PSI/Psy/Space Magicks


New Member
Aug 30, 2015
Status effects and stat debuffs would be much more interesting psi effects, rather than just lust or HP damage. Maybe an attack that does more damage the smarter the enemy is?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Ew, no.  Direct lust damage is exactly the one thing I don't want psionics to do outside of maybe one power.  And even then I don't want it to do that.  We already have a system in place for the player to inflict lust damage on enemies regardless of what equipment they're carrying, and doing so while helping to set the mood for the following victory sex at that.  "You assault your target with visions of lust!" is basically the same as CoC's Arousing Aura, also known as literally the least arousing perk in the game.  Psionic abilities should be augmenting existing class capabilities or providing new options, not doing exactly the same thing as an existing mechanic all characters already get.

Similarly I don't want a power that's just "you fire Mind Bullets at the opponent and they take X damage".  A power that lets you slow the target's movement speed so their Aim and Reflexes are reduced for a few turns, now that's something new and interesting.

I agree with all of this.  Psionics just being a new tease attack with a funny name would be lame.


Aug 26, 2015
Like I said, I'm fine with maybe one power that's just Porno Beam.  I think it's a lame use of a slot if there's very limited slots, but if it's just one of a bunch of powers you can pick from then fine.  But if just doing lust damage was all psionics dealt with it would be a massive waste.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As someone who likes to use physical attacks and support magic (or a flurry of magic when MP allows for it) in order to attack, leaving something with so much potential as a Tease (something I only use when it's strongly reccomended) would be a huge disappointment. My Steele is meant to be a kickass Jedi, not an adept at Naruto's Oiroke no Jutsu. And, well, when it comes to sexy times, mind control feels too noncon for me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The other thing that might happen is that becoming a psionic 'unlocks' certain alternative level up perks that give psionic powers that you can retrain yourself in or take on new level ups.

The other source of psionic powers that was in the works for awhile, but has been abandoned, was channeling the power of another psionic through a portable pseudo-wormhole.  That same idea could come back at some point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Having an entire lust damage type labelled psychic kind of indicates that it's not going to be used for a single attack, guys. Also, I think you're forgetting this is a sex game, again, written by a guy with an admittedly huge mind-control boner. 

I'd have thought previous events had established that power fantasies where Steele flashes his or her godlike Jedi powers—or powers of any description—were extremely low on the agenda, mostly because they're not even really sexual. That stuff's covered by every other game in existence. Plus, whenever it (power flaunting) is brought up, things start straying uncomfortably close to murderfuck territory. Don't ask me why
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Aug 26, 2015
Psychic damage was put in as part of the combat overhaul.  It's a damage type because there will certainly be enemies who use it.  It's both a physical and a lust damage type.

You're arguing for lust damage to be the only thing psionics does, and that's what I'm objecting to.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Psychic damage was put in as part of the combat overhaul.  It's a damage type because there will certainly be enemies who use it.  It's both a physical and a lust damage type.

You're arguing for lust damage to be the only thing psionics does, and that's what I'm objecting to.

I'm not arguing *for* it. I'm just saying it's highly unlikely that it'll wind up being what you guys are saying it'll be; turning Steele Jr. into an X-man or Jedi, complete with its own side system that deviates from existing mechanics. IMO, you guys are thinking about what is cool rather than what is likely.

That said, I could be wrong. We'll see, I suppose?

EDIT: Oh. Nope. Wait. I did say I support it above. I guess I'm doing both.
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Aug 26, 2015
As far as combat mechanics, the "psionic" type that falls under the lust category only because it is a lust attack that is produced through the use of psionics and some enemies may be resistant/immune to psionic lust damage (hypno and hands-free-edging-to-ejaculation attacks or something). If psionics did physical damage, then it will be of the "irresistible"/"true" type in physical category. Either of which can have a "bypass shields" depending on the attack. If I remember correctly, if there was a psychic damage type, it was most likely merged with gravitic and moved to unresistant damage during the overhaul.

There is flexibility for any psionic attacks created depending on how they are plotted out (physical, lust, hybrid of both, temporary stat boosting, etc.) and each have an equal opportunity for representation in the game. It'll take a while before we can actually see what direction psionics will be heading though, if and when they are implemented, so I honestly won't jump to any conclusions just yet.


Sep 9, 2015
Why don't you make the effect of psionic abilities to be directly related to the curent lust score? Also, you may have abilities that change lust for shield, that burns lust in order to make a damaging psychic wave, etc. That way, mechanically you may want to be at the verge of a lust-induced defeat, but also, by burning lust it means that you cannot abuse your powers. Also, a teleporting ability to free yourself from enemy grabs would be something beautyful.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Having an entire lust damage type labelled psychic kind of indicates that it's not going to be used for a single attack, guys. Also, I think you're forgetting this is a sex game, again, written by a guy with an admittedly huge mind-control boner.

