Picking up the pieces (Out of character)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They say pride come before the fall. In the case of the human's empire this saying is all to true but could you blame them? They had spread far and wide, they had problems yes but none that could pose a real threat to the empire. They thought they had reached an age of peace. Unfortunately all things must end at some point and when the empire's end came it came without warning. No one knows if it was just bad luck or if it was the work of the gods but the empire was attack form every side. Giants came down from the north, Gnolls from the east, a Goblinoid war host from the south and Orcs from the northwest. However the empire didn't only have to worry about outside threats, for when blood is in the water predators attack. From below came the Mind Flayers looking to dominate and control. From the shadows came the Yuan-ti using their spies to their full use and carving a piece for themselves. Now the once great empire is shattered and it is up to you to put the pieces back together but..for who?

Hello, been awhile since I've been here but here we go again I guess. So lets get down to it eh? This will be a 5e D&D game with the dice roll results being posted when ever you do an action, so I'm being trusting with people here so please don't post constant high numbers aye? Also this will be a bit slow since I work 10 hour days and don't give ya a lot of time. Also this is a group RP with looking for a group of 4 to 5 players and I normally go with a first come first serve sort of thing but if you want to make a character but for some reason can't take the time to do so just say so and I'll hold the spot for ya.

Now for a big part of the character creation, the races. The races that can be used are; the ones from the player's handbook, Genasi, Aasimar, Firbolg, Goliath, Kenku, Lizardfolk, Tabaxi, Triton, Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Orc, and Yuan-ti Pureblood. If you don't have the info for any of the races listed PM me for it.

Now for info on the factions.

Land of the Last: The last hold out of the humans ruled by King Fortis. He is a good ruler but since he has never had to deal with a real threat before had made him lean on his officers for advice. However since they never had to deal with opponents before they lost their capital and had to head west. Now with their backs to the cost the humans fight to try to get any of the ground they have lost. The people are low in morale while the nobles try to put on a brave face while holding secret meetings to save them and their families lives.

Land of Dark Deals: When the humans lost their capital it presented a very tempting opportunity. Now the city is run by a coven of hags and they control the capital and ten miles in every direction, making it the smallest of the new kingdoms. Since it's not in their nature to fight in open war, the hags have made their land a neutral zone where all can come and trade anything and everything. The players will start in the capital.

Land of Shaking feet: Once near the dawn of time the Giants had their own empire that fell into the dust. Until a decade ago no one had even tried to try and bring it back until a storm giant claimed the title of king and started to gather the other giant races. In their lands the giants rule over those who obey their rules like they are normal citizens but if they break the rules they shall be put in chains to work or eaten.

Land of Nothing: In the lands the Gnolls rule their is nothing but the gnolls and the animals. They kill any sentient creature they find and eat them. Only those good at hiding or living areas where the gnolls can't reach. They are always throwing themselves at the orcs and the goblins.

Land of Mind: Mind Flayers lived below the ground in the Underdark and only came up when the empire was under attack to claim more slaves and food. Now they spend most of their time fighting with the giants fighting brawn with their minds. When in their lands the Flayers rule with iron fists but if they are taken out of their lands they become far more likeable, no one knows why.

Land of Raiders: The orcs are known for being almost as bad as gnolls when it comes to destroying all they see. Now the orcs are in a three way are with their hated enemies the goblin host and the gnolls. The fuel their war they breed with any humanoid that they think would make strong children.

Land of the Host: The goblin host is made of three races, the goblins, bugbears and hobgoblins. They don't really want to be together but they fear their gods so they march. Now they rule the south of what was the empire. They rule over the people in a tough way but as long as they follow the strict laws they are equals. Though the goblins destroy any temple that doesn't worship any of their gods. They wage war with their hated enemies the orcs and the gnolls.

Land of Snakes: The Yuan-ti don't prefer to fight like the other races, they like to fight with cloak and dagger tactics. Using spies and poison like and orc uses swords and shields. Thanks to this they have spies in every other land and tend to know what is going on. They have the seconded smallest land but like the hags they deal in information the keep the others off their backs. Many under Yuan-ti rule would love to be almost any where else, the snake men don't feel anything. Not joy, sadness, or even hate. This unnerves the people, watching them stoically killing their family and friends.

