
Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
You all really like harping on someone just trying to have some fun.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Agnimitra with 4,000 words! This is primarily talk topics and logistics - you can't just have two related ladies jump into bed with you. But it's almost entirely finished now, and the actual porn - or well, the foreplay - will begin with the next update.
You note that she’s awfully comfortable talking about her ‘great-grandma’ using words and tones that… well, most people wouldn’t really use for family members. She keeps mentioning just how sexy Agnimitra is, and while you’re not disagreeing…

“I’m just calling it like I see it,” she laughs. “When I was just a chick, and I knew great-grandma at her youngest, she was still older than she is now, physically. She’s practically a completely different woman from what I knew.”

You aren’t sure if you’re going to get a better opening, so you take the chance and ask her if she would like to know Agnimitra as a woman, and not as her great-grandma. She just said that Agnimitra isn’t the same woman she grew up with, after all.

Zhara’s expression freezes, her brow fidgeting as she tries to put together what it is you just asked her. “Are you asking me if I want to fuck my great-grandma?” she asks, tilting her head and raising her cheeks, although you wouldn’t rightly call the expression a smile. She’s bewildered and trying to put your roundabout question to clearer words.
“On the one hand,” she says slowly, trying to explain it more to herself than to you. “Agni isn’t actually my great-grandma. It’s something like eighteen or nineteen generations between us, not just four. But even still, no, I do not want to have sex with my mom’s mom’s mom. And now that she’s young again, the resemblance between us is pretty surreal, even I have to admit.”

She shrugs her shoulders and tilts her head to the other side. “But on the other, I <b>could</b> fuck the legendary phoenix. Go to somewhere else in the world, where nobody knows me or Agni, and say ‘the mythical undying fire-throwing harpy? Yeah, I fucked her.’ And yeah, I’ll say it: she’s hot as sin. I know that because <b>I’m</b> hot as sin,” she laughs. “It’s narcissistic as hell, but, shit,” she continues, slapping her own left thigh, “I wouldn’t mind having thighs like these wrapped around my face from time to time.”

She remains silent for a moment longer. You keep your mouth shut: anything you say could make her lose her nerve. Besides, she’s doing a perfectly fine job convincing herself.

“Fuck it,” she says eventually. “Great – or, Agni, she’s a legend among our people. How often would I have the chance to have a piece of that?”

So, if the opportunity arose…?

“Yeah, I would,” she answers without hesitation, having finally convinced herself. “Although it’d be easier if I got a bit of beer into me, first. And it’s not going to be as simple as going up to her and making a pass. But if, oh, I dunno,” she smirks, nudging you in the shoulder again, “if a mutual third party that we both happen to be interested in happened to broach the subject with her, well… like I said, mating between harpies can get competitive. If we both liked that ‘third party,’” she continues, winking and nudging you some more, “that’d take some of the edge off the issue, I’d think.”
“When’s the last time I backed down from anything?” Zhara asks boastfully. She places her hands on her hips as she puffs out her chest and ruffles her feathers, making herself appear larger. “There’s no challenge – none! – that I’m willing to back down from, []!”

Good. Because you spoke with Agnimitra.

The bluster evaporates quickly. Her feathers relax and her chest deflates, although her hands remain on her hips. “And?”

Well, you wouldn’t be bringing it up if Agnimitra wasn’t also game. It turns out that she had many of the same opinions about her ‘great-granddaughter’s’ body as Zhara has about hers. But there’s no need for her to take your word for it.

Zhara remains still and silent for a moment. Her eyes remain fixated on yours, although she’s not truly looking at you: she’s processing the information in her head. If she was really bluffing, it’s been called.

“Honestly?” she says after a moment. She can’t help but let a weak, defeated smile cross her lips. “I should have figured <b>you</b>’d be the one bold enough to try it.”

So, she’s still–

“Yes, I’m still gonna. Gre – Agni is a <b>legend</b>, []. I won’t pass up the opportunity to get into bed with a living legend.” She places her hands on your shoulders and spin you around. “You go to your room in the living quarters. I’ll go get great-grandma Agni and bring her there with me.”

Is she sure that she wouldn’t rather you go get Agnimitra? It might help with her nerves.

“I think the opposite, personally,” she says. “No, I’d better do it.”

You start making your way down the halls towards the living quarters when you hear Zhara call after you: “And keep your clothes on until I tell you!”

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Oh my God! I just found Oma, and my first wish was for her freedom and this is what I see...
After a moment of deliberation, you think you have the perfect sentence to give Oma her freedom, but only after you get what you want first – that way, you won’t succumb to temptation on your third wish. You turn to Oma and you say to her that you wish for her freedom, on the condition that she grants your other two wishes first. Or you die. Whichever happens first.
The next couple paragraphs are Oma begging you to make your wishes... You know what I would expect after seeing that choice of 'perfect' wording.

