[poll] What should I write next?

What should I write next?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
I figured that this would be the best place to say this but...
Ever since Thebiologist chose a profile picture for himself I’ve been reading everything he types in Professor Farnsworth’s voice, I’m not entirely sure why either I guess I’m just weird.
Do not worry, that is normal. As in psychological proven normal, since that is one of the funny things the brain does.
(We have a meme for that, a whole department of it)





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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I figured that this would be the best place to say this but...
Ever since Thebiologist chose a profile picture for himself I’ve been reading everything he types in Professor Farnsworth’s voice, I’m not entirely sure why either I guess I’m just weird.
I read your posts in Rick's voice.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
The more I think about it the more these all seem like great options. I think my vote has to go to the House of Fetish, though. There's just way too much potential with that concept compared to all the others. There are a lot of fetishes out there that haven't gotten much, if any, representation in TiTs and this would be the perfect opportunity to include them without forcing anyone that doesn't enjoy them to take part.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
it's tied most of the time, not gonna lie, I want to write house of fetish, I have so many ideas for that. Still, the poll will be open until I finish writing Starchild and the Rhenwold talk scenes and I'm thinking of making 2 masturbation scenes too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
Under the moons of Barsoom
Argh! I'm torn between house of fetish and waifu!

I like all the possiblities of HOF, but mammoth waifu sounds so cute.

My vote is currently HOF, but I'm being convinced to vote for mammoth girl.

I did it, and we're back at a tie. Who'll break it now?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You know what, I've changed my mind!

I'm gonna go vote back for the mammoth girl, because I'm also convinced that she will sound cute af!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Albeit I'm gay af, the idea of an anthro futa (of a non-common species, to boot!) plus some size-difference play, and hopefully cum-inflation too, is simply too much to resist.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
Under the moons of Barsoom
Yes. My tiny steeles will enjoy snuggling up in her warm, fluffy arms and drowning in fluffeh boobs. My large steeles will enjoy an equally large (or perhaps big smaller) mate.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Albeit I'm gay af, the idea of an anthro futa (of a non-common species, to boot!) plus some size-difference play, and hopefully cum-inflation too, is simply too much to resist.

I'm not gay myself, but I'm pretty ok about writing gay stuff. Now that I think about it, the possession scene exclusive for pc males on my Starchild project is basically her taking control of your body, abusing your nipples, making you fist your own ass and deep-throat your own tailcock while you jerk-off your own cock. this is what a male pc will get:

It takes you a few moments but you manage to open your eyes. You’re leaned against the wall, right besides the bed and with one hell of a headache. It seems Starchild wasn’t lying about the risks, but other than a crushing headache you can’t feel… you… can’t… you can’t feel anything! You can’t feel anything and you can’t move! This cannot be. Starchild! She can suit up and help you, don’t panic, she… She’s standing right in front of you. Her shield generator is keeping her form, but she’s completely dim. Her color is completely different, the former blue-purple shade is now reddish-brown and it’s completely dull, completely un-lit. No swirling galaxies, no fiery star on her chest. Just a cloud of gas held together by a shield generator.

She was so scared of hurting someone else that she didn’t think about the possibility of getting hurt herself. Could she? You don’t know her physiology well enough to take be sure, but could she… be dead? Did you just accidentally kill your date? No! You’re panicking damnit. If only you could stop this goddamn headache you could think more clearly.

<i>Damn, my head</i> Who’s said that? <i>It hurts, why does it hurt so much?</i> Is that Starchild? She’s alive, thank the stars. <i>Where? What? Where am... Oh, no</i> Where is she? You can hear hear her but you can’t see her. <i>Steele? Why am I looking at myself right now?<i> What did she just said? <i>No, no, no! This can’t be real...<i> Your hand! Your hand is moving, but you’re not doing it. You’re waving your own hand in front of your face. No way, is she doing it?

<i>Steele, [pc.name], I think we might be in a bit of a trouble. I-I oh, my stars! I think I’m inside you.</i> That makes no sense, how could she? <i>I think I’m stuck inside something… somethings, many somethings, inside you</i> Could that be your nanites? Is her consciousness piggybacking on your nanites?

