Mr./Ms. Steele


Active Member
Jul 21, 2016
Personally, despite being a male, I always choose a female character in games, especially in TiTs. Maybe I have some kind of messed up whatever and I secretly desire to become a woman, but until that comes up, I'm just going to assume that it's fun playing things from the female perspective. In the case of TiTs, I find the smut to be smuttier and more enjoyable.

Reading the forums, I'll hear "him" when people talk about Steele, then my world starts to spin and shake when I realize that the human female Syreen Steele at ~140 days on Uveto is not the same Steele everyone thinks about. This brings me back to Mass Effect, and the difficulty involved in telling others about your story.

What gender did you choose for Steele, and why?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Male. Because I'm male. And I have no desire to be a female, so I never make female character. So...yeah. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Male. Because I'm male. And I have no desire to be a female, so I never make female character. So...yeah. 

I have the exact opposite view. I'm a guy, so I feel it's more to play from a perspective of someone/something I am not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Herm, usually. All the good things and all the content. Though single gendered have some specific content, which is not available for herms, so female/shemale sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have the exact opposite view. I'm a guy, so I feel it's more to play from a perspective of someone/something I am not.

I'm very uncomfortable with being penetrated so I avoid all that content. It would even make since to be a herm because I'd only use my dick. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm very uncomfortable with being penetrated so I avoid all that content. It would even make since to be a herm because I'd only use my dick. 

Ah, well I have no problem with that. Herm is usually what I go with, as it's what turns me on the most.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm very uncomfortable with being penetrated so I avoid all that content. It would even make since to be a herm because I'd only use my dick. 

Well, I am picky when it comes to putting things inside and prefer dick generally, but there is nothing wrong with the idea itself. Variety is the spice of life, after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, I am picky when it comes to putting things inside and prefer dick generally, but there is nothing wrong with the idea itself. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

I have tried the whole herm thing, but I just can't get passed the penetration. I know unfortunately if you play single gender you miss out on a lot of shit. But I can't stomach it so I settle what little love the creators give. Especially with people like Emmy and kiro running around and are considered normal.

Besides I hate being made to feel like a girl or somebody's bitch. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have tried the whole herm thing, but I just can't get passed the whole penetration. I know unfortunately if you play single gender you miss out on a lot of shit. But I can't stomach it. Especially with people like Emmy and kiro running around and are considered normal. 

That's exactly what I mean about being picky. Scenes with more reasonably sized people and with less... deranging process are sort of rare, but still, there are some.

Blackwater Syn

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Mostly herms so I can see most of the content, but outside of that I make a lot of characters based on an idea or theme, and the gender is usually chosen based on the theme when I do. I make a character based on Venom male, or one based on Bast female. But, again, most of my characters wind up being herms since I like to see it all. Sexual Tourist mode, I guess?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Female herm. Always a female herm, at least in my main runs. My Steele begins as a female (because I need some degree of self-inserting on a smut game) and gets extra bits because I won't lock myself out of scenes and I like futafication as a kink.

Reading the forums, I'll hear "him" when people talk about Steele, then my world starts to spin and shake when I realize that the human female Syreen Steele at ~140 days on Uveto is not the same Steele everyone thinks about.

That's what happens to me when everyone types about "Bess" and "Jill".


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Since I identify as genderfluid, I'm not at all surprised that I almost always end up with a herm Captain Steele.


Well-Known Member
For the most part, I have three save files for each gender. One female, one male, and a Herm. I don't really care much as long as I see the scenes available, because to me Steele is just another character that I control, like in most video games.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I pick monogender since...we got so many slots for saving so why make her or more gendered PC? There isn't even so many scenes that would req. PC to be herm so nothing special about herms aside holy argument of their defenders: but they can get both type of scenes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like Kesil, I generally start as a female and turn into a herm over the course of the game. Mostly because it's more interesting to play as a girl (given I can't actually experience it IRL), and because much of the content is gated behind having a dong.

