No Glove, No Love...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
While I was thinking of ideas for @Tobey Maguire's punch weapon, I came up with the basic outline for an upgradeable power glove and a side quest needed to obtain it. So far, I'm calling it, "If You're Gonna Play the Field, You'd Better Wear a Glove."

It involves five (so far) mini side quests. Upon completion of each side-side-quest, the glove is given an additional stat and/or flag similar to the Grey Goo Armor.

My intent is to make an interesting weapon with fun and challenging side quests so that people will want to play them even if they have no interest in using the glove anywhere else. That said, the glove will be important to use during each side quest. Any statuses/flags gained from one quest will help make the next level easier.

So far, I only have a basic outline that includes the basic power glove, the first five planets in the quest, and the upgrades to the glove obtained on each planet. I also have a vague idea of the bosses for each planet and the overall storyline (VERY vague on the last, if I'm honest).

I don't want to give too much away, but I do want to gauge the forum's reception to the overall idea before I put a shit-ton of work into this. So, here's the basic outline on the flow of locations, [upgrades to the glove] and (suggested PC level).

1) New Texas, The Fields. Basic glove [Crushing, 25 Damage (?), Kinetic, -2 Evasion, Stun] (Level 2-3)
2) Mhen'ga, South Jungle. [Poison] (Level 3-4)
3) Tarkus, Novahome. [10 Shields, 10 Fortification] (Level 5-6)
4) Uveto, Icy Plains. [Vampiric] (Level 7-8)
5) Zheng Shi, The Forge. [Burning, Burn DoT] (Level 9-10)

(And I know, @Theron already pointed out the Disarmed status New Texas brings.)

Further upgrades might include things like Crit Bonus, Greater Vampiric, and Bonus to Physique.

The basic idea is, well, honestly, kind of an Infinity Gauntlet-type hunt. Each component (which is NOT going to be anything like a jewel or stone, I'm not that guy) beyond the basic glove was scattered/stolen/lost then reused as a component for something else. Each component is "plug-and-play", and you have to have the glove at least in your inventory to enter each dungeon (though you won't have to fight each boss with it if you don't want to).

The end state is a side quest people will want to play even if they don't like the glove all that much. It obviously won't be perfect for all builds, but as long as it's competitive with things like the Custom Shock Gear, I'll be happy.

Like I said, I haven't started writing anything beyond the basic outline yet. Once I start, I'll be sure to share the Google Doc. I will say that this will not be some OP fanfic. I was a writer for Dream Pod 9's Heavy Gear Blitz! for a number of years, so I have experience writing hard sci-fi. The smut part will be the challenge. :p

Thoughts? Questions? Calls to the looney bin?

Thanks to @Tobey Maguire for sparking the original idea, and to @TheShepard256 and @Theron for suggestions and feedback.

EDIT: Hand of Nergal Google doc.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
No you crazy!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
A multi-state weapon, lore and a story that makes sense, five dungeons(or four) and an extra quest at the end, enemies to fill them in, and at least a dicking and getting dicked scene for each unless they're the unfuckable sort. Good luck with all that.

I don't get the poison upgrade though, seems more fitting for a glove weapon to have electrical damage. Unless you were going for contact-based poison transfer sort of thing since it's on Mhen'ga and there are frog people there that can look like a poison dart frog.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
...seems more fitting for a glove weapon to have electrical damage.
True, and we already have the Custom Shock Gear. I'm actively avoiding echoes of the CSG like the plague.

Unless you were going for contact-based poison transfer sort of thing since it's on Mhen'ga and there are frog people there that can look like a poison dart frog.
;) Got it in one.

A multi-state weapon, lore and a story that makes sense, five dungeons(or four) and an extra quest at the end, enemies to fill them in, and at least a dicking and getting dicked scene for each unless they're the unfuckable sort. Good luck with all that.
That's the dream. And yes, I'm fully aware of the time and effort this is going to take.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
While researching the Vampiric weapon flag, I decided I had to consider two questions:

1) How do Vampiric weapons work in the TiTS universe?

And 2) Would Draining be a better flag for my glove?

