Here’s another commission I had done of one of my characters, this one of
Saguara the Cactilian! this one was done by
DragonmanX, who has done a number of pictures of my characters in the past. Saguara is character from a species of Tsundere Cactus people I invented called Cactilians (and yes, I did make them entirely because of that one joke from Undertale

). Essentially, when they become attracted to someone, their bodies release two sets of hormones, informally dubbed “tsun hormones” and “dere hormones”. Early on, the “tsun hormones” tend to be very high and the “dere hormones” very low (though this can vary somewhat between individuals), but as they fall more and more in love with the object of their affections, these levels invert. Consequently, the flowers on their bodies (one located on the back of the heads of females and one on each shoulder of males) react to the hormones by slowly opening up until they bloom once the Cactilian has fallen deeply, deeply in love. Side note, the females have breasts containing a fluid known to cause hallucinogenic effects on Non-Cactilians. Therefore, suckling is not recommended
Saguara’s name comes from that of the Saguaro Cactus, native to the southwestern USA and Mexico. The name of her species, Cactillian, comes from the term for the people of Castile, a region in Central Spain. I’m a big fan of the 60’s incarnation of “The Addams Family” show and this is a bit of an homage to Gomez Addams, whose Castilian heritage was often mentioned in the show.
Saguara is a rather nice and friendly girl who gets along well with others. She has a fondness for dancing and singing and wishes to be an entertainer someday. Like most Cactilians, she prefers to keep her needles retracted, only ever coming out when she’s upset.
It should be noted, I’m undecided if I’ll use her in my
story, but I liked her concept so much, I decided to commission a picture anyway.