PC NPC Marrige

Dec 31, 2016
Please post better.
i mean why not i think it would be a good Adition to the game and it push the relationships you forge with the NPC another step forward


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
You can get married to Tavira, even though that's a less than optimal ending for her content.

Though I do gotta say that I would like to be able to have my Steele go to a wedding, even if it isn't their own.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wait why marring Tavira is less than optimal ending for her stuff?

And for weedings...we need to have some npc that are well more toward this seemly alsmost totaly forgoten thing in TiTSverse. Everyone there seems to refer open relationships that are killer for marriage fluff stuff.
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Wait why marring Tavira is less than optimal ending for her stuff?

And for weedings...we need to have some npc that are well more toward this seemly alsmost totaly forgoten thing in TiTSverse. Everyone there seems to refer open relationships that are killer for marriage fluff stuff.
Because the Nyrea respect power, wedding her means you haven't dominated her and instead have to give her weapons
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
As a generality it's an anachronism in the mainstream TiTS culture for p. obvious reasons: the trend is for more open and hedonistic sexuality and marriage as an institution is the polar opposite of that. The whole game is designed around the idea that you'll have (multiple) waifus on every planet, space station - hell, probably every building. You don't -have- to play it that way, but that's the expectation and the characters, too, are written so that this is the expectation on most planets that are hip to the galactic libertine culture. Most of your waifus have multiple waifus of their own.

It's easy enough for some places to be isolated and have their own sort of monogamous thing going that runs against the current but it wouldn't affect the characters people are probs. thinking of for this. In that case it would really be better served as a kinky roleplay sort of scene where everyone dresses up in ancient clothes that they've only seen in old movies and act out a bunch of goofy misconceptions on what these things were supposed to be about before they got to a deflowering roleplay.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Krynh Nah that what you talking about is alliance option right? Marriage I talking is beating Tavira blue and black solo without whinny Dane help and then letting her been married to amazing PC. Or we got other possible option that is considered marriage one solution too?
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Jun 24, 2016
You can get married to Tavira, even though that's a less than optimal ending for her content.

Though I do gotta say that I would like to be able to have my Steele go to a wedding, even if it isn't their own.

*spams delete button of all planned Jaeger girlfriend routes*


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Marriage I talking is beating Tavira blue and black solo without whinny Dane help and then letting her been married to amazing PC.
Oh you're talking about the subjugation route. Not really a marriage because you are the one in control mostly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Kaede is gonna marry Anno, but Steele will be invited to the wedding night.

That is how I imagine a possible pupslut wedding :p

Syri could potentially be willing to marry Steele, but she's got a lot of armor to shed before that would even be an option.

I don't think we're gonna see a lot of marriage content. But we can still dream about it :D

Marriaging Bess as impossible as that would be is still a very romantic thought f. Ex.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Traditional marriage options are really unlikely. We not had them in COC too right...oh wait we not had so since TiTS is anti-CoC....ohhh I see what you will try do there devs someday :smuggo:

On Tavira...well for me IT'S wedding option. Subjogation feel so bad... she just fell in love with mighty PC and want to be his/her cute waifu :catte:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think Noobie may mean TiTSverse sclae of time....possibly or he overshoot number by one 0.

Heh well Harem is naturaly natural way but why can't I drag into ship harem Seandra and Ellie yet...just why?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
...That 13.7 number is the age of the universe. Life "evolved" from non-sentient atoms. That's why I used "reproduce" and not "make babbies".
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That quite semantic approach. Well if we cound non-sentient atoms life is as old as universe actualy. Well almost since atoms not existed that that terrible short time after universe creation when it was cold enough to allow atoms not decompose themselfs spontaniously into smaller parts.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The original state of the universe is in the realm of speculation and theoretical physics. All we're sure of is that some elementary particles definitely existed, even at t = 0.

Of course, it's not like tradition of any kind could have existed except in the last couple of millennia; my post was just a joke.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I like the cut of this guy's jib.


Jul 11, 2016
I have a feeling that if puppy weddings ever come around, Steele and Kaede are gonna have to do that thing that always happens in movies: where there's a dog holding the McGuffing, and the antagonist and protagonist are both trying to call the dog over to them.

You know, like this (Start at 2:42):

Where Kade = Silver
Steele = Jim
Anno = Morph
The pile of rope is clearly Syri.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I've been petitioning for Anno and Syri in wedding dresses for like a year now.

Here here!

Kaede is gonna marry Anno, but Steele will be invited to the wedding night.

That is how I imagine a possible pupslut wedding :p

Syri could potentially be willing to marry Steele, but she's got a lot of armor to shed before that would even be an option.

This, very much this. This and many other moments I've mentioned before are why Syri is my fav out of the 2 sisters. Anno is cut and puppysluttish...but Syri is a true lover and best friend...by her own admission. This is what makes the (artificial since its a game) connection with her more solid.

What's more traditional than a harem?

Look all I'm saying here is, if you don't reproduce, you're breaking a 13.7 billion year long tradition.

Indeed, and if there's one thing we should always keep in mind, it's TRADITION!

Regardless of whether Steele is gonna put a ring on someone's finger(or penis?) or not, wedding play sure sounds like a lo of fun. Like fuck Anno and Syri on an altar or something.

I like the cut of this guy's jib.

As do I my friend, as do I :D


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Problem: you arn't prime waifu Anno's first choice for spouse.


I suddenly expect to burst into flames any moment now.