Pippa Feedback Thread


Active Member
Mar 27, 2016
It's come to my attention that Pippa has been receiving some flak, so I'm making a thread for constructive criticism.

I do want to start by addressing one point that I've seen that I think is a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding that's my fault, but a misunderstanding nonetheless. The "dominance meter." First, "dominance" probably wasn't actually the best name for that value, though nothing better immediately comes to mind. And second, I probably shouldn't have exposed the value on the stats screen, especially in the initial release in which it did literally nothing; I thought it might be fun to be able to see the stat even though it wasn't doing anything, but it was a mistake. The value does do a little something in another piece of content not in the game yet, but it isn't, and never was meant to be something that fundamentally changes Pippa's character (maybe all the more reason to not expose the value). All that said, I am going to go back over existing content and see if there's any place that's a good spot to throw some variance in based on the value.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any good feedback.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
This should probably go in the main TiTS forum board, not Event Submissions. >.>'


Mar 26, 2017
I'm still uninformed on if she tastes of bacon when grilled. These are the questions the community wants answered, 100%, srs.

(am kiddin, she's fine character)
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Active Member
Mar 27, 2016
I'm still uninformed on if she tastes of bacon when grilled. These are the questions the community wants answered, 100%, srs.

(am kiddin, she's fine character)

If you have silly mode on, her cum is modded to taste like bacon in the face sitting scene.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Ill kinda start this off. (Hopefully when this is moved our posts are still here)

Ill begin with repeating with some things I have said: Im rather neutral with Pippa as a character, in fact you can say I like her, but that still doesnt mean I cant say whats up with the character.

Ill first say that one of the biggest criticisms with Pippa is that she is coded horribly. Im not overly familiar with code,(I only just started a class), so I cant say for 100% if she really is. The only thing I can say for certain is the thing with the dominance meter. It has potential to really work for the character if used in the right way. Like changing the scenes depending on the score, similar to how Gianna works.

Second, while she did have a decently sized implementation for when she got into the game, her expansion that was planned had all of three things adding to it. A threesome scene with a variation, crew recruitment and one additional sex scene. Ill say kudos to TheAscent for closing the PR to work further on the expansion so that point is rather mute.

The threesome scene I mentioned does show that variation with scenes, via the dominance meter, can add some dynamic to the character. Offering Sub and Dom content to the character depending on what you pursue. This'll give the player a choice of what character they want. This would add a good layer to her content.

Ill say real quick, that the massage stuff is fine where it is. Thats all.

From what I have heard, her coding needs some fine tuning. But as I have said I dont know if it does.

So bascially what I believe will help Pippa, is that her code gets more cleaned up, and more content is added to make her more dynamic. @TheAscent , if you write these scene variations (If you do them) in Google Docs before you code them, will help you get feedback on the content. To help with the code.... I think you would need to ask other people about that.

Thats it from me for now. Good luck with any other feedback that comes your way.;)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Coded Horribly: Dominance Meter

Alabaster you've mentioned coding practices without giving any examples (other than the dominance meter) like 3 times now, twice here, and once over at GitHub. And you keep mentioning the dominance meter in every other issue, which is valid to be fair, I'm just saying.

Rest of the feedback seems solid though.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Doesn't the special event Turkey-Girl on New Texas already taste of gravy? Or am I having CoC flashbacks, and getting things confused?
There is infact a turkey girl on NT that has that.
Not gravy, but maple syrup.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Ah, so I was right, she does taste of a little something something, but I was also having a CoC flashback and got things a little bit confused.
*Ranma hits themselves in their confusion, doing 0 damage*


Active Member
Mar 27, 2016
Ill kinda start this off. (Hopefully when this is moved our posts are still here)

Ill begin with repeating with some things I have said: Im rather neutral with Pippa as a character, in fact you can say I like her, but that still doesnt mean I cant say whats up with the character.

Ill first say that one of the biggest criticisms with Pippa is that she is coded horribly. Im not overly familiar with code,(I only just started a class), so I cant say for 100% if she really is. The only thing I can say for certain is the thing with the dominance meter. It has potential to really work for the character if used in the right way. Like changing the scenes depending on the score, similar to how Gianna works.

Second, while she did have a decently sized implementation for when she got into the game, her expansion that was planned had all of three things adding to it. A threesome scene with a variation, crew recruitment and one additional sex scene. Ill say kudos to TheAscent for closing the PR to work further on the expansion so that point is rather mute.

The threesome scene I mentioned does show that variation with scenes, via the dominance meter, can add some dynamic to the character. Offering Sub and Dom content to the character depending on what you pursue. This'll give the player a choice of what character they want. This would add a good layer to her content.

Ill say real quick, that the massage stuff is fine where it is. Thats all.