Something along the lines of:
Oma turns to you with tears in her eyes and says, "Thank you, []. Let's see how fast you can make [that last wish/those last two wishes]."
In a flash of blue flame, a curved dagger appears in her hands and she buries it in your chest, piercing your heart. As blackness clouds your vision and blood fills your throat, preventing you from doing more than choke as your life fades, her voice is the last thing you hear, faint and tinged with sadness. "Not fast enough it seems."
I'm just sayin'... I myself might have worded it a bit differently.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
Oh my God! I just found Oma, and my first wish was for her freedom and this is what I see...

The next couple paragraphs are Oma begging you to make your wishes... You know what I would expect after seeing that choice of 'perfect' wording.

Something along the lines of:

I'm just sayin'... I myself might have worded it a bit differently.
Based on how Oma describes herself when she was still mortal, this could've been an actual outcome if she hadn't gone through centuries of character development.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Agni with 13,000 words! This not only gets started on the threesome between her, you, and her blood-relative Zhara, but it also gets all the way through the branch where you're the center of attention, and it gets about two-thirds of the branch starring Zhara.
“Could barely make out halfway across the fort without this clinger getting rowdy on me,” Agnimitra laughs to you as she slides the deadbolt for the door in place.

“I can’t help it,” Zhara replies. “I’m not going to apologize for getting ‘rowdy’ at the idea of having both the legendary [] <b>and</b> the immortal phoenix at once.” She turns her head and leans into Agnimitra, craning her head upward slightly so that she can nibble on Agnimitra’s earlobe.

She laughs as her own hand wraps around Zhara’s waist, but rather than hook around it sensually, she gives Zhara a hefty spank on the ass, causing her to lurch forward with surprise. “We <b>are</b> pretty hot, aren’t we?” she asks. “And I know hotness.”

The sight of seeing Agnimitra and Zhara – two young, nubile harpies with more than a few things in common – treating each other like this, like two pieces of meat, has you feeling, well, ‘rowdy’ yourself. All three of you know what’s coming next. You spread your [pc.legs] and rub at your crotch at the sight of two women nibbling and stroking and spanking each other, just as excited for one another as they are for you. It’s quite the departure from the first time you three have done this.

“Looks like we might have kept [] waiting just a bit too long,” Agnimitra says as Zhara rests her head on Agnimitra’s shoulder. Her thumb continues to play at Agnimitra’s waistband. It wouldn’t take much of a tug to pull it off. “We wouldn’t want to keep [pc.himHer] too pent up, would we?”

Zhara scoffs. “I don’t know, <b>would</b> we?” she asks. “That sounds kind of fun to me.”

“Now, now,” Agnimitra chastises, slapping Zhara’s ass again. This time, Zhara hums, her teeth biting into her lower lip, arching her back into Agnimitra’s hand. And Agnimitra doesn’t pull it away after the impact.

“Can we do the blindfold thing again?” she asks, her eyes cast aside to the drawer that she knows you have the cloth scraps in. “I like it. It’s… spicier than I thought it’d be.”

You don’t want to sit there like a lump and offer to do it for them both this time. “Oooh, what a gentle[||wo]man,” Agnimitra teases as she turns her back to you. Zhara does the same. “Make it tight, []. But not <b>too</b> tight.”
Zhara gasps in surprise, jolting upright slightly from the sudden touch. She can tell right away that she’s not kissing you[pc.hasMuzzle|. You don’t even have lips]. But she also doesn’t resist, beyond her initial reaction, and once she gets over the surprise, she relaxes her body and leans in, smacking her lips against Agnimitra’s, getting more comfortable – and more bold – as the seconds tick by.

Agnimitra is more immediately responsive: her hands find Zhara’s curves, her fingers fully extended and gently crawling down Zhara’s smooth skin, mapping out the curves of the harpy in her mind. Starting at the small of Zhara’s back, she glides them down, lightly scratching at her sides, then her hips, with her right hand playing at the waistband of Zhara’s too-short skirt and her left hand going directly underneath the fabric to start groping at the fat of her ass.

