
Nov 9, 2018
Thanks again B for all the hard work you did. I got a question though. There is a Japanese artist who its quite found of Berwyn but he draws him with really big balls. Like basketballs or soccerballs. Is that accurate?


Nov 9, 2018
lmao, nah
Lol, well I guess you need to change his appearance description as he is described as having massive gonads, each one as big as your face. Not that I mind of course. I always imagined Berwyn with giant balls to go along with the giant cock. I like my femboys to be big all around.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Just played through the dungeon. It was really good. While frustrating, I found the tower puzzle to be interesting. I found the whole vibe and atmosphere to dark, moody, and weird which is kind of my jam and I think fits pretty well within COC2. I also found the whole quest interesting because it parallels with the champions quest, particularly if the PC is on the romance path.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Loved the quest and finally having Wynne. Does sending the witch to Evergreen do anything? I mean interacting with her or is that just when we have her at Wayfort?


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2020
I liked Berry quest - also the format of it. Minor gripe would be lack of easy reset - just something like reset button.

Question - I sent Maitha to Wayfort but she still pop-up in camp fortress menu - feature or bug? I admit that try was only to check out option didn't read too much into it.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Just to forestall my ever constant "Did I miss any important loot?" paranoia: Anything unique in BQ2 that I should look out for?

Pity Berry's no longer a companion.

Question: Do you ever plan to move Agnimitria to the Frosthound or wayford?

I'm trying to warm up (ha!) to the character and having to walk to the temple every time to talk to her or recruit her (before I noticed party change at waypoints) is kind of a pain. I know that she's designed to be a companion so her being so out of the way is just a little odd.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Ohhh... He was my favorite so to wake up to this? Yeah, quite a shock. I am going into this with open mind, but, man, I do wish you had warned us beforehand that he was loosing companion status, tho I can not say that I did not see it coming.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Uhhh, I'm not sure if this is a bug?

If you send Mathia to the Wayford and talk to her there's no way to end the conversation without having sex with her or sleeping with her. The "back" button just disappeared.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2017
I got so confused seeing all the posts about Berwyn being gone as I missed the Patreon/fenoxo post. I thought BerryQuest 2 died suddenly </3

I won't be able to try it yet so sorry if this is is an obvious question but am I right in my understanding that Berwyn is now effectively a guest/npc at the inn like Evelyn for example?

I never use Berwyn as a companion but I do love his scenes and the repeatable cock worship is fun so I'm looking forward to new scenes!

Rampent Pervect

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Is there a specific time where he shows up at the inn? Because aside from finding him at campsites I haven't seen him appearing at the inn at all.
That I don't know. He was there the couple of times that I looked, but I haven't played much of the new release nor have I done his quest.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2022
B, just wanna thank you for the Talk Talk Talk lose scene > : D


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Loved the quest and finally having Wynne. Does sending the witch to Evergreen do anything? I mean interacting with her or is that just when we have her at Wayfort?
Savin is throwing in a blurb about
Matiha becoming one of Evergreen's daughters
and Matiha will likely show up again later in... a quest, I forget which. That's a Savin call, though: if you move Matiha to Evergreen, that's not my jurisdiction anymore.
Just to forestall my ever constant "Did I miss any important loot?" paranoia: Anything unique in BQ2 that I should look out for?

Pity Berry's no longer a companion.

Question: Do you ever plan to move Agnimitria to the Frosthound or wayford?

I'm trying to warm up (ha!) to the character and having to walk to the temple every time to talk to her or recruit her (before I noticed party change at waypoints) is kind of a pain. I know that she's designed to be a companion so her being so out of the way is just a little odd.
There is a 1 in 10,000 chance that rolls every time you move to a different room of you finding a hidden room in the fortress. Inside that room is a unique item called a Gold Coin: a sellable item that's worth 225 electrum. It's supposed to be a reference to the Chris Houlihan room in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. In that room, there are 225 rupees. It's not worth grinding for, but, well, if you really, really want to, it's there.

