Quadommes are OP


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
You need to get this spray which name I don't remember to Ara Kei and then you'll get option "diplomacy" in right corner


Aug 27, 2015
I have an easy way to deal with the Quadomy. RUN BITCH RUN!


I hate when someone or something makes me do things i dont like. (oh really...) Its just a question of Patience to defeat them. Also how to finish the quest ? i defeat them but got no option to talk to them.

Use all of Ara Kei's talk options, visit the Deep Caves once, talk to them again.

And that's exactly why they need a nerf! To make physical combat actually viable against them!

That's the one reason they shouldn't be nerfed. Remember the tutorial, kiddo.

Notwithstanding, I've been talking to JJ and we're cooking up something that will make them less annoying.


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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
I first gone to deep caves to look what these quadommes are all about since I was curious after seeig this thread, then talked to Ara Kei, and then tried to talk to variuos scientist and ended up paying shit ton of credits to Haswell (this guy from Xenogen on Mhenga)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
An hour maxing tease on Tarkus and I never have to worry winning a fight against lust-weak foes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
I used a combination of flash-grenades and mag-binders with a smuggler, while Grenades provided the damage.
They are beatable and a chalenge, something i enjoy in a game. Aditional, when in great danger, Consumables can help.

But they, and in extension the quest, needs to be locked for anything under lvl.10+ Characters, simelar to the Zil-Quest being for 6+.

Another thing... I beated the quest and i can not find them anymore... Am i just unlucky or do the encounters stop?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
You can get a powerful lust-gun during Yammi's Pexigaquest, or a powerful lust-bow by defeating the deep queen and not preventing the extinction of her species (you monster). Sadly, the general effectiveness of lust weapons is far, far worse than they used to be. While they will never be meta-relivant, they provide a semi-viable alternative to waving your junk at the spider-dom.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Am i just unlucky or do the encounters stop?
It's probably just RNGesus spitting on you.
Then again, come to think of it, I don't think I remember encountered any of them since the finishing the quest, either. Then again again, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning, soooo...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I tend to tease enemies I find sexy since shooting them or hitting them with my Heat Hawk so all my teases are 100/100


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
This is exactly the reason why there needs to be more lust-only fights in this game.
It is ok that this fight is easyer to beat for Lust-based Battlers, but just make sure that they can also be beaten by regular stuff.
After all, unlike the Grey Goo Prime & Tutorial-Celise, they got no reason to be immun against regular old physical damage.

They are good the way they are now, a beatable Chalenge for persons who 'Sence' their enemys and are flexible,
but the bane of existence for one-mode-battlers whos only response is 'More Dakka'.
More Dakka Works, but it will be much harder then using a actual Strategie.

The only thing i do heavyly dislike is the way they manipulate the odds of getting hit.
I sugest using defensive-buffs instead of evaison-buffs. Nobody likes evasive enemys, afterall.
Maybe a Aim-debuff?

Well, to end my argument, They are Chalenge i do apriciate, and they are beatable by all three classes in the regular way:
-Mercs got the Beef to Muscle trough it.
-Smugglers can train their trowing-arm with Greanades (Flash to avoid, regular to damage; Lust Grenades not testet, but that is not a regular damage now, isn't it...)
-Techys can use all their Toys, From Tam Tam to the Energyblasts, the Shieldboosters and Whatever else they can find. They will probabaly have it the hardest, trough.
-They are weak to Tease, I heard? Well, if you relied on Tease to get this far, then you won't have problems here. If not, look at the other three points.
-Space Magic not implemented yet. I guess they would be more Lust based, trough, given that one can be resistent to psionic Lust-damage.


Feb 15, 2018
I love how snotty and condescending the hacks that wrote this content get at the suggestion they might be wrong. They designed something to "keep the difficulty high" because the rest of the game gets too easy at the end. Why is level 10, take the time to max out your stats only content where people of 2-3 levels lower have to go for main quest progression? Is this "Dark Souls" or can us filthy casuals play too? If you want to have higher-difficulty junk in your game, put it in a separate area so the rest of us who DON'T don't have to save-reload every step in the deep caves to avoid these annoyances. People who don't like your content aren't "Kiddos", they want different things out of the game. People who don't play cock-teases aren't wrong, they are playing different kinds of characters than yours. People who DON'T want to spend a few hours int he gym and with Syrii to max out their stats aren't lazy, they are not interested in grinding for this game, but they still have to deal with these junk mobs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Just because you're running a combat character doesn't mean you don't need to train up lust, the two things are not mutually exclusive to each other. I have no idea where you think I'm a running lust-specific character. I don't even use lust weapons, I just happen to have tease maxed out because it's at most a 20-60 minute investment in time if you know what you're doing. Hell, my longest running Steele is a ranged merc and has curb stomped Lash more times than I care to admit, pre-thermal underwear nerf and post-thermal underwear nerf. Please stop being a combat meat-head

