Missing jobs?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Ok so I finally got around to fulfilling all the prerequisites for Jeanne to teach me magic. The text said that it unlocked Elementalist, Warlock, Runic Knight, Eromancer, and Hypnotist jobs... but of all of those, only Hypnotist was shown in the list of jobs I could pick, the others weren't there, whats up with that?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
They just not yet ingame. So you will learn them when Alder put them in (which is kind of an undisclosed future).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For Rnic Knight I think it req also knowing Knight job which if nothign chnaged is after Square job that is from Fighter base job path. So this can take a little time to be ingame (runic) unless Alder cut some jobs here and there on the job tree.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For Rnic Knight I think it req also knowing Knight job which if nothign chnaged is after Square job that is from Fighter base job path. So this can take a little time to be ingame (runic) unless Alder cut some jobs here and there on the job tree.

Isn't the job chart available now wildly inaccurate? I remember someone of importance saying as much on the old forum.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's more or less inacure atm but we never got any updated one with changes that Alder decided to make to it. And that person of importantce saying it could have been as well Alder himself. But all we know currently none of FoE dev team meantioned about any new jobs been added anytime soon (aside both taught by Cveta when Alder came with way to enable us to learn them since LD said they are techincaly written down just needs to be implemented).

And for Jeanne others job learn with Hypnotist some of them req some other job added (even if not as many as was written down in orginal plan for jobs). Plus yes I do looking forward to Runic Knight job as it promise defensive side of phys jobs in contrast to current ofensive type of phys jobs been added so far (well technicaly only Bruiser count for this type).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was actually hoping Runic Knight was an offensive job or a jack of all type. Y'know, with normal attacks having a chance to auto-cast basic spells or something. Or spells that buff/debuff allies/enemies' various elemental resistances. Making it a pure tank would be a total waste imo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think that well Knight (or however Alder name that job) would be more about physical based defense skills or abilities while Runic will have magicaly support/enhance himself/party. Buffs/debuffs would be I suppose quite common in lust jobs. Anyway your thought on Runic...yeah I do see cool things here, maybe not been jack of all type since MC with his/her learning all jobs anyway to let party members unlock it already is deemed to be jack of all jobs. So making jobs also like that will....make sight mess. So yeah maybe then Runic been more ofensive job will be cool idea.


Oct 27, 2015
Is anything set in stone yet? I've been wondering about that for quite awhile... Eromancer for the win!