There are no plans to move Agnimitra's staying place somewhere closer, primarily since that'd involve a ton of rewriting. She isn't far from the Winter City's waypoint, at least.
Ohhh... He was my favorite so to wake up to this? Yeah, quite a shock. I am going into this with open mind, but, man, I do wish you had warned us beforehand that he was loosing companion status, tho I can not say that I did not see it coming.
The choice was made between 'drop it all at once, weather a shitstorm that lasts a few days, and move on' or 'drop the news immediately and weather a rainstorm that lasts fifteen months.' Even if you think it wouldn't have been that bad, the gentle stream erodes the mighty mountain, and etc.
B, just wanna thank you for the Talk Talk Talk lose scene > : D


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
B, you ever thought of doing a Foxfire play scene for Agni? Feel like that would be a fun sex scene with your phoenix, playing with a different kind of fire.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Surprise! Updated Oma with 4,600 words!

This completes the Good Wish for wishing for wealth; does both the Good and Bad Wish for wishing for immortality; and gets most of the way through both wishes for Power.
Maybe Oma can’t empathize as much as a mortal can, since she isn’t one, but death is a common fear among the living. Once you cross that threshold, there’s no going back, and there’s a lot of uncertainty that comes with death: is there an afterlife? Is there any truth to the idea that ‘your life flashes before your eyes’ when you die? Is it simply… nothing? Is everything that you are, were, and could have been, simply lost to the ether once you pass away?

While death is most certainly the most ‘known’ of the unknowns – everyone dies, it’s ironically a part of life – you nonetheless… want no part of it. You’d like to live forever, if you could.[party.has Agnimitra|

Before Oma has the chance to open her mouth, you hear footsteps rapidly approaching from behind you. “No!” Agnimitra yells, rushing up beside you and slapping her hand across your mouth to keep you from talking. “No, no [pc.heShe] does <b>not</b> wish for immortality! Do <b>not</b> grant that wish!”

“Luckily, [pc.heShe] did not use the word ‘wish,’” Oma says with a smirk, “so I am not beholden to grant it.”

You manage to pry Agnimitra’s hand from your mouth and push her away from you, but before you have a chance to talk, she cuts you off again. “[], I don’t know how to explain this to you any better than I can with words at their face value: <b>immortality. Fucking. Sucks.</b>” She puts her hands together at their palms and bobs her hands with each word to emphasize her point. “Take it from me, someone that <b>is</b> immortal: if it were up to me, I’d wish for it to be gone. It’s a <b>disease.</b> I’m not going to stand here and let someone I care about ruin not just [pc.hisHer] life, but [pc.hisHer] <b>eternity</b>.”

[pc.isBimbo|Oh. Okay, then!

Agnimitra’s eyes widen and her shoulders relax. “Wait, really?” she asks, tilting her head in surprise. “I was… I was kinda ready to argue about this with you.”

Nah, there’s no need for that. Agnimitra says that you shouldn’t wish for immortality, so you’re not gonna. That’s all you need to know.

“Oh.” Agnimitra turns to Oma, then to you. She reaches up to preen the base of her plumage on her head. “Well… alright, then.”

With that, she turns to leave – but she stays within earshot.
After a moment of deliberation with yourself to make sure that this is, indeed, what you want, you steel your resolve and turn to face her. As concisely as you can, you wish to Oma that you want power. You want to wield power not unlike hers: you want reality to bend to your whims just by thinking it.

Oma closes her eyes for a moment as she inhales through her nose, and when they open again, her irises shimmer from silver to every color in the spectrum before settling down once again. “Your wish is granted,” she says.

You open your hands and look down at them, flexing your fingers a few times. You don’t feel any different….

Just as you look back up to Oma, an arc of lightning shoots down from the sky, landing directly on top of you. Electricity courses through your entire body, making every cell of your [pc.skinFurScales] light up with pain. A split second later, and the boom of a thunderclap rattles your ears loudly enough that it feels like your eardrums are about to burst.

The electricity of the lightning bolt lasts only a fraction of a second, but the lingering pain and numbness through your body lasts for much, much longer than that. You sink to your knees, your arms and shoulder occasionally fidgeting from the leftover static still tensing your muscles involuntarily. It takes a long moment for the pain to subside to numbness, and that’s only marginally better.

When you can finally feel your tongue in your mouth again – and you have the strength to move your jaw – you shout at Oma that this <b>obviously</b> what you wished for. You wanted power like hers! She can conjure materials from nothing; she can warp the very reality around herself with a thought!