Treated Psionic.

On other point touched recently here. Yeah as for now psi dmg are under lust type of dmg/resistance. We already meantion so many ways Steele Jr. coud became psionic and well as I aware space combat/movement was mentioned to be mostly done by saving/gedan so why we all assume fenoxo himself will design psi system too? He may as well just fist his seal of approve over system that will again sav/ged design after he add his fenflavor to it.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like to voice my abhorrence at the very thought of having a special XP bar or levelling system for psychic powers.

IMO, it should be a few abilities you can learn that rely on an existing primary stat like willpower, that directly inflicts lust damage using the lust damage (Psychic) type, acting as an alternate form of tease. 

Right, I'm *pretty sure* that's not going to happen. 

More likely, the PC interfacing with psionics will either cause you to shift into a new class outright, or unlock (a smaller array of) abilities and perks alongside your current class. Fen's definitely mentioned wanted to do a psyker class, though it might be annoying to retroactively jam it into the game. We'll see. 

Either way I'll fight hard against some kind of stupid "Psychic Training" thing like Tease has or Archery from CoC. 

Ew, no.  Direct lust damage is exactly the one thing I don't want psionics to do outside of maybe one power.  And even then I don't want it to do that.  We already have a system in place for the player to inflict lust damage on enemies regardless of what equipment they're carrying, and doing so while helping to set the mood for the following victory sex at that.

There will totally be a bunch of lust-based Psi powers, for the reasons Jim mentioned. There will ALSO be attack/debuff powers. These will probably be represented as different sides of a level-up tree in the Psi-class, or as the powers granted by different psi-amps or parasites.

While not firm material, the last time Fen and I discussed Psionics (the notes doc is "last edited August 14, 2014"), they more or less broke down like this (names subject to change):

  • Empaths/Telepaths. The Lust tree, can send erotic thoughts and manipulate the target's mind. Might also include some debuffs like making yourself invisible, or taking control of the target's arm to make their aim swing all over.
  • Psychokinetics. The Physical tree, includes elemental-based mental attacks, throwing shit around with your brain, and inflicting physical status effects like Disarm, Sunder, etc. 
  • Something about Clairvoyance? Probably get rolled into Telepathy/assoc. Mentalist tree unless its like the "tank tree" with you precognitively dodging attacks and shit. 
so why we all assume fenoxo himself will design psi system too? 
Cuz he hasn't told me "Hey Savin, catch!" 

I'm pretty sure Fen wants to do it, though if it does get bucked to me I'm half liable to take the opportunity to revise the whole class/ability system anyway since I'd be adding a new class and then dicking with how EVERYONE gets abilities on top of that. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Cuz he hasn't told me "Hey Savin, catch!" 

I'm pretty sure Fen wants to do it, though if it does get bucked to me I'm half liable to take the opportunity to revise the whole class/ability system anyway since I'd be adding a new class and then dicking with how EVERYONE gets abilities on top of that. 
Ok fair point (well unlike with space combat psionic for PC is still quite far away (think a few months at best) future).

Haha no I won't be annoyed either way it wil be done after you got to do it and then fulfill your promise here ^^

Other think I always though if game sionic would have was all kinds of -kinesis like piro/crio/gravi (that way psionics can actualy have skill to deal most of current exisiting types of atack types) after naturaly putting some limitation to not let us have so easy (or at all) all those type of dmg dealing skills/specials. (In past when I was bored looking over -kinesis subject on net found page stating that theoricaly you can use it to justify controling virtualy everything around you after adding corred preffix to -kinesis)


Aug 26, 2015
You can, but you shouldn't.

For a third tree might I suggest Psychometabolism/Egoist?  This would be a mainly self-buffing and/or self-recovery tree.  Plausible benefits might include regeneration, a temporary melee damage buff, resistance boosts, basically it'd be the tanking-focused ability spread where telepathy is more lust and evasion-based and telekinesis is more physical offense and enemy debuff-based.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
What do you guys think about non-combat uses of Psi abilities? Triggering scenes, solving conflicts, etc.  As a side question, will Mercs ever get some class specific events/solutions?

Additionally, IMO it'd be better to have both an option to acquire some Psi on the side and to re-spec into a proper psionic.


Aug 26, 2015
Noncombat stuff is a maybe-but-not-likely.  It's a pain to come up with ability or class-specific solutions like that.

