Nessun Dorma


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's been dormant for a while now (if you'll excuse the near-pun). I do have some ideas to expand it, but I wouldn't want to get people's hopes up and then put out a tiny update before dropping it again. If I do release an update, however, it'll be a pretty large one. Also, if anyone else would like to see/expand the code or maybe suggest new enemies or such, my inbox is always open. I can't make any promises as to whether I'll actually do anything with any suggestions, but you never know. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's a game I worked on and had a thread for on the old forums. It involves the player trying to survive in a mansion full of succubi whilst keeping his sanity (and something else, but that's a bit of a spoiler) intact. As you might surmise from this brief description, it contains primarily M/F sex. With certain upgrades the player can be dominant, but at least at first the enemies will be. They can also gang up on you, which is guaranteed dea... I mean fun. That's it. Fun. If you are so inclined, there are options to enable male opponents as well*, and to allow the female ones to go after your ass. A third option enables hive-minded herm imps who will seek to abuse you in various ways, usually in groups.

Like I said, I might return to this one day, but don't hold your breath. Anyway, here's the [latest/last] version: MEGA

If you want to see older versions for some reason, or you can't use MEGA, here's an alternative: Smartfile It lists the files as 0 bytes, but it does work.

*Actually there is always at least one male, but he doesn't go after the player sexually so that doesn't count. If you strip him and give him a blowjob, that's your own fault.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
how do you get into player dominate positions? ive never been able to figure it out


Oct 21, 2015
Without giving too much away, there's a thing you have to find in the game and use two times before you can start being dominant. Otherwise only thing you can stick with is physical. Here's a hint: you have to clean it off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Without giving too much away, there's a thing you have to find in the game and use two times before you can start being dominant. Otherwise only thing you can stick with is physical. Here's a hint: you have to clean it off.

That lets you use sexual attacks, it won't let you get into dominant sexual positions.  Note, you can also gain sexual attacks by helping someone out in the West tower, they aren't hostile to you.  Do so enough and you'll be able to orgasm again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
how do you get into player dominate positions? ive never been able to figure it out

Funny story that.

I knew that I made it, and that I had been busy testing it. Then I opened up the code to properly answer your question and lo, it's gone. The position was there, with all the descriptions and attacks and such, but the attack used to activate it was nowhere to be found. Oops. So I made a quick replacement. To enable dominant sex, you need the Charming perk. This is a second-tier perk, so you can't get it right away. This enables the Charm skill, which will (unerringly) lead to missionary. The target must be female, not an imp, and have her bits exposed. Clearly, your cock needs to be available as well. There are no arousal requirements; you don't start sex right away.

By way of apology, I have also included a debug build of the game. This shows four extra buttons in the top-left corner for cheaty stuff useful for testing. Two of them show what items or NPCs are active and their locations, a third awards you a free level-up and the last prints some information regarding imp packs to stdout. Which means that you won't see it unless you are running the jar from a console. That stuff is not very interesting anyway.

Here's the link. I've also updated the one above.!1MIjXTbQ!aGY0KxxuHVNBCJnncCS8_XI-1wViecov3eVZpL4IDu8