“As can you, now,” she responds. “There is a rock the size of your hand to your right. Touch it.”

You glance to your right, and, sure enough, there’s a rock, just a few inches away from your hand. The pain still has your fingers acting jittery and unsteady, but you do as she says and you reach for the rock – and, just as your fingers glance its surface, a tiny bolt of static electricity jumps between you and it, giving you one last bite and forcing you to yank your hand away in surprise.

“And with that, reality has been forever altered,” Oma says.
So, is that the issue, then? You just need to phrase your wish as carefully as possible?

“Well, no; there are specific limitations to what <b>you</b> are asking for,” she continues. “You want power like mine; to essentially be able to grant your own wishes without the drawbacks of being enslaved to a lamp as I had. This is <b>not</b> within my capabilities. I can grant you power <b>equal</b> to my own, but that includes,” she pauses, hefting the lamp in her hand for emphasis, causing the giant golden chain to rattle with its movements, “the deficits. And I cannot grant this wish in fractions; it is impossible to quantify what ‘one-tenth’ of my capabilities are.”

[pc.isBimbo|Well, dang. You were hoping you could do something like… drop anvils on the bad guys during a fight. Or make it sunny when it’s raining. Or make it rainy when it’s too hot and sunny. Oh! How about – and you tell Oma to follow along with you on this one – you’re in a fight against some bad guys, so you make it rain anvils on them! But only on them. You don’t want to be caught in the middle of an anvil storm.

Oma smiles crookedly and brings a hand to her chin as she considers your fantasy. “Well, making it rain anvils <b>would</b> be within my power,” she says with a laugh. “But playing with the fabric of reality like that is something that’s going to come with repercussions.” She hefts the lamp in her hand once again.

Oh. Lame.

“But,” she continues, her eyes wandering back and forth as she does some quick calculations in her head, “there may be an alternative.”

Oh. Yay!
B, you ever thought of doing a Foxfire play scene for Agni? Feel like that would be a fun sex scene with your phoenix, playing with a different kind of fire.
I'll admit that, no, this has never crossed my mind.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
When you can finally feel your tongue in your mouth again – and you have the strength to move your jaw – you shout at Oma that this <b>obviously</b> what you wished for. You wanted power like hers! She can conjure materials from nothing; she can warp the very reality around herself with a thought!
I believe you forgot a word here? Probably "wasn't".


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I'll admit that, no, this has never crossed my mind.
I know it's kind of a scene devoted to a very specific playerbase, just thought it would be a fun idea. Sure in at least one of her lives she's played with Kitsune so sure she could come up with something fun! Haha. But just an idea if you decide to add more to Agni's repeatable scenes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Oma with 3,500 words! This finishes you wishing for power, and most of the update is you wishing for more wishes - and Oma shutting you down at every opportunity.
“Hold out your hand, palm upward,” Oma says, and you follow her instruction. She hovers her hand above yours, her fingertips a few inches away – and then static bolts of electricity arc between her fingers and yours, zapping into your digits. Despite the suddenness and the intensity, it doesn’t hurt. In fact, you don’t feel much of anything at all.

“Your wish is granted,” she says, stepping back and resuming her posture.

You flex your fingers a few times, trying to see if anything feels different, but nothing does. You ask her how it’s supposed to work.

“It works similarly to how I utilize my own powers. You simply will it to be.”

… Can you test it right now?

“What, on me?” she asks, her mouth curling into a wry grin. You can’t tell if she’s okay with the idea and she’s goading you to trying it.


“Go ahead,” she says with a laugh.

Now that you have her permission, you do as she instructed: you simply think about summoning lightning from the sky, trying to ‘will’ it into existence, to strike Oma right in front of you. You aren’t sure how much focus you’re meant to put into it, and you don’t know if you can control how intense the lightning is–

While you’re fretting over the specifics, a bolt of lightning arcs through the air, landing directly on top of Oma. The air crackles with static, causing [pc.sfs|the hair on your arms to stand on end|the fur on your whole body to stand on end|the scales on your body to tingle from your head to your toes|your whole body to feel tingly, from your head to your toes]; the boom of the strike rattles your ears and dazes your senses. It takes a while for your eyes to readjust and your ears to stop ringing.