You body starts to move on its own volition. It gets up and walks towards the now dormant body of Starchild. <i>This is me...</i>Mutters Starchild inside your head. <i>This is way too freaky, mirrors and pictures are one thing, but watching myself like that, I-I can’t… this is. I want to get back in!</i> She lunges forwards and reaches for her body. There’s a reaction! The part where she touched her body, it’s turning purplish-blue again. No, once she removes your hand that part turns dim brown again. <i>My core, I need to get to my core<i> She reaches for the chest area and begins pushing and sliding your hands all around, as if trying to find an entrance. At this point, she’s basically fondling and groping her own boobs. Quite the sight of accidental lewdness, both sexy and amusing on equal measure. Starchild suddenly grinds to a halt and your body tenses up.

<i>S-steele? What’s this… this I’m feeling? This... heat I-I’m...</i>Still stammering, she turns to look at the source of her surprise. You see your own

---{pc is male: [pc.cocks] rapidly stiffening, pulsating with every beat of your heart. The more you both look straight at the problem the harder and harder it gets until it’s rock hard{if dressed:, pressing hard against you [pc.lowerGarments]}}

<i>What did you do? What did you do?! You pervert! I’m stuck inside your body and all you can think about is this?</i>

But you didn’t do anything. Right now she’s in control, you can’t move, you can’t feel anything, you can’t even speak with your own voice. You body is effectively her body. All of this is on her. It might be your body, but it’s her arousal.

<i>You can’t… can’t be seriously… s-seriously… I-I... I want to fuck myself.</i> Wait, what? That was not a question, that was definitely an statement.

<i>I can feel it now. It’s my fault. My breasts, they are so… squeezable. No! It’s your stupid body. I’ve never felt this way before. This is too freaky. That’s my unconscious body. I’m not gonna… not… gonna- It’s your body, damnit. I can feel all this new sensations. The touch of your [pc.skinFurScales]...</i> she pauses to caress your forearm. Slowly running your hand up and down its length. <i>It feels so nice, so much better, more intense. I want to feel more.</i>

---{if dressed: Starchild begins to remove your clothes, slowly, savoring the feeling of your own clothes sliding down your [pc.skinFurScales] as she undresses your body.}

She begins exploring your body with your own hands, beginning with your arms she caresses every inch of their length, feeling every curve, every imperfection. She pauses after a bit and rises your arm full on display in from of your face, admiring it for a moment before pinching it with your other hand. <i>aaaooh!</i> Se lets out. A bizarre mix between a moan and a whine. <i>That’s how you feel it? Pain. It’s so different than what I feel. It doesn’t feel that bad. I-I almost liked it. It was pain, but it was not completely unpleasant.</i> Uh-oh, the last thing you need right now is a masochistic puppetmaster in control of your body.

Starlight brings your arm even closer to your face. Closer to your mouth. You’re afraid she might try to bite you, but she gently kisses the part she pinched before, then gives it a big, wet lick followed by a few careful sucks.<i>You don’t know how lucky you are. Being able to experience this. What I feel... it pales in comparison. I-I envy you. Please… I want more.</i> You’re in no position to argue at this moment, she’s still in complete control! <i>I’ve seen this in the p-pornos. I’m... I’m gonna do it, please don’t hate me.</i> You are slightly worried about what she might do next. Starchild rises your arm, opens the palm of your hand and slaps your [pc.butt] so hard it rocks your whole body. Luckily you still can’t feel a damn thing because that looks and sounds like it hurts.

Hey, that’s your body she’s mistreating. Dammit, you intend to keep using it after today, so she better leaves it in one piece. <i>aaaaah!, Damn, that hurt, that hurt a lot, ouch, my- I mean your ass. Why would someone in their right mind do this? I-I tik I have my fill of pain for the day. Ouch!</i> She’s vigorously stroking the slapped area. Your handprint still clearly visible.

<i>Can… can we focus on pleasure now? I want to know what it feel like to you, how you feel pleasure. I-I like it when I stroke your [pc.sinFurScales]. I’ve seen them do it in the… the por- the videos, but then they go for this part.</i> Starchild begins to caress your [pc.chest] with one hand while softly rubbing your belly with the other. <i>Yeah, I-aaaah, this is… ah, better. Much better. It feel… oh! It feels great I could do this all day, it’s so nice, so relaxing.</i> She seems to be enjoying herse- yourself. That’s your body she’s using to go to town and you can’t even enjoy it or voice your complains.