Seeing two young, sexy, red-feathered harpies making out with each other in front of you reminds you of the fantasy of having two sisters at once. They look similar enough alike that they could pass from siblings. Your own hand reaches down underneath your [pc.lowerGarments] to [pc.hasCock|stroke your rapidly-stiffening [pc.cock], although you don’t have much room to move|[pc.hasClit|stroke the tip of your middle finger against your [pc.clit] in slow, wide circles|thrust the whole length of your middle finger into your soaked gash]]. You’ll have your turn… but you’re enjoying the show in the meantime.
Zhara leans forward slightly, just enough that her pussy peels away from your mouth. A thick film of your combined spit and her cum connects your face to her crotch, bubbling every time you try to breathe through your mouth and forcing you to breathe through your nose. The wet noises of lips smacking and tongue coiling around each other meets you through your muffled ears as Zhara and Agnimitra start making out like horny teenagers once more.

“You should probably let [pc.himHer] up,” Agnimitra says in between kisses.

In response, Zhara nestles herself down heavier onto your face. “[pc.HeShe] can give me a tap when [pc.heShe] wants to come up.” She clenches her thighs twice, causing them to pinch around your cheeks. “Right, []?”

You lift your right hand and give a thumbs up. Notably, you do not tap Zhara on the thigh.
Times passes quickly without much change in either of your techniques, not that you need them: Zhara is trapped between you and Agnimitra, with her pussy weathering a coordinated assault from you both. She’s so stimulated that she can’t form words, and her body is so overwhelmed that she couldn’t fight you off even if she wanted to.

Eventually, though, familiar signs start to show: Zhara’s breathing grows laborious and intense, and her hips push more insistently into Agnimitra’s hair. Her fingers haven’t left Agnimitra’s scalp despite it surely being uncomfortably hot by now. She gasps, her breath catching in her throat, and she forces herself to swallow before gasping again.

You and Agnimitra get the same idea at the same time. “Let’s not get <b>too</b> carried away,” she says, pulling her head back just as your hand vacates her clit. A thin string of spit and honeydew connects her mouth to Zhara’s swollen pussy.

“Get back in there, you <b>bitch</b>,” Zhara barks, flexing her grip on Agnimitra’s head and pushing her hips forward. She succeeds in smashing Agnimitra’s face against her cunt, but she can’t hold her there.

“I’ll look past that,” Agnimitra says with a short, curt laugh. “We’re not us when we’re horny.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Hi, yes, sorry, I updated Agnimitra with 12,000 words! This completes Zhara's third of the threesome, Agnimitra's entire third, and the aftercare.

This content is nearly completed, but I was asked for one more sex scene, so... soon!
“Best bed this side of Windy Peaks,” Agnimitra grunts, wiggling her ass onto your pelvis[pc.hasCock|and rubbing her thighs one overtop the other]. “[pc.hasCock|Firm|Soft] in all the right places.”

Zhara leans forward, arching her back over Agnimitra’s body. Her left hand goes to her tits, her fingers pinching together onto the jutting nipple. “Gre – Agni, I love you,” she starts, “but sometimes, you talk too much.”

“Uh!” she responds in mock-dismay. [agni.hasCock|She thrusts upwards, cramming more of her cock into Zhara in response, causing the ‘younger’ harpy to gasp from suddenly being packed so full|Her hands go from Zhara’s thighs, to her ass: each hand flexes, gripping onto a fat handful of harpy butt before letting go – and she rears both hands back to [silly|clap those cheeks|spank them both], causing Zhara to jolt upright from the shock]. “Are you really telling the <b>[silly|bird bard</b> to stop squawking|bard</b> to stop speaking]? It’s what I do!”

Zhara repositions herself once more[agni.hasCock|without letting Agnimitra’s cock slip from her pussy|without easing the weight of her pussy against Agnimitra’s]. “What I’m saying, Agni, is that there’s a better use for that mouth of yours.”

Still cupping her left tit, she leans down, aiming for Agnimitra’s mouth. They’re both blindfolded, and Zhara gets her in the cheek. With a bit of trial and error (and some sheepish laughter), they eventually make it work: Zhara’s nipple finds Agnimitra’s pursed mouth, and with a moan from them both, Agnimitra gives the nipple a fat suck, running her tongue over the bud and sucking the boob in between her cheeks.
Your hands explore both of their naked bodies as you sink into your own post-orgasmic bliss. There’s no shortage of things to stroke, to grope, to tickle: everything from the small of Zhara’s back, your fingers coursing through the streaks of sweat dotting it, to the thick, supple flesh of Agnimitra’s legs[pc.hasCock|, her thighs still wrapped around your meat], feeling them fidget and flinch under your touch. It’s a little wild to even think about – two related woman, panting and sexual spent, lying on top of you, and you have permission to touch damn near anything you want. Now <b>this</b> is the dream.

Zhara’s right hand reaches up to her blindfold, hooking her finger underneath the fabric to lift it over her eye – just as Agnimitra does the same with her own right hand, mimicking the motion almost exactly. When they’re both lifted away, their eyes meet for the first time since you had put the blindfolds on them.