Similarly, Mercs are probably SOL when it comes to noncombat, but they're easily the strongest class in every other regard except stunlocking so whatever.

Personally I would prefer getting a bit of Jedi added on to my existing class, but I'm certainly also fine with a full respec option, though you'd need to figure out what to do to make the two options comparable.  Obviously a character who's already a Psion class won't get as much benefit out of also having a psionic seconday ability set, though they might still get some as a means of diversifying.  You could swap it for Psions with a slimmed-down version of their original class, maybe?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Psi as support would be neat, since everything else is all about blowing things away. TiTS already has status effects, but stat debuffs aren't yet present and they'd work really well with it. I just hope they aren't useless, as most rpgs seem prone to doing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Similarly I don't want a power that's just "you fire Mind Bullets at the opponent and they take X damage".  A power that lets you slow the target's movement speed so their Aim and Reflexes are reduced for a few turns, now that's something new and interesting.

Sounds like Kitsune's Illusion from CoC. You know, that totally useless ability.


Aug 26, 2015
You could just balance it not to suck.  Cutting Aim and Reflexes cuts ranged damage (bullets move slower through the thickened space), accuracy with all weapons, and evasion.  Find a good value to cut.

Besides, Illusion's still better than Foxfire, which is exactly like Whitefire except always worse.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
You could just balance it not to suck.  Cutting Aim and Reflexes cuts ranged damage (bullets move slower through the thickened space), accuracy with all weapons, and evasion.  Find a good value to cut.

Besides, Illusion's still better than Foxfire, which is exactly like Whitefire except always worse.

It's a super noob question, but are enemies, including mooks, really fully stated in TiTS and do they use the same calculations for their damage and abilities? If so, my respect for Fen&co will be even higher. Sufficiently powerful debuffs will be really awesome in that case.

It makes sense for Mercs, the fighter class of the setting, to have limited non-combat solutions, far less than rogue-like and hacker classes. However being a professional soldier/bodyguard should give some skill set outside of shooting and stabbing people. It's not a high priority, but would be cool nonetheless. 


Aug 26, 2015
It's not that you can't come up with a Merc-based bypass, it's that nobody who writes events actually does it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You could just balance it not to suck.  Cutting Aim and Reflexes cuts ranged damage (bullets move slower through the thickened space), accuracy with all weapons, and evasion.  Find a good value to cut.

Besides, Illusion's still better than Foxfire, which is exactly like Whitefire except always worse.

And Illusion is worse than Blind, except for few immune targets.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
I have a few ideas. If anyone else posted any of these beforehand, then +1 to them where applicable.

Origins: 1. a psychic amplifier installed through nano-machine injections, cybernetics, or equipped as an accessory, 2. a rare substance or entity made out of weirdness that gives out free psi powers and craziness to everything around it. 3. naturally psychic creatures that one can gather and have studied or capture and train as a pet that dishes out psychic wrath on command.

Uses: Lower enemy intelligence and aim for a combat advantage, spike enemy libido to make them more susceptible to lust damage, use with subtlety during talk scenes to influence others, cause one enemy to attack another or their self, overload enemy nervous system to stun them. 

Training: Find psychic trainer and solve puzzles to strengthen your psi powers, practice on enemies and or psychic sparing, or absorb energy from naturally psychic creatures, If psi powers are machine-based, one could buy an upgrade.

Mechanics: The strength of psi powers and the ability to resist them should be based on the willpower stat.. There could be a chance of backfire where your character suffers the effect instead of the target. If energy is used as power, then more powerful and versatile abilities should use more energy. If psi powers are machine-based, one could require a recharge after a few uses.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Now I know very well the answer is going to either "Write it", "No", "I don't know" or something else I'm betting on the 1/4 chance that it's something else.

Will there be psionic sex scenes? Like a fellow psion giving you lust filled images to your head making you masturbate in public? Or maybe you do it to them? Or just straight up mind control? I know enemy monsters might have these psionic powers, but I'm talking about a psionic NPC doing this. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Now I know very well the answer is going to either "Write it", "No", "I don't know" or something else I'm betting on the 1/4 chance that it's something else.

Will there be psionic sex scenes? Like a fellow psion giving you lust filled images to your head making you masturbate in public? Or maybe you do it to them? Or just straight up mind control? I know enemy monsters might have these psionic powers, but I'm talking about a psionic NPC doing this. 

I would think it would work better on non-psionics, given that they would have no experience with it.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I honestly don't care about the Psi battle mechanics.

I'm all about dat consensual-preferred hypno fetish. Sex scenes when?

@Ravioli below me: Ravioli, Ravioli, give me the Formioli. idk either
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