Oma stands where the lightning struck, completely nonplussed by the display. It’s as if she’s not even there.

“Just like that,” she says.
You snort through your nose – you’re smarter than this. There’s a loophole here somewhere and you’re pretty sure you’re getting close to finding it. Having more wishes is a thing that you can have, you’re <b>certain</b> of it.

You think back to each of your attempts so far and why they might have failed. You asked for more wishes; you asked to be a genie yourself; you asked for more Omas to grant you more wishes; but each of these lines of thought have failed. What’s the commonality between them? What’s the thing that’s making them all fail collectively?

The one thing that immediately comes to mind is… Oma herself. She’s a genie, and she’s capable of granting wishes, but she did not say that wishing for more wishes was against the rules. In fact, she explicitly said that wishing for more wishes was an option! Maybe she’s just being difficult, to try and get out of doing more work? Is that even possible for someone as bound as she is?

You try and think – how can you remove Oma from the equation, but still get infinite wishes, <b>without</b> becoming a genie yourself?

Maybe… maybe you could wish that something <b>else</b> could grant you wishes. Take the powers that Oma has and move it into something that still obeys you, but is willing to obey your commands. Something like a pet? No, it needs to be something with great enough intelligence to infer your meaning behind words and contexts. You could try wishing for, like, a magic rock, or a staff, or something, but they’d be objects; not something that is capable of executing your will, even if you specified that they could.

Oh, wait: how about a book? A book that always had one more page than you needed, and anything that you – you, specifically – write in it will become real. If you wrote in it that you had a lump of gold in your pocket, that reality would suddenly become real.

You run the scenario over and over in your head, refining the exact wording that you’d use to wish for it to be real, to make sure that Oma can’t try and twist this one around on you. You’re not sure how she could: the onus of the wishes would be going from her to the book, but she wouldn’t be able to try and twist your words and meanings around. The book wouldn’t be bound by a curse to disappear after three wishes. As long as you word it properly, it should be foolproof….

After another moment to yourself to rehearse exactly how you want to phrase it, you turn to Oma and you try again: <b>you wish for a book filled with pages that never run out, and anything you write in it comes true.</b>

Normally, Oma is quick to grant you your wish, even if it’s her twisting your intention around to make it backfire on you somehow. This time, though, she hesitates: it’s a few seconds before she acknowledges that you said anything at all.

Eventually, she closes her eyes and lifts her free hand, her palm facing upward. From the very air between you, material spawns from nothing at all: first, a long, thick sheet of leather that makes for the book’s binding; then the fine, black twine that comprises the book’s spine; and then, a single piece of parchment, fastened to the inside of the book. All of the materials pull from the space above her hand like they were being forced through a small hole, and when they unfurl, they’re in perfect, pristine condition, as if they were freshly created right then and there.

When she opens her eyes, her irises shimmer through every color in the rainbow before settling back onto their normal silver sheen. “Your wish has been granted,” she says. The book continues to hover in the air above her hand; when you reach out and grab it, it’s real. It’s fairly light, as you expected it to be, but the leather is firm-but-not-unforgiving, as you expected leather to be, and the parchment is soft and twists between your fingertips as you’d expect parchment to.

You didn’t wish for a quill with ink to write in it with, but that’s okay: you turn to the fire going at the camp and you pull out a small, thin branch. After extinguishing the flame at its tip and dipping it into the fire’s soot, you have a makeshift quill with ink.

That seems like a fairly easy thing to write into the book, to test out its powers. You open the leatherbound book and press the sooty stick to the parchment, and you write that <b>you wish you had a quill with ink to write with.</b>

As soon as you dot the period at the end of the sentence… the whole sentence disappears. The paper doesn’t retain any indentations from you pressing the stick against it. It’s as if you hadn’t written anything in there at all.

You look around yourself to see if the quill with ink had suddenly appeared next to you, or on your person, or within the book’s leather or something, but there’s no such luck. The quill with ink that you specifically wish for is nowhere to be found. You write the sentence in the book again, but the same thing happens: the words disappear; the parchment is as perfect as ever; and you still don’t have a quill with you. You try writing that <b>you wish for a single gold coin</b>, but the same thing happens: there are no words on the page and there is no gold coin.