From what I have heard, her coding needs some fine tuning. But as I have said I dont know if it does.

So bascially what I believe will help Pippa, is that her code gets more cleaned up, and more content is added to make her more dynamic. @TheAscent , if you write these scene variations (If you do them) in Google Docs before you code them, will help you get feedback on the content. To help with the code.... I think you would need to ask other people about that.

Thats it from me for now. Good luck with any other feedback that comes your way.;)
As far as coding goes, I still haven't seen any concrete issues with that outside of one bug. Ideally, there'd be 0 bugs, but bugs happen.

There actually is one bit of content in the expansion you may not have seen, which is different massage oils (with minor variations to the massage scenes).

As far as the dominance meter, I addressed that in my first post, but I'll reiterate that I am going to add some variance.

Thanks for your feedback.

Fuck, someone finally snuck bacon cum into the game. I've been dreading this day. Now we'll have special snowflakes wanting gravy cum and alfredo cum.
What about pizza sauce?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2016
Pippa's scenes could really use further detail and better usage of parsers. The scenes are incredibly short and poorly written, starting off fairly average but very quickly ending with the orgasm no more than one or two sentences. I really hope you take the constructive criticism in this thread to heart, otherwise Pippa will remain a very bland, low quality character compared to what the rest of the game has.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Coded Horribly: Dominance Meter

Alabaster you've mentioned coding practices without giving any examples (other than the dominance meter) like 3 times now, twice here, and once over at GitHub. And you keep mentioning the dominance meter in every other issue, which is valid to be fair, I'm just saying.

Rest of the feedback seems solid though.

I admit that I dont know of other code problems. Im just going by what others have said. (By others I mean of one person ,i.e emerald in the uveto discussion thread, who said they have heard of problems.) So the coding "feedback" I said are rather mute. I dont have necessary knowledge in the field to give an actual opnion on the matter. I was just trying to hit each argument against her. The only coding thing I could find, with my retard knowledge on coding, is the said dominance meter, which Ascent has said they will deal with.


Otherwise thanks for feedback, on my feedback...:confused:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bacon cum...mhmmm. Too bad it's only in silly mode happening. And I think talks was always about how we can't make cum taste like bacon...I think or it was other similar flavor that was always makng huge aprt of forum going into NO FUCK THIS SHIT IT'S NOT HAPPENING mode?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Why? How many Orthodox Jews, Old Testament following Christians, and Muslims do we have playing this smut game that we can't have bacon flavored cum? And even then, how does it count if it is only -flavored- cum?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah gross and then throu backdoor of silly mode it's in game. Can I now laugh how ironic it's? :eek:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Cum flavored cum.... blasphemy. Who would put more cum in cum cuz someone heard you like cum ^^

Cumception at i best...or jsut cumming pun after pun.

So how her cum is named in non silly mode anyone can...enlighten me?

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

Yo. I checkup on your Github Branch from time to time to see how your are doing, and so far I think your doing well. (https://github.com/TheAscension/TiTS-Public/blob/pippaXPac/includes/uveto/pippa.as found it with some determination.)

The variation you put in is good, despite it being hard to read due to code talk, and I look forward to other variations for the other scenes. Like a more dominant than before vag scene and vice versa. I look forward to any more updates you put out and hope that Pippa becomes better for... well the better.

Good luck on whatever your doing now.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2016

Yo. I checkup on your Github Branch from time to time to see how your are doing, and so far I think your doing well. (https://github.com/TheAscension/TiTS-Public/blob/pippaXPac/includes/uveto/pippa.as found it with some determination.)

The variation you put in is good, despite it being hard to read due to code talk, and I look forward to other variations for the other scenes. Like a more dominant than before vag scene and vice versa. I look forward to any more updates you put out and hope that Pippa becomes better for... well the better.

Good luck on whatever your doing now.
Just finished up retouching the hot dogging scene (no variant for this one) and the vag fuck scene. Next is top variant for the vag scene. Don't plan on doing variants for the face sitting or get fucked scenes, but am going to add in a chance for the milk scene to automatically go to the top variation before the PC can make a decision when I touch it up.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2017
So in the recent public update I was quite amazed for Pippa to join my crew. I didn't see that coming.
Is there a public document about all the update stuff that I could read?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
So in the recent public update I was quite amazed for Pippa to join my crew. I didn't see that coming.
Is there a public document about all the update stuff that I could read?
His doc for her doc was never shown to the forums or anything. It was submitted then and there through the public Github.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2016
So in the recent public update I was quite amazed for Pippa to join my crew. I didn't see that coming.
Is there a public document about all the update stuff that I could read?
No detailed doc, but here's the brief description I had on the PR:
  • New scene for Pippa (can buy her a strapon, which unlocks a scene where she fucks Steele)
  • Some editing/rewriting of Pippa's existing scenes
  • New variations for 2 of Pippa's existing scenes
  • Pippa can be recruited as a crew member
  • Threesome with Pippa and Yammi with 2 different versions
  • New oils for Pippa to use once she's recruited (different effects, and minor massage scene variations)
  • Added descriptions in the crew menu for crew members interacting with each other
  • Fixed a bug with follower Yammi (flags["YAMMI_KITCHENED"] was never getting set and wasn't fully respected)
  • Added a few options to text parser
  • Re-did Pippa's "dominance" section in the codex to be more accurate
  • Added a section to the codex for scenes with more than one crew member, currently only containing a Pippa/Yammi threesome counter
  • Added a small, new talk scene for post-recruitment (and a minor, new, alt talk scene for if she's been recruited but isn't currently on the ship)

