Next Planet: Uveto VII

Rocky Jones

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Uveto already has a kitsune-alike planned >_> Not that we can't have two, but y'know. 

Hey Savin, I also got a kitsune alike NPC I'm writing for Tarkus.  Do you think she'd fit in more on Uveeto?  Seeing as how her species is more specialized in hiding among local species and such?

It just seems to fit more that she'd be on a planet where a kitsune-like species already exists to better blend in.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
...Did someone say Kitsune-Ausar?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey Savin, I also got a kitsune alike NPC I'm writing for Tarkus.  Do you think she'd fit in more on Uveeto?  Seeing as how her species is more specialized in hiding among local species and such?

Up to you, I guess? More NPCs the merrier.

...Did someone say Kitsune-Ausar?

something something FOXHOUND. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
This may be hard to believe, but I enjoy animal features on otherwise humanoid characters.


Aug 27, 2015
Up to you, I guess? More NPCs the merrier.

something something FOXHOUND. 

Just a few more days. Few mooooore daaaaaaaaaays. The hype is killing my sense of time!

I like the new planet though! Being able to help include some ideas is a nice way to involve the community at large, as well. Help give some possible ideas, that is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm questioning the  idea of the lethians  being  part reptiles  quite willing to go work the mines on the planets  frozen surface. since reptiles and cold don't mix  and all that. I mean shouldn't that go completely against there genetic  make up.

the Idea of becoming the stormguard leader doesn't make sense as  if any steel would lead them it would be shade.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm questioning the  idea of the lethians  being  part reptiles  quite willing to go work the mines on the planets  frozen surface. since reptiles and cold don't mix  and all that. I mean shouldn't that go completely against there genetic  make up.

the Idea of becoming the stormguard leader doesn't make sense as  if any steel would lead them it would be shade.

Reptile-like =/= reptile. Savin, are leithans warm blooded? If yes, problem solved


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You're acting like warmblooded creatures wouldn't have a hard time on an ice core planet.  There's a reason no humans live in Antarctica ya know.  (Besides researchers and what not.)  Besides, any insect life-form wouldn't be able to live there either.  (Zil, Myr)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
big beautiful yeti?


fen would never put my 2cound favorite monster-girl would he?

hugs for every one!

ok i'm writing a codex, because every one need hugs in a frost world.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You're acting like warmblooded creatures wouldn't have a hard time on an ice core planet.  There's a reason no humans live in Antarctica ya know.  (Besides researchers and what not.)  Besides, any insect life-form wouldn't be able to live there either.  (Zil, Myr)

Four wrong assumptions here: 1) That I don't think an ice planet is hostile (also, not ice core planet, but a coreward planet that's icy). 2) That nothing warm-blooded would live environments. 3) That "insects" can't live in cold environments. 4) That insect-like aliens are insects. 

Of course warm-blooded beings would have a hard time on and ice planet. It's a fucking ice planet! It evokes the very idea of hostile and/or barren. However:

Various penguin (and other birds) and seal species live on Antarctica, all warm-blooded. Though this is put to shame when you look at the Arctic, which has plenty more warm-blooded animals and humans. The problem with Antarctica is that it's a desert.

There are plenty of arthropods or other invertebrates that are adapted to cold environments, some even "thriving" (I use that word loosely). There's a midge species that lives, again, on Antarctica. Then there are tardigrades, creatures known in various frozen environments, and Arctic ice nematodes.

And again, creatures or beings based off Earth animals are not the animal they are based off of. That's the whole point of that post of mine. Assumptions of a fictional species is flawed. Considering it's a soft sci-fi porn game, I think it's safe to assume unless explicitly stated most of the stuff in here is warm-blooded. And warm-blooded species have an advantage in cold environments because of their metabolism being self powered.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You've made a couple wrong assumptions as well m8.

1.  I never said nothing warmblooded would live there.  I know what a polar bear and penguin is.

2. The thing about polar bears and penguins is that they've had quite a long time to adapt to the climate with the gift of evolution.  None of the species you can be so far are worth dick in the artic.  Sure some of them have fur, but none of them would live long.

3. Again, you're talking about insects that have had a very long time to evolve in a cold climate.  Zil in rain foresty planet.  Myr live in a place a little calmer, but it's still cold.