<i>[pc.name], I don’t know if you’re there, if you can hear me. I-I’m sorry. I caaaaaahn’t! I can’t stop, not now, it’s your fault, it’s your body, it’s making me feel... I want to… can I touch them? Please, let me… touch...</i> both your hands are now groping and fondling your own [pc.breasts]! Starchild seems to be consumed by lust. Panting and moaning. Your own [pc.tongue] sliding out of your mouth. She can’t be this turned on just by touching your [pc.breasts]. Can she? Then again, she’s never felt like this before, she’s never experience pleasure like a flesh and blood being does.

<i>aaaah! This… this bump… t-the nipple. It’s even more sensitive. Oooh, daaaam! I… want to… like I did with your arm… let me… aaaaah! I’m… I’m… too much...</i> She’s furiously pinching and squeezing your [pc.nipples]! Everytime she pinches a broken cry of pleasure and pain slides out of your lips. With every squeeze, an ecstatic moan follows through. She’s lost in a sea of new sensations, of pleasures beyond her imagination, now made real and she’s not gonna miss the opportunity to reach out and take them. Even if that means using your body. That much is now clear to you..

Starchild redoubles her assault on your nipples, unable to help herself. She alternates between furiously milking your [pc.nipples] and squeezing your [pc.breasts]. She’s shaking, no, your body is shaking and she doesn’t seem dextrous enough to control its finer movements. There are times when she manages to pick up a pace, only to lose it a few seconds later and reverting back to a quivering a moaning mess. Your body tenses up and Starchild’s moans become cries of pleasure. Her manual assault on your [pc.breasts] and nipples becomes more intense, turning into slow, but long and powerful squeezes, starting at the base of your [pc.breasts], squeezing hard and moving upwards, slowly, but surely up to your [pc.nipples]. It doesn’t seem to matter whether you’re flat chested or ludicrously endowed. Starchild seems to love your [pc.breasts] unconditionally.

Is she gonna make your body cum just by playing with your [pc.breasts]? Is there such a thing as a boobgasm? <i>Aaaaah! This is *pants* too much… it’s too intense… your body is making me do this- oooh! It’s your fault. I-I feel it… something building up! Am I? Gonna… gonna...</i> Your body tenses up and your back arches sharply. Starchild lets out a loud moan which soon turns into a scream of pure bliss. Did she just cum? With your body? Just by playing with your [pc.breasts]? No, she didn’t. Once she turns your head to take a look at your genital, you can see it clearly, you didn’t cum. If she’s so shaken up just by playing with your nipples a bit you can only wonder what will happen once she manages to orgasm for real.

<i>Ah! Damn! I- ah! This is my first… my first o-orgasm.</i> No it isn’t. <i>It felt so real… oh, stars, so intense.</i> Oh boy, you can’t wait until she finds out that’s nothing compared to the real deal. <i>Damn you, pervert! Your

---{if pc has cock: damn thing is still up, it hurts, it feels so bloated, how can you even think with this thing between your legs… Shouldn’t it be… going down? Now? I did… I-I came… your [pc.cocks] didn’t squirt… your thing, like it’s supposed to… I-it didn’t cum?<i>}

<i>I’ve gotta… I’m gonna finish. Please, let me… let me do this. I-I just wanted a normal date, but your perverted body… Look at what it’s making me do! It’s your fault! I can’t… can’t think straight, not with this thing calling me…it wants my attention… can’t stop, not now, damn you… I’m gonna...</i>

---{If pc has tailcock: Before Starchild can finish her sentence, something startles her, drawing her attention. It’s your tailcock! The damn thing still has a mind on its own, even if Starchild is now in charge of your body. <i>What?! Is this thing?! Y-your tail, it has a-a-a… No way. You have dick in your tail! Is-Is it a thing you were born with? Can I touch it? It wants me to… touch it.</i> Well, that part might be true, your [pc.tailcock] keeps dangling in front of your face, waving from side to side, so inviting, teasing Starchild, begging for her attention. Even in a tight spot, your stupid genitail keeps siding against you. When will it ever learn?

