Pyrite Station, the gambling planet


Sep 12, 2015
I'm familiar with the Wrench Wench trope, and love most of the characters who fall into that category, but does anybody know about it's male counterpart, preferably with some examples. 

Maybe... The Junk Hunk? The guy who's good with his hands, always has a project he's working on, gets most excited to try fixing things, and has some hefty equipment of his own. Liable to take a break from working on a vehicle to bang you over the hood, often seen sweating and wearing tank tops while hard at work. Probably rides a motorcycle he fixed himself. Sort of a subset of the hot handyman trope. Can't think of any examples, since I made this up off the top of my head, but does that fit the gist of it?

Alternatively, for a cuter angle you could have the Tinker Twink. Probably has goggles or a welding helmet that he rarely goes without. Likes to create, rather than fix, though his inventions have varying levels of usefulness. Cute, with messy hair, but a laser focus on his work. He's incredibly shy, but is proud of his inventions. If you can pull him away from work, he's liable to turn all his focus to you instead, being very attentive and curious about your anatomy. Not the type to take charge, but he'll be determined to come along on a tough mission to prove his worth to the team!

These are pretty fun to think up
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Maybe... The Junk Hunk? The guy who's good with his hands, always has a project he's working on, gets most excited to try fixing things, and has some hefty equipment of his own. Liable to take a break from working on a vehicle to bang you over the hood, often seen sweating and wearing tank tops while hard at work. Probably rides a motorcycle he fixed himself. Sort of a subset of the hot handyman trope. Can't think of any examples, since I made this up off the top of my head, but does that fit the gist of it?

Alternatively, for a cuter angle you could have the Tinker Twink. Probably has goggles or a welding helmet that he rarely goes without. Likes to create, rather than fix, though his inventions have varying levels of usefulness. Cute, with messy hair, but a laser focus on his work. He's incredibly shy, but is proud of his inventions. If you can pull him away from work, he's liable to turn all his focus to you instead, being very attentive and curious about your anatomy. Not the type to take charge, but he'll be determined to come along on a tough mission to prove his worth to the team!

These are pretty fun to think up

Yup, these fit my initial vague ideas rather nicely. We have at least two hybrid example present in the game atm., and I really hope someone would make some characters who'd adhere to one of those tropes more closely. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
So, I wrote something up. Still a really rough draft, but it feels like it could be something I could work with. (I can't believe that there are currently zero catboys.)

~, the Kaithrit Gigolo
~ is black-haired, with a matching set of long cat ears. He's tall and slender, with the lightly-toned physique of a casual runner or swimmer. Usually he wears a black parka, a T-shirt for some obscure band, and a pair of shorts. His twin tails are black, save for acid-green streaks at their tips which look obviously unnatural. Always seems to be eating chocolate - the scent clings to his skin. 

~ is casually dominant, particularly enjoying holding girls in his lap and making them squirm there with neck-kisses and gentle touches. He tends to show affection by twining his tails around limbs. If he really likes you, he'll offer some chocolate - it's extremely pure, high cocoa-content stuff, and therefore both rare and surprisingly bitter. He finds the faces people make when they taste it amusing. 

~ has the Asuar-like variation of the Kaithrit cock, matching his more-masculine cast from most Kaithrit. He also noticeably lacks the soft spines that are common to his species. 

When he's not whoring himself out, he likes to go out looking for trouble around the station, particularly shady games of chance. Most of the locals know to avoid playing him at cards, but he still manages to fleece visiting crews fairly regularly. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not into kaithrit people or neck-kisses myself, but now we're talking!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 I don't really have much to add aside that, in smut "being a switch is a thing" and "being a dom=! being a jerk/being a sub=! being a weakling". Physically wise, I could describe random attributes my perfect TiTS humanoid male would have, but I guess I would have to abide by existing races and features. Or check Ben first :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
 I don't really have much to add aside that, in smut "being a switch is a thing" and "being a dom=! being a jerk/being a sub=! being a weakling". Physically wise, I could describe random attributes my perfect TiTS humanoid male would have, but I guess I would have to abide by existing races and features. Or check Ben first :p


