Platinum 190

General Drayfox

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2016
This question has probably already been asked, but I can't find it on the new forums so w/e.

Anyway, will there be any future use for Platinum 190 outside of Shekka and the Nyrea guards?
Thanks :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In old ages there was plan to use Plat 190 to upgrade that melee weapon dropping from beaten up Dane at Mhen'ga. Aside this and both current exisitng ways to use Plat 190 none other was widely known.
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Aug 26, 2015
As Ormael noted, someone once floated using the P190 as an upgrade to the Shock Blade to fix the fact that it soon becomes obsolete. This is, of course, impeded by the fact that the upgraded Shock Blade would soon become obsolete, so as far as I know the project was never finished.

There might be future uses for it to skip a cash payment or fight, but like Etis said, you can always just make the cash payment or do the fight. It's not a Polar Star thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The longer time pass the more Plat 190 becoming less usefull. SInce let face it: at time Tarkus was added and Plat was jsut added it was good moment for that upgrade for Shock Blade or smth to do. Now I feel it may soon ends up with Plat 190 been added as option to sell for hard credits and at top of it at high price as it supposed to be quite valuable mineral. Otherwise it would be just taking place in key items (well yes their not taking space for storage but it meant that it will be kept on list of key items) with one use that may be worth been give it to Shekka as replacement for giving credits. With Myr Tavira Palace giving Plat 190 actualy is worst outcome since it skips chance to get better shield belt and upgrade to goo armor.

So still atm best place to use Plat is at 2nd probe trade with Shekka. I think we may not get in future any better option to use it aside menationed simply selling it for credits somewhere.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
You can upgrade the goo armor via the goos wandering in the deep caves nowadays.

Also I find myself kinda wanting the plat to be one of those items you find in some games where if you hold onto it for the entire game it becomes super useful.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It would have to be something that you could only get with the platinum for it to be super useful. I mean sure, it doesn't take up space since it's a key item, but if you can get the super awesome thing another way, people are just going to use it on whichever thing they find the most annoying to do the normal way. You couldn't really use it to skip a quest because the reward for the quest is most likely going to be sex-related. You could probably use it as an alternative to a quest/dungeon with all bad ends. Although, given some people on this forum, they might do the dungeon anyway for the experience and bragging rights (if it's hard). I can't think of anything at the moment that it will be useful/worthwhile to keep in your inventory the whole game
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
You can upgrade the goo armor via the goos wandering in the deep caves nowadays.

Also I find myself kinda wanting the plat to be one of those items you find in some games where if you hold onto it for the entire game it becomes super useful.
I held onto it for similar reasons. Who knows, presenting it to the board of Steele Tech, telling them where we got it... could prove the profit if there is more on Tarkus and only Steele Tech is fully aware of it. If not, then its a expensive paper weight until something of value with it comes along.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I held onto it for similar reasons. Who knows, presenting it to the board of Steele Tech, telling them where we got it... could prove the profit if there is more on Tarkus and only Steele Tech is fully aware of it. If not, then its a expensive paper weight until something of value with it comes along.
Eh if anything, it's at least raw materials to make engagement/wedding rings out of for when you finally decide to settle down with your harem.

Assuming the space future cultures do the whole ring thing.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Assuming the space future cultures do the whole ring thing.
Ogg and Amma's backstory points towards 'yes'. Also, flowers, wedding dresses, tuxedos, the whole shebang.

Hell, now I want to start a thread for planning best/coolest weddings for Steele and the harem. I blame Captain for infecting me with severe urge to shitpost.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'm not sure about weddings themselves, but I do have some fair guesses about wedding clothes.

Which kinda boils down to slutty wedding dresses aside from a few getting tuxes.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Did someone say puppyslut wedding?
Think bigger, noobie!
Yeah, you'll probably get an invite to Kaede and Anno's wedding.
You may think that you are ruining our dreams of wifudom, senpai, but in reality you just make them stronger.

Because all I see in this sentence is: the communal waifus of TiTS are open to the idea of marriage.:smuggo:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well since weddings was meantioned and in general gifting items to npc's...Emmy run partialy on it to progress her story line. First we run to get flower from venu pitcher, then some crystal from deep caves. Well plat 190 as gift to one of waifu's (or hsubando's) would be cool.