“Oops,” Agnimitra says light-heartedly, seeing her ‘great-granddaughter’s’ flushed face less than an inch from her own. Zhara leans back slightly, surprised that she and Agnimitra had the same idea. They weren’t supposed to see each other like this, knowing that they did this to each other.

“Oh, whatever,” Zhara pouts, rolling her eyes before leaning forward and pressing her lips to Agnimitra’s. It’s not a quaint kiss that a great-granddaughter would give a great-grandma: Zhara’s mouth opens and her tongue surges forward, and Agnimitra reciprocates, allowing Zhara’s tongue inside her mouth for them to roll and curl around.

If you three aren’t careful, you might just start over from the beginning.

You wonder if either of them would even be opposed.
Uh… this isn’t the first time that she’s had Agnimitra like this. And you very much doubt it’ll be the last.

“Every moment with my great-grandma is precious,” she argues. “And every moment ever had is only made better when you’re suckin’ a titty. Go ahead, [], disagree with me.”[silly|

What about funerals?

“They need it the most!” she says. “It’d lighten the mood!”]

Well, she’s got you beat. You can’t think of a single instance in your life that couldn’t be improved by having a tit in your mouth.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Agnimitra with 6,000 words! This completes a whole other threesome between you, her, and Karithea, the Hellhound guardian of the Fire Temple. Kari must have a penis.

And... that's it! This expansion is finally complete at over 70k words and 115 pages!
“Ghhk,” she grunts. You feel her claws tense along your scalp before she suddenly thrusts forward, cramming several more inches of her cock into your gullet until your mouth is against her knot. Her tail swishes behind herself, catching your eye as it dances around her wide hips. Either you or Agnimitra must have touched a particularly sensitive part of her somewhere.

“Damn, girl, leave some for the rest of us,” Agnimitra teases, rapping her fingers across Karithea’s abdomen.

She snorts, her hips shivering, but she neither pushes deeper nor pulls out. It’s like pulling a sausage straight off the grill and onto your tongue, and the constant flow of her pre down your throat is like hot soup off the stove. But it’s not painful or uncomfortable enough for you to pull away: your cheeks hollow as you ‘gluck gluck’ around her throbbing cock, accepting every drop of her pre-nut like the gifts that they are. Besides, as long as she holds you there, it’s not like you’re doing anything else.

Eventually, she lets out a long sigh as she withdraws from your mouth. You feel your throat relaxing back into place as she pulls back, and you watch as plumes of white steam waft from the taut, wet skin of her cock as it’s exposed to the air. “If you insist,” she says once she’s fully withdrawn – and, after adjusting her angle, she pushes it into Agnimitra’s mouth instead.

“Hmm!” Agnimitra moans, sitting upright in surprise as Karithea pushes deeper into her throat. She relaxes quickly, though, and her eyes flutter as she leans forward, sucking down more of that pulsating dog dick on her own accord. Like you before her, she occasionally swallows around the hefty helping of steady pre across her tongue, taking every spurt as something of a gift. There’s no hesitation in her movements: it’s clear that the heat doesn’t bother her.
“Now <b>that</b> was a party,” Agnimitra says, rolling her head on her shoulders. She lowers her gaze, first meeting Karithea’s half-lidded eyes. “How was it for you, puppy girl?”

Karithea takes a moment to respond. She reaches up to brush a lock of her flowing black hair from her forehead. “Every time with my flame is as wonderful as the last,” she says, her voice a little gruff from the exertion.

“Yeah, yeah,” Agnimitra scoffs, waving her hand at Karithea over the non-answer. Her right hand reaches down to [pc.hasHair|ruffle your hair|rub at your smooth, bald head]. “How about you, babe?” she asks. “Was it worth getting caught between the two hottest women you know?”

You don’t respond.

Agnimitra tilts her head. “[]?” she asks, her fingers drumming on the back of your head. Still no response.

Karithea sits up, her hands coming down on either side of you. She looks down at your listless body, her eyebrows arching upward with concern. She and Agnimitra lock eyes.

“We should get [pc.himHer] out of the room,” Agnimitra says quickly.

Karithea motions to her crotch with her left hand frantically. “I can’t! I’m knotted to [pc.himHer], I can’t move!”

The harpy disengages, her legs still wobbly from the orgasm that had ripped through her. “Then you’ll just have to carry [pc.himHer]. I’ll get some water; you take my bed in the quarters, it’s just a room away.”

