Pyrite Station, the gambling planet


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Any of these you two would particularly like to see expanded?

Hmm, Gale, Tasha (need more dragon things anyways), and Aya

come to think of it. I remember dragon TF value was 11, but is there an actual item for it, or is that just basically lizan stuff?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Basically any of those would be cool, but Aya and Tasha would mean yet another race that mysteriously has no other members or references anywhere, and Samantha's just kinda vanilla. (Vanilla's fine, just less preferable to these other neat concepts for this kind of game.) Also Aya hits kinks that are already filled elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Any of these you two would particularly like to see expanded?

This question wasn't addressed to me but still...

I found all of them except for maybe Renee very interesting and/or sexy, but there are four definite favorites.

* Alisha for fetish-related reasons.

*Sarah for the dawww-factor.

*Aya just to see how the hell would you pull off her Distracted Sex kink.

*Shannon's vague description made her quite intriguing. Plus she is the closest thing to an average perception of an IRL sex-woker among the bunch. 

Awesome stuff anyhow.

Edit: Ashley seems to be very similar to Embry at a glance, but if we'd have some way of interacting with the brothel employees outside of their work, I believe there still is some space to make a sufficiently different character who just happens to have similar disposition and problem. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
So doing some quick vote-tallying:

Gale +

Tasha +-

Aya ++-

Samantha -

Alisha +

Sarah + 

Shannon +

Ashley -

Some quick elaboration on everybody who's gotten a mention so far, regarding potential plot lines/addressing criticism. 

Personally, I think Gale is a bit close to Shekka. She addressed the issue with Gabilani slavery by getting off-planet, and the issue with her heats by building extremely sophisticated sex toys. (And also working as a prostitute.) If she gets a plot, it's likely to be about the PC acting as her personal test subject for her experimental fuck machines. 

Tasha being from 'yet another weird one-off species' is indeed unfortunate, but if she gets a plot, more information about them will no doubt be involved. Unfortunately, the translator problem is central to her at the moment. 

Aya is a Huline, and will naturally only make it if the Huline as a whole make it into the game. In which case, she won't be the only one. Her plot (if she gets one) is likely to involve Steele finding a genuinely unique and new sexual experience for her, rekindling her interest in her profession.

I agree with the criticism of Samantha: she's kind of boring even to me, honestly. 

Alisha wants to go home, bringing back offworld expertise and tech with her. She intends to be the Queen of her own clan of Vanae, and with her newfound mastery of high-tech weaponry and armor, she's quite likely to succeed. 

Sarah would like to lose her virginity very much! Please, get this damn chastity belt off her!

Shannon's plot can go in three directions, off the top of my head. 

1: PC rescues her and she starts a new life of her own. (Does not stay as a companion like Reaha.)

2: PC dooms her to her new life as a whore, possibly by giving her some of the nastier transformatives sold by Dr. Badger. 

3: PC attempts 1 or 2, but ends up pulled into Shannon's life, becoming a cheap whore just like her. 

Ashley is different from Embry in that she is not your love and she does not want your charity. Her storyline, if she has one, will be unrelated to her being trans. You can still effectively pay for her transition by making her your favoured whore, but she won't consider herself indebted to you at all. (In fact, if she successfully transitions I'd expect her to stop appearing at the brothel altogether.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aya would be great if it turned out her getting turned into a pet would be the new thing she craves. It almost certainly won't go that way so she loses my interest.

Sarah only has her virginity going for her. She loses that, she turns into yet another fuckhappy d-cupped chick. She needs to keep it, but just saying "It's expensive" won't cut it as an excuse since people can and will farm millions they don't need.

Tasha sounds cool (pun not intended).

Samantha sounds boring, which is kinda weird since we don't have anything close to her.

Shannon sounds deeply depressing. I can imagine most people giving her wide berth.

Everybody else sounds p cool.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd like to point out that in case negative vote for Ashley came from me, that wasn't what I meant. I'd very much like to see her in the game. Renee on the other hand probably won't cut it for me.

Aya would be great if it turned out her getting turned into a pet would be the new thing she craves. It almost certainly won't go that way so she loses my interest.

