Pokemon Sun and Moon: The Return of Champions Red and Blue!!! ((Update 10/27/16) New Trailer)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Mimikyu is such a sad, but adorable pokemon. I´m gonna get one and shower it with unconditional love.

I hope there´s gonna be some form of pokemon contest in the game, that way I can show off my cute Mimikyu.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015

There's too much I'm excited about here to be specific, but this is AWESOME!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I´m honestly a bit disappointed now...

Incineroars design...It could just as well have been another fire/fighting pokemon...

But that´s just my opinion. I loved the rest of the evolutions and the rest of the news :)  


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I´m honestly a bit disappointed now...

Incineroars design...It could just as well have been another fire/fighting pokemon...

But that´s just my opinion. I loved the rest of the evolutions and the rest of the news :)  

I'm pretty sure Incineroar is based on Black Tiger from the Tiger Mask series, which is an old and well known wrestling manga/anime. It's so famous that there have been actual wrestlers who've taken up the persona. Recently there's been a new anime of it, so it may be partially because of that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm pretty sure Incineroar is based on Black Tiger from the Tiger Mask series, which is an old and well known wrestling manga/anime. It's so famous that there have been actual wrestlers who've taken up the persona. Recently there's been a new anime of it, so it may be partially because of that.

Then I guess it kinda make sense that they went with that design. 

Still. WHYYYYY? Couldn´t you have just stayed my cute antisocial looking Litten?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, i'll stick with Decidueye, damn, his name is difficult to pronounce. I'm happy to see the x2 weakness to Ice taken out, by the way. His trapping move seem quite nice, if they give him a hidden ability to prevent priority moves (pursuit, sucker punch mainly), due his probably high speed and decent typing, he'll end a bit broken, but we've yet to see his stats.

I'm quite excited about seeing Cynthia again. Not so much about Red or Blue, in part because my hatred towards Gen1 and Kanto, but mainly because they had appeared in EVERY gen except 6th. Oh well, it must be because the 20th anniversary. Wally's there, too, so probably we'll see Steven. If the other Champion's are going to be in the tree, that means that Lance, Iris, Alder, the forgettable woman from Kalos, and, hopefully, Gold, may be there too.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Honestly I love them all no matter what. At first I was indifferent about Litten, but overtime I grew to like his final form as much as the others. Screw picking one, I'm getting them all through WiFi trading whenever I get the chance.

Now that Primarina's confirmed Water/Fairy, I'm even more sold on grabbing him for my first pokemon than I ever was (Still kinda disappointed about his shiny though, now I gotta not blink when I'm shiny hunting for one. This is just me and my unpopular opinion, but I was hoping he'd be white and pink. x3). He has a fair amount of resistances, few weaknesses, one immunity, that's crazy. Plus he's looking gorgeous as fuck altogether.
Plus the Battle tree has me hyped up, I never played Red/Blue, or basically any game that wasn't below 5th gen apart from the Colosseum side-games, infact I really despised the 1st gen solely because of the genwunners and whatnot. But the fact that they're bringing trainers from many different regions, Red, Blue, Wally, Cynthia, hell I doubt that ain't all of them, is really exciting in itself. I wanna preorder these games already because all this hype is too much for my brain, but I wanna wait a little bit more before making my choice.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Honestly I love them all no matter what. At first I was indifferent about Litten, but overtime I grew to like his final form as much as the others. Screw picking one, I'm getting them all through WiFi trading whenever I get the chance.

Now that Primarina's confirmed Water/Fairy, I'm even more sold on grabbing him for my first pokemon than I ever was (Still kinda disappointed about his shiny though, now I gotta not blink when I'm shiny hunting for one. This is just me and my unpopular opinion, but I was hoping he'd be white and pink. x3). He has a fair amount of resistances, few weaknesses, one immunity, that's crazy. Plus he's looking gorgeous as fuck altogether.
Plus the Battle tree has me hyped up, I never played Red/Blue, or basically any game that wasn't below 5th gen apart from the Colosseum side-games, infact I really despised the 1st gen solely because of the genwunners and whatnot. But the fact that they're bringing trainers from many different regions, Red, Blue, Wally, Cynthia, hell I doubt that ain't all of them, is really exciting in itself.