Let's look at the first question. Currently, only two weapons utilize the Vampiric flag; the NaN Deconstructor and the Hirudo Devourer, both ranged. Each weapon's wiki entry states it uses living ammo. Fair enough, and reminiscent of the fleshborer and other bio-weapons of the Tyranids. But how, then, does the TiTS version transfer the essence of its target to the weapon's wielder? If this were a fantasy setting, "Because magic" would be a suitable answer. Since this is a sci-fi setting, "Because science" just doesn't carry the weight.

The obvious answer to the second question would be a resounding "Yes!" The energy transference from a target's shields to one's own is much more easily and satisfactorily explained using science. It would also solve my "like-CSG-but-not-like-CSG" dilemma quite nicely. From what I can gather, however, Vampiric would be of more use to Smugglers and Techs, and one of my goals is to create a weapon that is useful to the majority of class builds.

I'm still leaning more towards Vampiric just because I like the idea and think it would be more useful, but I would like to be able to justify it both in the fluff and the overall build of the game. I can already think of ways to justify loads of flags and/or bonuses (Physique Bonus = medicomps injecting adrenaline and blood products; Poison Damage = injectors or projectile weapon firing at moment of impact, etc), but the Vampiric flag is one that eludes me.
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4) Uveto, Icy Plains. [Burning, Burn DoT] (Level 7-8)
5) Zheng Shi, The Forge. [Vampiric] (Level 9-10)
Actually, when I said you should swap the locations, I meant you should keep the upgrades at the same location, just switch the order in which they're obtained. For everyone who wasn't involved in the initial planning, the original plan was:
1) New Texas, The Fields. Basic glove [Crushing, 15-20 Damage (?), 10 Kinetic, -5 Evasion, 5 Fortification, Stun] (Level 2-3)
2) Mhen'ga, South Jungle. [10 Poison] (Level 3-4)
3) Myrellion, No Myr's Land. [20 Shields, 15 Fortification (new total, not additional)] (Level 5-6)
4) Zheng Shi, The Forge. [10 Burning, Burn DoT] (Level 7-8)
5) Uveto, Icy Plains. [Vampiric] (Level 9-10)
To which I pointed out that Uveto was ~7-8, while Zheng Shi was ~9-10, and recommended swapping the two. I also suggested putting the 3rd upgrade on Novahome to avoid it potentially becoming permanently missable.
(stuff about the Vampiric flag)
The Hirudo Devourer reduces the user's max Health, and the only other weapons that do this are also living; the Ashei Acid Spitter and Venom Pistol explicitly require a small amount of the user's blood to function, and the Chironex Scourge is also an Ashei weapon, so we can assume it does the same. The Crucifier Spitter also uses a small amount of the user's internal fluids, which most likely includes blood. From these four, we can assume the Hirudo Devourer (and its predecessor, the Lampetra) also taps into the user's bloodstream, which could allow chemical transfers between weapon and user, resulting in healing the user when the weapon deals damage. Perhaps the Hirudo's satisfaction at doing its intended purpose acts as the trigger for such healing?
For the NaN Deconstructor, it's possible the same microsurgeons that deal the damage fly back and use some of the material they've collected to accelerate the user's natural healing processes.

You don't need to follow either of these explanations for your gloves; if you can come up with a reasonable way of producing the same effect, that's all that matters. However, if you do decide to go with one of these, I'd suggest tying it in to the weapon you're basing it off. Both of them are actually sold by Kattom on Uveto, so perhaps someone on Uveto bought one of the weapons from him and reverse-engineered it for the glove's Vampiric flag (which would also make more sense if Vampiric is obtained on Uveto as in the original plan). Using the Hirudo would also mean the glove could reduce Fortification/Bonus HP for balancing purposes if necessary.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Actually, when I said you should swap the locations, I meant you should keep the upgrades at the same location, just switch the order in which they're obtained.
Ah, must have missed that part. Edited in my original post.

I also suggested putting the 3rd upgrade on Novahome to avoid it potentially becoming permanently missable.
That one I did catch, and it already is in Novahome.

(Vampiric stuff)
Hmm...okay, thanks. You've given me plenty to think about and one or two ideas.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
LOL. Gotcha.

