Option to keep Lethice as slave/follower


New Member
Dec 28, 2015
just looked at the end and i have to say i am kind of disappoint there's only the option to kill, purify or let Lethice escape after defeating her, and no option where you can dominate her and make her your slave/follower (or even her being your consort  instead of the other way around) the same way you can do with Vaupla and Ceraph . And with this people could make follower stuff and scences for her if they wanted (imagine demonic fivesome scene with Vaupla, Ceraph and milk succubus).

just throwing that in here because i think this would be very fitting for the theme of the game.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
That would be because the game, you know, ends there. As in, you're not going back to camp after beating her.


New Member
Dec 28, 2015
maybe just add it as as a choice in the ending and epilogue then? not asking fen to start working on a  Lethice follower, just feel like the ending should have this option.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There's also that there's not much to do with followers aside from sex them now and then. She's the big bad boss of the game and so deserves some options with more finality to them, rather than the doom of becoming a CoC camp follower.

With modding though, it's not like she's locked out of becoming a follower. Wouldn't be difficult to add an option for it, and then skies the limit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, if you're wanting to squeeze this poor game further in hopes of eking out more content, I hear the revamp thread is very welcoming.

Yes, if you're wanting to squeeze this poor game further in hopes of eking out more content, I hear the revamp thread is very welcoming.

Poor game? I'm afraid I don't quite understand, It is open source, correct? What's wrong with people making mods and edits to it? Isn't it good that a game has such a fanbase that people are willing to create free content for it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What's wrong with people making mods and edits to it?

Nothing, as mods may help to expand the player base. Their stance on modding is not the issue though, as is shown by the mod 'CoC Prisoner'. This mod was regarded well, and endorsed enough to have its own link on the Links page of this site's main blog. If Fenco wasn't hoping for a bitchin' mod to be made, or didn't approve of mods in general, the games wouldn't be open source. In other words, this is the wrong question.

Isn't it good that a game has such a fanbase that people are willing to create free content for it?

This is the important question; what kind of people comprise the modding community and what is their relationship with the official devs. Are the mods a positive influence on the fanbase, or a detriment. In short: If mainstream companies had interactions with modding communities similar to the one present here, devs would not be so accepting of them. As it stands, if mainstream devs don't support mods, they are kind enough to ignore them. A modding community like this one would be stepped on. Fenco has allowed the mod presence on his site, and is trying not to axe it. But the mod community is making it really really hard. Kitteh is a yes-man, but is serious about trying to make something he believes to be good. The mod community on the whole is a snake-pit.

To put it simply, Fenco is the master who has granted this dog a home right here in their own backyard, and this dog is trying its damnedest to bite their hand off- yet Fenco is trying to endure. Given how this situation is playing out, my bet is on the dog getting put down, or at least kicked out. Can the situation turn around? Will the dog get it between the eyes? Will I ever repair my broken 3ds? A tale yet to be told.


What's so bad about CoC's modding community? All that I've gathered so far from lurking is that people want to change the content of some of the writers and the writers don't want their content to be changed.

Mustang Flex

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's more or less how some people reacted to savin's stance on this mod. While I (mostly) agree with them, I think that they were entirely too antagonistic towards savin.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
...And insult Savin, say that FenFen and friends have a moral obligation to finish CoC, tie up every loose end, add all the waifus, and keep it updated forever so no one is ever sad. 

Its pretty hilarious to see all the edgelord vitriol where the modders refer to Savin like SJWs refer to white, upper-middleclass, straight, non-trans, christian males. Savin is actually one of my favorite people on these forums so the rabid hate is even more amusing since they attack him as opposed to more confrontational mods and/or members.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What's so bad about CoC's modding community? All that I've gathered so far from lurking is that people want to change the content of some of the writers and the writers don't want their content to be changed.

Because I try to be optimistic, I always assume people have some level of problem-solving skills. You said you lurk, and I know you've read through at least the last page of the mod thread. If you can't figure it out, I have no interest in talking to you further.

Mustang Flex

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Now I admit, Savin's actions have sent my anti authoritative streak into overdrive. But at least I knew when it was a good idea to shut the fuck up. Besides, all this would be a complete non issue if any of the rabid anti Savin mod supporters set up shop somewhere where he doesn't have authority. They could do all the mods they like, but we still need to obey the admins while were on this site.

Because I try to be optimistic, I always assume people have some level of problem-solving skills. You said you lurk, and I know you've read through at least the last page of the mod thread. If you can't figure it out, I have no interest in talking to you further.

That's... Surprisingly rude. I was hoping to meet some like-minded individuals here to talk about the game(s), and maybe have an engaging discussing with or two. But I digress, if that's how you feel, that's how you feel. I can respect that.

