been through that. She´s gonna be a cowmazon not a maremazon :p

Ok :)  


Aug 26, 2015
Balls/ballless depends on the character.  In Reaha's case, having balls fits the design more.  I imagine fur or lack thereof would change with type: fur goes with canine or feline if those are made options, equine should be furless.

Though that's assuming you can change type completely rather than just adding flags.  Remember, you'll get better descriptions of things like flare nibbling if the base shape is static.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It ain't herm without balls. Then it's just futa. Semantics.

Savin likes femdom with herms though I think.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Like this?


Honestly it doesn't matter. Depending on the fiction futa might not have balls at all and just cum fem-juice (technically water and plasma). Or they might have testicle-like organs inside that they can use to impregnate with. Or they might have them outside in a scrotum, like I mentioned before. They also can or can't have a prostate. In Fengames, I think very early on you might have needed external balls for the game to recognize your prostate and ability to fertilize others. But I think at this point anyone with a dick has both a prostate and is fertile? Hopefully someone can confirm.

TL;DR: Fetishes are serious business. Especially the biological ramifications.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And this is why we need different races. That way, no-ball fans would be able to handwave the "they use internal sacs" anatomy features.


Aug 26, 2015
You're perfectly capable of doing that, and the game fully supports a ballless futa or even ballless male Steele.

In this particular case we're discussing Reaha, who if made into a hermaphrodite would have balls.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
I like how I posted a question about her dick then some how  it went to her asshole and then to her  balls and all I did was ask a simple question about what type of dick she would have.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well we went to different subjects cause the dick subject was already exhausted. She'll most likely get a knotted cat cock or a horse cock but it will likely be modable either way. 

With that established there wasn't much else to talk about other than exploring other aspects of her configuration such as her balls and ass.