= )

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2019
So this seem to be quite a complex weapon and the only upgradeable one, so I was thinking why not give the player a choice at the start when you find it to decide weather its a glove or a gun so every type of character could get an upgradeable weapon,(upgrades could be the same or just similar equivalents with minor story differences when it's used for a specific thing)?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
...or a gun...
Well then the name of the quest wouldn't make sense and then there goes my whole plan shot to shit. THANKS A LOT, MAN!!

Just kidding. Seriously, though... every type of character could get an upgradeable weapon...
If someone else wants to write an upgradable gun, they're free to knock themselves out. You said it yourself, I'm already setting myself up for a complex weapon and complex quest. Making it even more complex is a sure way I end up being fitted for a white jacket with really long sleeves that buckles up in the back.

I do know for a fact that another member here is toying with the idea of an upgradable gun, so who knows?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I doubt anyone was worried about your writing skills(Response to an earlier post). Only time I'm worried is when it shows in a person's posts.
I do know for a fact that another member here is toying with the idea of an upgradable gun, so who knows?
Who might that be?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I doubt anyone was worried about your writing skills(Response to an earlier post). Only time I'm worried is when it shows in a person's posts.
Thanks for the vote of confidence but to use a military analogy, knowing which end of the gun goes "bang" is not the same thing as being able to handle yourself in a firefight. ;)

Who might that be?
I was going to say something clever like, "Here's a hint: his name starts with 'P' and ends in 'reacher'," but I don't want to steal this person's thunder. I'd hate to either have someone to nick the idea or pressure them to write it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Thanks for the vote of confidence but to use a military analogy, knowing which end of the gun goes "bang" is not the same thing as being able to handle yourself in a firefight. ;)

I was going to say something clever like, "Here's a hint: his name starts with 'P' and ends in 'reacher'," but I don't want to steal this person's thunder. I'd hate to either have someone to nick the idea or pressure them to write it.
Well, I am working on an upgradeable melee weapon, and his friend may or may not be a ranged weapon.;)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Making the Power Glove into an optional ranged weapon?

i may have some ideas:
The Power Glove could fire laser beams from it's fingertips or shoot energy blasts or a laser beam from it's palm, Iron Man style.
Bonus idea:
Why not make it a rocket propelled fist that intelligently returns to the user after every launch.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Making the Power Glove into an optional ranged weapon?

i may have some ideas:
The Power Glove could fire laser beams from it's fingertips or shoot energy blasts or a laser beam from it's palm, Iron Man style.
Bonus idea:
Why not make it a rocket propelled fist that intelligently returns to the user after every launch.
All very cool ideas, but too complicated for TiTS. The combat system just isn't granular enough to support toggling melee/ranged attacks from one object. At least, it's not intended to be. I realized I was falling down the rabbit hole when I started considering this very thing, but then realized if I slapped a ranged weapon onto the glove, I could (and probably should) make a single glove into a pair of gloves, but then how would it be coded and inventoried? "Right Glove", "Left Glove" and they both had to be equipped in order to work? Which one would be hardwired to the "Shoot" button and which to the "Attack" button? What if a player accidentally dropped or sold one of them? Et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.

Anyway, I think I've got the glove nailed down (I think I even have a name and theme worked out), but now I'm thinking of enemies.

To save myself some work, I'm thinking of using the usual baddies for low-level enemy encounters typical for each dungeon's host planet. Corona Lord Flamers and Cyberpunk SecOps for Zheng Shi, Sydians and (maybe) Grey Goo for Tarkus, etc.

As for the Bosses, well, I've been trying to pay attention to what people have been talking about lately regarding types of sexual encounters they find lacking in the game.

So far, I have an Amazon who's a strict vagitarian and secret romantic, a group of male Laquines (working name: Echo and the Bunnymen), and a plant-girl.