“Seriously? You want me to just… carry [pc.himHer], while [pc.heShe]’s still–”

“Well, it’s either that, or–”

Karithea grunts as alternatives flash through her mind. Any alternative would be too slow. “Okay, fine,” she grunts. “Just, uh… check if the coast is clear for me.”
To answer Agnimitra’s question, you tell her that, yes, it was worth it. But you need to be somewhere cooler. And you need water. [agni.hasCock|Cum|Freshly-squeezed juice straight from the pussy] isn’t going to keep you quenched.

“I’m afraid that’s not up to either of us,” Karithea interjects as she shifts her body. The enormous bulge of her knot makes itself evident: she’s not pulling out of you anytime soon. Not without making things… unpleasant.

You aren’t sure how much of this is up for negotiation. You’re not fireproof like they are. Having them individually is a test; having them together is borderline dangerous.

“Hell yeah, Kari, you hear that? We’re <b>bad bitches</b>,” Agnimitra laughs. “But seriously, yeah, we should get [pc.himHer] into the next room over, like we did the first time. I’ll get the water again.”

Karithea hesitates for a moment before, with a sigh, she sits up, her hips still firmly pressed to yours. Although the heat of the room is still hotter than a sauna, it’s downright chilly compared to Karithea lying on your back.

She reaches forward and grips onto your wrists, hoisting you up as she stands. The pressure of her knot on your [pc.vagOrAss] is immense and makes you grit your teeth. The signals you’re getting are mixed – you can’t tell if it’s painful or pleasurable. You moan, but from the look on Agnimitra’s face, she can’t tell if you’re horny again, or if it hurts.

“I’ll check if the coast is clear,” Agnimitra announces as she hops off the bed. Meanwhile, you and Kari waddle across the floor, her cock wedged root-deep inside of you, as if you’re playing some absurd version of a three-legged race. It’s less than twenty paces to Agnimitra’s bed in the Wayfort’s quarters, but it might as well be twenty miles.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2022
It's a possiblility too see the alchemical transformation for lyric like a kobold Queen stat in the future?

I hope see more kobold story, like possibility too have a little clan settlte in the Wayfort for exemple. we have a few kobold interaction but I hope we have more in future now we have dragon Tf. After all kobold and dragon do a good team no^^.

And I'm not sure is it your work but see more Dragonling like Ailheh and Freja or pure dragon too have more lore devellopment like Dalhiza search the truth on her family part.

It's my hopless^^, I really fan for your Frostwyrm work, I think is one of the best and my favorite love-story on TiT and I hope see a other like this on CoC II.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Addressing in order: Tall Lyric has been a pipedream project for several years... and I'm hoping it's one of the projects I get to next, now that Agni is finally done. It's the Year of the Dragon, and while I'm not going to be able to write any dragons for CoC2, I could write a tall kobold as the next best thing. Lyric wouldn't be Queen Kobold sized, but they'd still be quite large.

Having a little troupe of kobolds in the Wayfort if the PC is a dragon is a fun idea! It wouldn't be a small undertaking, but it could be feasible. The only issue is that it'd be exclusive to dragon PCs, and idk how keen we are to adding something that's requires the player to change their character so dramatically for such a large amount of content.

I'm not in charge of Aileh, Freja, or any other dragon-adjacent character other than Lyric. If I had my way, I'd write a pure dragon, one that's a giant lizard with wings, maybe breathes fire, and you can fuck. There were originally plans for me to write a character that could shapeshift between human form and dragon form, but it was axed for lore consistency. It's still wild and frustrating to me that you can fuck a dragon in the sci-fi game but not in the fantasy game.

I'm glad you enjoy my work! Frosty is one of my favourite characters to expand upon, and not just because she's a giant dragon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
Addressing in order: Tall Lyric has been a pipedream project for several years... and I'm hoping it's one of the projects I get to next, now that Agni is finally done. It's the Year of the Dragon, and while I'm not going to be able to write any dragons for CoC2, I could write a tall kobold as the next best thing. Lyric wouldn't be Queen Kobold sized, but they'd still be quite large.

Having a little troupe of kobolds in the Wayfort if the PC is a dragon is a fun idea! It wouldn't be a small undertaking, but it could be feasible. The only issue is that it'd be exclusive to dragon PCs, and idk how keen we are to adding something that's requires the player to change their character so dramatically for such a large amount of content.

I'm not in charge of Aileh, Freja, or any other dragon-adjacent character other than Lyric. If I had my way, I'd write a pure dragon, one that's a giant lizard with wings, maybe breathes fire, and you can fuck. There were originally plans for me to write a character that could shapeshift between human form and dragon form, but it was axed for lore consistency. It's still wild and frustrating to me that you can fuck a dragon in the sci-fi game but not in the fantasy game.

I'm glad you enjoy my work! Frosty is one of my favourite characters to expand upon, and not just because she's a giant dragon.
The genre of “once there were more dragons” has been a disaster for fantasy and the human race in general.