Switchiest switch that ever switched. So yes, I know what of you speak. :p  

(... Hmm, that's interesting. I can't say that I can think of an 'archetypal switch.' That in itself is a nice little incentive to write someone that's really flagrantly obviously a switch.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Yes, but I make no promises that they will actually be written. :p

'Key. So how about a lovable scumbag? Not some rogueish character, but a mofo who has been or still are doing some pretty unsavory things outside of his 'profession'. I'll provide a more detailed framework later, 'cause now it's 7 AM and I really need to grab a shut-eye.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
'Key. So how about a lovable scumbag? Not some rogueish character, but a mofo who has been or still are doing some pretty unsavory things outside of his 'profession'. I'll provide a more detailed framework later, 'cause now it's 7 AM and I really need to grab a shut-eye.

I'll think about it!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
My PC is an overpowered stat-maxed but nice personality bimbo switch.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Anybody thought of what type of games to use on this world/section of Tavros? It would have to be available to be implemented into TiTS coding.

There's obviously BlackJack and Poker, what else do all of you think?

Maybe if she gives permission, we could ask SweGabe if she would allow something similar to the Prediction game that was in Legend of Queen Opala Origin? Would obviously need permission however.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Anybody thought of what type of games to use on this world/section of Tavros? It would have to be available to be implemented into TiTS coding.

There's obviously BlackJack and Poker, what else do all of you think?

Maybe if she gives permission, we could ask SweGabe if she would allow something similar to the Prediction game that was in Legend of Queen Opala Origin? Would obviously need permission however.

Pazaak! (References no one will get)


Aug 27, 2015
'Key. So how about a lovable scumbag? Not some rogueish character, but a mofo who has been or still are doing some pretty unsavory things outside of his 'profession'. I'll provide a more detailed framework later, 'cause now it's 7 AM and I really need to grab a shut-eye.

Kind of thing I'd like to do eventually. Right now I've got to crack on with this touchingly naive dancer guy for the Honeypot. It's raining men.

Pazaak! (References no one will get)

You're going to have to be a lot more obscure than that to reference games no-one here will know about, son.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd absolutely love to write a couple of traps personally, but they have exactly the same problem futa have - Savin pushes them out at a rate of knots.

Not that I've written more than like, two traps anyway... but I don't see why that should stop you? There's always going to be more people wanting more traps and more futas. Hell, Fen was just lamenting how the game needs more futa.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Not that I've written more than like, two traps anyway... but I don't see why that should stop you? There's always going to be more people wanting more traps and more futas. Hell, Fen was just lamenting how the game needs more futa.

Do you personally think that the game needs futas/traps more than it needs males atm? On one hand, I find the former being hotter on average, and most writers who do them for TiTS 'get them' IMO. On the other hand people like Kesil are SOL right now, and having more bros to interact with would be awesome.

I was very glad to hear that Dane would eventually be on board Steele's ship for that very reason.


Aug 27, 2015
Not that I've written more than like, two traps anyway... but I don't see why that should stop you? There's always going to be more people wanting more traps and more futas. Hell, Fen was just lamenting how the game needs more futa.

Hell, Fen was just lamenting how the game needs more futa.

the game needs more futa.

Hell Fen lament.
I rarely write traps, futa or even women much because I know you two can be relied upon to produce female-gendered NPCs from now until the heat death of the universe, faster than I can write anything, and get it in the game faster because it hits the right buttons. That Fen actually thinks this game needs *more* futa only solidifies my impression that writing males is what I should be doing, however relatively thankless a task it is.

Do you personally think that the game needs futas/traps more than it needs males atm? On one hand, I find the former being hotter on average, and most writers who do them for TiTS 'get them' IMO. On the other hand people like Kesil are SOL right now, and having more bros to interact with would be awesome.

I was very glad to hear that Dane would eventually be on board Steele's ship for that very reason.
We have this same debate every two months or so and it comes back to the same thing: Savin and Fen have a particular audience their balance of material reaches, and because that audience is large and fairly stable they have no interest in diverting energy into attempting to diversify it. Particularly as said diversion would involve them doing stuff that doesn't inspire them. It is what it is, for as long as editorial policy remains the same.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
'Key. So how about a lovable scumbag? Not some rogueish character, but a mofo who has been or still are doing some pretty unsavory things outside of his 'profession'. I'll provide a more detailed framework later, 'cause now it's 7 AM and I really need to grab a shut-eye.