...And insult Savin, say that FenFen and friends have a moral obligation to finish CoC, tie up every loose end, add all the waifus, and keep it updated forever so no one is ever sad. 

Its pretty hilarious to see all the edgelord vitriol where the modders refer to Savin like SJWs refer to white, upper-middleclass, straight, non-trans, christian males. Savin is actually one of my favorite people on these forums so the rabid hate is even more amusing since they attack him as opposed to more confrontational mods and/or members.

I don't know the whole story, so I don't know if I personally think Savin's hatred for the mod is justified, but I've seen disturbing comments from both sides. I'm sure Savin has been badgered and bullied for a while, it's just what happens when you contribute to something that gets popular. However when I first found a bunch of people, admins and moderators included, flinging disgusting insults like "Whiny cunt" to each other, that made everything look extremely unprofessional. I was honestly taken aback, and I know it's the internet, but the blatant hostility has been absolutely staggering!

Edit: Spelling and Grahams.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To put it simply, Fenco is the master who has granted this dog a home right here in their own backyard, and this dog is trying its damnedest to bite their hand off- yet Fenco is trying to endure. Given how this situation is playing out, my bet is on the dog getting put down, or at least kicked out. Can the situation turn around? Will the dog get it between the eyes? Will I ever repair my broken 3ds? A tale yet to be told.

Umm, I'm pretty sure the 'dog' (which is Kitteh) is trying it's damndest not to do anything that would result in the mod getting booted. The only way that would happen I believe, is if Kitteh is the one who's doing the shit flinging, which he's not. Plus why should Kitteh and the mod get punished for the stupidity of others?

Umm, I'm pretty sure the 'dog' (which is Kitteh) is trying it's damndest not to do anything that would result in the mod getting booted. The only way that would happen I believe, is if Kitteh is the one who's doing the shit flinging, which he's not. Plus why should Kitteh and the mod get punished for the stupidity of others?

I agree. I personally love the mod, since it adds so much, I love modding, even the funny/nonsensical ones like Tomas the Tank Engine dragons in Skyrim, or Hulk Hogan Deathclaws in Fallout 4. Whenever a mod gets heat on the Nexus forums, it's the individuals that get penalized. Not the mod or it's author (Unless granted the mod/author starts the heat). It's never a good idea to punish a group of people for something an individual or two did.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
because if you are renting a space in someone's mall and all your customers keep telling the owner of the mall or his managers that they are the scum of the earth, the space that shop takes up isn't their's because they rented it out, and that they can go fuck themselves, no matter how nice the shop owner is the mall proprietor is going to evict them because their customers are disruptive assholes. 

because if you are renting a space in someone's mall and all your customers keep telling the owner of the mall or his managers that they are the scum of the earth, the space that shop takes up isn't their's because they rented it out, and that they can go fuck themselves, no matter how nice the shop owner is the mall proprietor is going to evict them because their customers are disruptive assholes. 

It's still never a good idea to penalize someone who did nothing wrong, especially if that person is a contributing content maker for the community. That's like saying that if this were the opposite end of the spectrum, and instead of the mod stirring up the community it was Savin (Just using them as an example), then Savin should be kicked out. Obviously doing either extreme to either party is a bad decision, especially due to Savin's pivotal role in the writing of CoC and TiTS and his friendship with Fenoxo. I think we should all just stop the bickering and come to a compromise quickly so we can all focus on something more important! Like furthering the development of TiTS!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It may come down to Kitteh having to police and report assholes in the mod thread, if he wants to stay here. I know I'd get real sick real fast of one thread being a fester cesspool of people attacking me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Umm, I'm pretty sure the 'dog' (which is Kitteh) is trying it's damndest not to do anything that would result in the mod getting booted. The only way that would happen I believe, is if Kitteh is the one who's doing the shit flinging, which he's not. Plus why should Kitteh and the mod get punished for the stupidity of others?

The "dog" is the modding community as a whole. Nor was dog an insult; I was borrowing from the phrase "don't bite the hand that feeds you". As long as the mod is based on this site, it is the dog in this metaphor. JDeko, you are my oasis in this desert.
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It may come down to Kitteh having to police and report assholes in the mod thread, if he wants to stay here. I know I'd get real sick real fast of one thread being a fester cesspool of people attacking me.