(Might add more if needed and not about to pass out)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
That looks exciting! I'll start working on a character right away but I usually tend to think things through a lot so it might take me a few hours to post something. =3


Active Member
Sep 15, 2016
What sort of stuff do you want from the character? A full character sheet, or a bio? What sort of tone will the game have? What sort of classes are acceptable for play?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Also would help to know if the goal is for the party to be good or evil. Having a paladin and a Death Knight stuck together wouldn't be very believable. =p
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Definitely interested, I'll start work on a character. Like Vaalintine and Kei said, knowing what sort of party you're hoping for would be helpful.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2017
(saves spot) Yeah, I am interested (don't usually RP but this has peaked my interest).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
interested as well but i would like to know more of what kind of party you are making like do they have a shared goal ? are they to me mostly evil ,neutral or good ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2017
I think it's too late for me to step in, but in case of any sudden dropouts, I've got a kobold character at the near ready.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In order. Yes I would like a full character sheet, the tone will be a bit dark but I do put humor mixed in a bit, all classes from the 5e player handbook. The party will start off neutral by being in mercenary guild but if the party wants to go to good or evil they can.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
thanks ,also regarding stats of the characters will it be used the normal 4d6k3 like normal ? and what about the racial bonus of races that aren't available for players in 5th ed? and starting lvl will be 1 ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes 4d6k3 and to start at level one and what do you mean about the racial bonuses? which race were ya thinking of?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
thanks and I was thinking kobold ,sorry i was refering to most of those you posted I found they weren't in the main player's handbook but in 'Volo's Guide to Monsters' i will make my character ,anything else we should know about the world ? ... and how 'adult' will it be?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2017
Well, looks like I'm the sixth to call a spot, but I might as well share the Kobold anyways? If there's not room, don't hesitate to kick me out. I used orcpub for the sheet.
*EDIT* Just saw that dracomic called Kobold weeellp...
*EDIT AGAIN* Turns out I got Kobold ages all wrong too. Rholrald is 7 years old, just mature for a Kobold.

And race bonuses too:
Party Tactics. If at least one non-incapacitated ally is within 5 feet of a creature you are attacking, you gain Advantage on attack rolls against that creature.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You suffer Disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks made when you or your target are in direct sunlight.
Darkvision. See in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Grovel. Once per encounter, can use an action on your turn to beg, plead, snivel and otherwise humiliate yourself; until the end of your next turn, all of your allies gain Advantage on attack rolls made against enemies within 10 feet of you and who can see your pathetic display.


  • Rholrald Character Sheet.pdf
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lol ,I don't mind other being kobolds as well , hell it may even make it more interesting , image a party of only kobolds XD
and my kobold is a fighter believe it or not and if Malice allow a 6th player i won't mind having you on the team


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sure there can be a sixth and in terms of how adult it will be...very. Also yeah I was going to put the different race's traits up but I looked at the clock and didn't have the time to do so. So just ask and I'll put them up. Also the Kobold traits are slightly wrong Jas; Darkvison is right and Party tactics is you have advantage on the attack roll. They don't have Trapper , Gutless, or Hoarder, instead they have Grovel, Cower, and Beg: As an action on your turn you can cower pathetically to distract nearby foes. Until the end of your next turn your allies gain advantage on attack rolls against enemies within 10 feet of you and can see you. Once used you can't use it again until you've taken a short or long rest.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
I'm leaning towards a fallen aasimar warlock, I'll post a character sheet tonight.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2017
Got it, and thanks for not giving me the boot. Could you send me the Kobold traits? I used the first site I saw.
And I'd love a fellow Kobold buddy if that's what you're choosing


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I can't decide wether Goliath fighter girly or Tiefling necro wizard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
ho Malice do our characters know each other (i mean out of the backstory related relationships as mine and Jasmac's are brothers) before the start of the adventure ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh and if for whatever reason that you can't post for a week or more tell me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
After reading pretty much everything in Volo's I decided I'm rolling a Pureblood cleric gurl. Their religious systems is craaaazy. I love that you can be a cleric that isn't about your deity at all... you're just in it for the perks and the chance to eat up your god and become a god yourself.

Now to take a beating from the character sheet. /o/