Here's a concept.

Vic, the Mod Dealer
The shopkeeper stands a diminutive five foot one, extremely short for an Ausar male. You might be tempted to hug him, if it wasn't for the eye-gougingly neon tattoos incised into his fur. Some instinctive part of your brain yells at you: Poisonous, stay away! 

Flicking one battle-scarred ear amusedly, the black-furred Ausar beckons you, leaning on the counter with one arm. "Come in, stay a while. What's the phrase? I don't bite. Much." He grins, showing pointed canines. 


> You Don't Bite? 
The Ausar shopkeeper shrugs. "Heard it from some girl. Whenever I say it, it either annoys somebody because it's cliche, or intrigues somebody 'cause they think it's original. Win-win." He tilts his head. "Then again, most people who say it don't have teeth that can draw blood." He smiles, putting his fangs on display again. 

> What if I want to be bitten? 
Vic smiles. "Then you should know I've got Red Myr gene-mods, so you'll probably be wanting to come back for seconds. Sure you don't wanna back out?"

[Chicken Out] [Bite Me] [Red Myr?]

(Vic sells illegal mods, including some (like his tattoos) that he developed or edited himself. He's tangentially in touch with the nastier side of Xenogen, providing them with 'genetic samples' he's obtained by illicit means. Occasionally those 'genetic samples' are people. )

(Sexually, Vic is an ass of a switch. If he's subbing, he back-talks, refuses commands, and generally enjoys sassing Steele. If he's domming, he's possessive and controlling. This tendency of his is less bad if Steele doms him in return, but a very submissive Steele might end up getting unwanted gene-mods from a long-term relationship with Vic.) 
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Do you personally think that the game needs futas/traps more than it needs males atm? On one hand, I find the former being hotter on average, and most writers who do them for TiTS 'get them' IMO. On the other hand people like Kesil are SOL right now, and having more bros to interact with would be awesome.

I was very glad to hear that Dane would eventually be on board Steele's ship for that very reason.


We have this same debate every two months or so and it comes back to the same thing: Savin and Fen have a particular audience their balance of material reaches, and because that audience is large and fairly stable they have no interest in diverting energy into attempting to diversify it. Particularly as said diversion would involve them doing stuff that doesn't inspire them. It is what it is, for as long as editorial policy remains the same.
I think the game needs more of whatever inspires authors to actually get up and write things to completion. Whatever that is, write it. Trying to write a certain, less appealing to you type of content because you think the game "needs it" is dumb. If writing manly men appeals to Nonesuch as much as writing ladies or traps or amorphous space monsters, more power to him. I'm know there's no shortage of people who will appreciate it. If he's avoiding content that he really wants to write because he thinks there's too much of something already -- THAT's what I'd take issue with. 

That's the big reason I'll verbally slap people who make a fuss about "Oh, no, not ANOTHER futa ugh. Write a {X} instead!" in somebody's thread (you know who you are). Fuck those people. There's no better way to ensure a project's never getting finished than trying to bully somebody into doing something they don't want to because it doesn't appeal to YOU. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You're going to have to be a lot more obscure than that to reference games no-one here will know about, son.
I mean, i know the game is great, but Pazaak was one of the parts no one ever remembers >_>


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I mean, i know the game is great, but Pazaak was one of the parts no one ever remembers >_>

Because it honestly wasn't that great?

It's just blackjack with some houserules. Unless you're going to introduce some kind of strip-pazaak, nobody's going to care much.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I think the game needs more of whatever inspires authors to actually get up and write things to completion. Whatever that is, write it. Trying to write a certain, less appealing to you type of content because you think the game "needs it" is dumb. If writing manly men appeals to Nonesuch as much as writing ladies or traps or amorphous space monsters, more power to him. I'm know there's no shortage of people who will appreciate it. If he's avoiding content that he really wants to write because he thinks there's too much of something already -- THAT's what I'd take issue with. 