If Hardlight strap-ons had more content I might consider doing a pure female run, but that's hard to reconcile with my breeding fetish. I want to knock someone up while being able to be knocked up myself. :$


Aug 26, 2015
Female or female-identifying herm exclusively.  I don't project myself into Steele, regardless of the first-person nature of the text.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I have a pretty small roster of saves: one female, one herm and one male as the result of trying to emulate three different archetypes I really like. One barely played trap for testing purposes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Female here who plays a male Steele.

In TiTs I just play as a male because I've always played as a male PC in Fen's games, and I happen to enjoy it a ton. Plus to add to that I always did like playing as a girly guy, it's my thing, so it made me really happy to see you can do that... pretty damn early on in TiTs actually with a pampered upbringing, soooo I always go for that as early as I can.
I never really play as a pure female, female herm, or futa PC in the game (Simply because lack of interest and preference.. (And there's enough girls as it is in the game, so again, gotta work with what I'm given)), my main in TiTs has always been exclusively a guy. And I don't really 'self-insert' myself into text games, much less a SEX text game. lmao So he's simply just a cute ausar boy I like to play as. lol
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
2 herms, 2 males and a single female, with another female awaiting galotian race start. All played largely in different ways. I don't identify myself as Steele so it's not really a problem for me playing herms or girls while being a man myself.


Jul 9, 2016
Mostly females because I'm a gigantic lesbian. Sometimes I'll give them horse dongers to open up more scenes though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
There are way more women here than I thought. You learn something every day I guess.

Anyways male who plays pretty much exclusively female herms. My females don't tend to last as such for very long and I've made the odd trap and shemale as well. I also don't really get too deeply into character but it's nothing to do with Steele's sex, as it's something I feel rather ambivalent about.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I either make a female, or herm MC for 2 reasons.

1. Because I enjoy all content I tend to see.

So I would rather not miss any of it, in any game I would play?

2. My "kink" tends to be towards a woman being on the aggressive side.

So if I make my character female/herm, then choose most options where she is the one instigating...well you get the picture. <3


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2016
Female or Dickgirl. I'm a guy but I've never had much interest playing male characters in any game, I guess I don't self insert very well, so I choose to play female characters. I don't know why, but I've never been tempted to play a herm. I just don't find them all that hot, so I tend to limit my characters to one set of genitals. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Geez, are herms the only thing worth playing in the game? I know I said if a while ago why even have genre if the entire univers just ends up being herms anyway but....that was a joke.....


Aug 26, 2015
Herms have all the sex organs and thus nearly all scenes that would work for males or females also work for them.

Other characters should be various genders to provide diverse content, while many players who pick herm Steeles do so in order to access the majority of said content.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Male IRL here and i exclusively play my male characters and then exclusively in the "pitching" role.

I tried making a character who "gave" as much as he "received" but I found myself wanting to skip over scenes involving "catching", though not out of discomfort or disgust, but out of disinterest. It felt like a chore reading through content that didn't get my "engines" going, like checking boxes for the for the sake checking boxes. I got bored quickly out of that idea. Not that I found the writing bad, mind you.

And any female character I made ended up gathering dust on her save file. Heck, even the gryvain herm I made ended up chugging Man Up and getting rid of the vajayjay.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
What if I told you, you could be a 100% heterosexual male, but still enjoy scenes with a female PC with a male dick-wielding NPC? Or hell, even a dominant male and enjoy PC-submissive scenes.

I mean, I guess it's subjective but I found I enjoyed the game much more after not ignoring half the content.

inb4 all PCs are herms, all NPCs are herms
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What if I told you, you could be a 100% heterosexual male, but still enjoy scenes with a female PC with a male dick-wielding NPC? Or hell, even a dominant male and enjoy PC-submissive scenes.

*shrugs* Sure, they can. I'm not saying people can't enjoy it, but I can't. I just don't.

I mean, I even started with the the intent of of wanting to see all the content, however I just didn't find it enjoyable as much.