I also decided to include Bad Ends if you lose to a Boss. The alternative is that losing to a Boss just causes a permanent loss of the particular glove component and its bonuses/flags, but I figured people would just replay the fight until they won either way, and at least a Bad End would be one more sex scene they could read.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
You may want to be careful in how you design your dungeons then. There are some things in an enemy's description or scenes that may lead a person to reach inconsistincies as to where they actually are, like things that describe the environment. Safest way is to make it simply be another section of the usual places you walk with the exception that it can only be accessed by those who have aa way to get there that you don't know about(some tunnel or something), and those with the glove.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Safest way is to make it simply be another section of the usual places you walk with the exception that it can only be accessed by those who have aa way to get there that you don't know about(some tunnel or something), and those with the glove.
Yeah, I don't know of another way to do it. Pick a tile, add a descriptor that says something like, "You see a door on the north wall". Add an "Enter" button to the action menu and gate its use behind the player having the glove in their inventory. The door opens and the main map is replaced by a mini-map where the side quest takes place.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I edited my first post with a link to the Google doc (very bottom of the post). Right now, it's just a basic outline and notes as I do more research. Feel free to leave feedback, especially as it pertains to places, order of events and NPC interactions.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Okay, I added the ability to add comments. Keep in mind this is a rough draft, so grammar issues abound. No need to comment on those yet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I saw and replied, thanks. :) I changed "clouds" back to "a cloud" but then your comment and my reply disappeared. "Clouds" implies multiple groups of nanobots attacking multiple enemies or having different effects. One cloud is released upon impact.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Glad you like the Amazon, though. :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I thought I'd give some folks a heads up that I plan on including their NPCs in this quest.

@Fr0sty: Tessa and Vulriks.
@BubbleLord: Alex.
@Couch: Dr Lessau.
@Magic Ted: Crazy Carl.

I haven't started writing their parts yet, but these folks will be important elements in the search for the glove's components. The player will have to interview them in order to discover the location of the next component and Boss fight. Please leave any notes on the character you feel necessary either now or once I start writing their parts. Or, if you'd rather I didn't touch your NPC at all, let me know that. They're listed by planet in the last section of my Google doc.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Oh heck. Looks like you're gonna be working on a bit of a project.

Definitely cool you wanna include some of my NPC's as well. That said, I'm not sure if it's a great idea for you to work Tessa into the project. Without tipping my hand, I've got some plans that may end up with her relocating off Tarkus. While it's potentially WAY off, it would almost for sure clash with her inclusion in this.

Vulriks, on the other hand, isn't going anywhere, so if ya wanna use him knock yourself out. While I don't have any notes that could really help you at the moment, once you start writing I would be glad to take a look and make sure it's all kosher pickle.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2020
The basic idea is, well, honestly, kind of an Infinity Gauntlet-type hunt.

Obviously when silly mode is on you get a secret sixth encounter where a big purple alien who looks like a crossfit California raisin shows up to try and steal the completed power glove from you. Defeat him and the glove gets a gold plated, jewel encrusted, outer casing and a new name "The Impossibility Gauntlet!"

...come on, you know you want to.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Oh heck. Looks like you're gonna be working on a bit of a project.
Yeah, just a bit. :p

Definitely cool you wanna include some of my NPC's as well. That said, I'm not sure if it's a great idea for you to work Tessa into the project. Without tipping my hand, I've got some plans that may end up with her relocating off Tarkus. While it's potentially WAY off, it would almost for sure clash with her inclusion in this.
Damn, she's perfect. There's always Anno, but she's not been locked to one location like Tessa has. Great to hear Tessa is getting more to do, though; she's one of my favorite NPCs.

Vulriks, on the other hand, isn't going anywhere, so if ya wanna use him knock yourself out. While I don't have any notes that could really help you at the moment, once you start writing I would be glad to take a look and make sure it's all kosher pickle.
Awesome possum!

Obviously when silly mode is on you get a secret sixth encounter where a big purple alien who looks like a crossfit California raisin shows up to try and steal the completed power glove from you. Defeat him and the glove gets a gold plated, jewel encrusted, outer casing and a new name "The Impossibility Gauntlet!"

...come on, you know you want to.
Dammit! Wish I had thought of that... I might have to do something along those lines, now. "Infinitesimal Mitten" or somesuch.


Jun 24, 2016
Why was I tagged?


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Apr 26, 2019