I guess I have no choice but to agree with that assessment. Looking back at CoC, characters missing crucial bits and pieces seem to be considered much more of a problem by most people, including myself, than low number of male/whatever characters. Although I have no idea what creative process looked like back in the day and if self-obligated uninspired writing was in any way part of that problem. I'm good either way, since for me there are far more 'clicking' pieces of content in both games than those that don't.

There's one thing I'd still like you to clarify. If somebody decides to write a character that appeals to them on all levels but sexual and completes said character without any sexual interactions, will it be satisfactory?


Aug 27, 2015
Because it honestly wasn't that great?

It's just blackjack with some houserules. Unless you're going to introduce some kind of strip-pazaak, nobody's going to care much.

Was genuinely daydreaming about Gwent: TiTS edition the other day.

There's one thing I'd still like you to clarify. If somebody decides to write a character that appeals to them on all levels but sexual and completes said character without any sexual interactions, will it be satisfactory?
Crazy Carl got in, didn't he?
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Aug 26, 2015
There's one thing I'd still like you to clarify. If somebody decides to write a character that appeals to them on all levels but sexual and completes said character without any sexual interactions, will it be satisfactory?

It depends.  What does the character contribute to the game if not sex?  You can't fuck Allison at the Fantasia Foundry, but she offers new weapons and armor.  You can't fuck Kara, but she offers a quest chain and boss battles.  Sex is obviously an important thing for a character to offer, but it can be okay not to have it as long as the character provides something of value.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
There's one thing I'd still like you to clarify. If somebody decides to write a character that appeals to them on all levels but sexual and completes said character without any sexual interactions, will it be satisfactory?

Depends, but basically what Nonesuch and Couch said. Writing a merchant or a background NPC (like a minor questgiver or something) without sex implied or included is just dandy. Writing an NPC and hoping someone else will come along and write sex for them later because you just left it out, less so. 

He says, hypocritically.
You can't fuck Kara, but she offers a quest chain and boss battles. 


Kara's an interesting case, in that her content DOES include sex (since she introduced Shade as well, who provides it; or you could view Kara as a background to introducing Shade. Either way). She also does have her own scenes, plus boss fucks and a threesome, as part of her second quest. So she's more of a "delayed reward" situation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Vic, the Mod Dealer
The shopkeeper stands a diminutive five foot one, extremely short for an Ausar male. You might be tempted to hug him, if it wasn't for the eye-gougingly neon tattoos incised into his fur. Some instinctive part of your brain yells at you: Poisonous, stay away! 

Flicking one battle-scarred ear amusedly, the black-furred Ausar beckons you, leaning on the counter with one arm. "Come in, stay a while. What's the phrase? I don't bite. Much." He grins, showing pointed canines. 


> You Don't Bite? 
The Ausar shopkeeper shrugs. "Heard it from some girl. Whenever I say it, it either annoys somebody because it's cliche, or intrigues somebody 'cause they think it's original. Win-win." He tilts his head. "Then again, most people who say it don't have teeth that can draw blood." He smiles, putting his fangs on display again. 

> What if I want to be bitten? 
Vic smiles. "Then you should know I've got Red Myr gene-mods, so you'll probably be wanting to come back for seconds. Sure you don't wanna back out?"

[Chicken Out] [Bite Me] [Red Myr?]

(Vic sells illegal mods, including some (like his tattoos) that he developed or edited himself. He's tangentially in touch with the nastier side of Xenogen, providing them with 'genetic samples' he's obtained by illicit means. Occasionally those 'genetic samples' are people. )

(Sexually, Vic is an ass of a switch. If he's subbing, he back-talks, refuses commands, and generally enjoys sassing Steele. If he's domming, he's possessive and controlling. This tendency of his is less bad if Steele doms him in return, but a very submissive Steele might end up getting unwanted gene-mods from a long-term relationship with Vic.) 