Tad Cooper

Apr 24, 2017
OK TheAscent. Not a big fan of furries or pigs, but I'll valiantly go stick my Steele's dick in this one to see what's what. :) I'll look at this "bad code" too.

First thought: that is a shitload of public constants that I'm not sure need to be public, but it's not like anyone else is paying attention to scope. I wish more people would follow your example and define constants early for easier changes. Good comments too.

follower.multi-interactions.as should be folded into follower.pippa.as: that's way too generic a filename and it's all about Pippa/other characters, yeah?

Follower everything should be in its own folder, but that's not on you that's just my OCD which gets set off every time I look at /includes.

pippa.as line 2653 Italics around "she hardens her expression and continues," should be closed. Following "and continues," with "And to be clear..." sounds awkward. Too many ands.
 output("\n\nPippa looks around like she doesn’t really want to talk about it. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked; money can be a sensitive topic. Finally, she sighs before speaking, <i>“Well, here’s the thing. She was no Victor Steele, but I had a grandmother who managed to make quite a bit of money during the last Planet Rush. I never met her, unfortunately, but she was very generous with her money.” </i>She hardens her expression slightly as she continues,<i> “And to be clear, I’ve gotten plenty of customers on planets besides this one.”</i>");
That looks better to me.

function pippaGetFucked() I don't think hardlight dildos would have a soft option, but that's your prerogative and obviously like half the scene so whatever.

Line 2190 Kill that first semicolon. That's two sentences. Make it a period. "Even if you wanted to answer you couldn't. Now with a firm grip on your head..."

Proving into your throat? That kind of works in weird way. I'm guessing it's a typo for "probing" though.

I'm also guessing English is not your first language (my apologies if I'm wrong). You're violating a lot of unwritten rules here. For example "She quickly works up a rhythm, fucking your mouth, heavily breathing and grunting." First comma should be a colon or not be there at all. Heavily should come after breathing to emphasize that this is a list of verbs. "She quickly works up a rhythm fucking your mouth, breathing heavily, and grunting." See how having the verbs immediately after each comma establishes what the rhythm is composed of?

You seem to repeat this type of sentence construction often, sometimes resulting in run on sentences. It's just something to consider when writing in the future: more periods, WAY less commas, less semicolons. The latter especially are supposed to be used in very few situations. There's a reason so many programming languages use them to end lines. It helps differentiate code from prose.

Ok, I've noticed a pattern. You keep throwing commas before adverbs and adjectives. Stop it. Line 1137 "She grinds her [pippa.pussyNoun] over your [pc.cockNoun], slowly, but steadily." Either one of those commas or neither of them but not both. Two commas that way are going to be interpreted as either parenthetical or a list. So if you wouldn't write "she grinds her pussy over your cock (slowly) but steadily" don't do that. This is followed by "enveloping your cock in wet, oily, warmth" Wet and oily both describe the warmth here. They are not nouns in a list. Second comma is unnecessary.

Line 2272 needs a space before "in your loins" or it will butt up against the output of the conditional. Lose the commas around "before long". Doesn't need to be separated out.

Line 2275
if (pc.hasCock()) output("your [pc.cocks] shooting [pc.cum] " + (vagOrAss == -1 ? "": "onto the floor"));
so if the PC is a hermaphrodite getting fucked in the ass you don't repeat "onto the floor".

Line 1117 she runs wraps her boobs blah blah. Runs or wraps? Wraps, it looks like.