Dec 24, 2023
Addressing in order: Tall Lyric has been a pipedream project for several years... and I'm hoping it's one of the projects I get to next, now that Agni is finally done. It's the Year of the Dragon, and while I'm not going to be able to write any dragons for CoC2, I could write a tall kobold as the next best thing. Lyric wouldn't be Queen Kobold sized, but they'd still be quite large.

Having a little troupe of kobolds in the Wayfort if the PC is a dragon is a fun idea! It wouldn't be a small undertaking, but it could be feasible. The only issue is that it'd be exclusive to dragon PCs, and idk how keen we are to adding something that's requires the player to change their character so dramatically for such a large amount of content.

I'm not in charge of Aileh, Freja, or any other dragon-adjacent character other than Lyric. If I had my way, I'd write a pure dragon, one that's a giant lizard with wings, maybe breathes fire, and you can fuck. There were originally plans for me to write a character that could shapeshift between human form and dragon form, but it was axed for lore consistency. It's still wild and frustrating to me that you can fuck a dragon in the sci-fi game but not in the fantasy game.

I'm glad you enjoy my work! Frosty is one of my favourite characters to expand upon, and not just because she's a giant dragon.
Maybe it could be like with Daliza, one bonus worship sex scene if you're a dragon, otherwise the content is the same as not dragon PCs and you have kobolds hanging out the Wayfort in general.

And my favorite Lyric content definitely is the wholesomeness, they're so cute and it's so nice seeing that little kobold feel accepted, would love to see some short interactions between them and some companions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2023
Be cool if you aren’t a dragon you have to do something else to get them, impress them in some way (maybe just beat them up a little like with that small group in Livrea’s quest), but if you are a dragon and they hear about you they come to the Wayfort on their own.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2022
I think, I like all with lyric, she's a kindness and have the head on her shoulder like we see with Oma content and her reaction. She always curious and try too understande magic phenomena, try too reproduce it with science or find solution like a inventor and have the heart in the good place.

She really interrested by alchemy and be honestly the futa transform and her reflexion with gender conclusion is really good ^^. Too be honest if poeple use her in a build for fight I never use it for myself I think I respect her too much for that^^.

And the sexe scene is just hot, amasing and in same way hilarous. My only regret is she not take the time too name correclty the child we have with her (Even I laugh all time when she call them like stone, wood,...) I think is important reflection, maybe change this with a special child with her after tranformation like Atani and Piyari or Aileh and Freja and name her/him nicely.

I like Lyric and the possiblility to give her a tall form with alchemy and transformation with breast, milk, butt (cock prehaps) like Cait, Etheryn an other, that's be an interresting extention of her curiosity attitude for science and alchemy. And a good excuse too expand her lore^^.

For Kobold clan in the wayfort I thinking is for everyone (every PJ I mean) but with spécial interaction with dragon PJ. Actualy if I understand, content creator work on more reaction with dragon Tf, it's can be a possibility for an excuse too add content on Lyric and dragon content with lucky^^.

My last hope for Lyric after kobold clan in Wayfort, transformation, unique child is, have many interaction with her but not just only her, with you and the Wayfort resident like Aileh with Dal, your hellbound mate with Elthara or see more interaction with Mitra, Freja, Vera ( Vatia child) (they are sister after all^^ I always remember the interaction with Freja and Piyari that so nice and kind). too give the Wayfort more alive then ever. Too see in a way the result of your choice. that's a lot' of work but this can be an incredible addition and make a biautiful impact for the community in the game, the Wayfort become more attractive than ever with a family impact on the game.
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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Tall Lyric has been a pipedream project for several years... and I'm hoping it's one of the projects I get to next, ...
There's always a dream scene. Plus, as a dream, you can make it wild and non-canonical. Female Lyric in a ballgown (something like Evelyn might wear), in a ballroom, with all your kids around (she's taller, so she has to have laid some eggs), dancing with other kobolds. She's wearing some electrum bracelets to cover her scars. You had a loving inscription put on them (it's the only way to ensure she didn't eat them, but they still have nibble marks from when she gets nervous). And you can dance the dream night away, or just take her away and bang her brains out. Then you wake up and she's somehow snuggling against you.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Oh, coincidentally: today is Lyric's birthday! I first announced Lyric as a project this day four years ago.

What's YOUR favourite Lyric content?
The hero worship and how well spread it is. No matter if the champ is a guy or a girl, has dick or a pussy or both, the little scaly bundle of joy just lusts after us equally and att full throtle. Which is pretty underappreciated.

