Quadommes are OP


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
i cannot handle her at level 5-7 at all (the levels i am while in myrellion)
there are so many of her tiles in the deep cave im struggling to even get to the queen so i can leave
she automatically locks you into bullshit instant lust and you can struggle for as long as you want but she'll just do it again
then you're filled with eggs that will just make it even more annoying
and even if you somehow make it past all that bullshit, she can still easily beat your ass and resist your attacks
and the only way to REALLY beat her?? use lust, but if you arent playing a character that used tease or is wearing sexy armor you might aswell just give up cause thats not happening when you'll be lusted yourself in like 2 turns.

basically, nerf the quadomme or atleast move her to a different area, she is way too strong to be fought at this planets level.
Try a Lust-based Weapon. The Myr Venom Trower is sold by Kattom in the caves.
Also, gain a few levels. The one thing we all can agree on is that the Quads should only attack Characters level 10 and higher.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Rolled up a brand-new non-eggslut character to see what all the hub-bub was about.

Using a melee merc, I just tossed det charges until the qudomme died from it. Standard combat isn't too much a problem for a max stat max level character if you have method of dealing damage that isn't a standard attack.

The problem is when you fail the initial reflex check and find yourself starting combat already in a grapple. You are screwed unless you have static burst (I'm not even sure static burst works for webs). Bear in mind, at reflex 50 my Steele failed this check so for classes that don't have a perk that lets them get out grapples automatically, you are screwed.

Of course, being the asshole that I am and thanks to the egg trainer, I did not have any holes the quadomme could fill.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2018
Rolled up a brand-new non-eggslut character to see what all the hub-bub was about.

Using a melee merc, I just tossed det charges until the qudomme died from it. Standard combat isn't too much a problem for a max stat max level character.

The problem is when you fail the initial reflex check and find yourself starting combat already in a grapple. You a screwed unless you have static burst. Bear in mind, at reflex 50 my Steele failed this check so for classes that don't have a perk that lets them get out grapples automatically, you are screwed.

Of course, being the asshole that I am and thanks to the egg trainer, I did not have any holes the quadomme could fill.

i ghess you are breaking the game this way...


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Of course, being the asshole that I am and thanks to the egg trainer, I did not have any holes the quadomme could fill.
GENIOUS! I will remember that for my planned Childless Characters.
But well, I pref0r to grow my army otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
You can get a powerful lust-gun during Yammi's Pexigaquest, or a powerful lust-bow by defeating the deep queen and not preventing the extinction of her species (you monster). Sadly, the general effectiveness of lust weapons is far, far worse than they used to be. While they will never be meta-relivant, they provide a semi-viable alternative to waving your junk at the spider-dom.

Wow. Just slow down there kemosabe. I never done genocided anybody! It isn't my fault the Deep Queen is an evolutionary dead end because I won't let her fill my ass with her spawn! Heck, I can even beat Gel Zorn goat man with lust damage. By using mag-binders. Then leaving. To which he will act as if he won and disregard you.
Anyhues, I didn't have all that much trouble with the Quadromme to be honest. I was more irked by my character using the crotch tease and taking mouth fulls of his own cum or having horse cock angel bukkake dreams despite not being into that sort of thing. Thank you dream stopper 9000!

Poison Cupcake

New Member
Feb 27, 2018
I don't have a lot to add to critics, besides a few general notes. Quadommes are the only not-boss monster that I consistently lose against- in fact, they're the only monster that I lose against when starting with perfect health/energy, and my lust as low as it can go - including bosses! Im a level 9 tech specialist, and can take out pretty much everything else in in the caves in 3 hits. But my best weapons barely do anything, and my best special attack 39 damage, at most. Even with the perk that allows techs to get out of grapples (which does work on webs, by the way) I find myself stuck in it more often than not, and it uses up a turn and a small chunk of energy, in a fight where every chunk counts. Fights usually end with next to no energy and me putting out. In addition, if you're already carrying eggs then your reflexes are shot and you have no chance at avoiding the initial web. If they were rarer, or only started showing up after accepting the quest (after a warning that they are Very Tough and you better be prepared) then I'd be okay with it, but as of right now, I can't even take the taxi to see the queen without risk of one popping up. Maybe the RNG gods just hate me, but as of right now they don't seem to be as rare as they're supposed to be.

That all said, there is something else I want to add, because I feel like a certain type of player hasn't been represented much in this debate yet.

I'm somewhat an roleplayer. I create a character, and I make choices based on what they would do. This is how I enjoy myself the most when playing a game, even if that means my character won't have the best stats or will have a glaring weakness or whatever. The reason I bring this up is because I'm seeing a lot of comments that I'm reading as ''just max out your stats' or 'max out your lust', which really doesn't help me. I find grinding dreadfully boring, and the satisfaction from having a perfect character who can destroy everything doesn't last long long and really isn't worth it- just like playing a character to pretend you're someone else is uninteresting to others. There are different types of players and playstyles, and the reason I dislike this encounter so much is because I feel like I'm being cornered into playing in a way I dislike. The longer I spend in this cave, the more inevitable captain Steele spending an hour flashing his dick at aliens seems to be.

That all said, I am SO stealing that egg trainer trick. Spending an day in a harem is much better than having eggs stuffed in me again.

(Apologies if this seems confrontational. I tried to edit the hostility out. Sorry that there was any to begin with.)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Reasonable awnser, I am also more of a Roleplayer myself.
I would say you to pick up a Myr Venom Trower from Kattom.
A character with good Aim can this way decently 3-Hit them.

If your Character is against using trowers and chemical weapons trough, I belive you have found your Kryptonite.