Starchild reaches for your tailcock, but to no avail, as it simply moves out of the way. Then she tries again and yet again fails to grab hold of it. Is your tailcock playing with Starchild? Teasing her like she’s a cat? A couple more tries and she finally succeeds. <i>Gotcha-aaaah! It’s… aaaah! So sensitive damnit! Stupid tease. It’s time for p-payback, I’m gonna… use you to get my first one. My first real o-orgasm, d-damnit.</i>

Starchild moves one of your hands to be base of your tailcock’s shaft, holding it tightly in place. Your tailcock reacts and squirms a bit, to no avail. Your other hand, holding your tailcock’s shaft by the mid-section is moving back and forth, carefully stroking its length. <i>Oh! Oooooh! This is way more sensitive than I thought. It’s even worse… better, even better than your nipples. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want this to end… I-I can’t stop! Stop! Please… don’t.<i>

Starchild is now furiously masturbating your [pc.tailcock]. Relentlessly stroking it, fast and hard. Faster and faster, harder and harder, this can’t be good. If she keeps upping up the pace, she might injure you. Suddenly starchild lets out a throaty moan and brings her assault of your tailcock to an abrupt halt, with a hard final stroke of your full length.

Starchild is breathing heavily and irregularly, panting from time to time. Both your hands have your tailcock firmly secured by the base of its shaft and she’s just staring. Seconds pass, she keeps staring right at your tailcock, you can only wonder what she’s thinking. Wait, she’s bringing it closer to your face. Is she gonna? <i>I-I’ve seen this… oral, in the videos. Let me try…</i> No way, she’s gonna stick it inside your mouth. Damn it. She’s seen to much porn. Is she gonna try everything she’s seen? It’s porn! Real sex is completely different.

She plants a gentle kiss on the tip of your [pc.tailcock]. Your genitail reacts immediately, rewarding Starchild with a few small beads of pre-cum which she licks and savors before swallowing. Starchild opens your mouth wide and lets your tongue slide out before allowing your tailcock to slide in, coating it with saliva all the way as it intrudes inside your mouth. A muffled moan tries to make its way out only to be stopped right on its tracks by a mouthful of tail dick, turning it into a purr like hum.

Your puppet master begins to suck your tail mounted prick. She’s sloppy, amateurish and can’t take in the full length, but that doesn't seem to bother her. She keeps sucking and sucking, pounding the back of your throat with your own tailcock while still stroking the rest your tail dick with your hands, with quick, short moves. As excited as she is, it doesn’t take much for her furious oral assault to reach its climax. Without warning, your tailcock erupts, coating the insides of your mouth with your own [pc.cum]. Starchild reacts immediately, like a spring. Surprised by the impromptu orgasm and the liquid mess that follows. She tries to pull out, only for your tailcock to press onwards, forcing its way inside your mouth and down your throat. Your tailcock now buried all the way and them some inside you, spurting your seed directly into your stomach.

Starchild, now clearly distressed and startled keeps yanking hard at your genitail. Trying to pull out the intruder with all her- your strength. She succeeds, but that doesn’t stop you tail mounted member from squirting load after load of your [pc.cum] on its way out, making your cheeks bulge obscenely. It finally slides out of your mouth with a big, wet pop, followed by a deluge of seed and a final spurt of [pc.cum] splashing on your face.

*gurgle*<i>I did…*spit* I did it! I came, but… why don’t I feel fulfilled? It wasn’t me… I-I didn’t come. It’s your stupid body again! Teasing me, why won’t it let me finish?! I want… I want to cum...Now! P-please? There’s still something left. That will bring me relief I’m gonna…<i>}

Your hands move towards Starchild’s final objective. She’s desperate and on edge, driven by a powerful and overwhelming lust, fueled by the intense edging and denial she’s inadvertently submitted herself to.