You ask Oma how to work the book. You wished for a book where anything you wrote in it would come true, and yet nothing you write in it is coming true. Is there some trick to it or something?

“I have granted your wish to your <b>exact</b> specifications, {wishes remaining|[pc.master]|[pc.master]|[]},” she responds.

Well, clearly, she didn’t.

“Try writing a sentence that uses the word ‘anything.’”

Immediately, a cold pit forms in the bottom of your chest as you look back to the book in your hand. You tried to be as specific as you could with your phrasing, but the word ‘anything’ is, by its own definition, as broad as can be. With hesitant fingers, you write the sentence ‘<b>I wish for anything to come true</b>’ – and, just as you feared, every word in the sentence evaporates into the parchment… except for the word ‘anything.’

You write more sentences into the parchment, each of them containing the word ‘anything,’ only for every sentence to vanish but the word ‘anything’ remains. No matter what you try, nothing works as you want it to: the only thing that stays on the page is that one word, which you can write as often as you like. What you have is a book that will literally grant you anything, and <b>only</b> anything.

“Most of my masters would have understood that wishing for more wishes is impossible before you, {wishes remaining|[pc.master]|[pc.master]|[]},” Oma says. Her normally stony expression breaks; the corners of her lips lift into a cheeky smirk. “It is not a wish I can actually grant, but you, in your greed, had to push it further. And now you have {wishes remaining|two wishes|one wish|no wishes} remaining.”

You shout in frustration and hurl the book at Oma; the book passes right through her, as if she were made of smoke.

It’s up to you if you learned something about your greed and hubris from this exchange.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Oma with 2,550 words! In this update, you wish for sex - which can go one of two ways, depending on if you wished for her freedom first. Be careful what you wish for!
// Continue here if it’s the second time

Oma hesitates, her unblinking eyes wandering between yours for a moment to tell if you’re serious. “It’s not going to be any better the second time,” she warns. “I am beholden to your every desire, [pc.master], but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. You can’t <b>make</b> me want it.”

That doesn’t matter to you: she has a beautiful body and you just want to feel it again, and you’re willing to use another wish to have it.

As usual, Oma’s face is totally blank of any outward expression as she absorbs what you’re saying. “As you say,” she eventually says.

// Continue here if it’s the third time

“You’re not serious,” Oma says, her brow furrowing in confusion and concentration as she tries to get a read on what you’re thinking. “You have the nigh-infinite powers of the genie at your disposal, and, for the third and final time, you’re asking for sex that I’m intentionally making as engaging as sex with a log.”

Maybe, but that’s still what you’re wishing for. [pc.isDK|Oma is under your control and you want to exercise that by fucking her as often as you can; that’s really the long and short of it. It’s not about the wishes – it’s about owning another person and having them do what you want.|You can’t help that Oma is a beautiful woman and that you want to have as much intimacy with her as you can before your time with her is over.]

“You’re a pathetic person and a pathetic [pc.master],” Oma says, her eyebrows curling downward as she sneers with all sincerity. “Hurry up and use the words, then. Let’s get this over with.”
[pc.isDK|You’re not going to deny yourself: you want to have sex with Oma. There might be some ethical objections to it – she’d be doing it because she’s still bound to you until all three wishes have been granted – but, fuck it. <b>You wish for Oma to make love with you.</b>

Your phrasing catches her by surprise, and she starts upright with her eyes wide – but then quickly settles down as her mouth spreads into a wry grin. “Excellent choice of words,” she says.|On the one hand, while you’ve already wished for her freedom, Oma is still beholden to you: you still have {wishes remaining||two wishes|one wish} left to spend on anything that you want, and, surely, anything that brings Oma closer to her freedom is something that she’d want to grant. But on the other, it undeniably feels like you’re taking advantage of her: if you asked her to have sex with you, she’d do it because she’s bound to by her lamp, not because she wants to.

Oma reads your eyes and your body – it’s clear to her where your thoughts are. Unbidden, she steps forward and gently rests her left hand on your cheek before letting it fall to your neck, the skin of her palm ever-so-gently grazing your [pc.skinFurScalesNoun]. “Speak your mind,” she says smoothly.

