MMW - My Monster World (Last updated: 26/07/2016)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
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Hi there,

My Monster World is a project that I would like to share with you. I have worked on it for several months and managed to create a working engine and some content. The game works in all modern browsers and supports most resolutions, including those on mobile devices.

The game itself was inspired by the Monster Girls Survival Game where you pick one or two monster girls with special traits, and explain what you would do with them. The story and combat system is similar to the one found in MGQ. Other inspirations contain the book "Kening fan Katoaren", Corruption of Champions and Secrets of Mana. You start out selecting a monster girl as your companion. This companion has certain things she can do that other companions can't, so choosing a different companion will give you a different experience. The slime girl for example, currently the only monster girl available, will act as your armor during combat enhancing your stats. A centaur on the other hand, will fight for you. Other companions, like the Tanuki Merchant, don't have much fighting prowess but give you advantages when trading on the market.

There is a storyline that the player can follow, but aside from the prologue that I'm currently trying to finish, players will have freedom over the path they take:

  • Follow the main storyline, or do side-quests
  • Build a relationship with your companion, npc's
  • Unlock new companions during your travels
  • Build camps and conquer or save cities
  • Dominate the market with superior trading tactics
  • Fetishes encountered depend mainly on the chosen companion

I'm currently still working on the prologue, providing the player with an introduction to both the world, story, game-mechanics and his/her companion. If you want to give it a try, you can find the link below:

Development blog link:

Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Even though the game is currently quite limited in content, I hope you still get some enjoyment out of it!

Sincerely Yours,

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
My one wish with the slime girl, ever since I first saw your game: You become the ultimate life form and cause an Extinction Event.

You give her a sword or a piece of armor and she melts it down and absorbs it, adding it's power to herself. If you defeat a monster that possesses an interesting ability or attributes, she consumes it and gains it's powers. The two of you become an unstoppable team. When you need a weapon, she shape shifts in your hand to form a sword, a scythe, an axe. If you need a ranged attack, she becomes a bow. If you need an army, she splits parts of herself off and creates offspring, all of which share the same collective mind. You two of you need nothing else in life but each other and eventually consume all life on the planet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
That's beautiful. Certainly the direction I'm going in, extinction optional.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Does unlocking new companions would mean you could then change current one to the new one or need start new game or smth to use them?

Anyway I ponder why this game looked somehow familiar. Did you made thread for it on old forum too?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
There was a post on the old forum about 2 years ago! This is a complete restart/rework of the project.

Unlocking new companions will probably mean you can switch them out, but I'm gonna do a survey/poll to see what people prefer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Just a slight bug report when I searched the attic it repeated the description twice, other wise seemed pleasant and intuitive 


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
The game locked up for me when I returned to the herb shop for my reward. It wouldn't let me select either option or leave the room.

I'd suggest an auto save slot.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Akhter13 Happy to hear that, thank you very much! I fixed the description in the attic.

@MMMm, @Scarebear Sorry about that, it's been fixed!

@Scarebear, Short answer, yes. Slimes and the like can still create dicks/tentacles, but technically all monsters are/will be female.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
I wouldn't enjoy writing large quantities of male on male content, I'll leave that to other people if they want to do it.

To elaborate, the engine I created uses JSON files for all content. I'm planning on making tools people can use to create and implement their own content, if anyone is interested in that. No ETA though.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I remember seeing this one quite a while back. Glad to see it's getting work done. As for my feedback... there isn't a lot to judge from but what I do see, I like.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There was a post on the old forum about 2 years ago! This is a complete restart/rework of the project.

Unlocking new companions will probably mean you can switch them out, but I'm gonna do a survey/poll to see what people prefer.

Cool so my memory isn't as fizzed as I though since it does been ringing bells of old forum thread I seen. And back then I was slight worried that it not much progressed.

As for game content so far it's not much to see but I still keep hopes high that in few next months you would add some more stuff to it. And hopefully some new companions like ya know this with more than one furry tail :p
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
Keep on working JV, it's pretty good. I'm already liking this game! Hope it becomes a great game. This game seems like it would be more fun to play than CoC or FoE. Btw, for the typos, you kept writing "easy" for some sentences when it's supposed to be "ease". Like for that sentence in the library where after the Goo/Slime Girl explains about Aura's to you, our character is supposed to "feel more at ease", not "feel more at easy". Just letting ya know.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Ormael I'll be hard at work to create more content!

@Kyrant Definitely something I will keep an eye out for! I'm still reading over the content, should be done proof-reading tomorrow. Thank you for letting me know! Let's hope the mistakes are ease to find.

I can only hope it will be just as fun or, dare I say, more fun than those games. We'll see where the future takes us!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
And here I'd given up my plans for world domination. Glad to see you're back


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2016
To elaborate, the engine I created uses JSON files for all content. I'm planning on making tools people can use to create and implement their own content, if anyone is interested in that.

This would probably make your game insanely popular. As long as your base game has a lot of features, modders can add years worth of content long after you're done developing the game. This would be huge.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I play as a female if that makes any difference.