On using it to get some cool thing... if it would be item like weapon or armor it would quite fast get useless. Unless thing we got for it could be "evolved/upgraded" making it usefull over rest of the game. But then it would turn with all future changes into BiS item and that may not be intention of devs.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
I get that Anno and Kaede are in an open relationship but isn't Kaede already married to the cow-cat and has a kid with said cow-cat? This also made me realize apart from Embry, Emmy and Kiro, AFAIK Steele holds no special place in anyone's heart apart from being a good dick/pussy and or fits desired traits they're looking for. And that makes the erection in my heart sad :negativeman:
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Jul 11, 2016
I get that Anno and Kaede are in an open relationship but isn't Kaede already married to the cow-cat and has a kid with said cow-cat?

She's not married if I remember all those Savin stories correctly: cat friend got treated, Kaede fucked cat friend (sorta kinda accidentally), cat friend disappeared, and 9 months later cat/doggo baby is born.

This also made me realize apart from Embry, Emmy and Kiro, AFAIK Steele holds no special place in anyone's heart apart from being a good dick/pussy and or fits desired traits they're looking for.

I mean, I hate to bring up SYRI again (not really), but I'm gonna bring up SYRI again.

This may just be me and my love of said puppy-slut, but she's seems like a good candidate. It's kind of obvious she sees Steele as more than just a fuck buddy. The way she calls her sister a pussy-stealing bitch. The way her constant hard-assedness seems to fade away when Steele's around/involved, her opening relationship scene (the one where she asks Steele "out") specifically. The pecks on the cheek whenever you talk to her at the bar. The post-coital snuggles, you don't knot cuddle someone like that unless you mean it. Again, this could all just be me making things up because I like SYRI so much.

Edit: forgot to mention how she slams into the hull of ship hard enough upon land in Mhen'ga to set off a collision alert.

Did I mention I like SYRI?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The post-coital snuggles, you don't knot cuddle someone like that unless you mean it.
By that metric, like 90% of Savin's gals are head over heels in love with the PC. Not to say that I disagree with your assessment of Syri, whom I got a sneaking suspicion you might like.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
This also made me realize apart from Embry, Emmy and Kiro, AFAIK Steele holds no special place in anyone's heart apart from being a good dick/pussy and or fits desired traits they're looking for. And that makes the erection in my heart sad

You for got Shade, though that relationship may potentially play out differently...


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
I mean, I hate to bring up SYRI again (not really), but I'm gonna bring up SYRI again.

This may just be me and my love of said puppy-slut, but she's seems like a good candidate. It's kind of obvious she sees Steele as more than just a fuck buddy. The way she calls her sister a pussy-stealing bitch. The way her constant hard-assedness seems to fade away when Steele's around/involved, her opening relationship scene (the one where she asks Steele "out") specifically. The pecks on the cheek whenever you talk to her at the bar. The post-coital snuggles, you don't knot cuddle someone like that unless you mean it. Again, this could all just be me making things up because I like SYRI so much.

Did I mention I like SYRI?

Remember the one time scene slightly better now, yeah they're not married and IIRC Kaede was kinda upset she decided not to take space-morning after?

Syri I can see having a heart erection for Steele since Steele does the things she enjoys, but as it is now now I see Syri liking Steele as a grade A fuck buddy, for now.

Oh yeah I forgot Shade... :negativeman:
I wonder if known incest scenes (as it is now it seems they've just decided to head-retcon them finding out) will happen. One could argue that Steele and Shade are cousins since Victors DNA/genes were beyon fucked and could've been completely different at both their conceptions. What I'm getting at is that since (IIRC) 10% of world marriages are between 2nd cousins and closer a ShadeXSteele scene is a lot more tame compared to some doujins. If no ShadeXSteele hopely AstraXSteele happens ; ^ )
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
By that metric, like 90% of Savin's gals are head over heels in love with the PC. Not to say that I disagree with your assessment of Syri, whom I got a sneaking suspicion you might like.

I think it's all due to so many of his cfreatons been pupysluts with extra thus so many knots to knot PC and everything around ^^

Well since not wedding gift for puppysluts then make that piece of Plat into many smaller gifts to give to any puppy waifu PC meeting. Is that now more fair and fitting open relationships? xD
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Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
I'd love to see Plat 190 used to further advance Nova. Mostly because I want to use the Grey Goo armor since it's already up-gradable, but at the same time I wanna look like a mix between Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and Barbarella and wear a cute dress. I'd love it if Nova could be upgraded to change into a couple different outfit shapes outside of just skintight bodysuit.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Or maybe advance So.