...and here we have the combat meat-head's polar opposite. We get it, you're here to fap. Turn on easy mode dude and save your indignant responses for LoL forums.

B-but...m-muh..power fantasy!



Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Just because you're running a combat character doesn't mean you don't need to train up lust, the two things are not mutually exclusive to each other. I have no idea where you think I'm a running lust-specific character. I don't even use lust weapons, I just happen to have tease maxed out because it's at most a 20-60 minute investment in time if you know what you're doing. Hell, my longest running Steele is a ranged merc and has curb stomped Lash more times than I care to admit, pre-thermal underwear nerf and post-thermal underwear nerf. Please stop being a combat meat-head
Sorry, i did not want to sound like that, and I never tougth you run a Lust only Character.
I just think that 'Lust only' battles are not a very good idea, since it does cut out halve of the combat-system, and the more complex halve at that.

They are good the way they are now, a beatable Chalenge for persons who 'Sence' their enemys and are flexible,
but the bane of existence for one-mode-battlers whos only response is 'More Dakka'.
More Dakka Works, but it will be much harder then using a actual Strategie.
Also, i did point out that flexible players will have no problems.

But Yes, I do admit that I got a softspot for combat in the traditional way.
But i am sorry that i came arround a bit rude. That realy should not happen...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
is the mechanic worth paying attention to? Why is (usually shitty) lust combat an unavoidable porn RPG trope? Does it really need to exist?

In a sci-fi universe where you get crazy laser cannons, personal shields, fucking attack drone AI, and other wacky shit, dropping trou and waggling your tush at someone until they just decide they no longer want to fight you just seems fucking dumb, tbh. The whole idea of "incapacitating arousal" is weird and utterly nonsensical.

I personally dislike using the Tease system, but as someone playing a smut game I'd very much prefer it if a prospective fling hadn't been previously hacked to pieces by my own character. TiTS doesn't say that enemies are that badly damaged by attacks and suspension of disbelief goes more toward "I brandish cool arms!" than "gorefest". But hey, it could be worse. CoC texts outright stated that you mutilated your enemies.
People missing out Celise tutorial is a different issue altogether. And they can always pretend that Tease options are different kinds of smoke grenades full of aphrodisiacs or whatever (which we already have, by the way!). And you won't feel like an idiot. Lust weapons are a good idea despite their nerfing. If it wasn't because I side with that "cool weapons pew pew" notion, I'd just keep on using the Bimboleum Emitter or the Slut Ray with my main Steele.

That said, you do have a point. At least, one I can see from someone who doesn't like unavoidable stereotypes in her smut. You can discuss it here: https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/constructive-complaints.12619
Other than that... I've always prefered it when I found ways to defeat enemies with typical RPG ailments, such as confusion or poison. I once defeated a Final Fantasy VI magic-based boss by sapping it out of magic so that it couldn't attack at all.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
??? My lvl 8 Smuggler has no trouble beating them with a maxed aim Myr Bow and a Cavalry Sabre, it just requires paying enough attention that they become vaguely obnoxious, do you people not carry Focus pills? I eat them like candy in between every combat encounter once I hit Myrellion, just blow Nevrie 10 times every time you come up from the caverns


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i cannot handle her at level 5-7 at all (the levels i am while in myrellion)
there are so many of her tiles in the deep cave im struggling to even get to the queen so i can leave
she automatically locks you into bullshit instant lust and you can struggle for as long as you want but she'll just do it again
then you're filled with eggs that will just make it even more annoying
and even if you somehow make it past all that bullshit, she can still easily beat your ass and resist your attacks
and the only way to REALLY beat her?? use lust, but if you arent playing a character that used tease or is wearing sexy armor you might aswell just give up cause thats not happening when you'll be lusted yourself in like 2 turns.

basically, nerf the quadomme or atleast move her to a different area, she is way too strong to be fought at this planets level.