4. Myr have chitin plates, antennas, compound eyes, queen ants, and lay eggs.   That sounds like an inset to me.  But it's not like animal classifications work on any other planets due to their planet's evolution chain having a high probability of being different than ours.

5.  Finally, you're acting like I said Warm-blooded animals would have it worse than coldblooded animals. All i said was that warm-blooded animals would have a hard-knock life as well, never compared the two.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Don't even know if this is worth bothering or not, but on the off chance here we go:

Never said the zil or myr specifically were able to be comfortable, I kept them to a separate point for a reason. Also problem w/ Antarctica and I assume (a key word here) to an extent Uveto isn't the cold, of which a space-faring society shouldn't have problems overcoming. Heaters, insulated clothing, etc. And no, where do you even get that last point? As I said, warm would have it better thus if leithans are warm blooded then the guy who thought they were cold blooded would have his worries fixed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
" I think it's safe to assume unless explicitly stated most of the stuff in here is warm-blooded. And warm-blooded species have an advantage in cold environments because of their metabolism being self powered."   You said so many things that had nothing to do with what I said.  I made a post and you had to go professor gadget on it.  So how about you calm down and accept the fact that I just quick-scoped you.  :parrot:   And I love the fact that didn't even know if it was worth bothering, yet you felt you had to correct me the first time.  :emot-frogc00l:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Name (Singular & Plural): Yukoti

Sexes: Female 50% breasted 25% and Male 20% breasted 5%

Height: 9’2” to 12’

Weight: 300 to 400 lbs, depending on build.

Hair: White and Brown.

Eyes: very bright colors.

Average Lifespan:



When outsiders fist encounter the specie, they were panicked and preemptively attacked. Do to fist encounters of a large alien race running toward them. Any chance of a war ending when they just fell to the ground and cowered


both male and Female Yukoti are have arms and legs covered in warm soft fur, they have higher the average body temperature despite their size they are surprisingly light and not physically strong; this is probably because the eat very little. Women tend to be larger then males. At fist the women did not have breast years of gene modding has changed that. The males large balls radiate heat greater then that of their bodies. The produce large volumes of semen which could easily fill 12 women in one time. that Their semen is warm, sweet and soothing, and has been seen as a cure for frostbite when used as a salve. It is beloved as a drink any meany parts of the galaxy. Sadly the male Yukoti produces semen once every 15 years and only for a few month, without gene modding. Semen is the primary food source, and with the coming of other alien races their population has boomed and death rate has decreased, they are however capable of eating normal foods.


the male is not actually part of the reproductive cycle. males produce a thick saliva when they orgasm. This is actually sperm produces from the glans in their throat. Making oral a vary intimate act some wont even kiss. The child born does not belong to ether parent but the community as a whole. Various neurological chemicals are resealed though the act of hugging alone; Dopamine, Prolactin, and of course Oxytocin. Forceful and ruff actions will only annoy them and make them cry.


for the most part they are gentle and honest, kinda pacifist by nature. The Yukoti prefer communal living , and are willing to share everything they have, the harsh environment of their wold involved in them the common trait to help one another. The have no sense of private property, everything belongs to every one. Intensive intergalactic corporate reeducation tried for years to change that with minimal success. The Yukoti have seen how much other races love breast both male and female take gen mods in order to get them if not born with them. Mens penises are not seen as sexual organs but a vital source of food

a few notes

this is what I got so far

I’m a bad writer.

I'm hopping the breastlessness will bring in kinda a cunt boy option.

I need to know more of the frost world before history can better be established.

Fucking can sometimes get so boring, a little intimacy can go a long way.

Cum caffè latte lol gene modded coffee/caramel/chocolate/vanilla

How to survive a hostile environment: Together

Yukoti= Yuki(means snow)-ki+ (yeti- ye.) + ko(give it a eskimo feel to it)
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
And again, creatures or beings based off Earth animals are not the animal they are based off of. That's the whole point of that post of mine. Assumptions of a fictional species is flawed. Considering it's a soft sci-fi porn game, I think it's safe to assume unless explicitly stated most of the stuff in here is warm-blooded. And warm-blooded species have an advantage in cold environments because of their metabolism being self powered.