---{if pc is male: Your hands finally reach their destination, your hard, throbbing and painfully engorged [pc.cockbiggest]. ---{if 2 or more cocks: Starchild has picked a favorite, it seems only one of your mandhoods will be tended to.} Starchild grabs your dick by the mid section of your shaft with both your hands, too eagerly it seems, because she recoils immediately and loosen her grip a bit, but that doesn’t seem to deter her and begins pumping your [pc.cockbiggest] with one hand while rubbing your [pc.cockhead] with the palm of your other hand. <i>Ah! Damn! It’s so freaking hard and it’s painful to the touch. This is supposed to feel good but it’s too sensitive… too much. Aaaah- I’m gonna do it anyway. You won’t stop me. I-I can bear with the pain if only I can finally get to cum...It will be… ah! Worth it… damn!</i> You’ve never seen your cock so pumped before, so full of blood and ridiculously hard, veins and blood vessels visibly distended, bulging under your cockflesh. Could this be a side-effect of Starchild’s intrusion? You hope it’s not permanent.

Starchild keeps furiously pumping your [pc.cockbiggest] with both your hands, jerking it with wild abandon, totally lost to her own devices. She keeps grunting and moaning, cries of mixed pain and pleasure. Your hips begin to rock back and forth instinctively, trying to thrust your dick into an non-existent partner to no avail. It seems your hands will have to do just fine for the time being, it seems their new job as an improvised faux-onahole suits them just fine.

Starchild’s inexperience is clearly showing. Your hands and hips are completely out of synchrony and their pace is erratic. She’s not gonna get off like this or at least it’s gonna take a while. Starchild’s moans become more desperate, her grunts echo with frustration. She’s not satisfied with the performance of your hands. <i>F-fuck! This isn’t… this isn’t working. I’m so close, about to aaaabout! To burst… I can’t get this damn thing to cum! Come… come on!</i>

She’s not the giving up type you’ve gotta grant her that. A change of tactics. Starchild readjusts her grip of your dick to free one hand, which now appears to be making its way to your backdoor. You can guess without a doubt how this is going to end. You expect your rear end to get ravaged but to your surprise that’s not what happens. Starchilds seems to be gently massaging the outside of your [pc.asshole] with two fingers, making smooth and slow circular motions. It seems to clash with the style of your other hand, which keeps wildly jerking your [pc.cockbiggest] without a care.

She finally decides to slide one finger in, pressing at your back entrance slowly but firmly. Your hole is ridiculously tight. Was it always this tight? You are unsure right now. It takes quite a while to get just the tip of your finger inside and it’s an uphill battle all the way in. Your finger starts to wiggle, an attempt to get your sphincter to relax and let the rest of your finger’s length in, but it seems to have the opposite effect. You asshole clenches hard, so hard you could swear your finger’s getting its blood flow cut off. Starchild keeps trying to push her way in and it seems to be taking a toll. <i>nnnnnngh! COME! ON!</i> She keeps grunting for a while, pausing only to huff and puff like a woman ion labor, trying to get you backdoor to relax. Persistence ends up paying off and your finger is now all the way in, buried deep and searching for its prey, your prostate.

<i>OOOOOH! Daaaaaam! Ah! T-there… there you... are</i> Well, she’s found it, no doubt about that. All those anatomy lessons appear to be yielding results, or maybe it’s all that porn she’s been watching. Who knows? <i>Yes! This is it. I’ve got you, I’ve got you know. It feels so- aaaah! So damn sensitive. This is how we’ll get off, cum with me, together… together… come on!</i>

She keeps pressing and rubbing your prostate, upping the tempo again and again, but it’s not enough. A second finger finds its way to your prostate, joining its brother on its anal raid, then a third... hey! Wait a second. No way she’s not gonna… Well, she is. Another finger goes right in, elevating the total count to four. Your fingers begin to curl back, gaping your asshole in the process and wideningit big enough for what’s about to come. With one powerful motion Starchild slides your fist half-way through your sphincter. Dammit, you’re not supposed to make a closed fist, even if it’s called fisting. You poor abused asshole is unwilling to tolerate this anymore and tightens as hard as it can, but the pressure your pushing fist is exerting is too much, it overwhelms your defenses and it keeps pressing its way up your anus until it’s buried up to the wrist, pressing hard against your prostate. She lets your fist sit there for a moment and then begins ramming your prostate. Somehow you’re glad you can’t feel it, but she definitely can and apparently she’s enjoying it. <i>F-fuck! Fuckfuckfuck… you, damn you! Pervert! You are enjoying this too much. How can you have a dick so eager to slide inside a hole and draw this much pleasure from getting your ass reamed like a slut? You are a slut! Pervert! This is….AAAAH! How can this feel s-so gooood! Your pervert body, enjoying it up your ass. F-fuck! I-I love this...</i> You can only wonder what happened to the timid girl you’ve met just a while ago. She seems consumed by a mad lust, emboldened by the edging and orgasm denial she’s experienced and revealing her hidden, perverted nature.