Alright, that's what I've got energy for. It's Friday night, time to get off the internet. I know it's a fine line between constructive and being a dick so sorry if I've toed it wrong.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2016
First thought: that is a shitload of public constants that I'm not sure need to be public, but it's not like anyone else is paying attention to scope. I wish more people would follow your example and define constants early for easier changes. Good comments too.
Yea, they, at least mostly, don't need to be public. That just seems to be the convention for the most part, so as long as they're uniquely named enough, it should be fine.

follower.multi-interactions.as should be folded into follower.pippa.as: that's way too generic a filename and it's all about Pippa/other characters, yeah?
At the moment it is, but I named it that was with the intention that anybody could put things involving multiple followers in it if they want. That way somebody looking through the code doesn't have to figure out which character's file a multi-follower scene is in.

pippa.as line 2653 Italics around "she hardens her expression and continues," should be closed. Following "and continues," with "And to be clear..." sounds awkward. Too many ands.
output("\n\nPippa looks around like she doesn’t really want to talk about it. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked; money can be a sensitive topic. Finally, she sighs before speaking, <i>“Well, here’s the thing. She was no Victor Steele, but I had a grandmother who managed to make quite a bit of money during the last Planet Rush. I never met her, unfortunately, but she was very generous with her money.” </i>She hardens her expression slightly as she continues,<i> “And to be clear, I’ve gotten plenty of customers on planets besides this one.”</i>");
That looks better to me.

function pippaGetFucked() I don't think hardlight dildos would have a soft option, but that's your prerogative and obviously like half the scene so whatever.

Line 2190 Kill that first semicolon. That's two sentences. Make it a period. "Even if you wanted to answer you couldn't. Now with a firm grip on your head..."

Proving into your throat? That kind of works in weird way. I'm guessing it's a typo for "probing" though.

I'm also guessing English is not your first language (my apologies if I'm wrong). You're violating a lot of unwritten rules here. For example "She quickly works up a rhythm, fucking your mouth, heavily breathing and grunting." First comma should be a colon or not be there at all. Heavily should come after breathing to emphasize that this is a list of verbs. "She quickly works up a rhythm fucking your mouth, breathing heavily, and grunting." See how having the verbs immediately after each comma establishes what the rhythm is composed of?

You seem to repeat this type of sentence construction often, sometimes resulting in run on sentences. It's just something to consider when writing in the future: more periods, WAY less commas, less semicolons. The latter especially are supposed to be used in very few situations. There's a reason so many programming languages use them to end lines. It helps differentiate code from prose.

Ok, I've noticed a pattern. You keep throwing commas before adverbs and adjectives. Stop it. Line 1137 "She grinds her [pippa.pussyNoun] over your [pc.cockNoun], slowly, but steadily." Either one of those commas or neither of them but not both. Two commas that way are going to be interpreted as either parenthetical or a list. So if you wouldn't write "she grinds her pussy over your cock (slowly) but steadily" don't do that. This is followed by "enveloping your cock in wet, oily, warmth" Wet and oily both describe the warmth here. They are not nouns in a list. Second comma is unnecessary.

Line 2272 needs a space before "in your loins" or it will butt up against the output of the conditional. Lose the commas around "before long". Doesn't need to be separated out.

Line 2275
if (pc.hasCock()) output("your [pc.cocks] shooting [pc.cum] " + (vagOrAss == -1 ? "": "onto the floor"));
so if the PC is a hermaphrodite getting fucked in the ass you don't repeat "onto the floor".

Line 1117 she runs wraps her boobs blah blah. Runs or wraps? Wraps, it looks like.

English is my first language. The writing style for Pippa is mostly deliberate. That said, there are some mistakes, and poetic license can, and maybe did, go a bit too far. As for semicolons, I've always been fond of them for some reason, but maybe I should use them a little less. I don't know if I agree that they should be used very infrequently, even if they typically are used very infrequently.

Alright, that's what I've got energy for. It's Friday night, time to get off the internet. I know it's a fine line between constructive and being a dick so sorry if I've toed it wrong.
I don't think you delved into dick territory at all; I appreciate the feedback.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2017
No detailed doc, but here's the brief description I had on the PR:
  • New scene for Pippa (can buy her a strapon, which unlocks a scene where she fucks Steele)
  • Some editing/rewriting of Pippa's existing scenes
  • New variations for 2 of Pippa's existing scenes
  • Pippa can be recruited as a crew member
  • Threesome with Pippa and Yammi with 2 different versions
  • New oils for Pippa to use once she's recruited (different effects, and minor massage scene variations)
  • Added descriptions in the crew menu for crew members interacting with each other
  • Fixed a bug with follower Yammi (flags["YAMMI_KITCHENED"] was never getting set and wasn't fully respected)
  • Added a few options to text parser
  • Re-did Pippa's "dominance" section in the codex to be more accurate
  • Added a section to the codex for scenes with more than one crew member, currently only containing a Pippa/Yammi threesome counter
  • Added a small, new talk scene for post-recruitment (and a minor, new, alt talk scene for if she's been recruited but isn't currently on the ship)
Thank you. That helps a lot.