So I've made it to the other Honey Bug planet and I've retrieved Steele's prob, so now it's time to do meddling Fallout style and experiment with TFs again but I am at a lost. So I'd like to ask some questions of the Fandom:
- Is getting the Venom Perk worth it? What I mean by worth is that it either has a handful of unique content tied to it (whole scenes) or that it gets referenced a lot where appropriate.
- Also Anyone knows other Perks that get referenced or unlocks more scenes, feel free to reference them.
- Does allowing the Fascist ants to cipher matter or taking a side better yet does playing both sides lead to something tangible or leave an impact?
- Also who do yall think is in the moral right or should win?
- Went the Incest route with Smexy Kat-babe because my Steele is a cunning bastard, does anything come of it?