Isn't it the job of the mods/admins to police threads? I don't think Kitteh is under any obligation to do anything to anybody, since they've done nothing wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You keep saying "they've done nothing wrong" but for the most part inaction is validation. Unless Kitteh actively makes it obvious and definitive that attacking FenFen, Savin, Geddy, etc. is absolutely unacceptable then he is complicit in their attacks. If the cops decided to raid a Laser Floyd show the guy in charge of a planetarium couldn't get away with saying "well I didn't give them the drugs and never took any myself..." if he saw them lighting joints and popping acid right in front of him. In and of the fact that people have been running off at the mouth in his thread about his mod he creates Kitteh has done plenty wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It may come down to Kitteh having to police and report assholes in the mod thread, if he wants to stay here. I know I'd get real sick real fast of one thread being a fester cesspool of people attacking me.

Considering on what just happened there, I would encourage him to have those two idiots kicked out and I can see him doing the policing thing.

The "dog" is the community as a whole. Nor was dog an insult; I was borrowing from the phrase "don't bite the hand that feeds you". As long as the mod is based on this site, it is the dog in this metaphor. JDeko, you are my oasis in this desert.

I knew that, I just felt that I had to point it out because if the mod ever got booted it would've been because Kitteh did something to piss off Fen or Sav. Also "What" to that last part.

Isn't it the job of the mods/admins to police threads? I don't think Kitteh is under any obligation to do anything to anybody, since they've done nothing wrong.

He may not have admin powers, but considering what happened he is going to start having to police his own thread by reporting to Ted or Sav that X person is causing trouble. Because I'm pretty sure Kitteh is not going to risk the mod because of some entitled crybabies who decided it was a good idea to run their mouth in front of everyone.
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You keep saying "they've done nothing wrong" but for the most part inaction is validation. Unless Kitteh actively makes it obvious and definitive that attacking FenFen, Savin, Geddy, etc. is absolutely unacceptable then he is complicit in their attacks. If the cops decided to raid a Laser Floyd show the guy in charge of a planetarium couldn't get away with saying "well I didn't give them the drugs and never took any myself..." if he saw them lighting joints and popping acid right in front of him. In and of the fact that people have been running off at the mouth in his thread about his mod he creates Kitteh has done plenty wrong.

You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is that Kitteh is in no way responsible for the actions or words of other people, and is doing nothing wrong by taking no action. They are a victim of circumstance and shouldn't have to clean up after other peoples' messes. If making anything, mod or not, makes the creator responsible for the actions or words of other people, that discourages anyone to create anything in the first place. If I created a type of firearm and it was sold on a legal market, and some guy happened to take that firearm and kill somebody with it, that isn't my fault because I created the firearm. Sure, it's terrible, tragic even, but I'm definitely not going to start thinking that it was my fault or my responsibility to fix it. Sure, I made the firearm, but I was in no way at fault for the shooting, and it's the job of the police (In this case, mods and admins,) to fix and solve the issue. Not mine (Or Kittehs.)

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Mustang Flex

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
As for the original point of this thread no, I don't really see keeping Lethice around as a good idea. Mainly, it has to do with how much she's hyped up throughout the game, as some form of absolute powerhouse of a daemon. To take a character with such an air about her, and make her into  some fuck slave would ruin what makes her her.

As for the original point of this thread no, I don't really see keeping Lethice around as a good idea. Mainly, it has to do with how much she's hyped up throughout the game, as some form of absolute powerhouse of a daemon. To take a character with such an air about her, and make her into  some fuck slave would ruin what makes her her.

I can see the reason for that. But I personally would love to break Lethice, killing her like that so quickly is no punishment for her kind.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As for the original point of this thread no, I don't really see keeping Lethice around as a good idea. Mainly, it has to do with how much she's hyped up throughout the game, as some form of absolute powerhouse of a daemon. To take a character with such an air about her, and make her into  some fuck slave would ruin what makes her her.

The only extra content I would ask of is some talk options and maybe a sex scene but I don't know about that one.

Mustang Flex

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, I can see how breaking her down would be a neat end. But the way CoC handles slaves and waifus, it just wouldn't be a subtle enough process. I'd think a good way to implement an enslavement of Lethice would be to capture her and slowly work down her sense of self and will. (sort of like the CoC Prisoner mod, but with you being the dom) And frankly, I just don't see any of the mod authors being able to pull that off without it being a steaming pile of shite.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
...And insult Savin, say that FenFen and friends have a moral obligation to finish CoC, tie up every loose end, add all the waifus, and keep it updated forever so no one is ever sad. 

Its pretty hilarious to see all the edgelord vitriol where the modders refer to Savin like SJWs refer to white, upper-middleclass, straight, non-trans, christian males. Savin is actually one of my favorite people on these forums so the rabid hate is even more amusing since they attack him as opposed to more confrontational mods and/or members.


It's pretty funny, yeah.