Sarah only has her virginity going for her. She loses that, she turns into yet another fuckhappy d-cupped chick. She needs to keep it, but just saying "It's expensive" won't cut it as an excuse since people can and will farm millions they don't need.

+1 to the first point, even though that's not the main reason I find her interesting. There's never enough pet fox-girls.

I strongly disagree with your opinion about Sarah. Eager, young and inexperienced people are the kink of their own, virginity or no virginity. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wait for me~

Depending on how spaceshit talk goes, I might open up a design doc for it in a couple of months -- would go a ways towards filling out the non-planet encounters I'd like to have ready for that system getting set up.

I can wait that long. It definitely occurred to me that it would be best for space-shit to be in before doing pirate haven, since such a place would be an ideal location to have a % chance on entry of pirate/slaver/police ambushes.

Brothels are kind of my jam. Have a list of 13 quick character concepts for hookers, whores, and courtesans: feel free to build on anything here. If the species isn't mentioned, it's not important. 

I had flashbacks of LukaDoc's and QuietBrowser's working list. :3 


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Re: Renee: Yeah, I realized halfway through writing her that I'd basically described the PC. Also, she overlaps with Cheri too much. 

Pet Aya as the 'new interesting thing' feels unlikely, but it's possible I could justify it somehow. 

Things-that-would-surprise-Aya are probably either very new or very rare. Ideally both. Come up with something in that category that could be used for pet-play, and we have a winner. (Being someone's docile pet is exactly the kind of thing that amuses her though, since it's such a dramatic reversal of the real situation. At least, in her mind.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Have a list of 13 quick character concepts for hookers, whores, and courtesans: feel free to build on anything here. If the species isn't mentioned, it's not important.

The only characters that caught my attention are Tasha, Alisha and Samantha. It pains me that the only straight guy has a "sculpted body" and sounds like the damn Raphael from CoC. And all of them have regular names :/


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
The only characters that caught my attention are Tasha, Alisha and Samantha. It pains me that the only straight guy has a "sculpted body" and sounds like the damn Raphael from CoC. And all of them have regular names :/

I admit I am not the best at writing sexy dudes. It would help if I was attracted to men-in-general rather than having specific exceptions. Alas, I am not bi enough. 

Pretty much all the names are placeholders right now. Ipsea needs to have a flower-name, but I'm not strongly attached to Ipsea. I just felt that naming her something like 'Rose', 'Jasmine', etc would be a bit too on the nose.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Good thing I'm not exactly interested in sexy dudes, then.

Welcome to the 'dudes are generally uninteresting' club. Would you like a membership card? 

So yeah, the talk so far seems to indicate that Tasha, Aya and Alisha are the three to focus on at the moment. Samantha, Renee and Adam are bad, while Cheri and Alanna are forgettable. If I ever end up expanding on a fourth or fifth, it'll probably be Ashley or Ipsea. 


Aug 27, 2015
Welcome to the 'dudes are generally uninteresting' club. Would you like a membership card? 
I think you need to read more of Kesil's posts to realise you misunderstood her.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I think you need to read more of Kesil's posts to realise you misunderstood her.
... Whoops, yep. ^_^;

I'll just take that membership card back, shall I?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like the "why do we need ten thousand characters in TiTS when many of them barely add much and why there's a guy for ten or so girls (no, seriously, I checked the wiki and it was depressing) and that guy is either a sissy or a manly man-too bad I can't commit to try my hand at changing the situation and show that guys/gals are not inherently boring aside from suggesting things and perhaps correct typos" membership card instead. But alas, the name alone would fill the whole of said card.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Vahn isn't a sissy or a manly man! I think. I mean, his two sex scenes are receiving and not giving, but he's no Cameron.

Which, uh, debatably makes one. Maybe Dally or Ben? I dunno.

EDIT: Also, in response to the first part, all those characters are needed to fill planets, rather than having just half a planet with every individual having a metric fuckton of content. 
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Aug 27, 2015
I didn't intend Geoff, Gene or the raskvel gangbangers to be one or the other, either. I'd absolutely love to write a couple of traps personally, but they have exactly the same problem futa have - Savin pushes them out at a rate of knots.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Savin pushes them out at a rate of knots.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I didn't intend Geoff, Gene or the raskvel gangbangers to be one or the other, either.

