Reaha's cock


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I bet it will be horse with 75% chances or human with 25% chances. Well male treated are leaning toward been bulls so I not think their get horse cocks cuz of modding but cuz of treatment. ANd human as she still quite much a human with just minor bovine traits.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
It definitely won't be canine. Or at least it shouldn't be, because the reason Zephyr has a canine semen cannon is because she went out and got a mod specifically for it. I don't think her Treatment gave her a cock originally.

You are right zephyr's dick was gotten after the treatment but it's still a possible mutation because it's on the wiki and I've got it before with the treatment. It's just rarer than the ones 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
This one thing is getting so much fucking attention hahaha, what the hell? 

I'd assume equine because that's what the Treatment normally gives bulls, but the Amazon Treatment might work differently and give her a terran one because that's her actual race (though she already has some cow features, I dunno). I don't know if Savin has made a decision yet. Also for some reason cows get horse cocks in TiTS? What's up with that?

Because cows and bulls weren't the only animals mixed in. 

It does happen that instead of getting cow like features, New texans get more horse like instead. Those who get those kind of mutations, like horse ears and stuff, are generally referred to as mares and stallions.

And I'm pretty sure the guys who continuously refined the treatment wanted horse cocks...

  • Animal phalli: Gaining a bestial member is a very common side-effect that dates back to the usage of animal-sourced DNA to create some of the early treatment effects. Rather than eliminate this effect, modern version of the treatment appear to have had it enhanced to allow for even greater variety and improved aesthetics. Horse, dog, and great cat members are familiar sights on the bulls of New Texas.

It's up to Savin what he wants to give Reaha. And luckily for him he has several options :)  

But I'm gonna be completely honest and root for dog cock. Cause knothing is better than some post coitus intimacy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And I'm pretty sure the guys who continuously refined the treatment wanted horse cocks...

  • Animal phalli: Gaining a bestial member is a very common side-effect that dates back to the usage of animal-sourced DNA to create some of the early treatment effects. Rather than eliminate this effect, modern version of the treatment appear to have had it enhanced to allow for even greater variety and improved aesthetics. Horse, dog, and great cat members are familiar sights on the bulls of New Texas.

It's up to Savin what he wants to give Reaha. And luckily for him he has several options :)  

But I'm gonna be completely honest and root for dog cock. Cause knothing is better than some post coitus intimacy.

Knowing Savin is widely acclaimed Puppysluts Master it's 99,99% sure it WILL be a dog cock :p
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
I wonder if we will ever get a threesome with Reaha and zephyr. Because that be very fun.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I wonder if we will ever get a threesome with Reaha and zephyr. Because that be very fun.

Zephyr doesn't strike me as the sharing type.

If it DID happen, it'd probably result in her bending Reaha over to assert her dominance and then bending Steele over.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Zephyr doesn't strike me as the sharing type.

If it DID happen, it'd probably result in her bending Reaha over to assert her dominance and then bending Steele over.

Have you seen the miscreant manor with zephyr ,she can share if she has to  


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
This one thing is getting so much fucking attention hahaha, what the hell?

We're all interested in touching the cow after all.

Zephyr doesn't strike me as the sharing type.

If it DID happen, it'd probably result in her bending Reaha over to assert her dominance and then bending Steele over.

Tee would probably sway them into letting you pick. Which would follow the course which ever one who wasn't chosen, begins ravaging the PC's ass.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Haven't decided.

Fuck, I wanted to be the one to say this, lol.

Also knotted equine cock master race.

I would also accept Terran.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Dunno. Haven't decided.

Current favorite among FenCo is knotted feline cock. 

Wait I thought it was knotted puppy cock... o_O Go fast bribe rest to change it into puppy one not feline ^^

Anyway so this time it will use magic of RNG to pick among few tipes...would it then savescumming still allow people to get the one their want for her? :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well maybe then go for some new flavor...Sionach cock for Reaha? xD

Or wait maybe Kui-Tan with massive balls :D

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I wonder if we will ever get a threesome with Reaha and zephyr. Because that be very fun.

Yeah Savin someone should write this.

Can't wait to see the kind of threads Jill will get once her xpak is out.

Flash Dingo

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2016
Why not make the type of cock she gets selectable by the player? If the player decides she should get one... If Savin decides the player should have any agency in if Reaha gets a cock, and what kind.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Why not make the type of cock she gets selectable by the player? If the player decides she should get one... If Savin decides the player should have any agency in if Reaha gets a cock, and what kind.

You mean after the treatment? Cuz Savin doesn't want the player to have any say in her changes, otherwise we'd savescum to get the desired outcome. Which he claimed defeats the purpose of it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Reaha's going to get Treated, and the Treatment is what will control her weenie. The player won't have any control over it. I suppose there might be a chance the player could give her a mod to change her penis type later, but that's up to Savin and how deep he wants to go into Amazon Reaha.

Cured Reaha has a bunch of TF options, so I don't see why not. Aside from Knot a Problem, Bumpy Road, and Throbb, there aren't a lot of cock-specific TFs, though -- I guess you could shove her in the cockbox, though, but then GL ever getting bust art of Reaha with the correct dick :<

Also unlike Cured Reaha I should decide what TFs she'll be able to take before hand so I don't have to re-rewrite things repeatedly. Stupid Anusoft.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Why not make the type of cock she gets selectable by the player? If the player decides she should get one... If Savin decides the player should have any agency in if Reaha gets a cock, and what kind.

Well Treatment itself even for PC is not set in stone. Well aside now with secret code PC CAN actualy choice in some way what path will get but normaly it should be randomn at the momnt of taking. And Treatemnt takes time to show all changes so with locking choice at the start it define all right away. So with even our allmighty PC couldn't escape RNG gods why would any npc been able to gamle as she want with RNG gods? :D

Probably any other TF item ingame then Treatment will allow for much more control of what will happen to her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You know you love it, and you know that lil' puffy butt-donut is worth it. ;)  

inb4 every SaviNPC gets Anusoft expansions. :p   

Tmw you've never used anusoft, and doesn't know what all the fuss is about.

I'm all for giving treated Reaha items. But I wouldn't mind at all if her cock had to stay as is after the treatment. As long as it's knotted I'm A okay :D