I don't know the whole story, so I don't know if I personally think Savin's hatred for the mod is justified,

I don't hate it, nor do I particularly begrudge its existence. I'd rather it didn't, largely because the base game is still unfinished and all of that time/effort could have been better spent making public contributions to the source. That issue is somewhat compounded given that CoC2 is in the design/draft phase, and my body is not ready for many confused mod-players going "why my save no import" and "but in that scene, X said Y but now apparently Z is a thing WTF" as the lore gets progressively more divided.

I do take umbrage with some of the mod's practices, though, particularly taking unsubmitted/unfinished work by other people without their permission or even bothering to inform them. Additionally, a lack of in-line scene credits mean that it's impossible to tell what parts of content are original and which were added by an entirely different author, which means either you're passing your work off as someone else's, or their work off as yours -- and you can very easily end up (intentionally or not) altering someone's perception of the original writer, their talent, and their proclivities.

Imagine someone in the mod added a scene to, I dunno, Isabella where after sex she wanders up, plants her ass on your face and farts on you for like five minutes. And that that scene had the writing level of a 10th grader. Unless you possess an encyclopedic knowledge of CoC enough to know that that's not normal, one might be inclined to think Isabella's author is both gross and a shit writer.

The mod's free to do what it likes, I don't intend to provide a platform for it to promote the degradation of respected authors' works and the theft of their material.

Umm, I'm pretty sure the 'dog' (which is Kitteh) is trying it's damndest not to do anything that would result in the mod getting booted. 

Imagine the dog is a Cerberus, or a Hydra, and all but one of the heads seems to have contracted rabies.

That being said, I'll reiterate that Kitteh has been nothing but civil and cooperative, hence my enduring hesitance to take administrative action against his primary contributors. Plus I actually really want to see HTML CoC be a thing.

It's still never a good idea to penalize someone who did nothing wrong, especially if that person is a contributing content maker for the community. That's like saying that if this were the opposite end of the spectrum, and instead of the mod stirring up the community it was Savin (Just using them as an example), then Savin should be kicked out. Obviously doing either extreme to either party is a bad decision, especially due to Savin's pivotal role in the writing of CoC and TiTS and his friendship with Fenoxo. I think we should all just stop the bickering and come to a compromise quickly so we can all focus on something more important! Like furthering the development of TiTS!

Were I on someone else's forum being vitriolic to the creator-administrators whilst writing fan-fiction, I'd absolutely be (justifiably) banned.

One does not go to the BioWare forum, write a Dragon Age mod, and then loudly proclaim that David Gaider is a supreme cunt.

(Don't do that here, either. I like Dave.)


Aug 27, 2015
You are entitled to your opinion, but mine is that Kitteh is in no way responsible for the actions or words of other people, and is doing nothing wrong by taking no action.

Let me introduce to you the concept of negligence, where you are culpable for something happening by not doing anything when it was your responsibility to. Or the concept of not castigating or calling out particular behaviours in a community you run, thereby encouraging an atmosphere that is toxic towards a particular group or individual. These are fun concepts. You can find them everywhere on the internet, practiced by people who know exactly what they're doing but will still claim they aren't responsible for their consequences, because after all, they didn't actually do anything.

This is by the by, because Kitteh actually does ask the people who follow him to not be abusive towards Savin 'n pals. Sometimes. Somewhere. Kitteh isn't malicious but is a rather uncontrolled individual who basically does whatever takes his fancy at the time, and his mod and its community reflect that. A vocal minority have developed a victim complex based on Savin asking them not to do anything with one of his characters, for the reasons he's eloquently listed above. I can personally vouch that it's not a particularly good feeling when you glance at the Trello and discover that not only has your unfinished work been appropriated for the Mod without anyone asking you permission, other stuff has been added to it that isn't in the spirit it was originally intended and is/will be appallingly written.

The fact that the Mod is still hosted here however should tell you that there's no on-going persecution of it here. Me and the other writers don't like it, but hey, many others will swallow just about anything if it's labelled as more CoC content, so in the same vein as the millions who listen to Adele, fair fuck to them. Just don't present the argument that no obligation can be attached to you if you didn't do anything in a given situation. Because it's total bullshit.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
The mod has shaky quality control and incidentally shines the spotlight on some of the worst of the fanbase, the rabid sorts who decry anything that isn't CoC and waifus etc and lap up the mod despite re:quality control. It being around causes noisy, annoying belligerents to get far more belligerent. 'Bout it.

Now. This thread can keep going I guess, despite being hideously off-topic as I'd rather you not trash up the modding thread with all this, but please stop murdering metaphors in a long, drawn out manner because god damn.