I put down Rholrald as a lawful neutral not because he obeys laws in general, which he doesn't, but because he follows the rules of the party, accepting his place without too much disagreement
Going to be playing a Kobold Artificer, I thought it would fit for a more utility-focused "caster". Also I can't seem to find actual item creation rules.
And last time I checked, most people were playing kobolds, is this still true?
While the official released version of the Artificer hasn't been put out yet, there is a Playtest version of the Artificer covering levels 1-20 to be found on the WotC website. If that isn't acceptable for you, then I'll make a Wizard Kobold of the Artificer Tradition using the 5e Eberron Rules from Unearthed Arcana. If that's not okay then I'll make a monk. I like monks.
Oh, and I'll be playing Lawful Evil because it's the "racial alignment" of the Kobolds, but I'm not going to be stabbing anyone in the back. Unless they're an enemy, of course.
Edit: Ignore the duplicate post, I thought I erased what I typed out be accident.
So we've got a Kobold Rogue, a Kobold Fighter, Yuan-ti Pureblood Cleric, Fallen Aasimar Warlock, and now a Kobold Wizard. Shaping up to be an interesting party.
Just wanted to ask because I haven't hit 2nd level yet, can I take Bladesinging as my Arcane Tradition? It states that normally only elves and half-elves may take it, but that is a lore/setting-based restriction and other races may take it with DM approval. It can be found on pages 141-142 of the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
also regarding the game
considering Rholrald got the drop on the skeletons does it just automatically make him first in initiative or he makes the attack then the round begins with everyone rolling for initiative and doing their turns including him?
also, i think the rolls should be set like
[attack roll1], [attack roll2] (in the case of possible advantage or disadvantage having it be rolled anyway but still specified as the second roll as to not have it count in case none of those apply)
[damage roll]
and is Verona going to do something or just stand by ?
Verona is just going to stand by until she sees what this thing can do, if it looks like it's actually a threat then she'll jump in. For now it's just snarky commentary and finding out what you guys can do.
Yeah, I saw that, I'm rather glad that I backed up my character to an actual file. From what I saw, one of the people on it was doing back end work and ended up wiping huge amounts of data.