Well… the truth is, you still have {wishes remaining||two wishes|one wish} left, and you were thinking of using {wishes remaining||one|it} on… something that may not be very ethical, given Oma’s situation.

“It’s that you’d like to lay with me, correct?” she asks, her lips curling into a wry, knowing grin. She didn’t need to ask and she knows it, but you sheepishly confirm. “[], you’ve already granted me the one gift that no other master has had the strength of character to grant me in all of my existence. I’m already amenable to any wish you ask of me; if you would say the word, I would love nothing more than to show you just how <b>appreciative</b> I am.”

She smiles at you – a closed-mouth, narrow-eyed smile, looking all the world like a woman that just needs to hear what she wants to hear, and then she’s yours. You reach up with your right hand and gently hold onto hers, keeping it pressed against your neck, and you say the magic word: <b>you wish for Oma to make love with you.</b>]
Your [pc.hasCock|[pc.cock] lays flat against her pelvis and reaches [pc.cockRange 0 12 24|up to her abdomen|up to her lower chest|all the way up into her tits and then some]; you can feel the moist heat of her pussy against the underside of your throbbing meat|[pc.vagina] presses slightly against hers, the moist heat of your combined sexes mingling. You’re careful not to press down just yet; you don’t want to overload each other before the main event][pc.cockRange 0 12|. Your size isn’t lost on either of you; Oma’s eyes break from your own to look down at the throbbing tip of your shaft, reaching up higher than she expected.

Her hand disengages from yours so she can gently stroke the length of your cock, its size fit for a monster. You [pc.cockRange 12 24|ask her if it’s not too large for her to handle|tell her that you know you’re massive; the sex doesn’t need to involve penetration if she isn’t comfortable with it].

“Oh, [],” she laughs, leaning up so that the tip of her nose presses against yours for a moment. “I’m a genie. You do whatever you’re comfortable with, and I’ll handle the rest.”|.]

Oma hisses through her clenched teeth as she fights the urge to lean her waist upward to grind herself against you. “You have me now, [],” she says, her rainbow-colored eyes locking onto yours again. “Grant your own wish.”
This last preview is meant to say that you can fuck Oma no matter how big your dick is.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
The whole DK sequence feels little weird. I would think that DK would not care and/or, hell, even revel in the fact that they have such control over an individual. Maybe not reveal it to Ohma, but show it in more subtle ways. But I guess that it fits the mood up until now.
Also , question about [PC.cock range]. Is not double || in order in "[pc.cockRange 0 12|. Your size isn’t lost on either of you; Oma’s eyes brea" since you want to emphasis the humongous endowment? The way it is now limits your cock between 12 and lower if I have my parsers right.

Also, does this actually use up a wish or not?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
The whole DK sequence feels little weird. I would think that DK would not care and/or, hell, even revel in the fact that they have such control over an individual. Maybe not reveal it to Ohma, but show it in more subtle ways. But I guess that it fits the mood up until now.
Also , question about [PC.cock range]. Is not double || in order in "[pc.cockRange 0 12|. Your size isn’t lost on either of you; Oma’s eyes brea" since you want to emphasis the humongous endowment? The way it is now limits your cock between 12 and lower if I have my parsers right.

Also, does this actually use up a wish or not?
DK PCs not giving a shit about the ethical implications was actually my intent, but I suppose I could put more effort into emphasizing that fact.

You're correct on the parser usage; it should be two vertical lines, not just one. Thanks for catching that.

Yes, having sex with Oma uses up a wish. I plan to make this scene repeatable after she's freed, though, so if a player just wants to wish for her freedom and then waste the other two on something they get for free later, they can.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Oma with 2,400 words! This covers your wish to be able to teleport to anywhere you want in the world. Can potentially lead to a bad end if you're not careful!
But only for an instant. In another, the world around you has disappeared.

Where you stand, the sky is dark: the ‘ground,’ if it could be called that, is glassy, and beneath it, you can see what you vaguely understand is Savarra – or, at least, something that looks like it. The place you’re in is a large, dark, otherwise-featureless void, with the exception of the occasional pillar of light beaming straight up from the glassy ground beneath you, stretching infinitely into the dark sky.