Starchild is moaning so loud it’s almost obscene, but it’s a signal that she’s close to the big finale. A few more thrusts of your fist, a few more strokes on your cock and your body tenses and arches as if struck by lightning. Starchild is losing control, moaning and panting erratically. Her climax draws near. You cock spasm, a jolt travelling all the way back to your prostate, forcing your anus to push out your fist with a massive pop, leaving your asshole wide open and gapping while your insides twitch wildly, trying to milk a phantom cock that’s nowhere to be found. <i>AAAAAAAH! IT’S! COMING!<i> It’s coming? It’s coming! You don’t know if your poor pent-up and abused brain is imagining things but you can swear you’re feeling it coming too, it’s faint, but it’s there, building up, about to burst, and you know full well it’s gonna hit hard.

---{if pc has 2 or more cocks: Your other hand, now free from the confines of your asshole, rejoins its brother and decides to follow its example, claiming a dick of its own and milking it for all it’s worth. With two cocks getting jerked so vigorously you can only wonder how much are you gonna last.}

---{If pc has tailcock: It appears your tailprick can’t let this opportunity slide, because it’s yet again back into the fray. It comes hard, like a homing missile and buries itself into your ass in a single, ridiculously hard thrust. Rocking your body with the sheer amount of concussive force. Your [pc.tailcock] is pounding your ass like a pneumatic drill, so hard and fast you wouldn’t believe it possible if you weren’t here. With the intense rhythm of the wild hammering your tailcock is engaged in, It only takes a moment before your genitail erupts, unloading its precious seed inside you, coating your insides and filling you up to them brim with [pc.cum]. The sensation is enough to finally push you both over the edge.}

Your climax seems unending, jolt after jolt of electricity travel through your body, making you feel- wait, is that literal electricity arcing from your fingertips?! This doesn’t look good. Another surge of pleasure comes from deep within you and as soon as it hits you see it again, lightning coming out of your freaking hands! <i>S-Steele? I think- aaaaah! Fuck! This is the best thing I’ve ever felt! I think that lightning is part of me, j-just point- aaaaaaah! Damn, I’m cumming so hard! Damnit, point it at my body! Before I aaaaaah! damn!</i> You can finally move again! Starchild’s grip on your body seems to weaken every second. It takes all of your willpower but you manage to point your arm at Starchild’s body right before the next pleasure wave hits. Yet again, lightning comes shooting out, hitting Starchild’s body along its path. There’s a reaction! Her core’s reignited itself. You can see the fiery star of her chest glowing brighter and brighter. Another wave, another bolt of lightning, the gases on her body spin again, changing color. Another surge, this time you can feel the electricity crackling in the air, your entire body tingles as arcs of electricity shoot out wildly on all directions before being attracted to Starchild’s body, which keeps attracting them like a lightning rod. A final, powerful rush of orgasmic bliss hits you hard and your body discharges a massive amount of electricity aimed straight at Starchild’s body. She’s now fully reignited, same being of ionized gas and electromagnetic forces you’ve met just a few hours back.

Starchild takes a good look at her hands, closing and opening her fists, still stunned. She moves her head and looks at you right in the eyes. Her face shows a mix of confusion and joy. <i>I-I’m back.</i>She’s completely speechless, quite a feat for someone with her personality.

<i>Yes, yes you are, welcome back.</i> you reply, still half orgasming at this point.

<i>Steele, [pc.name], oh my stars! I’m s-sorry, I’ve said things… I-I did things… I didn’t…I didn’t mean to do all that. I’m not like that! That… that. I’m not a slut, It's your body, It felt so different, t-the sensations… I’ve never experienced something like that. I-I just couldn’t help myself and I did all those things to you. I didn't want to do it, you have to believe me! You do believe me, do you?</i>

You’ve been sharing a body, she can’t lie to you. You know full well that deep down she meant to do all that, as innocent and timid as she looks like on the outside, she’s a slut when it comes to sex. She meant to do all that and she definitely enjoyed every last second of it.

