Ms/Mr Personality~ <3


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015

Some rambling.

So I have proposed a few things of content, and even started writing them out to different degrees. They all seem to go under though from unforeseen circumstances.

Well if this get enough positive feedback, then I will make it my solemn effort and will to complete it.


An NPC found in some sort of high security location (Have yet to decide Gender, and actual location) with Multiple Personality Disorder, or MPD for short.

She/he would have 3 personalities.

-Manic/Hyper crazy.

- Domineering.

- Shy/Kindhearted.

More Rambling.

I had this idea about 3 days ago, and could not stop thinking about it since.

Is this even a good idea..? I would leave a poll, but I would much prefer to see active comments if possible~ <3 <3

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Umm, I mean it's a good idea, but let's face it, it's not going to happen. You're trying to write three characters. The only character with wide variations to have gotten in is Bess, and that took Jim quite a while to write (and it was even longer before she was coded). Ember too, although she wasn't finished.

Anyway, you should probably try something simpler. Or if you really want to write this character, understand that they probably won't be as good as if you had written them with just one personality.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It is a good idea, but people will likely give you grief here if you don't write it yourself. You should also start with something simpler.

On the idea itself, there have been seen some ideas thrown around that involve a galatic prison that whores out it's prisoner and you would meet arrested characters there.

In terms of gender/sex there is a distinct lack of masculine characters, so you could go with that.

In terms of race, the Vildarii (shape-shifting elves) from Jim's residential project would work since you can change their aspect with their personality changes.

In terms of personalities I would prefer if one of them was depressed or cynic to contrast with the manic one.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
On the idea itself, there have been seen some ideas thrown around that involve a galatic prison that whores out it's prisoner and you would meet arrested characters there.

Man I want this. And you could also get sent there yourself if you did anything illegal (can't think of any events off the top of my head but I know a few potential ones). Or like "unfair" treatment where if you lose against an enemy they put you to work in the mines prison. Skyrim is famous for its rape and blackmail mods and this reminded me of them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Man I want this. And you could also get sent there yourself if you did anything illegal (can't think of any events off the top of my head but I know a few potential ones). Or like "unfair" treatment where if you lose against an enemy they put you to work in the mines prison. Skyrim is famous for its rape and blackmail mods and this reminded me of them.

Don't drop the soap!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I remember the Galactic Prison, the idea was born to give the pirates you meet on Tarkus a place to show up again later on cause people wanted to revisit them.

Man I want this. And you could also get sent there yourself if you did anything illegal (can't think of any events off the top of my head but I know a few potential ones). Or like "unfair" treatment where if you lose against an enemy they put you to work in the mines prison. Skyrim is famous for its rape and blackmail mods and this reminded me of them.

Hmm, or you could get thrown in cause the Warden is corrupt? Like the Warden on that prison ship in Mass Effect who tries to trap you so he could sell you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hmm, or you could get thrown in cause the Warden is corrupt? Like the Warden on that prison ship in Mass Effect who tries to trap you so he could sell you.

Doubt that. The Warden would likely be scrutinised by many core world planets, as there likely would be many important prisoners located on the prison planet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Doubt that. The Warden would likely be scrutinised by many core world planets, as there likely would be many important prisoners located on the prison planet.

Oh but whoring out the prisoners is fine and dandy? That doesn't seem right to me, I think the core world planets just don't care about anything unless forced to care, from how they react to most illegal things in the semi-fringe to fringe of the galaxy. (As seen on New Texas and all the rush planets, Myrellion being an example of one of those forced to care situations).

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Suspension of disbelief guys.


New Member
Nov 27, 2015
Oh but whoring out the prisoners is fine and dandy? That doesn't seem right to me, I think the core world planets just don't care about anything unless forced to care, from how they react to most illegal things in the semi-fringe to fringe of the galaxy. (As seen on New Texas and all the rush planets, Myrellion being an example of one of those forced to care situations).

A different way a prison planet could be done is to reverse the proposed idea.  Consenting people can sign up and will be paid to provide "stress relief" to well-behaved prisoners.  Essentially, it's sex parole for a night that encourages prisoners to remain obedient.  Naturally, it'd have to be heavily monitored to make sure that the prisoner doesn't hurt their partner, but as long as the person volunteered and wanted to have sex with a criminal, everybody wins.


Aug 27, 2015
The whoring out of prisoners at a galactic penetentiary is going to happen in due course. How is it justified? It gives Savin a boner, that's how. It may even happen sooner, if a couple of things still under wraps come together.

An NPC with three personalities written by this tit is not going to happen in due course, and you'd have to be moronic to think otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The whoring out of prisoners at a galactic penetentiary is going to happen in due course. How is it justified? It gives Savin a boner, that's how. It may even happen sooner, if a couple of things still under wraps come together.

An NPC with three personalities written by this tit is not going to happen in due course, and you'd have to be moronic to think otherwise.

Well the lore already makes indentured slaves legal, and it could be offered to the prisoners as a way to reduce their sentence. Forcing a prisoner to do it would probably not go well with the media or with the buyers who could probably end up getting shanked. Potential pregnancy will also have to be considered in the design of the prison.

In another game I player, there was a private prison in a distant jungle planet that had prisoners fight each other for benefits. It was interesting.

I think it could work, it would just take a lot of work.