There are hundreds of them, each of them stretching over the ‘map’ of Savarra beneath you, seemingly situated over important locations – towns, villages, and other places of society and interest. One of them you recognize is Hawkethorne. But nothing you do gets the beams of light to react to you: simply walking into one isn’t enough for them to respond to your presence, nor do they react to any bodily gestures that you make. You’re missing something – something important.

Panic starts to set in before long: this isn’t what you wished for! You have no idea where you are; you don’t know how to get out; you still have your clothes on your back and your affects, but nothing you’re carrying is of any help to you and your current predicament, and notably absent is Oma and her lamp, since <b>she</b> was the one last carrying it. How are you meant to escape this? What little provisions you happened to be carrying won’t last you for long. Are you meant to wait until someone comes to rescue you?

Help! Somebody, help!
Well… while that’s disappointing, it’s not like things are <b>all</b> bad. You pull out your Waystone Charm and dangle it in the air between yourself at Oma, saying that the Ways Between is pretty convenient as far as traveling goes.

“Oh!” Oma starts, her eyes widening at the sight of the crystal dangling from your hand. “You know of the Ways Between?”

… Yeah, most people do in the modern world. There’s a portal to there in the middle of Hawkethorne.

“Ah, this changes things slightly,” she says, cupping her hands underneath your charm. You acquiesce and drop it into her palms; she twists it around and holds it up to the sky as she examines it. “I can improve this charm of yours so that you can enter the Ways Between from <b>anywhere</b> in Savarra, if you’d like. It’s not true teleportation, like you had been hoping for, but it’s a modest runner-up: from anywhere in Savarra, to the Ways Between, and from there, any portals that you’ve been attuned to.”

Is it possible to teleport from the Ways Between to anywhere you want in Savarra?

“Unfortunately, no,” she responds, her eyes going from the charm back to you. “Time and space are contorted within the Ways Between; it’s not as simple as going there, seeing a spot in Savarra within the crystalline ‘floor,’ and then willing yourself to be there. The charm would be able to place you within the Ways Between, but the journey would be one-way; you must use a portal to leave.”

On the one hand, you’re still being served limitations and disappointments with everything that she says. You could have exactly what you want, but the line between getting exactly what you want, and getting something that could be catastrophic, is razor-thin; it’s a pretty risky wish to go for something like that.

On the other, being able to travel directly to the Ways Between without the need of a portal, at any time, and going anywhere you like from there, is still a powerful tool. You’d have to find future portals, but if you ever got hungry, lost, or tired, you could abandon your current excursion and head straight to the Ways Between, and from there, to Hawkethorne, or to any other save haven you’d want.

You deliberate with yourself on the issue for a moment before deciding that, while it’s a compromise, and you weren’t expecting to have to compromise on your own wishes, it’s nonetheless still a powerful option. Without taking the charm from Oma, you tell her that <b>you wish for the ability to travel to the Ways Between from anywhere in the world.</b>


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
I'm sure this is something you've already thought about/are thinking of, but my curiosity is compelling me to ask anyway.

How is Oma going to address the really obvious questions with regards to just resolving all the conflict in the plot herself, i.e. wishing that Kasyrra, Tollus, or all the wraiths would die, or just wishing Cait's sister would be returned to her immediately?

Also less important, but since I'm assuming Oma isn't going to have any pregnancy content, what would happen if you wished you could impregnate Oma?
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I'm sure this is something you've already thought about/are thinking of, but my curiosity is compelling me to ask anyway.

How is Oma going to address the really obvious questions with regards to just resolving all the conflict in the plot herself, i.e. wishing that Kasyrra, Tollus, or all the wraiths would die, or just wishing Cait's sister would be returned to her immediately?

Also less important, but since I'm assuming Oma isn't going to have any pregnancy content, what would happen if you wished you could impregnate Oma?
It's mentioned here that Oma can not kill and can not make life, including having a child. That falls into the category of wishes she can not grant. Though, I'm not sure about the returning Cait's sister part. That said, this post includes the Champ asking Cait what she'd wish for, which you can do for the companions, and she says she'd wish for Calla to return.
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