I thank you for Geoff and the raskvels, as they're the male characters I like to share my time with the most, except when I want to cater to my musk/worshipping kinks in New Texas. Haven't really tried Gene (or Dally, since I have yet to properly explore Myrellion due to lack of meatspace time or motivation, which is the same reason why I haven't tried Ben/Bess yet), but I feel he'll join my Pals To Screw And Be Screwed By list as well. As per Vahn, well... the guy's cute and all, but I'm not into mec... I mean, "technicians". Blame on having an uncle whose nails ended up perpetually black because of said job.

Perhaps the staff should consider whether the concept of filler NPCs is a good thing. Of course, those planets need to be populated for the sake of plot and gameplay, but not making A Planet of Waifus does not mean you have to devise A Planet of One/Two Smut Scene Wonders (regular NPCs are fine for filler and might help giving the place in question a lively feel). Of course, it would get solved if anyone wanted to write scenes for the bare-bones NPCs, including those who were implemented without any sex scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Could totally add a Chinatown w/ Arcade thing to a new Tavros deck (which there is growing need for).

SSTDs would so fit in, especially if there's a brothel/pimp yourself out thing going on! :p  More illegal transformations like Gush and Dumbfuck would make sense there -- things that do bad things to your brain-thing on top of much more exaggerated TFs. Maybe a special brothel / room in the brothel for addictive species, or ones that cause transformation with (repeated) intercourse.

People trying to mug you, bar fights, gangsters, etc. would make sense as enemies. On the old forum I pitched the idea that, rather than having big "encounter zones" like planets, the interior of the bar(s) should be where you hit random encounters. Maybe seedy back alleys and old warehouses you pass through, too. 

Tavros really needs more businesses. And it could also use some "player-useless" shops to pad it's length and add to the ambience. Wait in line forever to talk to your extranet service provider or "test some beds" with a furniture salesman.

Diseases, specially "sexy" one are fun to think off.

Take a shortcut between buildings an get mugged kind of situation, maybe with the chance increasing at night(or nighthours?). Yeah that's a cool idea.

But yeah all those ideas sounds great.

I admit I am not the best at writing sexy dudes. It would help if I was attracted to men-in-general rather than having specific exceptions. Alas, I am not bi enough. 
You could could try to do some more sketches for dudes. You only did one out of thirteen. Maybe you're better at it than you think (or worse).

Vahn isn't a sissy or a manly man! I think. I mean, his two sex scenes are receiving and not giving, but he's no Cameron.

Which, uh, debatably makes one. Maybe Dally or Ben? I dunno.
A twink I think?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd like the "why do we need ten thousand characters in TiTS when many of them barely add much and why there's a guy for ten or so girls (no, seriously, I checked the wiki and it was depressing) and that guy is either a sissy or a manly man-too bad I can't commit to try my hand at changing the situation and show that guys/gals are not inherently boring aside from suggesting things and perhaps correct typos" membership card instead. But alas, the name alone would fill the whole of said card.

Sex is the main content, or so I was told. Everything else is just icing on character-cakes. AFAIK various depictions of sexy dudes usually average-out around those two extremes. We have several male character that do not fall into those extremes but they tend to have very little content, smut or otherwise. I have no numbers to prove this, but I feel like the ratio atm. is roughly proportional to the amount of people interested in them. Which makes me sad.

There's also a couple of legit Vatsonian reasons for that dichotomy:

#Gene-mods are everywhere, so anyone who cares about his appearance can change it, and dudes really like being manly men. 

#PC spends most of his time on the frontier, so naturally dudes there tend to be of those two varieties or some roguish types.

#Most races naturally tend to follow this trend or just reverse it.

Welcome to the 'dudes are generally uninteresting' club. Would you like a membership card? 

So yeah, the talk so far seems to indicate that Tasha, Aya and Alisha are the three to focus on at the moment. Samantha, Renee and Adam are bad, while Cheri and Alanna are forgettable. If I ever end up expanding on a fourth or fifth, it'll probably be Ashley or Ipsea. 

Shouldn't your first statement look like 'dudes I write are generally uninteresting'?