(basically just re: that entire argument)

Leithans are indeed warm-blooded (thanks, Fen!). You may also note in their codex that they come from a planet largely covered by cold-weather desert. They're probably better equipped than the average ausar (whose homeworld is largely a hot desert) to deal with Uveto's climate. Leithans are even used to giant monsters trying to eat them -- another step up on the ausars!

But also keep in mind that this is, like, 2500+ years in the future. Anybody going to Uveto is probably wearing a high-tech heat belt that keeps them modestly warm, and goes zipping around over the snow on hovercars. (Except Captain Steele who apparently doesn't know how to drive.) Plus most of the leithans are there to mine, which means they're probably underground most of the time, and/or probably sitting in nice climate-controlled corporate prefab structures while they pilot robots (again with heat belts to keep the from freezing up) to do all the actual back-breaking labor exposed to the elements. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(basically just re: that entire argument)

Leithans are indeed warm-blooded (thanks, Fen!). You may also note in their codex that they come from a planet largely covered by cold-weather desert. They're probably better equipped than the average ausar (whose homeworld is largely a hot desert) to deal with Uveto's climate. Leithans are even used to giant monsters trying to eat them -- another step up on the ausars!

But also keep in mind that this is, like, 2500+ years in the future. Anybody going to Uveto is probably wearing a high-tech heat belt that keeps them modestly warm, and goes zipping around over the snow on hovercars. (Except Captain Steele who apparently doesn't know how to drive.) Plus most of the leithans are there to mine, which means they're probably underground most of the time, and/or probably sitting in nice climate-controlled corporate prefab structures while they pilot robots (again with heat belts to keep the from freezing up) to do all the actual back-breaking labor exposed to the elements. 

sorry Savin I was only trying to point out that there reptile's and  most reptiles don't like the cold  as it puts them in a dormant state. had I known it would turn into a  2 page argument  I wouldn't have mentioned it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How are sex scenes going to work with the extreme cold of the planet?

This planet would probably be great for Christmas content, like a Snow Queen(Ice-based robot) or Rudolph(Reindeer-morph) encounters.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Alright everyone! Put anything that could freeze off somewhere warm! Like, maybe inside something."

Also, it's a small thing on a grand planet, but I'm really looking forward to the Huskar's floppy ears.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
How are sex scenes going to work with the extreme cold of the planet?

This planet would probably be great for Christmas content, like a Snow Queen(Ice-based robot) or Rudolph(Reindeer-morph) encounters.

ah yes we need thermal condoms/sock's to prevent shrinkage. although my character's boobs will make great glass cutters.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm sure things are gonna get hot enough to the point where you wouldn't need a condom.  *wink wink*


Aug 27, 2015
I took a crack at setting up a place for the Scout Drone to be located in the Glacial Rift. The Erebus. As well as a possible idea for a  mini boss for the Scout drone's camp - the Yeti (Or barring that, he'd be another enemy encounter idea)
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
"Steele, I need (your cock inside me/my cock inside you) for body heat and nothing else."


Aug 27, 2015
Also, as a side note: I really enjoy this public discussion aspect.

I don't write out huge stories or concepts on my own. Part procrastination, part intimidation, part having-no-time keeps me from really writing.

BUT I enjoy brainstorming, editing, coming up with ideas and offering them, working with others to build on them.

I hope this public discussion/idea pool is a routine thing, letting the writer pick and choose after it's conclusion in regards to setting up writers/setting it into place, while also leaving ideas that could potentially be utilized for other things :) Let's people get involved without the daunting aspect of normal writing keeping them away. Me included. 

Oh yeah, also, added in Arnjold the Puppystud under the Stormguard Temple entry. (I'll just edit this post if I think of anymore possible ideas to offer)


EDIT: Me and another person (I only see as Anonymous Liger at present) are working on creating 3 different Champions suited to different styles of play/personality, as well as a quest - the Champion's Challenges (present title) - to earn Steele a place in the Stormguard's line of Champions. These fights will be presented as gauntlets testing Steele's (which means your) ability to utilize different skills, weapons, and items to defeat increasingly difficult waves of enemies, with only a short break in-between each round of fighters.

Champions at present:

Arjnold the Viking brute

Freicia the Wild Cat Mistress

Champion of Shadows

Details in the Doc.
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Aug 27, 2015
Mesotherms, then? And here's hoping Nova!Armor can keep Steele warm, or else my Steele's gonna turn into a dicksicle pretty quickly.