Option to keep Lethice as slave/follower

I'm fighting an uphill battle, that being said, I'd love to see Lethice kept as a slave/follower, even if it may not make that much sense. I say someone go for it.


Aug 26, 2015
It may come down to Kitteh having to police and report assholes in the mod thread, if he wants to stay here. I know I'd get real sick real fast of one thread being a fester cesspool of people attacking me.

I agree with this approach, but Kitteh can't be around 24/7, he might be offline busy coding at a given time or day, I'm even less active so I'm not sure which users that are relatively active in the thread can pick up the reporting in a timely fashion. The thread getting its own moderator to enable it to police itself is probably out of the question.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Until now, the mod only has added technical changes and scenes previously written. The quantity of mod-written scenes is quite low, limiting itself at Jojo pure sex scenes and others here and there. I have to admit, their quality isn't comparable to the ones written by the main game, but they're not the core of the mode either, and they'll gonna be rewritten, eventually. Back on topic, having Lethice as a companion is a diffcult task, and somewhat...anticlimatic, on my opinion. I'm not sure abut the mod's writers, but I doubt that it would be a plausible idea. Besides, and taking in consideration Helia's issue, messing with such a major character wouldn't be wise.

About the bad mood between the mod community, i have to agree that we have to respect the main devs in their forum, since is their house and all that things. With that on mind I have to apologize if some of my comments on the boards offended them, I only inteded to give my opinion, and I'm sorry if I was too harsh. But in the end, I have to associate the previous rage with suppresed rage against the hostile attitude towards the mod, but they could have had a bit more tact.  I believe that we could keep things civil between the mod and the main writters.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Eh, Seeing as to how the game doesn't continue after the end. I say the follower thing doesn't really make sense. But if someone were to write it (And it was good) then sure, I'd be up for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Personally, considering her significance in the overall story, I don't believe she should survive you encountering her in the end, let alone be a potential slave/waifu. My vote is to make her after-action be at most like the Harpy Queen minus the option to let her flee. You're there to remove her as a threat, not become her master/mistress, and my thinking is that even a corrupt character who intends to replace her wouldn't trust her enough to keep her alive in any capacity. Pure characters wouldn't want to keep her alive either, though they may have a tougher time taking her life. Still, she's a danger to anyone whether your intentions are of noble ones or otherwise of a more perverse or corrupt mind, and something like this just seems to run counter to the very nature of the quest you've set out on in the first place. While it's at least in simplest form very CoC like in nature to turn an opponent into a plaything, the idea of even enslaving Lethice or taking her as a waifu just sounds like a bad idea that would only come back to bite the PC in the ass later. Take it or leave it, that's my 2 gems anyways.

Then again, that's just my opinion and only an opinion. Doesn't make me right or anyone who says otherwise wrong, just my gut is all.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You have the option to kill Lethice regardless. There's also another way to neutralize, even reverse, the threat she poses. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Still, she's a danger to anyone whether your intentions are of noble ones or otherwise of a more perverse or corrupt mind, and something like this just seems to run counter to the very nature of the quest you've set out on in the first place. While it's at least in simplest form very CoC like in nature to turn an opponent into a plaything, the idea of even enslaving Lethice or taking her as a waifu just sounds like a bad idea that would only come back to bite the PC in the ass later. Take it or leave it, that's my 2 gems anyways.

Who knows? Your character could've changed their mind during the quest and decided to let her live, like Luka from MGQ when dealing with the monster lord.

Granted, Lethice and Alice aren't really the same but still.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I guess. I just have always had an image in my head that she is just too much trouble to keep alive after fighting her, even to the point that a corrupt char will see her as a rival that needs to be destroyed rather than another potential prize. Even if you could take her in as a slave or lover, why would she give up her seat of power just to give that to you? Obviously, it couldn't be loyalty, just look at how fast Zetaz throws her under the bus when his own well being is put in danger. Beings like Lethice are out for their own good and have no interest in pleasing anyone but themselves. She would likely rather die anyways than let someone else best her in any way. Even if she initially agreed to be your subordinate/slave/etc. under the stipulation you let her live, she would eventually find some way to get the jump on you and turn the tables. To put it simply, I've always imagined Lethice to be 100% untamable and 100% unreasonable; she's hellbent on ruling, not being ruled in any way. In fact, she'd probably would let you collar her if you beat her, then sooner or later find some way to stab you in the back, or (if you'll excuse the morbid implications) take her own life since dominating her would likely do unspeakable things to her pride and sense of worth.

That said, considering what Savin said, if there is another way to remover her from power without simply destroying her already planed, then that could work depending upon what sort of option it implies. I've always though Lethice is no coward and more willing to die than lose, something that separates her from the others like Zetaz and Ceraph and could perhaps be why she is so powerful. Or, I could be way off base with how I see Lethice and perhaps she does value her life above her being at the seat of power. Still, if that's the case I think that would be more or less her convincing the PC to let her live rather than the PC simply changing their mind and letting her live in the hopes she will agree to terms. Maybe I'm just describing MY PC's, too. My evil PC Kane, for instance, would probably just kill her the moment he got a chance to and say it would just be the smartest route. Being corrupt as hell himself, he would probable screw her first though. Aura, my good girl, would kill her too, though she'd have trouble coming to grips with the idea of taking even Lethice's life. She would even bury the body afterwards out of guilt. Poor thing would definitely hate herself for a while afterwards, but she'd be thankful she had the courage to do what had to be done to save her home.

I never did play MGQ that much, though from what I remember, you do get quite a bit more personal interaction with Alice's character than you do with Lethice. So not only do you learn to sympathize with her and her side of the story, she learns to sympathize with your side too. Maybe if Lethice had spent some time with the PC, maybe the same thing could've triggered. Funny you bring up MGQ though, I even had at one point a long time ago the idea for the PC to encounter Lethices' daughter/son without knowing who they were at the beginning of the game. The idea was that he/she would act much like Alice kind of did, still being secretly in league with his/her mother, but unlike there mother seeking to understand the "humans" better. Either that or Lethice sent them to spy on you. They wouldn't be available for sex, more like someone just tagging along or observing from a safe distance perhaps. Eventually, the PC would learn of their true identity and could either banish them from camp or let it go. Depending on that, he/she would have an effect in how you deal with Lethice in the end, possibly even changing what happens to the PC afterwards. Never really got it off the ground beyond theory crafting since the daughter's/son's obvious capacity for compassion didn't make sense to me, being Lethice's little shit and all.

Anyways, sorry for the wall and all, just speaking my mind. It's been a pretty uneventful and boring week.