Anyhow, I'd like to mention that Adam's description seems fine, if abrupt, and I think it'd be possible to make an interesting character using that premise. However I must ask what's with the 'hair pulling' being a central kink? Is he a disciple of the School of the Pimping Hand?

If you really need to narrow down the focus, the ones you've chosen are fine, but if there will be any room, please consider adding Shennon.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 As per Vahn, well... the guy's cute and all, but I'm not into mec... I mean, "technicians". Blame on having an uncle whose nails ended up perpetually black because of said job.

Dang. Disqualified due to job prejudice!


A twink I think?
Maybe. He's not a stereotypical twink, either, but it's closer than 'sissy' or 'muscle-man'. Maybe that means I hit my mark, since the mark was to have him somewhere in the middle.

I dunno, Foxxling can probably give a definitive ruling on the matter.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sex is the main content, or so I was told. Everything else is just icing on character-cakes. AFAIK various depictions of sexy dudes usually average-out around those two extremes. We have several male character that do not fall into those extremes but they tend to have very little content, smut or otherwise. I have no numbers to prove this, but I feel like the ratio atm. is roughly proportional to the amount of people interested in them. Which makes me sad.

Sex is the main content indeed, so, after checking every NPC at least once and get to the wiki to see if I might be missing anything (I didn't know of zil males oral win scenes until now, for example), I am not going to make Steele screw characters I don't like unless the scene catches my fancy. Being straight IRL, I will head for male content. Seeing Eva's huge list, and even though I know I am not the game's target, I hoped there would be more than one or two males on it, and that said male would not be akin to one I dislike from CoC. Beggars can't be choosers, but I have certain tastes, sue me. Coupled with what you just said, well... I felt sad as well. But that issue has already been addressed in both CoC and TiTS.

Also, it's not my fault that mechanics are sometimes sexualised.. Damn FF XV's Cindy, you better have a good role on the game!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Sex is the main content indeed, so, after checking every NPC at least once and get to the wiki to see if I might be missing anything (I didn't know of zil males oral win scenes until now, for example), I am not going to make Steele screw characters I don't like unless the scene catches my fancy. Being straight IRL, I will head for male content. Seeing Eva's huge list, and even though I know I am not the game's target, I hoped there would be more than one or two males on it, and that said male would not be akin to one I dislike from CoC. Beggars can't be choosers, but I have certain tastes, sue me. Coupled with what you just said, well... I felt sad as well. But that issue has already been addressed in both CoC and TiTS.

Also, it's not my fault that mechanics are sometimes sexualised.. Damn FF XV's Cindy, you better have a good role on the game!

Sexualized mechanics always makes me think of Kaylee from Firefly.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Kesil: I agree with your assessment of the unfortunate gender-ratio situation! Unfortunately, I doubt I am the right person to fix it. In the context of sexiness, the vast majority of dudes are uninteresting to me, and I am unable to capture & bottle the thing that the rare exceptions do to me, due to my lack of sufficient examples to study. As a result, I expect any attempt of mine to write a sexy dude to be mediocre at best. I'd rather write good content and enjoy writing than write mediocre-to-poor content and not enjoy it.

That said, the day I have an idea for a good male character, you'll be the first person I message.

... Argh, now you've got me trying to figure out what my 'exceptions' have in common. Stupid puzzle drive. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh, don't worry about that.I mean, there was no way to know what you could/would not write about and you didn't really have a way to know what I meant (Nonesuch did because we've been here for longer, and pointing to messages is often a way to "know" a given user). But sexiness is relative and I seem to be the resident xeno enthusiast who does not care for "standard" sexiness, so I wanted to express myself in hopes that could inspire you in one way or another. At least, the features of this possible place calls up for uncommon things for a shady feel... though, honestly, that could be a stereotype. One I like in the shape of "dens of depravation", though!

Thanks for minding my critiques and, especially, for your honesty. As someone who likes to write but thinks her writings are sub par, I can only encourage you to, provided you want it, put your contents here for peer revision, be it as game projects or regular smut writings :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'm familiar with the Wrench Wench trope, and love most of the characters who fall into that category, but does anybody know about it's male counterpart, preferably with some examples.