The thing is that it would just kinda be expected for m/m to be included in a game where you can play as a male, encounter enemy males, and enemies rape you when you lose. It'd be misleading otherwise


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yet for some reason, f/f isn't always expected in a game where you can play as a female, encounter female enemies, and enemies rape you when you lose. :p  

There are people who prefer to have all available options in smut games. Some like to play as the opposite of what they are IRL in order to fullfil fantasies, and IRL females also have the right to play as such regardless of whether they are lesbians or not. Thus, having a main character avatar that represents who you are or who you'd like to be should be a must in these games. I don't know about what other females are like when it comes to erotica, but I don't like to place myself as the NPC.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
The thing is that it would just kinda be expected for m/m to be included in a game where you can play as a male, encounter enemy males, and enemies rape you when you lose. It'd be misleading otherwise

Yeah... I don't get that at all. You could limit male encounters to female characters or something.

Yet for some reason, f/f isn't always expected in a game where you can play as a female, encounter female enemies, and enemies rape you when you lose. :p  



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It really comes down to the preferences and capabilities of the author.  Regardless of whether or not content of a given type or another will be appreciated by players (almost everything will be), the author themselves has to write that content.  You can't really expect someone to write content that they don't like, especially if it's a free product.

EDIT: If I may, i'm curious what monster girls you were thinking of doing next for companions?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@levant Hi again, good to see you!

@Scarebear I understand, but for every f/m scene I'd feel obligated to write an m/m scene.

@MMMm I hope so! Let's make something playable first.

@TheDarkMaster I currently have plans for encounters with the Dhampir Fencer, Doppelganger, Nightmare and Shoggoth as story encounters. You can unlock them during their quest(s). As for the starter companion (non-unlockable, a companion you can pick during character creation), I'm going to run a poll to see what people prefer, and take that into consideration as I create the story. If I remember correctly, last time I did this the Harpy was extremely popular.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
Yay! Harpies! I would definitely love a Harpy! N, will there be a Elf/Dark Elf in the game in the future? I love Elves! Also, here's another idea for a monster girl who could potentially also be a starter; how about a lamia (Snake Girl) or maybe a Lesser Succubus or even a Black Harpy or a Kitsune/Kitsune-bi? And for females; a Tentacle Monster and/or a Minotaur, or just a little Goblin or HobGoblin? To have the Lesser Succubus grow stronger, she will need to absorb/devour the souls of other humans or potentially monsters, but the monsters wouldn't make her grow stronger as fast as absorbing/devouring human souls, and when she has devoured/absorbed enough souls, she ranks up and becomes a Succubus, and then she can only go up 1 more rank. I forget the name of a Succubus who's above a normal Succubus... Maybe it's a High Succubus or something? But that's just IF we could bring our companion into battle with us, or if we could have the Succubus do anything we want to people. (The monsters I just suggested are just ideas that could potentially be a candidate in that Poll your talking about, or monsters we could encounter at certain places.) (Black Harpy Wikia: )
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2016
Quick question, in the current version, are we only able to move around the city you start in? Cause I can't really find a way to get out, and I've finished the sidequest for that Herbalist. Also, will we get a XP bar of some sort, so we can see how much XP we have and how much we need to level up? A lust bar would also be a good idea, to add.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
I like the idea of a lesser succubus-type starter companion. A lilim or something might fit that role well. The higher succubus you may be thinking of is the Lilitu, in DnD a Lilitu is a former Succubus with Cleric levels. Upon transforming they focus less on sex in general and focus on corruption, usually holy figures like other clerics,priests and paladins. The ritual may be a bit grim for this setting though, so perhaps after she levels with a focus on healing or something? Maybe if you tone down her general lusty nature through interactions? Some ideas to tack on I guess.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@Kyrant Honestly, one of the problems and good things about this project is that eventually we'll get to all monster girls, including Elves/Dark Elves and Succubi. Tentacle monsters/living clothes are certainly something I will be adding, but they don't have the highest priority. I'd imagine the game would have a sort of Fleshcult-like system for succubi once we get that far into development.

@Kyrant Yes, you have reached the end once you get the option "My immersion!". It should state that you have reached the end of the current content. The information you are talking about will be visible in the character description screen and during combat. They won't get a bar on the main screen, because the information isn't relevant outside of it.

@Miscellaneous Forum Viewer Sounds good! In general, a starter companion is something I don't think would make for an extremely interesting story (Slime has a lot of growth potential/branching, but nothing really comes to mind trying to think of a storyline/quest for it). A succubus is not one of those, so I'll make it an unlockable companion in the future.

By the way, doing the same action twice can result in different responses. The blacksmith and nightstand come to mind. Nothing big, just something that gets overlooked I think.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
SO about companions their would be let call it divided into two cathegories? One that are starting pool that PC can't not unlock later by any means and second that PC unlocks only during playing game and probably they won't be part of start pool. Or you think over partial divide with few companions be both in start pool and possible to meet during adventure?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Exactly! Some have to be unlocked while playing, some of them can be chosen at the start. Some companions that can be picked at the start can also be unlocked, if I happen to implement a way for you to unlock them. Eventually you should be able to unlock all companions without having to start a new game.

A more concrete answer: I'm looking to get atleast 2 starter companions and 3 story-unlockable companions before I release version 1 of the game. The current version is a public debug version, which serves as a proof of concept.