The Battle Tree reminds me of the Battle Mountain in Orre, to be honest, and I like it.

As someone who started with Gen 1, it kind of disappoints me that not only have so many have got their nostalgia goggles on too tight, but that they also discourage people from liking or trying it as well. They're fun games that I recommend people play, but they are far from perfect or even close to being the best. The sprites are often odd looking, the Speed and Special stat are broken as hell, the item list and PC are annoying in how they function, and the only Dragon and Ghost types were the Dratini and Ghastly line respectively, meaning that there were also no pure Ghost types. Despite all that, I think they're worth trying out at least, but I can understand someone disliking them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I wasn't really happy with the last few Pokémon games I had played but Sun and Moon are looking really amazing.

Incineroars design...It could just as well have been another fire/fighting pokemon...

So apparently Incineroar is a "heel" pokémon and in wrestling a heel fighter is a fighter who uses dirty and underhanded tricks to win and is usually hated on by fans. The hate they generate is referred to as "heat" and because Incineroar is a fire type...
Incineroar is what happens when the puns get too real.

And I adore Mimikyu! She's so kyute!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
'Kay, so apparently the entire games have leaked, and lots of spoilers have been dropping. I won't talk about anything, except this tidbit about Salandit's evolution, which is now known to be called Salazzle, because it's relevant to my original post and this site. Here it is:


Yeah, this Pokemon is porn bait BIG TIME. I don't think I've ever seen a Pokemon who's concept is more porn bait than it's design before Salazzle. They had to have known what they were doing when they made her.

Edit: By the way, I found out that the perfume thing is it's Pokedex entry in Sun and the reverse harem thing is the one from Moon.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Gardevoir is referred to as "The Embrace Pokemon" and its X&Y Pokedex entries refer to it forming a "deep connection" with its trainer. Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. Gardevoir will use all of its psychic energy to protect a Trainer it has made a deep connection with.

I think this is the first generation where I like the final evolution of the water starter more than the fire starter. I'm still waiting to see what, if any, new eeveelutions there are.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Gardevoir is referred to as "The Embrace Pokemon" and its X&Y Pokedex entries refer to it forming a "deep connection" with its trainer. Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. Gardevoir will use all of its psychic energy to protect a Trainer it has made a deep connection with.

I think this is the first generation where I like the final evolution of the water starter more than the fire starter. I'm still waiting to see what, if any, new eeveelutions there are.

Yeah, but with Gardevoir's line if you look at all the Pokedex entries, it's made clear that it's power is mainly Psychic Empathy and a "deep connection" can be construed a lot of ways and doesn't really have too much connotation one way or the other, but at best seems more "romantic" than "sexual". I'd say Salandit's and Salazzle's descriptions have a much stronger link to possibly sexual things.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh damn. I won't give spoilers either, but some pretty popular 'mons are gonna be hit hard with the nerf bat.

And, my dear Decidueye, I'm sorry, but I'll be picking the water starter again. I'm so...frustrated about how things turned out of for you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Eyyy the game is being released today! :D

I personally went through Amazon Prime to get Moon this Sunday instead of normal shipping, because I don't think I can live another week when I'm this hyped up. lol
Time to stay away from social media so that I don't get spoiled. Can't wait to get the game, get my water starter, make a team, and see this new story the devs did with the games.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
I "Pre-loaded" Moon, so I'm playing it right now. I got a female Popplio and it only took one reset! Named her "Pinni", after the scientific term for seals, "Pinnipeds". This is the first game in all 7 gens where I've been nicknaming my Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Anyone got Sun version and want to help me by trading my Rockruff over, getting in one battle so it will evolve, then trade it back to me?

Ironically I named mine after Vivzie's wolf character, but its not a shiny so even if I evolved it in Moon it would never resemble her.