For favorite scene? The first blowjob scene where Lyric showcases their devotion and "get fucked" since it is one of few bottoming scenes where I trully feel lusted after.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Having a little troupe of kobolds in the Wayfort if the PC is a dragon is a fun idea! It wouldn't be a small undertaking, but it could be feasible. The only issue is that it'd be exclusive to dragon PCs, and idk how keen we are to adding something that's requires the player to change their character so dramatically for such a large amount of content.
Maybe instead of strictly require the PC to be a dragon, there would be a counter for dragon actions the PC takes such as having the wayfort statue be a dragon, amassing a treasury above a certain size, having ashe, tfing into a dragon, etc.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2022
I thinking today the lyric future. if you like the idea to do a pure dragon why not build a content with lyric try alchemical transform with dragon Tf, that's be interresting^^? she become a dragon with pure blood, with the normal Tf and a version for blood of the black dragon Tf for exemple one without heat and the other with heat? Not with human part but like a anthropomorphic dragon form with lizard face, scale, breast, wings, tail, ect. Too see lyric evolution with alchemy.

I think this can be interresting.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Revealing my next big project:

Tall Lyric!

Now that Dragonsblood is an item in the game, you can bring a sample of it to Jyrranaz, the chemist hornet in the Hornet Hive for analysis. If you have Lyric with you as well, they collaborate on something life changing.

Public post:

All updates will be on my Patreon!
As of this posting, there is no difference between the public version and Patreon version. Read the overview for a full rundown of the plans I have for Tall Lyric! Something in there might be a little surprising!

Next on my list of todos is to write some interactions for if the PC is also a dragon.

Oh, one thing that the overview doesn't mention is that I'm planning on writing dom training for Lyric. Have yourself a big, dommy, eight-foot-tall dragon follower. It's opt in.
Throughout all of Lyric’s excited chittering, Jyrranaz regards [lyric.himHer] with an amused, but easygoing expression. “You?” she asks with a lower tone, bordering on condescension. “A chemist? I didn’t know kobolds could even read.”

“Oh, I can’t. Never learned how. Nobody in my lan could. We live in jungles and huts – well, actually, <b>I</b> lived in the jungle before, uh, things beyond my control happened. Kobolds here in the Marches all live in holes in the ground. Jungles and caves aren’t the best places for studying!” Lyric laughs, then continues [lyric.hisHer] spiel without even taking a breath in between sentences. “I’m not a magician, unfortunately. I admit, if I could use magic at all, I’d probably be way more interested in that. I can breathe fire, but that’s biology – and it takes a bit of maybe-unhealthy dietary changes. If I could throw fireballs from my palms, I’d be all about figuring out how to do it the most efficiently. Science is the next best thing!”

Jyrranaz’s mouth twists as she listens to Lyric ramble on about [lyric.hisHer] interests. Her earlier snarky expression, looking more like she was a parent entertaining a child’s incessant ramblings and make-believe stories, softens into something more amicable. “You say you’re interested in the sciences, but you can’t read?”

“Oh, make no mistake!” [lyric.heShe] chitters excitedly, [lyric.hisHer] tail wagging behind [lyric.electrumRange 0 200|[lyric.himHer]self|[lyric.hisHer] substantial ass with enough force to wag [lyric.hisHer] hips]. [lyric.HeShe] raps all four fingers on [lyric.hisHer] right hand against [lyric.hisHer] head. “Everything I ever learned, I kept up here. I have my own system for mnemonics and memorization that don’t need ink and paper.”

After an awkward pause, [lyric.heShe] giggles. “Although, I’ll admit, it would help, sometimes.”
“Awesome!” [lyric.heShe] cheers, [lyric.hisHer] tail dusting the floor with how quickly it’s wagging. [lyric.HeShe] turns to Jyrranaz expectantly. “So… now what? Where do we start? When do we start? How do we start[silly|? <b>Who</b> do we start]?”

At the question, Jyrranaz looks over her shoulder, towards the alembics and strewn papers across her desk. “There’s no reason we can’t start right now,” she says as she scratches her chin. “[], if you don’t mind, could you excuse me and Lyric for a while?”

What, are you not allowed to watch? You’re the one that found the Dragonsblood in the first place.

“Oh, you’re permitted to watch,” she answers quickly. “But you may find it dreadfully dull. The scientific process is slow and meticulous.” She lifts the jewel of Dragonsblood to her eye. “Assuming that this is, indeed, coagulated blood, we’ll first need to find its melting point so that we can turn it back into a liquid. Then we’ll need to distill it–”

[pc.isBimbo|She’s right, that sounds boring as fuck. You’d rather go do literally anything else.|She’s made her point: while you understand every word she’s said, you can already tell that it’s going to go over your head in a hurry.] When should you be back?