<i>[pc.name], listen, it felt great, I’m not gonna lie and I’m sorry about what happened.I-I know I have no right to ask but… We didn’t do it in the end.</i>

<i>What are you talking about?</i> You ask.

<i>Damnit Steele, don’t make me say it out loud. W-we...we didn’t f-fuck.</i> She can’t be serious! <i>We can still do it…. I-I’ll just adjust the shields and leave them on, so this won’t repeat again. S-so, do you… do you want to? please?</i> Starchild is practically begging, you can see it on her face, she’s eager. She’s a slut.

<i>You still want to go for another round? After all what’s happened. You must be crazy, crazy or… say it.<i> You want her to beg, after all what’s done, you want her to confess, to admit her crimes and her sluttiness.

<i>S-say what? You want me to ask? P-please, fuck me.</i> she begs

<i>No, that’s not it, I want you to speak the truth, about you, about what happened, confess.<i> You command.

<i>I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to, I swear, I’m not… I’m not… I-I damn, I...</i> She’s about to break, deep down she wants to admit it. <i>I’m a slut! I-I confess, all this years, watching porn, dreaming of this very moment, masturbating to pictures of Emily, I’m just a horny slut. I-I wanted to experience a real orgasm. I-I’m sorry I took advantage of you, I truly am, but… but I enjoyed it! I enjoyed every second… am I- oh, Stars! Am I a bad person? I put you through all that danger, I abused you… just for my selfish desire. I’m… a bad person...</i>

Wow, you were not expecting that, she looks like she’s about to start crying, but you are unsure whether to feel pity or revulsion. Before you can think of any response, Starchild speaks up again.

<i>I-I won’t blame you if you storm out of that door and call the peacekeepers, but I...damnit… please, stay. I’m probably gonna sound like a pervert right now but...</i> Starchild sits down at the edge of the bed and then lays down, spreading her legs wide open. <i>P-please… f-fuck me, I need it, please. I’m a bitch, a whore, a slut! I’m a bad person, please punish me, fuck me!</i>

Holy cow that girl is nuts. She just confessed a heinous act, how she tricked you, how she took advantage of you and she still wants you to fuck her? Well, what is your response? This seems like the perfect time to turn the tables on her, make her pay for what she did. Treat her hard and fuck her rough.

Yes, the futa mammoth will be able to fuck your ass of course, but I'm guessing gay content will be more common on the fetish house, since there'll be pure male clients.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sounds tempting, but still, the fetish house sounds too...fetishist for my tastes. I'll stick with having the mammoth girl sinking her 'stick' in me.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
...can we have a less gay option

I swear to god I did not intend it to end like that, but well, it's possession and you're a full male PC, there are not many options, on the plus side, you can use your tailcunt instead and the next scenes are you getting your dick sucked and then dommy-fucking her as payback.

Anyway, I'm gonna take advantage of this post to say that I'm closing the poll in 1 week, while I work on Starchild's final phase, as all her sex content is done.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
the next scenes are you getting your dick sucked and then dommy-fucking her as payback.
this makes up for it
as a straight male who is tired of getting fucked in the ass by force so often in so many scenes, i am okay with this and will just skip the first one :) i'd recommend an option to scold her or a little note of not liking it. but what do i know


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Well, it's official, House of Fetish wins the day by a single vote.

Right now I'm working on editing the previous project before submission, boy, that's boring and it takes way longer than I thought. Once I'm done, fetishes are next.

I already have the basic tile descriptions and interactions with the receptionist and I'm planning the sex scenes right now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Nagas will get content, as will centaurs. Pushing the next waifu a bit back was the right decission.

Aimless Rogue

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2016
somewhere around here
Well, it's official, House of Fetish wins the day by a single vote.

Right now I'm working on editing the previous project before submission, boy, that's boring and it takes way longer than I thought. Once I'm done, fetishes are next.

I already have the basic tile descriptions and interactions with the receptionist and I'm planning the sex scenes right now.

Yesssss, This is good!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
I actually wanted The porn producer but if i had to choose between two things that might actually win house of fetish it was
house > porn producer > mammoth > drill sergeant
i feel like this is the best order to make the game overall more interesting, we have alot of wifeys as is.