Well, this looks promising, even though thus far it doesn't indicate the type of scumbaggery I had in mind. Not his field of work, mind you, it can be super-shady and ripe for abuse, but the character displayed in his dialogue. He's too smooth, not that there's something inherently wrong with that. I also have a few nitpicks:

*His tats' gaudiness and weird coloration must be off the charts to top Lane's and Vanaes'. Possible, but the description should be similarly flashy.  

*Red Myr genome decryption is gated behind PC's actions, so I'd suggest using some other, similar substance, natural or otherwise.

*Him giving a heads-up about his mods seems OOC for a scumbag IMO, although it may be the result of him being smooth, or professional, or planning for a long con. 

In any case, I want to thank you for giving my request a go, and suggest making a separate topic for it and other ones, since that's a hefty amount of possible content that may or may not be a part of the future Den of Villainy.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Nik: Made a new thread, as suggested. 

Vic is effectively daring Steele to fuck him in the third interaction: anybody who isn't willing to risk his teeth doesn't have the guts to be worth his time, in his opinion. 

As for Red Myr, I'll substitute something else similarly addictive if possible. 

Vic's tattoos are actually modded from the Vanae bioluminescent markings, making them more jagged and angular, as well as changing their color from silvery to a toxic-looking acid-green. 

Vic's a total scumbag, but not exactly a thug. That said, put him into a fight and he will probably win. I was going to write a little section of description based on character class to make that more obvious.

(Smugglers notice the knives he's got hidden on his person: Mercs notice the way he watches his environment and consider how he lost half an ear: Tech Specialists notice the illegal mods he's done to the energy pistol he's got at his hip.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Here's a concept.

Vic, the Mod Dealer
The shopkeeper stands a diminutive five foot one, extremely short for an Ausar male. You might be tempted to hug him, if it wasn't for the eye-gougingly neon tattoos incised into his fur. Some instinctive part of your brain yells at you: Poisonous, stay away! 

Flicking one battle-scarred ear amusedly, the black-furred Ausar beckons you, leaning on the counter with one arm. "Come in, stay a while. What's the phrase? I don't bite. Much." He grins, showing pointed canines. 


> You Don't Bite? 
The Ausar shopkeeper shrugs. "Heard it from some girl. Whenever I say it, it either annoys somebody because it's cliche, or intrigues somebody 'cause they think it's original. Win-win." He tilts his head. "Then again, most people who say it don't have teeth that can draw blood." He smiles, putting his fangs on display again. 

> What if I want to be bitten? 
Vic smiles. "Then you should know I've got Red Myr gene-mods, so you'll probably be wanting to come back for seconds. Sure you don't wanna back out?"

[Chicken Out] [Bite Me] [Red Myr?]

(Vic sells illegal mods, including some (like his tattoos) that he developed or edited himself. He's tangentially in touch with the nastier side of Xenogen, providing them with 'genetic samples' he's obtained by illicit means. Occasionally those 'genetic samples' are people. )

(Sexually, Vic is an ass of a switch. If he's subbing, he back-talks, refuses commands, and generally enjoys sassing Steele. If he's domming, he's possessive and controlling. This tendency of his is less bad if Steele doms him in return, but a very submissive Steele might end up getting unwanted gene-mods from a long-term relationship with Vic.) 

Yeah I like this. I really like short doms.

Not so much for the Kaithrith because natural male kaithriths are feminine.

For a request (if you don't mind me requesting), how about a DILF that whores himself out to make money to feed his children?

Anybody thought of what type of games to use on this world/section of Tavros? It would have to be available to be implemented into TiTS coding.

There's obviously BlackJack and Poker, what else do all of you think?

Maybe if she gives permission, we could ask SweGabe if she would allow something similar to the Prediction game that was in Legend of Queen Opala Origin? Would obviously need permission however.

Depends arcade should have lither non-sexy games, while crime world the game could have sex things.

For the non-sex thing a very unbalanced roulette or those jackpot machines.

For a sex thing how about a spin the bottle, but instead of a bottle it's a sex toy, that the players have to use on themselves while avoiding orgasm. The last player standing wins the right to fuck everyone.


New Member
Oct 4, 2015
So many great ideas, so many possibilities... Is there some where we can vote on what ideas get considered? That would be awesome, even if just the backers vote.