“Impossible to say for certain,” she hums, pinching the Dragonsblood between her fingers as she squints at it. “But… <b>why not check back in twenty-four hours?</b> If nothing else, we’ll have a progress update by then.”

Sure, you can at least understand that much.

“I’m hoping that you come back to some big news!” Lyric chirps, thumping [lyric.hisHer] tail against the floor excitedly. “Gosh, I haven’t been this excited since I was first brought into the Undermountain! Hopefully this chapter of my life ends better than that one did, though.”

Didn’t that ‘chapter of [lyric.hisHer] life’ end with [lyric.himHer] meeting you?

“No,” [lyric.heShe] smiles sweetly, “that was the start of the chapter after that.”
“I told you that you didn’t have anything to worry about, Lyric,” Jyrranaz says. You’ve been so caught up in Lyric and [lyric.hisHer] transformation that you almost forgot that she was there with you two.

You ask Lyric what it was that [lyric.heShe] was afraid of.

“I mean,” [lyric.heShe] stutters. [lyric.HeShe]’s still curled into a defensive ball, hiding as much of [lyric.hisHer] features as [lyric.heShe] can and to make [lyric.himHer]self appear smaller than [lyric.heShe] is, but there’s no hiding all of <b>that</b>. “I was… I was worried that you might not like it, [].”

Didn’t you two have this conversation before you left? That you weren’t going to get in the way of Lyric’s dream of becoming [|royalty, the first king of the kobolds|a kobold queen]?

“This is still kinda different,” [lyric.heShe] whines. [lyric.HeShe] reaches up and wraps [lyric.hisHer] comparatively-gigantic right hand around [lyric.hisHer] snout, giving it a squeeze. “The most I was expecting was to be, you know, me, but bigger. That’s what my Village Mother told [|all the girl kobolds my age|me] would happen. But this!” [lyric.heShe] says, shaking [lyric.hisHer] elongated muzzle back and forth. [lyric.HeShe] pivots [lyric.hisHer] body and lifts [lyric.hisHer] tail, gripping onto it by the tip. “And this!” [lyric.heShe] almost shouts accusatorily, wrangling [lyric.hisHer] own tail like [lyric.heShe] was trying to control a rabid animal. [|He lets it go, and both of his hands go to the lower hem of his tunic, which is just barely low enough to cover his crotch. “And–!” he starts, his fingers curling around the fabric, but then he stops himself. “Well… maybe not in front of company.”|She lets it go, and both of her hands go shamelessly to her breasts, easily the size of F-cups and yet still looking somewhat modest against her gigantic frame. “And don’t get me started on these! They’re so heavy, and I didn’t know the buttons on their tops could be <b>that</b> sensitive. [pc.cupRange flat D|I don’t know how you do it, Jyrranaz.|[], how do you do it?]”

Jyrranaz just laughs in response.]
“I could fight with you!” [lyric.heShe] announces.

Just what you were thinking. But… [lyric.heShe]’s not much of a fighter, is [lyric.heShe]? Has [lyric.heShe] ever been in a serious altercation?

“N-No,” [lyric.heShe] admits, diverting [lyric.hisHer] eyes for a moment as [lyric.heShe] thinks. “Even with my added bulk, I don’t know much about fighting. Oh! But, I could prepare different brews and potions and poultices beforehand, and I could use <b>those</b> in a fight!”

You ask [lyric.himHer] to elaborate.

“Between fights, I can make some potions on my own time,” [lyric.heShe] continues. “Liquids might not have the same ‘oomph’ as a sword does, but if I, say, were to put some homemade oil into a sheepskin flask, full to the point of bursting, and then use it on a target, it could do anything from cause a burning sensation on the skin, to causing terrible rashes, to something like temporary blindness or deafness. Topological poisons can be very effective!”

“And not just offense, either!” [lyric.heShe] continues. “I could make medicines that provide temporary, short-term relief during battle, applied the same way!”

Lyric blinks as one more fact comes to mind. “Oh, right. And I can breathe fire.” [lyric.HeShe] laughs as [lyric.heShe] scratches the back of [lyric.hisHer] head. “I kinda forgot that that’s a thing that I can do.”[lyric.electrumRange 0 200|| [lyric.HeShe] pivots, turning profile in front of you. [lyric.HisHer] right hand reaches back and open-palm traces the swell of [lyric.hisHer] own ass. “And, if nothing else, I’m sure my ‘most powerful asset’ could still find a use.”]


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I finally get a new potentially pure fem domme but now I'd have to give up the best of the shortstacks to do so. Its a horrifying choice to have to make; gonna have to keep tall Lyric on a side save.